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She’s gone… good riddance to tormenting, cold nightmares that come in the form of sweet but devious kisses.

Thing is, without her here, there’s a fiery riot in my heart I can't control.⠀
She left a bloody feud brewing in my house.⠀
That Little Minx caused chaos and hell to break loose between my brother and me as only she can.⠀
She kissed me and imprinted her broken soul to my darkness.⠀
Now, I want her back with a kind of obsessive desperation that will drive us both to hell.⠀
Hate or not, she’s still going to kiss me with everything she is, because she knows who she belongs to.⠀
I’m going to own every inch of her pathetic, cold, dark, shallow, and meaningless soul that mirrors mine.⠀
Is that cruel of me? I don't give a damn.⠀
She’s the architect of this ruinous chapter we just entered, because what’s coming is more than devious.⠀
We’re going to lose more than the cruel kisses we bargained for…⠀

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 29, 2020

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About the author

Thandiwe Mpofu

19 books1,376 followers
Thandie is a simple millennial who’s just trying to make avocado toast at two am and finish the next novel that she hopes you’ll fall in love with all while she tries to secure her entire life in one go.

But these are all lies! She really spends an insane amount of time on Instagram, stalking Beyonce for the next album release which she swears might drop at anytime. Sorry to that lady.

Stalker much?

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 145 reviews
Profile Image for Keri Loves Books.
1,247 reviews197 followers
November 2, 2020
Just when you think you know what’s next...you have no idea! Mia just keeps getting blindsided, but this time the secrets will impact more than just her. The rich have never been more riddled with deception.

Julian and Mia have obliterated the line between love and hate, but it’s not that simple. Their chemistry and feelings have always been undeniable. They continue to create sparks that turn into a blazing inferno. However, the path to happiness will not be easy. They are going to have to fight for it, taking on both internal and external enemies.

No one is who they thought they were. Everyone lies. While trying to sort out her life, a devastating loss will turn Mia’s world upside down and send her into a tailspin. Julian will have to step up and become the man she can lean on. His possessive and protective nature will serve him well as he gives Mia what she needs.

Running from the pain won’t make it go away. It just gives the others time to plot and put their own plan into action. It’s hard to trust anyone since deception is as easy as breathing for these people. The drama is never-ending in their world.

Everyone has their own agenda. Nothing is black and white. The one’s that were supposed to love you most are starting to show their true colors and their intentions reek of revenge. Mia and Julian will need to navigate the treachery, either together or apart.

My one suggestion is to re-read Devious Kisses before diving in to this. It would have been a nice refresher of the key players. This story is definitely complex. The secrets are many and the suspense runs deep. I still have so many questions because every character is working their own angle. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the stories within the story that are taking place.

This emotional, angsty read will tear you up and spit you out more than once. Hang on...this story is about to test your limits of endurance.
Profile Image for M.
687 reviews295 followers
November 7, 2020

Book 2 came out swinging and it was a TKO!
Wow, there was nothing light hearted about this. It captivated me from start to finish. So much drama and mystery. It seemed like every other chapter some new plot twist was happening. I couldn't get enough of it. So many secrets.

It's also no secret that Julian and Mia have feelings for each other. Feelings that consume them over and over. They have an intense push and pull relationship though. They hate to love each other. So much angst!
Throw in Liam and Cole - now it's perfection. Love their dynamics and what they both bring to the story.

That ending though... MIND BLOWN!! I need book 3 ASAP!!! PLEASE!

Holy heck!!!!!
Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,280 reviews1,732 followers
October 27, 2020



This is real footage of me barreling towards the end to find the conclusion of Julian and Mia’s story , only for it to end on a cliffy… again!!!!!!

My god! This author has some crazy drama in her books and she makes sure that we love every second of it!! Mia and the Fitzgerald brothers are back , and this book was certainly more happening than the first one! There was lots of drama and tons of twists in this book!

After the way the first book ended and that brutal cliffy , I wanted my hands on this one so bad! And what a ride it was! I love these characters so much and was heartbroken to see them getting hurt in this book. Specially Mia, she acts so strong , but there was no hiding the broken girl beneath her in this book and My heart hurt so much for her!

