What IDE do you use for development?

I mostly code in Java so Ive been a long time user of Eclipse. But last year I used PyCharm for a Python backend project and kinda fell in love with JetBrains IDEs. I heavily use Intellij for most of my Java related work now. To me it's a very thoughtful and intuitive environment for Java development. And the plugin ecosystem is very solid as well.

What IDE do you prefer to use for your development work?

    1. 4

      VS Code has too many extensions now (in a good way). The switching costs are too high for me to leave any time soon :)

      1. 1

        If it wasnt electron based it would have been the perfect tool.

        But its my goto as well

      2. 1

        Does it still perform pretty well even with a bunch of extensions installed and being used simultaneously?

        1. 1

          @clmoten Yes, VScode is quite optimized although it's built on ElectronJS and isn't native.

    2. 2

      Also if you guys want to make your intellisense more powerful try the tabnine extension.

      1. 1

        Wow! Looks pretty insane!! Thank you dude

    3. 1

      Me too. It is the best.

  1. 13

    <3 <3 <3 <3
    <3 Vim. <3
    <3 <3 <3 <3

    ... and the terminal.

    1. 1

      By the way, if some wants to try Vim, I wrote an article specially for beginners here: https://thevaluable.dev/vim-for-beginners/

    2. 1

      Vim all day everyday. I have been using Vim for exactly over a year now and I cannot thank it enough for it's tremendous increase on my productivity. I now have lesser context switching, I can browse libraries/gems/frameworks source code right within Vim, I can run tests seamlessly without leaving Vim, the list goes on and on. If I were to go back, I'd chose vim again, but this time earlier

    3. 1

      Glad to see Vim here. I've been using it for a decade and have configured it to rival almost any IDE in terms of things like linting, git integration, LSP autocomplete, assisted refactoring etc.

      I've recorded five (free) screencasts if you're interested: https://www.semicolonandsons.com/series/A-Decade-of-Vim

      1. 1

        Thanks for the link! I will definitely check that out.

  2. 8

    Sublime Text... A lot of people laugh at me for still using it haha. But I'm so used to all the key bindings and plugins I've installed and made...

    1. 2

      Hey as long it works for you and makes you more productive 👍🏾...I also built a plugin for Intellij that I can't get by without now, so that will probably make me a long time JetBrains user lol.

    2. 2

      Sublime is awesome!

  3. 3

    I was a huge fan of IntelliJ. But then I had to develop some desktop apps and tried Visual Studio. I was hooked immediately. Visual Studio is the best IDE I've used. This influenced me to try Visual Studio Code and these days, I use it for almost all of my projects.

    Transitioning from a fully functional IDE to text editor was a bit tough for me in the initial days and VS Code's intellisense was not great back then. Three years later, I don't think I will ever have to look at any other text editor or IDE. Intellisense has improved a lot. Extensions for most of the latest tech stack. And low memory footprint compared to other IDE's.

  4. 3

    VSCode too, but the guys I worked with in Java were using IntelliJ

  5. 3

    Sublime 3 is amazing and I love it.
    I use also Visual Studio Code interchangeably with it.

  6. 3

    VS Code & WebStorm 🚀

  7. 3

    I use Vscode most of the time but I use Sublime text for quickly viewing large files.

    Not an IDE per se but for terminal I use iterm2 for macs and conemu for windows.

  8. 3

    VS Code for JavaScript and Rust (still very new). PyCharm community for Python.

  9. 3

    I am a long time Java developer too . I used to use Eclipse. Then 3 years back I tried IntelliJ IDEA. I am not planning to go back to Eclipse. Ever. IntelliJ is fantastic.

    For JS/Node I used Visual Studio Code and love it.

    1. 1

      Do you think you would ever use VS code to do Java dev? For me the beauty of IntelliJ is it's integration with the Java ecosystem. Specifically for Spring dev. I dont know if I can find this kind of integration in something like VS Code. But then again I havent really tried to look that hard either...

