Please read this extract from an article written by Amil Imani who was an Iranian Muslim.
He left Iran and Islam when the hateful mullahs took over Iran and destroyed it from within while becoming the most evil state sponsor of terror worldwide.
Amil Imani now warns a foolish West of the peril of allowing Muslim immigration, which seeks not assimilation in the countries it enters but domination.
Here then are his wise words, which we ignore at our peril.
US Officials' Silence Is Deafening
American people have always been kind and generous to foreigners. They haven't a clue that they opened the gate to the greatest enemy into their land. Islam is on the march, and it aims to destroy anything and anyone who stands in its way. Sounding the clarion call is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Warning of the danger of Islam is based on irrefutable facts, and it is not only rational, but ethically imperative.
With the arrival of massive numbers of Muslims to America, our culture and our way of life are forever transformed. By now, most Americans know that Islam is incompatible with our laws and the U.S. Constitution. Again, nothing is being done officially to combat that.
Islamists, by sheer numbers, eventually will be able to vote out democracy in many countries. They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Quran. Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal sharia, and there's nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.
Oddly enough, our elected officials have completely ignored the Islamization of European cities. Many European elected officials, acting out of tremendous fear, have granted Muslims the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden, England, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium, where they control their own population via sharia law without any accountability.
Islamic Subversion
Muslims in the West realize that it is easier to change America through subversion (stealth jihad) than through violent jihad.
In a nutshell, subversion is "seeking or intending to subvert an established system or institution." Islamic ideology, for example, in its entirety is a subversive element whose goal is to defeat, obliterate, or destabilize an established or existing system, especially a legally constituted government or a set of beliefs.
Across the country, schoolchildren are being indoctrinated and taught propaganda that praises Islam, while Christianity and other religions are being put down.
Andrew Bostom, in a powerful commentary, "American Subversion: From Communism to Islam," beautifully, through a truthful exposé and historical comparison, has expressed subversion in America.
Presently, Islam is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands, where it is beginning to run deep roots and vie with the laws and cultures of its hosts. Muslims are taking advantage of the freedom democracies provide. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect and enhance liberty in order to subvert democracy and freedom. Today, our country is faced with a formidable enemy in the Trojan horse called Islam. This clear danger makes it imperative to revisit the U.S. Constitution and see if freedom of religion gives Muslims a license to break other American laws.
Islamic subversion is not limited to liberal states. Texas, the most conservative state in the Union, is completely undefended before Islamic subversion. I personally have witnessed the fact that politicians on both sides either are silent or openly appease Muslims for the fear of being characterized as Islamophobic or racist. We, the people, elect our leaders, and we hold them accountable to be honorable. But they refuse to stand by their oath of office and defend the Constitution they swore on.
Sadly, a vast ignorance prevails in this sphere. Academic pundits, leftist journalists, and hired Islamic apologists, better known as "useful idiots," proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace and that the great majority of Muslims are not party to any plans and actions of radicals.
So how do we stop this sequence of events? How can our government, which has so effectively protected the rights of peaceful religions, protect us from an aggressive one? Good question!
I believe that the jihadist ideology in the 21st century represents a far greater threat to Western democracies than the communist ideology represented in the 20th century. The link between the two ideologies is that both are totalitarian and subversive.