Mia is on a run from everyone she knows and loves, She is not sure who to trust and who to deceive , so she is into hiding. Julian is absolutely losing his mind in his search for her. He knows that he said things he wasn’t supposed to , and now he can’t help but feel that she is running because of him and there is nothing he can do about that! I won’t disclose much of the story of this book , but let me just warn you that this book is definitely gonna be one of the wildest rides of your lives! Julian is what wet dreams are made of and that man had me shivering from the moment he made an appearance in any scene. Liam was my absolute favourite too and I just can’t wait for his story to come out.

The author gave us small hints about the stories of the other character and damn her for teasing us like that! It just drove me crazy with want! Julian and Mia have an amazing tale that is full of heartbreak and so many twists that it literally makes your head spin! Reading Thandiwe’s book is like a high for me , it feels so good while I am reading them but the moment I am finished , I come crashing to the ground with so much emotion barrelling inside me that I don't know what to feel and act! To say in short they are simply marvelous! A definite recommendation to all the contemporary romance lovers out there! If you love high school drama with lots of angst and bullying then jump straight into this series , because this is something you won’t ever regret!

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Profile Image for Bozena.
899 reviews17 followers
October 28, 2020
OMG! This book! Holly sh!t! 😭😍

What a wild roller-coaster of emotions.
This is an unbelievable dramatic and suspenseful second book in the It's Just High School series.
This action-packed and gripping story is definitely not for the faint-hearted.
You think probably, what can be so dramatic in a YA romance?
Yeah, Thandie is the queen of creating dramatic, mysterious and insane crazy life events in the world of rich and powerful people.
Amazing? Of course! I love every second of this wild ride, but let me warn you, it's unbelievable nerve-wracking and maddeningly complicated tangled and twisted world of lies, secrets and power games that will make you go crazy and on edge of your seat throughout the whole book.
I love it!!! 😍
I don't know how she does it, but her books are like a YA thrillers mit a mystery vibes and an eerie dark atmosphere .
You're constantly expecting something gruesome to happen.
This is not the sweet and swoony kind of a romance.
This is a dark sinister and brutal story that will wreck you
and because it ends with a cliffhanger, not put you back together.
Don't let me start about the terrible ending 😱
I don't know how I can wait for the next book till December 🤦🏻‍♀️

This is not a standalone story. You've to read Devious Kisses first to understand the dynamic of this story.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,492 reviews83 followers
November 11, 2020
***5 "A throne of lies!!!" stars***


"What the hell was that?"
"That, Little Minx, was a cruel kiss."
"A cruel kiss? There's no such thing."
"Little Minx, who lied to you that kisses can't be cruel?"

Nope!!! It's NOT just high school, it's so much more than that!!!
OMG!!! I still can not believe where Thandiwe had led things in here and I'm freakin' losing my mind at the moment...
The feelings in here were so powerful and raw that you were choking on them and you couldn't breathe. I still can not breathe and I'm waiting impatiently of how the things will turn out after all..
But can I tell you a secret??? I'm not sure if there is some light in the end of this dark rabbit hole that our heroes had jumped in and the dominant feeling is... helplessness!!!

"I guess that's what happens when you care, when you love, it'll come back and destroy you one way or another."

The focus on this book turned from the usual bitchy bullshits that are happening on highschool and became more personal for Mia and Julian and the rest of their "family" members...
Secrets are revealing, lies are exposing and still there are so much more to learn in order to get into the bottom of this story...
A story that is addictive, but at the same time, suffocating!!!
Honestly, you don't know who to trust...
Who is playing a game with everyone's lives???
Who's telling truths and who lies???
What's the ulterior motives behind everyone's actions???

"Promise not to hurt me?"
"Can't, baby. We're recovering liars."

Well, I'm telling you that this story is so clever and it pulls you under Thandie's spell and you are feeling like you are in the middle of everything that is happening...
You want to act and to react... You want to protect and fight for these kids... You just want to be a part of them...
Yes, I know that I sound a little bit crazy at the moment, but I believe it's just Thandie!
She has the ability to make you feel everything on extreme levels and if this not a success, I don't know what else it is...

