Joshua Klein

Articles by Joshua Klein

GOP Expresses Outrage Over Trump ‘Sham’ Conviction: ‘Dark Day for America’ — Threatens ‘Very Fabric of our Republic’

In what is being termed a “dark day for America,” Republican officials are expressing outrage after a New York jury found former U.S. President Donald Trump guilty in his hush-money trial, accusing the Biden administration of using “lawfare seen in third world countries” while warning that if political opponents can target a former president, “they can do it to anyone.”

Former President Donald Trump arrives at court, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in New York. Trump

Exclusive: Israel Heritage Foundation Leads Historic Mission to Israel with High-Level U.S. Delegation

The Israel Heritage Foundation led a historic mission to Israel with a high-level U.S. delegation to express solidarity with the Jewish state and its residents, as well as to gain a firsthand understanding of Israel’s existential struggle, meeting with prominent Israeli policymakers and visiting key sites, including the “Ground Zero” of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Site of the Nova festival in Israel seven months after the Hamas attack

Exclusive: Israeli Minister Warns Palestinian State Would Spell Israel’s ‘Destruction’ – Biden’s Pressure ‘Plain Stupidity’

A Palestinian state would spell Israel’s “destruction” and the Biden administration’s repeated pressuring of Israel to accept one is “plain stupidity,” according to Religious Zionism Knesset member Simcha Rothman, who described Hamas as a “terror cartel” that exports terrorism globally, insisting that Israel must defeat the radical Gaza-based Islamist terrorist group to “protect its own security and the security of the world.”

Demonstrators burn an Israeli flag during the funeral for seven Islamic Revolutionary Guar

Ted Cruz Calls for Investigation into Reports of China, Cuba Fueling Anti-Israel Protests in U.S.

The Biden administration must investigate reports of communist China and Cuba directly funding and influencing radical left-wing organizations to incite anti-Israel and anti-American protests across the U.S., according to Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz who noted the goal of such externally funded subversion campaigns is to create chaos, weaken the country, and “tear us apart.”


VP Contender Doug Burgum on Biden Withholding Military Aid from Israel: ‘He’s Actually Negotiating for the Terrorists’

President Joe Biden is not only negotiating with terrorists but has gone so far as to negotiate for them, according to Republican Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota, who slammed the 81-year-old Democrat for withholding crucial munitions from the U.S.’s “top ally” Israel in order to “get votes in November from the pro-Hamas part of the Democrat party.”

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum speaks before Republican presidential candidate former Presi

Exclusive — Elise Stefanik: Biden Endangering U.S. National Security by Pandering to ‘Pro-Hamas’ Democrat Base

President Joe Biden’s threat to halt weapons to the Jewish state is endangering the national security of both the United States and “our most precious ally,” Israel, according to House Republican Conference chair Elise Stefanik, who accused the 81-year-old president of pandering to the “pro-Hamas base of the Democrat party” in a desperate bid to save his “plummeting polling.”

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-NY, speaks during a news conference on the FBI search of former Pre

Exclusive — Joni Ernst: Biden ‘Playing Politics’ with Americans Held Hostage by Hamas, ‘Making Terrorists Rejoice’

President Joe Biden is “playing politics” with the lives of Americans being held hostage by the Gaza-based terrorist Hamas group, according to Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst. She slammed the 81-year-old Democrat leader for “playing into Hamas’s hands” and “making terrorists rejoice, instead of tremble in fear” by withholding support from the nation’s “greatest ally in the region,” Israel.

UNITED STATES - FEBRUARY 7: Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, holds a picture of Romi Gonen during

GOP Accuses Biden of Withholding Arms from Israel for ‘Personal Political Gain’ – Pandering to ‘Pro-Hamas Mob’

Republican officials are blasting the current “wildly anti-Israel” administration for withholding crucial ammunition from Israel in its war on the terror group Hamas, accusing President Joe Biden of “carrying water for the pro-Hamas mob” in order to “appease his radical anti-Semitic base” and the Democrat party’s “pro-Hamas wing” for his own “personal political gain.”

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on his "Investing in America agenda" at Gat

GWU Anti-Israel Protesters Call to ‘Liberate’ World from ‘Colonialism, White Supremacy’ as U.S. Flag Replaced with Palestinian One

After replacing the elite school’s American flag with a Palestinian one, anti-Israel activists at George Washington University called to “liberate” the world from “colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and Zionism,” as pro-Palestinian activists on college campuses continue to reveal the true agenda behind the spreading demonstrations.

WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES - 2024/05/04: Students wrap Palestinian fl

WATCH – Anti-Israel Protester at UCLA Encampment: ‘We Don’t Like White People’

As frat boys counter-protesting radical Palestinian supporters marching on the University of Mississippi campus are accused of “racism” for mocking the left-wing anti-Israel activists, virtually no condemnations are heard from these same voices in response to a pro-Palestinian woman outright denouncing “white people” at the UCLA encampment in Southern California.

Pro-Palestinian protestors stand on stairs near an encampment at the University of Califor

Exclusive: Rep. Andy Harris Blasts Biden DOJ’s ‘Third-World’ Lawfare Tactics Against Trump, Warns All Conservatives ‘Targets’

The unprecedented “lawfare” being waged against former President Donald Trump by the Biden Department of Justice “goes well beyond” the former president and actually targets “anybody” who supports Trump or is conservative. That was the warning from Maryland Republican Rep. Andy Harris, who cautioned against the use of “third-world tactics” that have no place in the U.S., as well as how many on the left would likely “deny the outcome” of a democratically-elected Trump in 2024.

FILE - U.S. Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., is seen in this Aug. 23, 2021 file photograph discuss

Top Faith Leaders, Conservatives Gather to Reject Biden’s Failed Two-State ‘Solution’ for Israel

As President Joe Biden and his Democratic colleagues continue to undermine the U.S.’ longtime strategic alliance with Israel, a recent event saw top faith leaders, Republican lawmakers, and conservatives gather to underscore a unified stance against the failed two-state solution, while promoting the idea of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) as integral to Israel, grounded in a religious and political opposition to Palestinian statehood.

White House - US President Joe Biden joins Israel's Prime Minister for the start of the Is

Exclusive: Knesset Member Vows Israel Will Strike Back at Iran With or Without U.S. Support

Israel is “fighting for America too” and Iran’s declarations of its ambitions to destroy the U.S. should be taken seriously, according to Israeli lawmaker Ohad Tal, who vowed that Israel will act to protect its citizens and combat the Islamic Republic of Iran regardless of U.S. support, while lamenting that Israel has become “too dependent” on America.

An Israeli soldier attaches an Israeli flag on top of an armoured personnel carriers (APC)