jerusalem archaeology

Earliest systematic weapons production dating back 7,000 years found in Israel

The findings show the mass production of slingstones from the Southern Levant dating back to the Early Chalcolithic period (c. 5800–4500 BCE),

Ancient aqueduct from time of Roman occupation discovered in Jerusalem

The excavation efforts also led to the discovery of a coin from 67/68 CE, during the first Jewish revolt against the Roman occupying forces.

Israel unearths ancient Greek tomb, rare bronze mirror in Jerusalem

The burial cave is rare evidence of the Hellenistic period in the Jerusalem area. It was discovered on a rocky slope not far from Kibbutz Ramat Raḥel.

Steps where Jesus said to heal a blind man unearthed in Jerusalem

The discovery was made by archaeologists during excavation work on the Pool of Siloam. Approximately eight steps were unearthed.

Archaeologists find 'mystery' ducts near biblical Jerusalem relics

The channels may have been used to prepare a commodity "connected to the economy of the temple or palace", said archaeologist Yuval Gadot in the statement.


Israeli archaeologists unearth building destroyed during Babylonian siege of Jerusalem

The building, dubbed 'Building 100', had once belong to an elite member of Jerusalem's society, until it was destroyed by fire in 586 BCE.

Archaeological discoveries shed light on early urbanization in the Kingdom of Judah

The findings have revealed fortified cities and common urban pattern characterized by casemate walls, houses abutting the walls and peripheral roads.

Biblical Kingdom of Judah expanded into Israel earlier than previously thought, study finds

In this comprehensive study, Prof. Yosef Garfinkel examines the earliest fortified sites in the kingdom of Judah during the 10th century BCE.

Ancient Tel Shikmona factory probably supplied the First Temple with dye

A new study by the University of Haifa claims to completely change the story of the biblical Shikmona.

A Herodian lesson for Israel from ancient Jerusalem

At the entrance to Herodium is a cluster of boulders at the foot of the hilltop, behind a sign that reads “Rolling stones from the time of the Jewish revolts against Rome.” 

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