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“From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire...” ~ Robert Frost

Patrick has awakened a fire I forgot existed.

Will this renewed desire warm my soul or consume my world?

Is it too late?

Will the life we yearn to have survive the ashes?

From New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig comes a brand-new dark romance, ASHES, set in the dangerous world of Sparrow Webs. You do not need to read the Web of Sin or Tangled Web trilogy to get caught up in this new and intriguing saga, Web of Desire.

ASHES is book three of the WEB OF DESIRE trilogy that began with SPARK, continued with FLAME, and concludes in ASHES.

Have you been Aleatha’d?

388 pages, ebook

First published April 7, 2020

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About the author

Aleatha Romig

121 books12.8k followers
Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis, USA. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she's not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her friends and family, including her beloved grandchildren.

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than a million e-readers. Her next series, INFIDELITY (not about cheating) hit New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today best-seller lists. Aleatha has since released over fifty novels in multiple genres: dark romance, romantic suspense, thriller, and romantic comedy. She went back to her edge of your seat romantic suspense thrillers with her WEB SERIES trilogies, Devil’s Duet, Kingdom Come, and most recently with her suspense series, the Sin series, ready to binge.

The titles keep coming. Be sure to check out her website to stay up to date.

Aleatha is represented by Danielle Sanchez of SBR Media and PR with Wildfire Marketing.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews
Profile Image for Tammi.
2,063 reviews32 followers
April 8, 2020
Let me start by saying I read this book in a time of my life when I was struggling. For the first time ever I was unable to read. Books weren't holding my attention, I couldn't concentrate, my mind would wander. Then I started this one!
I got sucked back into the Sparrow world and the real world went away. That's why I love to read for the escape and that is exactly what happened.
The twist and turns as the story unraveled, the past story and connections revealed in a way that hurt my heart and made my anger grow. I wanted revenge as much as our couple did. A second chance at a lost love that time, distance or circumstances couldn't stop. I don't want to say much because you need to experience this story on your own. Do know that I read wide-eyed on the edge of my seat not knowing what would happen next. Also ended the book with the happiest of tears rolling down my face. It was absolutely fascinating!!
This trilogy, this series as a whole is a must read for anyone who loves intrigue, dark romance, heat, passion and stories of the good guys battling the ugliness this world holds by any means necessary.
Thank you Aleatha Romig! I thought I was broken but I just needed the right book to pull me out of this funk.
Profile Image for Keza Campbell.
668 reviews6 followers
March 29, 2020
The final installment of this trilogy was simply amazing.

The conclusion to Patrick and Maddie's story left me just speechless.
So it took me an hour or so to come back here to write this.

To find each other after so many years with the why's and how's was truly heartbreaking and heartwarming.

Patrick would do just about anything for his Maddie girl and I just found him so darn gushy, I loved everything about him.

Maddie was such a strong person what she had to overcome was truly amazing. With a family like that at her back geez she was a lucky woman.

I absolutely loved the ending.
I absolutely loved the book.
I absolutely loved the trilogy.

That sneak peak also was an Absolute Tease, But something I cannot wait for.
Profile Image for Sparklin .
1,926 reviews
April 8, 2020
What a epic conclusion for Maddie and Patrick. So many twist and turns. That will have you say wow. Absolutely loved how she ended these two story.............
Need to catch up on Maddie and Patrick, then you will want to read Spark and Flame.
Profile Image for ➦Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas❥.
1,102 reviews187 followers
April 17, 2020
Title: ➳ ❤-: Ashes
Series ➳ Web of Desire 3#
Author: ➳ Aleatha Romig
Publication:, April 7th 2020

ღ Let me fairly warn you ,how at times this story can be gut wrenchingly& painful, How at other times your jaw is going drop wide open in the revelations, of how truly cruel people can to be to others…

Having said all this, before you sit down with this read . get your essentials…… box of tissues & bottle of wine… no no this not glass of wine kinda book , it’s the bring the whole bottle of wine kinda book

This is the conclusion of Patrick & Madeline’s trilogy. One thing I love about Aleatha Romig is she’ll always picks up right where the pervious book left off

I believe that, Madeline’s story was not meant to portray her experience as romantic.