"Show me where you're bleeding and let me stop it."

"He says he loves me, but his actions and those of his family prove otherwise. So, when he turns away and walks away from me, not bothering to look back, I know, I'll never be able to kiss him again."

After the events that took place in the previous book, both Mia and Julian are left with broken hearts... And not only from each other, even though a great part of this heartbreak was because of what had happened between them...
The thing with these two is that they are both very intense and strongminded... Untrustful and stubborn... They are the perfect match for the other, but unfortunately the load upon their shoulders are too heavy to carry, the truths that are revealing are too hurtful and they are already losing their minds, along with their hearts....

"Since the day I met him in that damn hospital hallway, Julian has always had the ability to make my heart ache with shitty emotions that I never asked for."

"Everything about that girl is an act of war, like she was designed to set me off and make me obsess over her. I still didn't like that she had this much power over me."

Mia is not the girl we used to see in the first book... She was a shell of her former self, a broken girl and my heart was aching for her... Her shattered heart is still beating for Julian, even though his actions and words hurt her irreparable. She just needs to find out everything that's been hidden from her and to go far away from everyone and everything that hurt her...
The guilt that she is carrying is too much and it's suffocating her... She just lost her faith to herself and to the others... She has reached a dead end. So what will happen next???

"Julian Fitzgerald had too much power over me and I hated that."

"Even when we hate each other, he's still my raw connection, my anchor to this fucking earth."

Julian was always having a heavy load to bare... He was the protector of his siblings, but a little minx changed everything for him...
Yep, he hated her, but his feeling were too powerful to be only hatred....
He made mistakes and he made Mia run away from him, but he is determined to find her and to bring her back to him...
Unfortunately, the truths that are starting to reveal are making everything hard for him to be with the love of his life at the end...
But nothing had ended for him. Mia is his. End of story.

"Can one girl awake so many demons in just a matter of weeks? How can kissing her, wanting her, needing her bring out all this shit to light?"

"I guess when she's the one person who can arouse my demons, she's also the one who can tame them."

Gawd. I loved this story! It's so addictive!!!
I loved the unique connection full of devious and cruel kisses that Mia and Julian are having...
And my heart is breaking for everything that they have to get through in their life...
Darn!!! I'm really feeling helpless after that ending...
I'm trying to figure out on my mind how the things could turn around to lead in a HEA, but... I can not really see it and i want to cry, as that will help!!
Damn it, Thandie!!! What will happen after all???I'm sooo scared to witness that reality... Their cruel reality!!!

"You're damn fool to think you're not mine."

**I received an ARC for the eschange of an honest review**
Profile Image for Melissa J (Book Addicts Reviews).
1,156 reviews94 followers
November 2, 2020
4.5 stars!! This author continues to mind fuck me on a regular!!

This can not be read as a stand alone. This is book two of “It’s Just High School” series. It ends it yet another Thandiwe cliffy. So damn good but so damn evil!!

First of all you don’t see not an ounce of high school in this book so don’t think this is your usual YA book. This is hot and twisted. Thank goodness Julian is grown so I don’t feel naughty. Lol.

Julian and Mia have quite a past. One kiss changed everything. Except little did we know there was so much more going on behind the scenes. This book gives you so many answers but with that comes so many questions. I had my mouth hung open for majority of the book.

I am an ARC reader (seeing as this book hasn’t been published yet) and I think once I buy the book and read it may be able to put it to 5 stars. It was a very rough draft. But even with all the errors it was a fantastic plot. My only concern was some parts felt rushed and kind of out of place. But I am down with this crew of people. I love Julian, Cole, Liam and even daddy Fitzgerald (though I always worry what is up his sleeve).

This is a good book and I can not wait to read book three! These characters draw you in and make you want to be a part of their crew.

**I received this book as an ARC and in return gave my honest review**





Profile Image for B-Books Review.
621 reviews27 followers
November 6, 2020
“She’s mine and I’ll fucking fight for her with my dying breathe if I have to.”

