Churn breaks your flywheel.

The difficulty of regaining a loss is often underestimated
To recover from a 20% loss, you need to make a 25% gain

“...The first rule of investment is don’t lose money. And the second rule of investment is don’t forget the first rule. And that’s all the rules there are...”
Warren Buffet

We can apply this principle to other contexts where there is a growth rate, such as revenue growth.

On the numbers, churn reduces the revenue base on which your growth rate is applied.

Qualitatively, churn reduces the volume of acquisition-accelerating actions across your user base. Acquisition-accelerating actions include behaviours by your customers that fuel further acquisition, such as sharing, inviting, word-of-mouth, or creating content.

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on July 10, 2020
  1. 2

    I will add it to my newsletter.

    I am curious how you made it?

    1. 1

      Thank you!
      I've been making these on Google Slides, just because powerpoint is something I am extremely familiar with. I'm sure the designers out there could put together something even better looking with Figma or Sketch.
      I've been putting out content daily on Instagram with limited traction, do you think this content would do better on Twitter?

      1. 1

        This content will do better on LinkedIn as well as Twitter.

        But it will work better on Twitter, if you can convert it in the Twitter image size. If you don't do so, people will only see center of the pic. And person has to click on to see the full picture.

        P.S I cropped the photo as it was too big for the newsletter image. Don't worry, I have added this post link as credit too.

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