Dear Bloggers,
Thank you for signing up to help Vi and Penelope share the cover of their upcoming co-written book published by Montlake Romance.
In the time since signups went out, the publisher arranged an exclusive reveal with Entertainment Weekly to be posted on the original cover reveal date of July 18th. While this is super exciting news, it’s meant we had to cancel our own separate reveal to allow for this exclusive feature.
We would love to send you the link to the article on that day instead of the traditional cover materials and would be honored if you’d share the Entertainment Weekly piece.
Please keep our excerpt reveal for this book on your calendar for November 1 since that is still on schedule. Vi and Penelope can’t wait to share this one with you!
P.S. You’ll be hearing from us soon in regards to signups for their next indie co-write--a brand new Cocky Bastard series book!
Thanks again for all that you do. Your help in spreading the word about Vi and Penelope's books means the world.