I feel like Madeline is one of the bravest characters I read from this author, & that’s saying a lot! I’ve pretty much read every book this author has wrote

Let me just say that Madeline broke in this book & she shared alot of her 17-year journey & all her sacrifices that she made to keep their daughter safe

💕 I think thing the only thing I hated or should I say disliked is now we must wait until September for Dangerous Web , Reid & Lorna’s story, other than this was amazing twisted journey

Books in Web of Desire trilogy should be read in order:

Book 1: Spark- Published January 13th 2020
Book 2: Flame- - Published February 25th 2020
Book 3: Ashes - Expected Publication April 7th 2020 💕

📚 Hope you enjoy this read & also always keep in mind this is just my opinion & my honest review 💕 + Also I wouldn’t never discourage anyone from reading this book.
💕 ✎Paulette Review ❤💕
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,428 reviews1,488 followers
April 15, 2020
5 Stars!
(ARC provided by author)


Patrick Kelly lives in Chicago where he’s part of the Sparrow outfit. His friends are the only family he knows until the love of his life returns after seventeen years apart. Things are complicated, but he’s determined to right the wrongs that have been done to them. Madeline was still the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he wanted her back. He’d lost her once, and wasn’t going to lose her again.

Madeline’s life had been about survival for as long as she could remember. She’d paid the price to protect those she loved, and safety, security, and a home weren’t things she could count on. Then Patrick is suddenly back in her life, and consuming her world again. He awakened a fire she forgot existed, and she wanted more. Together they were focused on having what they were once denied, and making sure they get the future they always wanted. Will they finally get their happily ever after?


-There's never been anyone else to have a piece of my heart.

-I want my family, the one I was never allowed to have. Everything I never dared to dream is in sight.


Ashes (Web of Desire, #3) by Aleatha Romig is an emotional, second chance dark romance full of mystery, intrigue, suspense, and red hot chemistry. It’s an unpredictable, exciting book about survival, family, and love. It’s the conclusion to Patrick and Madeline’s story set in the dangerous Sparrow world. I absolutely loved this series, and can’t wait for the next trilogy in this world!

 photo 708800B6-901E-4A2B-8B1A-C8DCD774F259_zpsqkbfrd0n.jpg

Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews845 followers
April 1, 2020
5 “The Best” Stars

I loved it!! Aleatha Romig ended this trilogy super strong. It was emotional, suspenseful, heartfelt, painful and passionate. I can’t stress enough how much I loved this trilogy. Human sex trafficking is not an easy topic to broach but this author created a story that sheds light to the pain and suffering that can occur in a story about resilience, strength and a love that never died.

You can’t help but admire and love the heroine of this story, Madeline Kelly. She’s a fighter and survivor. Patrick Kelly is the fierce loyal hero of the story that shows how his love never died despite the obstacles set before him. Their journey is one that showed how love does conquer all in the end. The good and evil, the highs and lows and the unexpected surprise all wrapped around each other to create a love story for the ages.

Besides Maddie and Patrick, the rest of the Sparrows play a front and center role throughout the story as well. Sterling and Araneae, Mason and Laurel, and Reid and Lorna create the family sense in the story that bind all the characters together. And I must say I loved the big twist and turn at the end of the second book that tied everyone together so perfectly in this 3rd book. And I must mention that the epilogue was by itself another 5🌟s.

And with a SPARK, a FLAME was ignited, that burned savagely into ASHES that eventually cleared into the most beautiful of clear skies.

*advanced copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Kelly.
480 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2020
Whenever I finish an Aleatha series, I always think it can’t get any better, however this has been my fav by far. It has everything in this last book, reunions, tears, sadness, happiness, murder, secrets revealed, what more do you want! Oh yes, a fabulous storyline to go with it. Definitely recommend this book. I love the world this is set in and everything Sparrow and look forward to reading about Reid & Lorna next
Profile Image for Christine B.
535 reviews97 followers
April 13, 2020
Conclusion to Patrick & Maddie story, I love how Aleatha brings all the characters back from the Sparrow family and how their woman welcomes Ruby & Maddie into the family. Great finish
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,539 reviews465 followers
April 17, 2020
This book was perfect!
Great story, amazing writing!
It’s worth the reading.
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,162 reviews652 followers
April 23, 2020
4 💔🖤❤️❤️⚡️💥⚡️💥⚡️🌟🌟🌟🌟s❣️

The last part had a lot of revelations and answers were given to all the questions hanging.

