Saddam Hussein on trial. (AP/Chris Hondros) (AP/Chris Hondros)
Saddam Hussein

Palestinian leadership continues to glorify terrorists and disgraced “leaders,” this time erecting a memorial to and naming a street after the “Butcher of Baghdad,” Saddam Hussein. 

The Palestinians have recently erected a memorial in honor of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the city of Qalqilya in the Palestinian Authority (PA), and a street has been named for him, in appreciation of his support for the Palestinians.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported last week that the monument, revealed at a ceremony attended by Qalqilya Governor Rafi’ Rawajba, Arab Liberation Front secretary Rakad Salem, and Qalqilya City Council member Hani Ja’idi, bears the slogan “Saddam Hussein – The Master of the Martyrs in Our Age,” as well as “Arab Palestine from the River to the Sea,” which was one of the slogans used by Hussein.

The phrase expresses the desire to erase the state of Israel.

The ceremony also featured speeches in praise of Saddam Hussein.

Governor Rawajba said that “Saddam was an emblem of heroism, honor, originality and defiance, as was the martyr [arch terrorist] Yasser Arafat. [Both served as] a compass for the Arabs and their resolute decisions, and when they departed [died], Arabism departed with them.”

He further pointed out that Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas “makes sure to follow in the footsteps of these two great leaders.”

“The absence [of Saddam Hussein] is the absence of Arabism, since after his departure, the rebels dispersed in every direction, for he was the patron of [all] rebels,” Rawajba added.

City Council member Hani Ja’idi said that “loyalty to the martyrs is proof of adherence to rights and principles that shall not wane as long as honorable people uphold them… This monument commemorates the martyrs and great leaders.”

Arab Liberation Front secretary Rakad Salam reviewed “the glorious deeds of the martyr Saddam Hussein and his support for the liberation movements, in particular the Palestinian revolution and the PLO.”

Saluting Hussein and Arafat, he stressed the need to “deepen national unity in order to stand firm in the face of all the plots that are concocted against our people.”

While some in the Arab world lauded Hussein for opposing the United States and attacking Israel, he was widely condemned for the brutality of his dictatorship. The total number of Iraqis killed by his security services in various purges and genocides is estimated to be at least 250,000. Saddam’s invasions of Iran and Kuwait also resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Undeterred, the Palestinians praise this tyrant as a hero. When the missiles he fired at Tel Aviv during the Gulf War in 1991 exploded in the Israeli city, the Palestinians danced on the roofs of their homes while watching the impact.

Hussein was convicted of crimes against humanity related to the 1982 killing of 148 Iraqi Shi’ites, and sentenced to death by hanging. His execution was carried out on December 30, 2006.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), a watchdog that monitors Palestinian incitement, has meticulously documented how the PA systematically teaches Palestinian children to hate Israelis and perpetrate violence against them. Even the names that the Palestinian Authority has chosen for its schools encourage children to see terrorists as personal role models.

The PA has named at least 28 schools after terrorists and at least three schools after Nazi collaborators. Significantly, the PA Ministry of Education is directly and solely responsible for naming of schools.

By: United with Israel Staff
With files from MEMRI.

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