Volunteer Registration
We're excited that you're interested in working with CourtWatch!

We are NOT currently accepting new volunteer courtroom observers at this time. However, by filling out this form, you'll be kept up-do-date about CourtWatch-sponsored community functions and dialogue events. We'll also notify you when volunteer spots are available.

Thanks again for your interest!

If you have any questions, please contact us: courtwatchprovo@gmail.com

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Name (first and last) *
Email *
Phone number *
How did you hear about this program? *
Please select the times you are GENERALLY available. (Schedules come out every Thursday for the following week, you won't be asked to cover an entire 4 hour shift)
How many shifts per month are you willing to observe in court?
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Any special notes about your availability?
Which, if any, of the following CourtWatch committees would you like to help out with OUTSIDE of the courtroom?
Additional terms: the success of our program depends on the court observation of volunteers. We commit to coordinate changing schedules and accommodating volunteer preferences. We also expect volunteers to commit to take ownership of their assigned shifts. *
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