The amazing and loveable characters of the Sterling group had me gripped with their strength, their loyalty, their connection, their support and their faithfulness.
Maddie was a very strong character, a real survivor! Patrick was a great hot alpha hero, yet sweet and compassionate.

Overall, thus journey was Intriguing and enthralling, highly orchestrated, with a beautiful and heartwarming epilogue❣️
Profile Image for Renita Lofton McKinney.
423 reviews64 followers
January 13, 2020
Now that I’ve had a few hours to catch my breath because Aleatha totally left me breathless with the conclusion of Patrick’s story, Ashes.

There are some authors that cause me to lose myself in their stories, sometimes I think never to find myself again. Aleatha Romig is at the top of that list. There is never a moment I am not immersed in her words, in her characters, in her world.

If you’ve read my two previous reviews for Spark and Flame, you will understand why I have been impatiently patient while waiting on Ashes, and let me tell you that was the longest wait ever, but the reward was simply AMAZING!

Patrick and Madeline, two people that found each other, lost each other yet found each other again. That was simple. The hard part is fighting the forces that want to keep them apart. But the thing about fighting someone wanting to rip your family to shreds is you pull out all the stops. You avenge the forces attempting that task. You use what you have at hand. Your brothers. And there is not a brotherhood tighter than the Sparrows!

Murder, mayhem, lies, deception, survival, and truths are come to play in Ashes. There are things you thought you knew and later to discover you were all wrong. There are people that need to die . . . because of evil. There are empires that need to fall . . . because of greed. There are families that need reuniting . . . because of lies. There is love to be built . . . because of loss.

But in the midst of all the turmoil, there is love and passion. There is hope and joy. There is fun and humor. There is a HEA.

I literally did not want to put this book down. I hate to see this series end. I was messaging Aleatha while I was reading with gasps, OMG’s and WTF. Each time that happens I know I have been Aleatha’d!
Profile Image for Sophie "Beware Of The Reader".
1,480 reviews380 followers
April 1, 2020
4,5 stars


Writing a « no spoiler » review will be hard as it’s the third book of the series.  But let’s try it!

From the synopsis you can guess that Maddeline has found Patrick again.

We were left on a double cliffy by the end on book two. About a big reveal concerning Maddie’s identity and about uncertainty for her fate!

Would she stay prisoner or would she be freed?


The third book starts right where we left and I thank Aleatha for quickly dealing with one of these two cliffy. Aleatha went straight to business and I am grateful as I can’t stand unnecessary angst!

That does not mean that this book was like a cake walk! Far from it as I think this trilogy is the darkest and hardest Aleatha has ever written!

What’s been done to Maddie was unfathomable. We already learned a lot of her horrific past in the second book but this one was another level in cruelty.

Expect abuse and mind manipulation along with PTSD.

Maddie is extremely resilient and I don’t know how she didn’t crumble. Everyone else would have lost her sanity and probably her life but she was like a real phoenix.

You also have revenge as the central plot alongside many surprises concerning the nasty deeds of several side characters.


And Patrick…Patrick is the sweetest of all these alpha male in the Sparrow family. He is certainly not weak but there is a tenderness and a sweetness that sticks to him. I can hardly explain but that’s how I experienced smart, commanding, level headed but kind Patrick.

He was the perfect match for Maddie!


You have secrets, revenge, mobsters, killings, betrayal, abuse and strong women in this series alongside lots of chemistry!

Thank you Aleatha for that very nice epilogue!
March 26, 2020
Ashes is the explosive and heart-wrenching final installment of the Web of Desire Trilogy. Full of twists and turns, conflict and heartbreak, the conclusion to Patrick and Maddie’s story is Aleatha Romig at her absolute best. After that bombshell dropped at the end of the previous book, I had no idea where the author was going to take us, and boy did she take us on a ride. The danger and suspense elements were just as captivating as the sizzling hot romance and the intense revelations.

