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Worms could be behind biodiversity burst that happened 480 mn years ago

Worms could be behind biodiversity burst that happened 480 mn years ago

Researchers analyzed the sediment cores sourced from Chesapeake Bay, an Estuary Bay in the United States of America. 

9 hours ago

Tibet lakes to swell by 600 billion tons, cost China almost $7 billion

Tibet lakes to swell by 600 billion tons, cost China almost $7 billion

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, often referred to as the “Water Tower of Asia,” is the highest and largest plateau in the world.

12 hours ago

Sneaky cuckoos create new species by laying eggs in rival bird nests

Sneaky cuckoos create new species by laying eggs in rival bird nests

Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, tricking the hosts into raising cuckoo chicks instead of their own.

15 hours ago

Face pareidolia: How our brains turn random stimuli into familiar faces

Face pareidolia: How our brains turn random stimuli into familiar faces

Pareidolia derives from the Greek words “pará,” meaning instead of or beside, and “eídōlon,” meaning form or image.

16 hours ago

Billionaire cancels moon flyby mission amid SpaceX rocket uncertainty

Billionaire cancels moon flyby mission amid SpaceX rocket uncertainty

The business mogul first launched his plans for journeying towards the moon in 2018.

a day ago

Entanglement used as fuel for quantum engines in new Chinese study

Entanglement used as fuel for quantum engines in new Chinese study

Researchers in China unveil the first quantum engine with ‘entangled characteristics’.

a day ago

Males can live longer if they are castrated, claims researcher

Males can live longer if they are castrated, claims researcher

The lifespan discrepancy between castrated and non-castrated males might be related to the immune system and cellular repair.

a day ago

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New method replaces sugar to make chocolates healthier, eco-friendly

New method replaces sugar to make chocolates healthier, eco-friendly

The new recipe replaces traditional granulated sugar with a sweet jelly derived from the cocoa pulp and inner shell.

2 days ago

Boeing Starliner’s first crewed launch aborted minutes before liftoff

Boeing Starliner’s first crewed launch aborted minutes before liftoff

Boeing’s Starliner space capsule was unexpectedly grounded before its first crewed flight.

2 days ago

Black holes with masses 10,000x of Sun may form in star ‘birthing nests’

Black holes with masses 10,000x of Sun may form in star ‘birthing nests’

A recent simulation revealed that black holes which have their masses ranging between 100 and 10,000 times that of the sun could take birth via a chaotic chain of collisions.

2 days ago

First complete chromosome sequences generated from non-human primates

First complete chromosome sequences generated from non-human primates

The focus of the study was on the X and Y chromosomes, which play crucial roles in sexual development, fertility, and numerous other biological functions.

2 days ago

Fern’s genome world’s largest, dwarfs humans, taller than Statue of Liberty

Fern’s genome world’s largest, dwarfs humans, taller than Statue of Liberty

Since 2010, the record was held by the Japanese flowering plant species Paris japonica.

New method for oxygen production from waste materials could be a major boost for industry

New method for oxygen production from waste materials could be a major boost for industry

A new way to extract oxygen from waste materials is both lower-cost and more energy efficient than current methods.

3 days ago

New electrolysis cells make hydrogen production cheaper, more sustainable

New electrolysis cells make hydrogen production cheaper, more sustainable

Scientist says the overall cost of manufacturing green hydrogen can be reduced by up to 5%, making it more economically viable and sustainable.

3 days ago

Mysterious hole on Mars could protect explorers from cosmic radiation

Mysterious hole on Mars could protect explorers from cosmic radiation

Scientists believe human Mars colonists could one day shelter from cosmic radiation inside vast lava tube networks.

3 days ago

Fire and ice: how Cal Nano’s cryo-milling and SPS are changing materials science

Fire and ice: how Cal Nano’s cryo-milling and SPS are changing materials science

Cal Nano can use this unique combination to combine nanoparticles to make materials never thought possible before.

Scientists create thinnest lens in history, measuring only 3 atoms thick

Scientists create thinnest lens in history, measuring only 3 atoms thick

Instead of refraction, the world’s thinnest lens works by diffracting light and that too of specific wavelengths.

4 days ago

Trained dogs set new record in scent detection, beat advanced machines

Trained dogs set new record in scent detection, beat advanced machines

The study’s results indicated that with training, dogs could discriminate between decreasing concentrations of Eucalyptus hydrolate even at very low concentrations.

4 days ago

Australian firm cryogenically freezes man after death in hopes of revival

Australian firm cryogenically freezes man after death in hopes of revival

An Australian man underwent the first successful cryonics suspension via Southern Cryonics and CryoPath tech.

4 days ago

Scientists reveal Star Trek Vulcan-like planet wasn’t real after all

Scientists reveal Star Trek Vulcan-like planet wasn’t real after all

Exoplanet HD 26965 b caused excitement when it was first discovered due to its similarities to Spock’s homeworld, Vulcan.

4 days ago