Let’s talk about “Cruel Kisses by Thandiwe Mpofu”.

First of all, I need to warn about two things: 1) this book ends in a cliffhanger, AGAIN, and 2) some scenes might be triggering.

Cruel Kisses is the continuation of Devious Kisses, but it doesn’t pick up where the first book left off. The author starts with a back and forth between the past, the present and the super past, and I was kind of confused with the first chapters. But then the pieces started to fit together and the author managed to add layers plus layers of intrigue, lies and suspense that left me dizzy, in a good way.

I was so sorry for Mia, once a Ice Queen, now she was running away from a danger that she didn’t understand but she felt in her bones. Worst of all, she was so freaking alone. At the other side there’s Julian, cruel, lost and so read to fight for her. They finally found each other in Paris and started to communicate and find common ground, they were able to trust each other and I thought they would gang up to fight the world, you know power couple?

So when Mia’s father appear with a crazy bang, that’s when the story scrambles for me. Suddenly all characters development cease to exist, Julian doesn’t trust Mia, she doesn’t know how to speak and it was so out of the blue, nothing made any sense. And then boom! A freaking awful twist and that’s when I found that the book wasn’t gonna end and there it was, another cliffhanger with a bit (or a lot) of trigger.

Unfortunately, this book worked for me until it really didn’t. So I’m kind of disappointed because the first book was a huge hit for me while this one... well, it made me feel like the author suddenly found out it wouldn’t be able the end this book now and created something just for the sake of a surprise and move on to the next one. I’m still mad with all of this. But I think everyone should make your own judgement and that’s ok if its different from mine.
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
2,215 reviews938 followers
November 4, 2020
Thandie is always keeping us on our toes! And man, this series has really gone a totally different direction than I thought. Twists, drama, secrets, lies, and SO many devious intentions. Thandie knows how to write an angsty, super steamy, dramatic story- and I gobbled this one right up.

We ended book one on a pretty epic cliffhanger- major revelations that rocked what these characters thought they knew not only about each other but about themselves. Cruel Kisses finds Mia on the run- hiding not only from the people that have hurt her, but trying to shield herself from more painful truths. Julian, eventually remorseful after brutally pushing her away while she was already on the verge of running, will do anything to find her, to bring her back and protect her. But if we’ve learned anything about this crazy world Thandie has created- nothing is very that simple. Secrets still exist, no one can be trusted, and the twisted and deceptive agendas of nefarious and conniving men still hurt and hinder these characters.

I don’t want to spoil much- but this was such a wild, twisting story. The last 30% is amazing, but I will say the beginning moved a bit slow for me- the characters and story felt a bit static, delaying what we knew was coming. This may have been intentional- since this is likely how our character felt- stuck in a stasis of trying to figure things out. And, some of the same challenges were at play here- Mia and Julian not communicating, Mia not being fully honest and Julian lashing out. Julian is a dreamy, possessive alphahole, but he definitely disappointed me at one point in this story. They both haven’t yet learned from their mistakes- and continue to mistrust each other and make hasty decisions. I know this story is a bridge to their broader growth- so looking forward to seeing these characters perhaps work in harmony with each other vs. constantly at odds.

Of course, that is depending on that epic cliffhanger finale. WOAH. jaw dropping and even worst than the end of book 1. I have NO idea where Thandie is going to go with it, but I know it will be devious and perhaps a bit cruel- but oh so deliciously addictive.
Profile Image for  ❤️MaLu_Reads❤️.
422 reviews90 followers
November 7, 2020
Cruel Kisses (It's Just High School #2) by Thandiwe Mpofu



Cruel Kisses is the second book in the It’s Just High School series by author Thandiwe Mpofu.

The book captivated me from start to finish, with so much drama and mystery, twists and turns, and so many secrets, I just couldn't get enough of it.

With book one ending on a pretty epic cliffhanger, in Cruel Kisses we see Mia on the run, hiding from the people that hurt her and finding more painful truths.

Julian does anything to find her, to bring her back and protect her, but the secrets are still there and no one can be trusted.