“All around us the fires roared, their flames capable of total decimation, and yet, as I’d said before, within the center, I found safety, security, and home.”

Aleatha Romig really knows how to write characters that you fall in love with. Patrick and Madeline had me rooting for them since the very first pages of their story. These were two people who were torn down by life and their circumstances time and again, and I wanted so badly for them to push past their pain and persevere. The obstacles that stood between them in this installment had me so anxious, and the twists and turns had me on the edge of my seat. I loved their connection and loved how it grew within this story, as they came to terms with their pasts together.

“You’re mine, Maddie. There’s never been anyone else to have a piece of my heart. I have you back, and I will never let you go.”

There was so much going on in this story and I frankly had a difficult time putting it down. The writing was fantastic and the plot was well-paced and beyond intriguing. I loved the way the author wrapped up everything for these characters and the people around them. I think that this trilogy is my favorite in the Sparrow saga, and that’s saying a lot since I absolutely loved the previous stories. I am so glad that there is more to come with Reid’s story and I cannot wait to read it!
Profile Image for Myla.
637 reviews122 followers
March 30, 2020

What a stunning conclusion. Patrick and Maddie's story (Web of Desire Series) is one for the book. The storyline and characters kept me engrossed. The plotline flowed well through every chapter.

Madeline is one of the bravest characters I read from this author. What she has gone thru is really terrible for a young woman to experience but that's the reason why she became resilient as a person. Her POV switches between the past and the present.

Patrick continues to prove that he will do anything for Madeline. He hunts down those people who treated Maddie badly. I'm glad he has Sterling, Reid, and Mason on his side. These men get the job done.

Ashes is an amazing book. Ms, Romig did a fantastic character development and weaves a very complex story where she leaves nothing unanswered. This surpasses typical dark/romantic suspense novels; it held my interest from beginning to end. So, if you are looking for a beautiful, thoughtful piece of fiction, I would highly recommend this series.

Note: ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nadine Bookaholic.
3,662 reviews504 followers
April 22, 2020
Ashes was a great conclusion to the Web of Desire Trilogy.

This trilogy hits some very harsh realities of some of the unfortunate and I can only hope that books like these open everyone's eyes to the harshness in the world around us and make us each strive to be better people to our family, friends, neighbors, and strangers.

You can see my full review here: https://bit.ly/NBReviewAshes

ashes aeatha romig

Nadine's Obsessed with Books **I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books**
Where you can find me:  https://linktr.ee/NadineBookaholic
Profile Image for Thelma.
761 reviews42 followers
March 31, 2020
The conclusion of web of desire was everything I was expected, the passion, the angst, the romance everything Maddie and Patrick needed was there. I really enjoy this book so much..

Ashes, is the thrids book on the Web of Desire, this book was a little harder to read as we get to see what happened in Maddie's life on the previous years, it really made me cry how much she suffered, how cruel men and people were with Maddie, it kind of shakes you to ask your self how is it possible that there are people in this world with no empathy, love, and care for other.

Maddie thought Patrick wouldn't accept her with all her baggage but love is stronger than any past or terrible memories that still hunt them.

This book was everything it has the right amount of feelings to make the story even stronger and with a lot of depth. I cry so much whenever Maddie recalled her past, I wanted to help her and protect her. it was at times painful to see what she went through.. but at the same time, it was amazing to see her happy and trying to protect everybody whom she loves so much.

Patrick was an amazing hero too, he really was protective and putting so much love and determination to save the love of his life.

The only thing that I'm missing and that I was really looking forward to was when Maddie was going to give her final speech, I really wanted to hear her, for me it was very important to hear her speech because I felt that was going to be like a cathartic moment for her, to be able to finally stand in front of thousands of people and tell her story without feeling shame or any regret, I felt like this was a moment to finally show the world and herself that she was alive and thriving.

Great story, great characters, and so much angst and action that will keep you in your seat wanting to hear more and more about this amazing heroine.

Profile Image for Mimiorphee.
644 reviews39 followers
April 7, 2020
Third book in the Web Of Desire trilogy, ASHES perfectly concludes the series with a, once again, thrilling storyline.

