The "Page 3 Technique" — the easiest way to find buried treasure on the internet.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Search something in Google.
Step 2: Skip to page 3 of the search results.
Step 3: Find hidden gems and other oddities.

For adventure-seekers who like to be surprised!

...Looking for potential B2B clients? Page 3.
...Looking for local businesses that struggle in the digital age? Page 3.
...Looking for overlooked business opportunities or side hustles? Page 3.
...Looking for un-listed businesses/products to acquire? Page 3.

It's deceptively simple, and completely ignored.

That's why it works!

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    Any concrete examples of how you’ve used this?

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      Yes, great question! Two years ago, I had a small side-gig where I productized a Facebook Ads service for dentists in my state. I used the Page 3 Technique for prospecting. It's how I found dental practices that needed help with digital marketing.

      Page 3 usually meant low quality website with limited lead capture and typically not mobile-optimized, loads of SEO technical errors, minimal Google Adspend and rarely any paid social media. Basically, problems-galore.

      The kicker: I would call the front desk to see if they advertise offline (ala Valpak, RedPlum, etc.). If the answers is "yes," I know they're already spending $2K - $5K per month on marketing, which means they KNOW they need to spend marketing dollars...they just suck at it.

      The sales pitch was easy: record a screencast video audit of their website, show them that their biggest competitors were already advertising on Facebook and then show a mockup ad that I prepared just for them (in Canva.com).

      "Take 25% of your offline marketing dollars that you're already spending and put them to work on Facebook for one month. Then compare results. Guaranteed lower CPMs, further reach, more phone calls, etc." I would waive the "setup fee" and charge a monthly retainer." Worked like a charm!

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