Thandiwe Mpofu does it again, she has blown my mind with Cruel Kisses. A rollercoaster of emotions, a wilde ride of angst, twists and turns, secrets and drama.... Cruel Kisses has is ALL and then, some more.

So much more.....

Profile Image for Amy [Book Addict Reviews].
2,499 reviews175 followers
October 30, 2020
Going into this book I had NO IDEA what to expect. Cruel Kisses took me on one crazy, emotional roller coaster ride.

There are more secrets, more truths, and a whole lot more questions that come up throughout this book. Mia and Julian’s chemistry continues to grow hotter, their connection to one another continues to prove just how strong it truly is and how these two broken people really need each other. Their relationship is far from easy, it is a battle and there are things out of their control that can affect them both.

I loved the bond between Liam, Cole and Julian. It isn’t perfect and they all have their ups and downs with each other; however, they know they can count on each other. Mia and Liam’s relationship is also something I enjoy. Cole and Mia’s relationship is also something I really love. There wasn’t a lot of it, but when it does, they have such a sibling vibe with each other it is almost sweet. Plus, Cole and Liam continue to play major roles in Mia and Julian’s twisted story.

You will need to read book one, Devious Kisses, before reading this or else nothing will make sense. Also be warned, this book isn’t for everyone and it does end on a cliffhanger. I can’t wait to see where Mia and Julian’s story goes.

Cruel Kisses is a captivating, rollercoaster ride that you won’t be able to put down.

Profile Image for Adriana.
1,321 reviews145 followers
October 28, 2020
Omg what did I just read . This book took me in one hell of a journey and had me at the edge of my seat throughout. Julian and Mia’s story is not an easy one it takes you in to the pits of hell and back. With secrets and lies and betrayals this book could not get more action packed . Each secret and lie brings more heartbreak. Will they finally get their happy ever after? Or will all the secrets and lies finally be too much ? You really need to read it to find out This book ends in a big cliffhanger and I mean big I don’t know how we are going to come back from that ending .. Bring on the next one . Can’t wait to get it on paperback to add to my collection.

This is not a stand alone and also it is not for the faint hearted ..

Cruel kisses needs to be read first as it is a series .
Profile Image for Live, Laugh, Love .
428 reviews16 followers
October 28, 2020
Secrets upon Secrets, lies, no trust, twist and turns. It had my head spinning in the best way and keeps you turning the pages faster and faster.
Profile Image for heareads (Debbie).
729 reviews60 followers
November 6, 2020
Oosha! What a wild ride this was.

We start where book one finished and dive straight into the action. Mia is struggling with Julian’s deceit and the need to flee is strong.

Going back home only torments her further as she learns new truths that shatter her more leaving her with no option but to leave and run away from him and everyone she knows to save herself. At this point I really felt for Mia, so much was against her and she had no one.

She’s not on her own for long as Julian isn’t one to let her get too far and I loved how he tracked her down.

Julian, who is the boy!? He stepped up for me in the book and although still crazy jealous and possessive I never thought I would swoon so bad over him and his sweet love words, my heart melted but also flipped with all his sexy words and moves. Where can I find a Julian?!?!

Although this book mainly follows Mia and Julian we get more Liam and I melt every time he’s on the page, he’s so loving and sincere and I can’t wait for whenever we get his story.

Like book one I could not put this book down. The story had many twists and turns, some crazy and wild but always kept me hooked with the need to know more! Mia and Julian had me wanting to ring their necks at points but the angst of it all made it so worthwhile and just as we were getting to another good part, that cliffhanger drops and I’m glad book three is coming in December!

Another amazing must-read ❤️.

ARC received for an honest review.
Overall Ratings;⁣
POV - Dual
Hero - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Heroine - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Story - ⭐️���️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Steam - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chemistry - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Profile Image for Ashley Harper.
133 reviews4 followers
November 10, 2020
I was so excited for Cruel Kisses after reading the outstanding first book in the series, Devious Kisses.

I can’t say that Cruel Kisses lived up to its predecessor, but in the end, it did its job. I will absolutely be reading the next book in the series because that cliffhanger drew me in and gave me no other option.