      1. 1

        I don't think I would. With VS Code I'd have to look around for those extensions - with IntelliJ I get it readily, so I wouldn't want to waste that time.

        That said, while I work with Spring too, I just use the community edition so both are free. What I love about IntelliJ is lot of times it's pretty smart, so I usually write code fast with IntelliJ (at least relatively compared to Eclipse) .

  10. 3

    I just use sublime, i tried VS code but to use to sublime.

    1. 2

      Jetbrains is the way forward <3, I tried going back to VS Code for a few months but finally got frustrated with all the plugins, and always not quite being right, mainly with Twig and Vue.

      Moved to PHPStorm and it's a world of difference, nearly doubled my productivity and it just works out the box. Best ~$10 per month you can spend IMO.

  11. 2

    PyCharm and PHPStorm

  12. 2

    IntelliJ -- just can't code without it anymore. One of the best IDEs ever created.

    Atom is good too.

    Eclipse was favorite, but I have moved on.

    1. 1

      Im right there with you 👍🏾

  13. 2

    I agree, for Java IntelliJ is the best.
    However I use VIM (neovim) with plugins for everything else (typescript, javascript, go, c/c++)

  14. 2

    I went the route of vim, vscode, jetbrains products, and finally landed on and have stayed with spacemacs

  15. 2

    IntelliJ - it's pretty great!

  16. 2
    • PHPStorm for Laravel projects
    • Visual Studio Code for React
    • atom for light PHP
  17. 2

    I've also been a big fan of the Jetbrains IDEs for the past couple of years. I feel like where I've seen the most benefit from them is the fact that they're an ecosystem of purpose-built IDEs but that share a common UX. I'm sure it's more of an emotional response than a rational one but there's just something I really like about opening GoLand for Go, PyCharm for Python, and Datagrip for database work. As opposed to having a single IDE set up for everything like with VSCode. I like my tools to just work and get out of my way for me to focus on accomplishing my actual task. Which has just made VS Code feel mentally cluttered to me, I don't want to manage a bunch of plugins to get it working well for my language.

    1. 1

      I couldn't have said it better myself. Though I must say I am impressed with the sheer number of plugins that can be used to extend VS Code.

  18. 2

    Microsoft Visual Studio is sooooo good... and free... It’s crazy!

    1. 1

      Back when I was doing .NET dev I loved Visual Studio. I loved the integration with entity framework and NuGET packages. So sweet!

  19. 2

    I prefer Jetbrains. Has a lot of features that makes it super easy, productive and saves a lot of time. I love those database connector, in built SSH & SFTP, Version Control and a lot of plugins that are available.

  20. 2

    It varies. Right now I'm using CodeLite for one project, and Notepad++ plus a terminal window for another.

  21. 2

    I'm a hardcore Vim user and fan so... Vim.

  22. 2

    I use WebStorm and RubyMine mainly. Although they have it‘s flaws (Memory load over time), the code analysis and autocompletion is so so so good. I tried Visual Studio Code many times but I always got to a point where I missed a feature from IntelliJ.

  23. 2

    GoLand / Intellij - well worth the money!

  24. 2

    Vim for most everything with occasional usage of Pycharm for python, VSCode for this and that (html/js/css), and GoLand for golang.

    1. 1

      I've always appreciated the elegance of tools like Vim. I tried emacs when I was in school but I wasn't very productive lol. My fingers just can't dance like they need to to be productive in vim or emacs. Respect 👊🏾 lol.

      1. 1

        Haha, I know....I've used vim for so long, that it gets in the way on VSCode/IntelliJ-based IDEs, that's why I'm always in vim mode everywhere.

        Except for the terminal and the browsers - the usage patterns are different in those, so it works itself out.

  25. 2

    I use PyCharm myself. JetBrains has some really well thought out IDEs.

    VS Code is very popular right now, and I use that for C when doing embedded coding. It will be interesting to see if VS Code ends up suffering the same same way as Eclipse did with getting overwhelmed with plug-ins.

