The Client Quotes

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The Client The Client by John Grisham
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The Client Quotes Showing 1-26 of 26
“It's amazing how lies grow. You start with a small one that seems easy to cover, then you get boxed in and tell another one. Then another. People believe you at first, then they act upon your lies, and you catch yourself wishing you'd simply told the truth.”
John Grisham, The Client
“You advised him not to get a lawyer, giving as one of your reasons the opinion that lawyers are a pain in the ass. Gentlemen, the pain is here.
-Reggie Love”
John Grisham, The Client
“You wired the kid," Truemann said meekly to no one in particular.
"Why not? No crime. You're the FBI, remember. You boys run more wire than AT&T."[Reggie Love]”
John Grisham, The Client
tags: fbi, humor
“Children make lousy clients. The lawyer becomes much more than a lawyer. With adults, you simply lay the pros and cons of each option on the table. You advise this way and that. You predict a little, but not much. Then you tell the adult it’s time for a decision and you leave the room for a bit. When you return, you are handed a decision and you run with it. Not so with kids. They don’t understand lawyerly advice. They want a hug and someone to make decisions. They’re scared and looking for friends.”
John Grisham, The Client
“The theory was simple: If a man had enough sense to accumulate a bunch of cash, then he would certainly make a worthy U.S senator.”
John Grisham, The Client
“There was something unfair about a system in which a little kid was brought into a courtroom and surrounded by lawyers arguing and sniping at each other under the scornful eye of a judge, the referee, and somehow in the midst of this barrage of laws and code sections and motions and legal talk the kid was supposed to know what was happening to him. It was hopelessly unfair.”
John Grisham, The Client
“He's busy taking the fifth”
John Grisham, The Client
“One good thing about jail is that it allows you to think a lot.”
John Grisham, The Client
tags: jail
“Americans no longer experience vacations. They simply Sony them so they can ignore them for the rest of the year.”
John Grisham, The Client
“I’m concerned. He witnessed something awful, and he might be in shock.”
John Grisham, The Client
John Grisham, The Client
“Come in, Mark,’ he said after Mark was already in the room and standing at the foot of Ricky’s bed. ‘Sit here.’ He pointed to a plastic chair next to a foldaway bed under the window. His voice was low, almost a whisper. Dianne sat with her feet curled under her on the bed. Her shoes were on the floor. She wore blue jeans and a sweater, and stared at Ricky under the sheets with a tube in his arm. A lamp on a table near the bathroom door provided the only light. The blinds were shut tight”
John Grisham, The Client
“his finger around the trigger. Mark closed his eyes and felt nothing. “How old are you, Mark?” “Eleven.” “You told me that. Eleven. And I’m forty-four. We’re both too young to die, aren’t we, Mark?” “Yes sir.” “But it’s happening, pal. Do you feel it?” “Yes sir.” “My client killed a man and hid the body, and now my client wants to kill me. That’s the whole story. They’ve made me crazy. Ha! Ha! This is great, Mark. This is wonderful. I, the trusted”
John Grisham, The Client
“SHE CALLED HERSELF AMBER, WHICH ALONG WITH ALEXIS happened to be the two most popular acquired names among strippers and whores in the French Quarter.”
John Grisham, The Client
“Strippers. Get them a job, then an apartment, buy some clothes, feed them nice dinners, and then they get culture and start making demands. They were an expensive habit, but one he could not break.”
John Grisham, The Client
“Dianne was suddenly concerned. Two boys see the same event. One goes into shock. It’s reasonable to believe the other would be affected. She hadn’t thought of this. She leaned down next to him. “Mark, are you all right?” He knew he had her. “I think so,” he said with a frown, as if a migraine were upon him.”
John Grisham, The Client
“Hardy said Ricky might be locked up in some institution for months, maybe years, if the doctors weren’t told the truth about what the boys witnessed. Hardy was okay, not too bright, and he was making the mistake of talking to Mark as if he were five years old instead of eleven.”
John Grisham, The Client
“Strippers. Get them a job, then an apartment, buy some clothes, feed them nice dinners, and then they get culture and start making demands.”
John Grisham, The Client
“...You advised him not to get a lawyer, giving as one of your reasons the opinion that lawyers are a pain in the ass. Gentlemen, the pain is here.”
John Grisham, The Client
“Come back to his house, and you’ll leave in a hearse.”
John Grisham, The Client
“It’s amazing how lies grow. You start with a small one that seems easy to cover, then you get boxed in and tell another one. Then another. People believe you at first, and they act upon your lies, and you catch yourself wishing you’d simply told the truth.”
John Grisham, The Client
“At times he thinks like a terrorist, then he cries like a little child."
- Reggie Love”
John Grisham, The Client
“The trees thinned just before the crumbling”
John Grisham, The Client
“Contents About the Book About the Author Also by John Grisham Title Page Dedication Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter”
John Grisham, The Client
“No, thanks. They won’t go away. You take care of Ricky and Mom, and me and the lawyer’ll take care of the FBI.”
John Grisham, The Client
“He lived forty-four years and no one cried at his funeral.”
John Grisham, The Client