state comptroller

Financial stability an elusive goal for Israel's soccer clubs, despite being most popular sport

Audit of country's No. 1 sport reveals many troubling realities regarding player salaries, mismanagement and overall lack of regulation and enforcement.


Comptroller: Cyber and information security issues found with Israel Land Authority

The authority has millions of scanned files on land rights, with much of the information collected by the authority sensitive, and some includes personal and business information.


The time has come for an investigation into the October 7 failures

There are those who argue and say “not yet,” who say “wait until the war is over.”

Netanyahu, Bennett, Lapid: The funds allocated to the Prime Minister's residences in recent years

In a report published by Maariv: these are the funds utilized for Prime Ministerial residences in recent years, covering both construction, security, and maintenance expenses.


‘Functional stagnation:’ Comptroller exposes Israel’s climate crisis failures

The comptroller's findings indicate that Israel is projected to only reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 12% from 2015 to 2030, which is 56% less than the target of 27%. 

Senior Ex-Mossad official to Jpost opposes Oct. 7 probe now

But why state inquiry once war cools down crucial?

Israel's state comptroller to probe transfer of funds to Hamas

Matanyahu Englman's office had already begun the investigation process upon procurement of Shin Bet computers and documents.

Heavy traffic jam on the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv due to construction work, on June 11, 2020

Israel must step up to combat vehicle-caused air pollution - comptroller

In his report, released on Monday, Matanyahu Englman said there were only 219 fast-charging stations for the country’s more than 40,000 electric vehicles.

National service girls no longer able to approve gun permits

The National Security Ministry has been allowing National Service girls to handle interviews with applicants for gun permits. Now, this will no longer be allowed.

Israel's comptroller finds security gaps in wake of October 7 massacre

State Comptroller Mananyahu Engleman tours border fences in the north, south, and in the Jerusalem area, highlighting gaps in the security barrier, and in the nation's security.

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