The alternate points of view and the flashbacks kept me enthralled, delivering an action packed read. 

Going back to the Boston underground, its threats and power games,  immersed me back into the Sparrow organisation I liked so much. I really enjoyed the frienship and family vibe Mrs Romig explored in this series. It gave a warmth and a certain sweetness to a plot that was also chilling and gut-wrenching.

Whether in the present of her  past, Maddie showed and incredible determination and resilience. She grew up into a clever woman who knows how to preserve her family. 

"I was done being a commodity that could be bartered, traded, or sold."

Thanks to Patrick, her protective husband, she faced her demons and her vulnerabilities in incredibly raw scenes.

"She might not want revenge. I did. I wanted it enough for both of us."

With jaw-dropping revelations, nail-bitting tension, and strong emotions, Ashes aleatha'd me!

Profile Image for Melanie Cesa.
976 reviews35 followers
March 24, 2020
OMG!!! How is it possible at the end of every new Aleatha series I’m saying it’s my new favorite? But seriously, this story! My heart! And I’m so excited there’s going to be more. I love this world of Sparrows!

This story! Holy smokes! My heart is in overload. I have to say, I have never teared up in any of Aleatha’s stories, but this one, it got to me. And more than once! The emotions are overwhelming and there are so many! So much happens! I just can’t contain my excitement over Patrick and Maddie’s story. It’s a story so raw and intense, a story of survival, of second chances, of hope, and so much love! It’s absolutely breathtaking! You do not want to miss this!

And that blurb for Reid and Lorna’s story….I. Can.Not.Wait!
Profile Image for Franci Neill.
2,224 reviews94 followers
March 29, 2020
5 Gripping Stars

This stunning conclusion to Patrick and Madeline’s story is at times gut wrenchingly painful, passionate, jaw dropping wide open in the revelations and sometimes all of these emotions at the very same time. Having said this, my review will be purposely vague because to say too much would risk revealing spoilers that you MUST experience yourself because to have things revealed out of context would literally ruin this book for you.

Ashes picks up where we left off in Flame and Madeline trying to understand what she’s just been told means in her life. But that’s not her utmost concern. Her immediate issue is trying to extract herself from the newest situation she’s in thanks to Andros Ivanof and let me tell you my jaw hit the floor when details are given. I was constantly startled by the actions of others and their basic indecency towards others in this world that we find ourselves immersed in with this Trilogy.

The strength and fortitude of Madeline throughout her life is truly awe-inspiring because with most people they would break with everything this woman has been through. One of the most overwhelming emotions in this book is love. Maddie’s love for Ruby, her love for Patrick, even when it’s well hidden and most importantly her love for herself.

When Madeline is brought into the Sparrow world so many truths and revelations come out of the woodwork. I mean to the point that I truly gasped out loud. The feeling of family and love that Madeline and Ruby come to have within this family unit, whether by love or choice, truly does some healing. And when we get flashbacks of what truly happened all those years ago, my heart was broken and my mind horrified. Ms. Romig does a phenomenal job of bringing this topic to the forefront of this story. There’s no mincing of words or actions.

The love Patrick has for Madeline has remained strong through the years and is evidenced in how her and Ruby’s presence in his and the Sparrow world changes almost overnight.
He’s there for Maddie in ways that neither expected he would need to be, but it was so important to the progression of Madeline becoming who she was by the end of the book. But what I especially loved is how others brought her and Ruby into the fold.

This book moves at lightning speed which is completely necessary in this world they’re dealing with. There’s brutality in a few instances, and I for one, am perfectly okay with it because….karma!! I’m once again in awe of Sterling Sparrow and his command of the world he took over all those years ago and while he still controls Chicago, it’s in a gentlemanly manner using violence when it’s necessary and needed.