The characters in this second book felt different in many ways, to the first. Though I understand that characters must grow and change, it was like reading a whole different series.

Thats not to say there wasn’t good parts to this book, there were. I still read the whole book, I liked some of the suspense and twist and loved Liam’s character more so than any of the others.

Overall, the book had a large amount of issues, both in content and running timeline. I was definitely confused a good 69% of the time while reading.

Another factor that resulted in this being a difficult read for me was the over the top, Telenovella, drama. I mean it was literally non stop. It gave you whiplash.

Fingers crossed the next book is an easier read for us, but regardless, I will be reading the next one.
Profile Image for booksandbubbs.
620 reviews155 followers
October 29, 2020
4.5 Stars

"How could I think to give myself to someone else when you took almost everything I have to give and left a small, messed up part that made sure that I would barely function until I got to you."

Holy heck- I'm still trying to process what I just read. If you thought that Devious Kisses had a lot of twist and turns, buckle up, because this book takes the mystery to a whole different level. This book picks up right where the last one left off with Mia about to make a run for it. The number of new revelations in the first part of the book left my jaw dropping over and over again! Both of these families have a boatload of secrets in the closet (and it feel like there are still more to reveal). There was so much going on and I was on the edge of my seat just trying to keep up. While I appreciated all the intrigue, the second half picked up the romance which was just what I needed. I just love Julian and Mia together - they have so much chemistry and it just feels like they are puzzle pieces that fit together. Just enjoy the thrill ride and be prepared because there is more to come for their story!
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
5,177 reviews47 followers
November 12, 2020
This book is filled with suspense, secrets, lies, and drama. The secrets and lies are just piling up in Cruel Kisses. I was constantly on the edge. But I could not put this book down! I was hooked from the beginning and then it ended in a huge cliffhanger. I felt like throwing my phone hahah I can’t wait till the continuation comes out!
Profile Image for Brie (briereadsbooks).
471 reviews30 followers
October 29, 2020
4.5 - Whoa, okay. I need to catch my breath real quick... That was one intense ride! So many things came to light in this book and I am still reeling from all the information! Cruel Kisses takes place right where Devious Kisses ended. The first half of the book revealed more about Mia's past and all these different connections between characters. I was not expecting anything that happened and definitely not the cliffhanger ending... that totally broke me. This book was angsty, steamy, heartbreaking, rough, and gripping. I love Mia and Julian and I am glad that we saw more of them together in the second half of the book. I cannot wait to see what is in store for book #3!!!
3,025 reviews78 followers
October 28, 2020
4.5 Stars. There's not much I can say considering this picks up pretty much right where Devious Kisses left off but what I will say is that this was a WILD as heck ride that starts at 100 and barely takes it's foot off the gas until the end. There are twists, turns, drama, and angst everywhere you turn and just when the smoke clears from one bomb dropping there are two more to come. Needless to say I'm hooked and cannot WAIT for the next book. I need it. I need to know about...EVERYTHING. I volunteered to read and review an early copy of this. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Rhonda Ziglar.
4,197 reviews41 followers
November 23, 2020
5 OMG STARS!! This book is just wow!!! I felt like I was riding a rollercoaster all the way through. I could not put it down, it hit all my emotion button and more. This author is quickly becoming one of my favorites that will always have me one clicking.
Profile Image for Caroline F.
2,298 reviews46 followers
November 17, 2020
OMGeeeee! Talk about leave us hanging!!!

"She's mine and I'll f*cking fight for her with my dying breathe if I have to."

This novel continues Julian and Mia's story with so many new revelations and twists. It was fast-paced, frustrating, hella hot and super tender in places. These two needed more honesty, openness and truths between them. There were times when I just wanted to scream at them to just deal with their issues and fears - just get them off their chests, but things escalated so badly and the ending KILLED ME!!!

"How does sh*t go from nuclear hate to I'll set this world on fire just to get to you? It's her. She's everything."

For the love of god, let's hope the third book is the conclusion to their story because I don't think I can take anymore! LOL. This author certainly knows how to weave an intricate plot and keep the reader guessing!