    1. 1

      Yeah. And in my time with Eclipse, having too many plugins activated at one time negatively affected the performance of the IDE. Obviously you can work around that but still....JetBrains has the plugin marketplace for paid plugins now. Hopefully they don't suffer from being overwhelmed as well.

  26. 1

    unless you go for Ruby on Rails you can do pretty well with VSCode, Vim or Emacs. Ruby on rails autocompletion is pretty non-existent outside of ruby mine, other frameworks are more linear and less magic so you can pair up most editors with language server.
    Vim is great that it is everywhere but collection of extensions is a bit haphazard way it works compared to emacs but emacs is more weighty to learn and more of an ecosystem than just a text editor with bells and whistles.

  27. 1

    I use eclipse for Java and VSCode for Node & React.

  28. 1

    I have no favourites, i use what works or what the team wants. Usually Eclipse and VS code. I tend to use sublime or notepad++ or vim even xcode too.

    After saying having no favourites i do hate emacs. Sorry for emacs peeps 😂

  29. 1

    VSCode for sure, the git extensions and remote ssh extensions streamline my work massively

  30. 1

    JetBrains all the way! Can't live without my PhpStorm or GoLand.
    Students also get a nice discount.

  31. 1

    Nearly 100% Emacs + Tmux + Zsh. I write mostly bash and go. Seems like I might be the only one here who uses this setup. Oh well. <3

  32. 1

    Atom for everything. I did switch to VS Code last summer but I have some issues with the design, specifically, I don't like how the search comes up in a side window. From a design perspective alone I'm willing to take a bit of a performance hit and deal with the occasional crash from Atom.

  33. 1

    I’m primarily using IntelliJ these days because it has excellent support for Terraform and Clojure, but I still use Sublime for everything else because it’s incredibly fast (and doesn’t suck down battery the way IntelliJ does).

  34. 1

    Visual Studio for C#, Visual Studio Code for Flutter or Python. Tried PyCharm as well but I personally find VS Code more convenient.

  35. 1

    IntelliJ IDEA + Visual Studio Code

  36. 1

    Used to be very invested in VIM but once I discovered the JetBrains IDES I never looked back.

  37. 1

    Doom-Emacs(With evil mode)

    It took me some time to learn the keybinding, but now I'm a lot more productive using it instead of visual studio code.

  38. 1

    I've used Atom, VS Code and Sublime Text. VS Code's functionality is great, but Sublime's performance hard to beat. After adding a few packages (e.g. SublimeCodeIntel) to Sublime Text, it's now superior to VS Code's standard functionality for my use cases.

  39. 1

    I use Webstorm for JS development and PHPstorm for PHP development. I am a big fan of Jetbrains IDEs

  40. 1

    PyCharm, but really only because my university license hasn't run out yet. Will make the switch to VSCode once it does, 600$ a year on an IDE is just ridiculous.

  41. 1

    wingide for python is pretty good, and vim is amazing aswell

  42. 1

    IntelliJ for Java
    Atom for js/html/css

  43. 1

    I use Sublime Text for both PHP & JavaScript projects.

    It is the perfect tool if you can use the right plugins & key bindings setup.

  44. 1

    I tried many different IDEs and finally settled for PyCharm. Because I believe that you can save a lot of time in the long run if you know PyCharm really well.

  45. 1

    When the focus is productivity, I mostly use VIM. When screencasting, I use VS Code.

    I tried Jetbrains for about a year, but found it too bloated for my tastes. To be 100% honest, I'm not really big on IDEs in general.

  46. 1

    VSCode works great for me :)

  47. 1

    Mainly VSCode and occasionally also CodeSandbox.io for quick mocks

  48. 1

    Most of my work I do in Visual Studio Code. Sometimes I use other editors which are optimized for certain languages (RStudio, JabRef, TeXStudio). In a terminal, Vim all the time.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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