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Bruna Santos ▪ +55 11 963997561

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MPA, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. ​School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA),

New York, NY, USA. Master of Public Administration (MPA), received December



DO SUL​, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Bachelor in International

Relations, received June 2011.


学)​, Beijing, China. Chinese Mandarin, from August 2010 to July 2011.


Comunitas ​- ​São Paulo, SP, Brazil (November 2016 - present)

Knowledge and Innovation & Innovation Leader

- Lead Knowledge and learning projects at Comunitas, working with a network

of more than 70 cities in Brazil to improve public administration and build

capacity at the local level.

- Intrapreneurship:​ Created, from scratch, and manages Rede Juntos, a

replicability and knowledge sharing platform, created to foster city-to-city

collaboration and sharing of best practices. Rede Juntos​ is the first national

platform for municipal governments, helping public servants on Brazil find

the ideas, techniques and tools they need to solve the hardest challenges

cities face.

- Policy Change: ​Supports directly Mayors, Governors and Secretaries on

initiatives that required learning through experimentation, network building

and knowledge sharing to advance the civic potential of people and


Reports: Work developed in the State of Para - North of Brazil,

on financial management. More than 60 municipalities, state

government. Project funded by private social investments.

Global Executive Master of Public Administration (Global EMPA) – Columbia

University ​- Rio de Janeiro, RJ and New York ,NY

Adjunct Professor (part-time)

- Adjunct-professor of Effective Public Management and Public Management

Innovation, with Dr. William B. Eimicke.

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Columbia Global Centers ​- Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (January 2015 - October


Senior Program Officer

- Leadership and Management: Managed more than 20 programs and led

strategic collaboration efforts in the organization. Developed a strong

portfolio of projects and collaborative initiatives with Brazilian public and and

private sectors and other chapters of Columbia University Centers around the


- Intrapreneurship: Responsible for the conceptual thinking for new

strategies for the Center to work with the Brazilian public and private sector.

Led the creation of innovative projects, such as the Innovation Hub, an

initiative carried out by the Columbia Global Center and Columbia University

Engineering School to develop an innovation ecosystem for collaboration and

open innovation in Rio de Janeiro.

- Project Management: Managed full lifecycle projects, prototyping and

launching. Examples: Center COPPE-Columbia for Urban Solutions; Case

Studies on Best Practices in Public Management in the Global South; ICT4D;

E-democracy Observatory (with the Ministry of Culture in Brazil); and Open

Data and Collaborative Governance to Tackle Wicked Problems (Rio Resilient

City Strategic Plan); among others. The Columbia Global Center Annual

report in 2015 features some of the results achieved.

Picker Center – Columbia University​, New York, NY (August 2013 - December


Program Manager and Researcher

- Researcher and Manager of the Picker Center Case Studies Collection on best

practices in public administration.

- Prepared regional case studies focused on Brazil’s development and

implementation of cash transfers policies, including an economic analysis,

stakeholder review, and project analysis.

- Led comparative case studies on Brazil and India open government data

initiatives, and civic engagement technologies.

- Worked and coordinated the inception of the Global Executive Master in

Public Administration (Global EMPA), a hybrid program (on-line and in

person) focused on public and private sector senior leaders from Brazil,

China, India, the US.

Radar China​, Beijing, China (August 2010 – December 2012)

Co-Founder and Project Manager

The company was founded in 2010, and in 2011 had already a team of 20

employees – mainly journalists and digital media specialists - with expertise and

resources in data journalism and digital marketing. The organization service

system covers from content creation to dissemination. At Radar China, Bruna led

strategic planning efforts and overseeing all outreach and networking events and

initiatives. Also developed and executed quantitative and qualitative analysis of

Chinese social media; coordinated qualitative research projects for think tanks and

embassies, such as a study on Chinese youth civic-engagement through

technology. Radar China is still operating with a different group of partners.

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Chinatex Oil & Grains Import and Export Co. Ltd,​ Beijing, China (August 2010

– August 2012)

Market Analyst

- First international employee of Chinatex in Beijing;

- Developed studies in Portuguese, Chinese and English on the Brazilian and

Argentine soybean and corn future markets.

- Collected, modeled data and wrote the annual study about La Niña effects on

soybean and corn world supply and demand.

- Conducted presentations and facilitated meetings between Chinese

companies and the Brazilian and Argentine governments.

Other Activities and Projects

President of the Board - Open Knowledge Brazil ​(March 2017 - May 2018)

Board Member - Instituto Cidade Democrática​ (July 2017 - Present)

Board Member - Mandato Aberto​ (May 2017 - Present)

Co-Founder- OpenGov Toolkit ​New York, NY ​(Sept 2013 - December 2014).

FAPERJ/ Rio de Janeiro Grantee/Finalist of the SIPA Dean’s Public Policy Challenge:

innovative projects that use digital technology and data to improve the global urban

environment. Partners: Technology and Society Institute (ITS Rio) / Rio de Janeiro.

Co-Founder - ​Ethos Intelligence​, ​Beijing, China; Porto Alegre, Brazil (January

2013). Ethos is a social enterprise that works with nonprofit organizations and other

social enterprises helping them to develop strategic plans, performance

management and impact and monitoring reports. Ethos has a network of

consultants in China, Brazil and the US.

Consultant - Rio Grande do Sul - State Secretariat of Justice and Social

Development, Porto Alegre, Brazil (March 2010 – Aug 2010). Implementation of

the International Cooperation Program for the Third Sector (NGOs) in the State of

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Consultant - The B Team​, New York, NY (June 2014 – December 2014). The B

Team is non-profit organization founded by world leaders to catalyze change in the

business world though encouraging people-planet-profit centric motives and


Transnational Dialogues Residence / Between Crowds and Empires​, Rio de

Janeiro, RJ (December 2015 - March 2016). The report is available in this link


Volunteer - Brazil Film Fest, Beijing, China (2011 and 2012 editions). Along with

the Brazilian Embassy in Beijing, and other volunteers, I produced two Brazilian