ayelet shaked

World Jewish Congress kicks off International Lawyers' Solidarity Mission to Israel

30 leading legal professionals from global jurisdictions will participate in the delegation.

Likud politicians urge Ayelet Shaked to switch sides, join Likud

"If she runs in the primaries, she'll be in the top ten," said a Senior Likud MK. Shaked had no comment when asked about the switch.


Israeli judicial reforms should progress only with wide agreement - Shaked

Ayelet Shaked: "In Israel, we do not have a constitution, and, to be honest, we are not going to, as the society is too diverse and polarized, and we will not agree."

Head of the New Right Party Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, 2019.

Bennett and Shaked headlining Keren Hayesod events

Keren Hayesod is the preeminent worldwide fundraising organization for Israel to serve as the fundraising arm of the Jewish People and Zionist Movement.

Ex-Israeli minister Ayelet Shaked to start new job at Kardan Real Estate

Former Israeli interior minister Ayelet Shaked will serve as chairperson of the Kardan Real Estate board of directors in her new non-political employment.

Shaked: Israel 'broke an all-time record in apartment planning' in 2022

Israel's former foreign minister explains she's in favor of override clause, against canceling Netanyahu trial


Ayelet Shaked: I'm not sorry that I joined Bennett-Lapid coalition

"Ministerial success is not always politically rewarding," according to Shaked, who also estimates that housing prices will moderate and maybe decrease this year.

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