How do you keep your product's social media accounts busy?

I have a few side projects - as you do - and I also create social media accounts for them to grab some attention.

Like twitter, instagram and facebook accounts.

It is a lot of work to prepare the content for those though, both for text and visuals.

I am wondering if anybody is using anything to automate that. For both automatic visuals creation and then maybe for scheduling it.

Also wondering who else is also having this problem :)

posted to
on June 6, 2020
  1. 4

    My recommendation is to focus, and focus means doing less, which means cutting some things out. Are your social media accounts your #1 or #2 method for acquiring customers? If so, focus on that, and cut out other things to make the time to really do a good job. If not, cut out social media, and instead focus on the things that count.

    I'm sure there are examples out there of people who've automated their social media accounts to success… but the denominator of people who've tried that and failed is probably much, much bigger.

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      Thanks Courtland, i read your article, it is a great perspective!

  2. 3

    From what I've seen, a lot of people create templates for stuff they do on Insta, FB. Then, they simply add the text they want, and then post it. I'm sure you could use something like Photoshop, Photopea, or Canva to make the templates for it. Also, I'll second the product @LouTromans is working on. Being able to repurpose content for multiple platforms will ease how much work will be required.

    Also, you could potentially ease how much work you do by changing how you make content. Gary Vaynerchuk (Google him if you've never heard of him) advocates for a strategy called "Document, don't create." Rather than trying to constantly craft perfect content, simply post and document what you do when you work on it, or when you make new side products/improvements. People who are interested in your products will be interested in the how and why they work. Also, you can post information tangential to the industry that they are in.

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      Good thoughts! I found this short video by Jack Butcher (Visualize Value) really helpful for thinking about thematic content that builds trust. https://vimeo.com/386047644/63c4aeffce

    2. 1

      Thank you for the shoutout mate!

      Spread will become a complete package for Content creation/repurposing.

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    I founded https://www.spreadtech.online/ - a content repurposing tool. That automatically converts Youtube videos into podcasts, podcasts into blogs, and blogs into social media posts.

    Spread will be launching early July as a BETA. Sadly within the BETA software social media posts will be minimal (blogs --> Twitter threads).

    But eventually your paint point will be solved entirely!!

    We have plenty of ideas in the pipeline to completely automate social media content. Like you said, both text, images and even video. Will all be automated to a certain degree once all the features are coded for.

    If you click the link and sign up before Thursday then you will have access to the BETA...

    Any questions, ask away please :)

    1. 2

      Starting point is always the youtube videos i understand, right?

      1. 1

        You can start with YouTube, podcast, or blog.

        Either way, you come out with more content you come in with!

        As Spread develops with more features, the more freedom you will have with your content.

        Hope to see you on board for the BETA ☺️

  4. 1

    I had the exact same need. I solved it using Python code, I get the relevant data (financial data) from APIs, I create the image with the code and the code uploads the image to Later.com as well. If you like you can check out the video here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFfABdNOArQ&t=22s.

    Pretty good suggestions in the comments below. How did you automate it in the end?

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    Busy is okay. Genuine social ROI is what you should aspire to. We get that using our own tools. See RiteKit and hit me up if you need a hand.

  6. 1

    You can use my product Pikaso to convert your tweets into Instagram-ready images.

    It also has an API and works with Zapier if you want to automate it.

    1. 1

      Not exactly what i am looking for but great product!

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