Patrick and Madeline forge this partnership that neither ever thought possible in their lives and the love they have for each other is the resounding emotion throughout this book and if you’ve read Aleatha Romig, you know love comes in many forms. This trilogy while may be tough to read is one that is a must read for all fans of Ms. Romig and romantic suspense in general. And she’s left us a few tidbits that has my brain spinning with what we’re going to be reading later this year!!
Profile Image for Steph's Romance Book Talk.
2,850 reviews1,399 followers
April 12, 2020
5 Stars / 3 Steam Fans

Ashes, the conclusion to Patrick and Madeline's story and oh what an ending it was! I loved every moment, and I was speechless by the amount of action included. Throughout the Web of Desire trilogy, Aleatha Romig built up this tension that exploded within this conclusion. If you haven't met the Sparrow Crew, do so TODAY!!! You will not be disappointed. All three trilogies released have adventures, sexiness, strong male and female characters, unique storylines, and will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout each of the story arcs.

Video review available in Week 15: Apr 5 – 11 weekly book reviews.

For other video book reviews, check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.
Profile Image for Grace.
2,228 reviews109 followers
March 30, 2020
This third and final installment in the Web of Desire trilogy focuses on confessions, healing and revenge. And I finally got answers to questions I've had along the way.

Going into this book, I thought a lot of the drama would center around Madeline and Marion Elliott, the current creep that has purchased her. But Patrick handles that situation pretty swiftly, so the heart of the story takes place back on safer ground in Chicago.

There's a lot about Madeline's past to unravel.
Who was the first to "acquire" her and why?
What was her life under Andros Ivanov?
And what is her history with Sterling Sparrow's father?
I won't give you the answers to those questions, but I promise you they are all addressed, both in a series of flashbacks from Madeline's POV and her eventually confessions to Patrick.

Reliving old memories, particularly the ones that Madeline went thru, couldn't be easy. Remembering the pain of what she endured, and then the guilt of what she had to do to others, would damage anyone's psyche. But Patrick is with her every step of the way. And despite Madeline's fears, he isn't repulsed by her. That support, along with that from her daughter, Ruby, allows her to heal.

"I'm done being a commodity."

Patrick and his group aren't a bunch of saints. And they remind us of that in this book as they seek vengeance on those responsible for Madeline's past. I loved that he didn't hold back (keep in mind, I love anti-heroes). Those guilty were served some karma on a platter.

I thought the author did a good job of tying up this series. She threw a lot at us over the three books and manages to pull everything together in a way that made sense. Surprisingly, there weren't any major twists in this book, which I was ok with. This couple had enough to deal with already. I also liked how she wove this couple's story in with the other two couples who previously had their own trilogies (Web of Sin and Tangled Web). If you are a fan of this author and/or series, this conclusion should be a satisfying one for you.

*An ARC was received for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,061 reviews92 followers
April 6, 2020
* A review copy was provided by the author *

~ 5 What an Ending Stars ~

Aleatha Romig is one of my all time favorite authors!! Her trilogies are beyond amazing!! I don’t know where or how she keeps coming up with these dark and seedy worlds but as long as she does, she will always have a reader fan in me.

As always with Aleatha’s books, I can’t really say a whole lot about the storyline. I will say this was the perfect ending to this trilogy. I had no idea how this story would play out, but that’s what makes her books so captivating. Again this book was dark, raw, real, gritty and even tough to read at times. That is because the basis of Madeline’s storyline is not an easy one to read about.

What I love about Aleatha’s books the most is that she makes the reader feel everything her characters are feeling. She puts you right in the middle of the story, without leaving your own home. But she does it without being overly graphic. She lets your imagination work as well as to not make the readers too uncomfortable.

Ashes is the final book in this trilogy. It is NOT a standalone novel. You HAVE to read Spark and Flame before reading this book. This book/trilogy is everything I have come to expect when I pick up one of Aleatha’s books. She will make you feel all the “feels”. Her books are always page turners!!!

I will say that this book answers all of your questions that the first two books might have brought to mind. I thought this was the perfect ending for Madeline, Patrick and Ruby.

As I have said before, but it is worth repeating, the more books I read by Aleatha, the more I want to sing her praises. Her books just get better and more twisted as she releases them. She is an AMAZING storyteller. I don’t know where she comes up with these twisted worlds. But please don’t stop writing them!!!!

If you are looking for a book that will keep you intrigued all the way through and that is UNPUTDOWNABLE….then this is the book/trilogy for you to read!! This is another one for my Best Books of 2020 List!!!! Make sure to add this trilogy to your TBR list, you won’t be sorry!!!!