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450 reviews64 followers
November 8, 2020
Hmmmm... I have no idea how to review this book. It has been such a long time since I have been this torn and all over the place that I just have no idea how to rate and review this book.

I absolutely loved Devious Kisses so I was incredibly excited for this book. But I am honestly stumped with how to rate and review Cruel Kisses.

I feel like we experienced a whole different world compared to the first book.

Cruel Kiss was drama overload. It was like it was on steroids. It was one thing after another and to be completely honest, there was no lead up to the amount of shit that was happening. Book 1 laid barely no crumbs to the cookie that we received. I personally found it completely over the top.
Not only that, but it was seriously confusing in some parts. Specially the beginning. There was so much time jumping that I had no idea what was going on.
Now I do not comment on errors in ARCs but the errors in this book made it even more confusing because words were jumbled and names were mixed up which made it even more confusing for me at times. But hopefully these will get all fixed up and it won’t be an issue :)
I personally also felt that there was information missing. Now I don’t know if this was just me and I missed bits from not reading parts properly, so this is why I am making a point of saying this as my personal opinion but the little did bits of info that were missing were big contributions to the storyline. I found myself questioning how on earth the character new a certain something because I don’t remember it being told or a character having no sort of reaction to a shocking piece of info given. It was really hard for me to get past these instances.

The relationship between Mia and Julian. Where do I even start with that. It honestly just started to piss me off. There was way too much back and forth with the two of them. Like how many times can you have the same conversation.

Now I swear that it was said that Mia and Julian's story was only supposed to be a duet. Well, sorry peeps. It looks like it is going to be more of a series because Cruel Kisses ends with one hell of a cliffhanger. Which brings me to my next point. My favourite part of this book. The ending. Not because it was over. Because the cliffhanger that we were left with came out of fucking no where and it was dark and shocking and it makes me want to read the next book. The lead up to that ending? Well, I personally feel it was totally unnecessary drama. For one, It was a huge and a serious thing that happened and then it sort of felt like it was rushed. As soon as it happened, it was all of a sudden over and resolved.

Mia and Coles relationship. Now this baffles me. Counting both books, they have said maybe like 5 sentences to each other the whole time but they act as if they are best friends and he is like “oh hey baby girl”.

There are obviously so much more that we need to learn when it comes to this book. There are still way too many unanswered questions which I am sure will be answered in the next book.

Did I like this book? hmmmm I am going to have to say kinda. It is really hard to comment. There was just way too much that annoyed me or didn’t make sense to me so it kind of out weighed the things that I did like.

This book definitely had the power to be amazing!!! I think there was just way too much drama shoved in to one book. Maybe spread out a little. Will it stop me from reading the next book? No. Because one, that cliffy was too much to ignore! I need to know what is going to happen next. Two, I am way too invested now and I still have to many questions that I need answers for.
Profile Image for M Mendes Bookstagram.
717 reviews48 followers
October 30, 2020
O.M.G!! Ok. My head is pinning and emotions are all over the place. Cruel Kisses will leave you in a tail spin. The ending is a cliffhanger. Small warning there and yes, the story will continue which would be good if it didn’t end the way it did. But I get it. Anyway, Cruel Kisses has lots of surprises, twist, turns, things going sideways, and will leave you with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts!! I definitely can’t wait for the next book which I heard will be called Anti-Love (According to Goodreads there will be 5 books in this series). Oh and let’s not forget to mention Cruel Kisses is seriously hot and steamy!! Well, more like boiling. Just when you think that everything will lead to the HEA things went sideways very fast and the ending will definitely leave you with some seriously mixed emotions. I did not want to stop reading and as I started it in late afternoon I read till I couldn’t keep my eye open any longer and fell asleep. Thandiwe Mpofu, author, did a fantastic job with Cruel Kisses. I loved reading Devious Kisses and as soon as Cruel Kisses hit my kindle I dropped all other books to read Cruel Kisses. Thandiwe is a author that I have only recently started to read. Devious Kisses being the first one that I did read. She has definitely captured my attention and this book seals the deal…she is going on my fave author list. Seriously though I do highly and I do mean highly recommend you to read both Devious Kisses and Cruel Kisses…well, actually the whole It’s Just High School series (I am sure they will be just as good if not better than the first two books in the series) as you won’t regret it. Both books had all the elements I use to judge what constitutes as a 5 ⭐️s read and Both Devious Kisses and Cruel Kisses qualify and even surpasses that mark. I will even go as far as saying this is a MUST READ.
Profile Image for IsaDelia_Reads.
261 reviews19 followers
October 31, 2020
Wow, the author aimed to provide drama to a whole new level, and boy did she deliver!!! The first half of the book deals with some scenes from Mia's distant past and with the aftermath of the big cliffhanger from book 1, whereas the remaining half of the book is set in Paris.
Similar to the first book, Julian's and Mia's exchanges were F-I-R-E! Their hatred, love, passion, lust, and anger towards one another is OFF THE CHARTS! You can feel how much they hate each other to the point that they want to be devoured and owned! Wow! Hate-AND-love story at its finest!
With that being said, i feel the need to point out a few things that threw me off.
1. Devious Kisses and Cruel Kisses were advertised as a duet series, so i genuinely thought we would get the ending in Mia's and Julian's story! However, it seems that there is now a 3rd book coming out, and Cruel Kisses - similar to Devious Kisses - ended in a cliffhanger.
2. Even though book 1 won me, book 2 contains SO MUCH drama and twists that at some point, this story just feels completely and utterly unrealistic. It's like the author just added anything in her power to make the story even more dramatic than it already was, resulting in having a story that completely does not make any sense.

