The Testament Quotes

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The Testament The Testament by John Grisham
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The Testament Quotes Showing 1-18 of 18
“If you're gonna be stupid you gotta be tough.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“In one long glorious acknowledgment of failure, he laid himself bare before God.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“When witnesses concoct lies, they often miss the obvious.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“Four rehabs meant a fifth was somewhere down the road.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“He'd had his career, his triumphs. Success had brought him nothing but misery; he couldn't handle it. Success had thrown him in the gutter”
John Grisham, The Testament
“It wouldn't pay to get fresh with a missionary.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“I believe in God,” he said, truthfully but weakly. “It’s easy to say that,” she said, her words still slow and soft. “And I don’t doubt you. But saying is one thing, living is another matter.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“But you worship money, Nate. You're part of a culture where everything is measured by money. It's a religion.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“It’s a sad culture. People live in a frenzy. They work all the time to make money to buy things to impress other people. They’re measured by what they own.”
John Grisham, The Testament
“a slender, artificial Christmas tree with a solitary string of lights. He watched them blink to the tune of some Brazilian carol, and despite his efforts not to, Nate thought of his children. It was the day before Christmas Eve. Not all memories were painful. He boarded the plane with teeth clenched and spine stiffened, then slept for most of the hour it took to reach Corumba. The small airport there was humid and packed with Bolivians waiting for a flight to Santa Cruz. They were laden with boxes and bags of Christmas gifts. He found a cabdriver who spoke not a word of English, but it didn't matter. Nate showed him the words “Palace Hotel” on his travel itinerary, and they sped away in an old, dirty Mazda. Corumba had ninety thousand people, according to yet another memo prepared by Josh's staff. Situated on the Paraguay River, on the Bolivian border, it had long since declared itself to be the capital of the Pantanal. River traffic and trade had built the city, and kept it going.”
John Grisham, The Testament
John Grisham, The Testament
“¿Barres la tierra para que esté limpia y arreglada? ¿Qué ocurre cuando llueve y la techumbre de paja tiene goteras? ¿Forma un charco y se convierte en barro?”
John Grisham, El testamento
John Grisham, The Testament
“Sí. Dios los protegerá. Rece sus oraciones.”
John Grisham, El testamento
“En la soledad de la habitación del hotel, en una ciudad donde no conocía a nadie, era fácil compadecerse de sí mismo y sufrir una vez más por los errores del pasado.”
John Grisham, El testamento
“Semejante estrategia les exigiría dos cosas: uno, cooperación, y dos, la voluntaria reducción de casi todos los egos presentes en la sala.”
John Grisham, El testamento
“trabajo más duro —cocinar, asar, limpiar, cuidar de los hijos— estaba a cargo de las mujeres.”
John Grisham, El testamento