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Profile Image for April Symes.
5,013 reviews446 followers
April 7, 2020
Ashes is Book 3 in the Web of Desire Trilogy by Aleatha Romig. This is the final installment in Patrick and Maddie's story.
Book 2 ended in a huge bombshell/cliffhanger ending. Book 3 picks up where book 2 left off. Book 3 is really more about handling the fallout from the past- the secrets, lies, intrigue and suspense that is Maddie past which is now Patrick's present. Now that they are together and finding out what happened , this final book is just confessions, betrayal, guilt , fear, revenge, forgiveness, healing, hope, love and HEA.
Maddie and Patrick seek out the past to find the present/future. The chemistry between them is intense and amazing! I don't want to give any spoilers away so just know that Ms. Romig did an awesome job on writing such a beautiful story that expresses the characters emotions, thoughts, beliefs and just everything they are going thru. It comes across and you feel like you are the character(s). Great writing! I enjoyed reading this and look forward to the next trilogy📚.

My Rating: 4.7 stars *********
Profile Image for Amy [Book Addict Reviews].
2,496 reviews175 followers
March 31, 2020
Ashes is the conclusion to Patrick and Maddie’s story and the Web of Desires trilogy. This story had me on the edge of my seat and was everything I could have hoped for when it came to Patrick and Maddie.

Patrick spent 17 years thinking his wife was dead, until she popped up randomly and back in his life. Now he is doing everything in his power to protect Maddie and Ruby and to keep them in his life forever. Maddie is strong. She has been through so much in the past 17 years, things she has to tell Patrick about, things that could change how everyone views her.

I love the entire Sparrow’s crew and the way the accepted Maddie and Ruby into their folds was great. The woman are all supportive of one another, they have seen and experienced things that most haven’t in their lives. Plus, they keep those men in line. I love the Sparrow Men, their friendship, the family they have formed. This group is fantastic and I never want to say goodbye to them.

Secrets are revealed. People are brought to justice. Patrick has his Maddie Girl again and no one will prevent him from keeping his family in his life forever and safe. Their story was stunning, emotional and suspenseful. It was everything I love about Aleatha’s books!

Ashes is a MUST READ, along with the rest of the trilogy.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,557 reviews117 followers
April 4, 2020
Time to uncover the full story in this the concluding book of three. This series has had me gripped from start to finish. I fell in love with Patrick and his Maddie girl, the homeless raga muffins who became best friends. A team of two who are betrayed by people they trusted.

Madeleine Tate aka Miller aka Kelly is a stunning woman. Beautiful and fierce on the outside and even more so on the inside. Awesome poker player. A protector and a survivor.

Her truths are revealed. They pack a mighty big punch.

You don’t have to have read the books about the other characters in the series but it helps to understand how their pieces fit together. A family tree would be good but would contain spoilers!

Sterling Sparrow still scares the living daylights out of me. Patrick Kelly is the soft, sensitive one. Mason Pierce is the hard as nails tough guy. Now the wait for Reid the final Sparrow.
Profile Image for Lille.
105 reviews
April 10, 2020
I liked how the author ended the last book of the series. It was good written and of course a perfect ending story. I enjoyed the book as much I like my tea.

There are many good, strong and heavy topics that are brought up in the story. If you are sensitive to any of the topics I do still recommend you to read this book.

It’s a good journey to learn how to be strong, find yourself and accept the person you are today. And of course remember that you are not going through this journey alone. Accept help and understand that they only want the best for you.

All journey has an end, but do remember the memory of them will never fade. And that reminder will only make you stronger day by day. It has to be a part of you to make the person you are today. Strong and independent.

Thanks for a good book series Aleatha Romig. Great work!

5 stars.
Profile Image for AJ's Book ReMarks.
1,488 reviews39 followers
March 27, 2020
Ashes, the dramatic conclusion to the Web of Desire series; it’s Patrick Kelly and Madeline’s story. A story of dangerous desires that have ignited a flame, once the fire is out, all that is left are the ashes to be picked up. The Sparrow Webs are interwoven that connect all four men and their women into an underground twisted, perverted, deranged life that no sane person could understand. Aleatha Romig has written several series, all interconnected on one of today’s hot topics regarding human sex trafficking. Aleatha’s style is to bring light within the dark, making it an easier read for most readers. Thanks for delivering another eye-opener. I have enjoyed reading all The Web Series and hope you'll give it a go.
Profile Image for Danielle Spellbound Stories.
732 reviews409 followers
April 10, 2020
My life with Patrick wouldn’t be delayed another seventeen years. I was done being a commodity that could be bartered, traded, or sold.

Web of Desire is the first trilogy I've read by Aleatha Romig and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed every single book. Ashes, the conclusion to the trilogy, had me up late turning page after page and very thankful for the opportunity to review this trilogy because it's simply outstanding. In an effort to keep my reviews spoiler-free, I've refrained from commenting on much of the storyline so read this review without fear. 😉

Patrick and Madeline's story was explosive from the very beginning and Ashes quite literally couldn’t have offered a more perfect ending to this second chance romance. Aleatha’s writing is outstanding and utterly enthralling. I LOVED the dual POV, the character chemistry and the intensity that builds and builds until the very end of Ashes! I couldn’t put down a single book in the series and I couldn’t have been more surprised to say that about each book. Often you find that at least one book in a trilogy is slower and less entertaining than the others but I never felt that way reading the Web of Desire books. Yes, readers interested in this trilogy must read the books in the correct order—Spark, Flame and finally Ashes—however, the series also falls in line with the Sparrow Web series.

The correct reading order of the Sparrow Web Series is:



If you’re like me and love to read books in order, I can put your mind at ease—you truly shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the other trilogies in the Sparrow Web series. Each trilogy (listed above) is its own storyline and that alone should make the decision to read Aleatha’s work less daunting! As I mentioned previously, I’d never read a book by Aleatha prior to receiving the copies of Spark, Flame, and Ashes on my kindle for my blog. However, that being said, I now have every intention of reading these books in the correct reading order. I highly recommend the Web of Desire Series! If you’re in a binge reading mood, you couldn’t possibly find yourself disappointed with these books! I would tell you this book might contain some triggers for certain readers—it talks of some pretty heavy subject matter. However, if dark romance is something you’ve read in the past, you’ll find this falls perfectly into the genre. Also, if you enjoy well-developed storylines and characters, I found that Aleatha did a superb job with both! Five Stars for sure! One-click the series now!!!!
Profile Image for Tanaka K.
897 reviews7 followers
April 8, 2020
Aleatha Romig once again brings her dangerous and brilliant storytelling to a compelling and mesmerizing end to a delectable and powerful series, Web of Desire. Her talent shines in strong writing and perfect characters that turns this series into a mega hit in 2020. My heart is melting with every layer and every world that conjured up an explosive series filled with incredible characters and a stunning story. I adore Aleatha Romig. She has a way of creating a world you can fully indulge in. She has a way of bringing you deep into a story that gets you on the edge of your seat. Ashes, the final conclusion in the Web of Desire trilogy perfectly concludes the story with a beautiful and capturing finish.

What an incredible conclusion. What a knockout of an ending. Impressive. Gorgeous. Ashes, written by Aleatha Romig enchanted me into a hard hitting ending to a striking series. Ashes opened my heart and made me fall in love even more in love with the story of Patrick and Madeline. Raw. Emotional. Suspenseful. Ashes touches a light on real issues to bring you a touching, brave, titillating and effortless story with splendid characters, sensual chemistry, bewitching romance and knife-edge suspense. Aleatha Romig bares her soul to give you a gripping story.

Partick and Madeline’s moves my heart. Their love is the most powerful gift as a reader. They battle so much as a couple and find their way to each other. Absolutely alluring. Madeline is a brave woman. A survivor who went through so much. Her strength and loving soul despite all the horrible things done to her, really made me love her as a character. Definitely one of my favourite Aleatha Romig characters. Patrick makes me swoon. He is protective and goes above and beyond for the people he loves. Very admirable.

I am going to miss this series. I am ready for the next Aleatha Romig series.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews

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