As a reader who devours hate romance books, Julian and Mia were an amazing couple to read! Their hate scenes, their sex scenes, their vulnerable scenes, all were a delight to read! Nevertheless, the fact that the story now sounds completely unrealistic and the fact that we were surprised with the fact that a duet series was now extended to a trilogy, i am unsure of whether i will keep up with Mia's and Julian's love story!
Profile Image for Courtney-ReadonReader.
2,367 reviews4 followers
October 27, 2020
I thought book one took my breath away but this one completely stole my heart away!!! We pick up where book one left off and we have Mia that is on the run trying to figure out her life and why everything around her feels like it is collapsing. She doesn’t know who she can trust, who is on her side, and who is out to get her. She fell hard and fast for Julian, but now she doesn’t believe he felt the same and she can’t trust her feelings for him now. Julian knows he messed up; he knows it is going to take a miracle to find Mia let alone reach her to let her know how he truly feels about her. There are so many truths, lies, and secrets that come out and had me wanting to know more. We have new and old villains that appear, but in the end the guys are there for Mia even if at times they don’t communicate too well. Julian absolutely loves Mia, but I was hurt how he was towards the end and now I know in the next book he is going to be either a wreck or a man set out for vengeance. I am slowly dying because it does end in a cliffhanger, but I can’t wait to find out how their story will go. This book stole my heart, soul, and breath and I will try to patiently wait for more although I am now super greedy for more of Julian.

Profile Image for Tash.
1,278 reviews107 followers
November 5, 2020
Cruel Kisses picks up where it left off with Julian and Mia
In the time they have been in each other lives. It's been a rollercoaster with no breaks. It's a vicious cycle that never stops and now that the tactics hit hard in Devious Kisses.
It's now suffering and the stakes are even higher in Cruel Kisses .
Mia and Julian aren't innocent. Both have their flaws that affect the way they deal with life. Mia's flaws have come out hard and you can see why.
She isn't a horrible human being. She is hurting and she wants to fight.
Mpofu walks the fine line between love and hate with these two. After all the drama in first book .You would think that Mia would get a breather.
She doesn't and now the two mirrors need each other. She needs what she is now lacking and Julian has the upper hand and the power.

Cruel Kisses is about figuring out a way out of the world that has been created. A complex story that needs times and savouring to understand this world and the characters that exist in this tale. Mia's and Julian's story isn't easier or forgiving. The search for happiness is not an straight path or the answers to all things , Cruel Kisses is a reminder things should be always taken with a grain of salt and it far from just high school.
Profile Image for Catreena.
379 reviews68 followers
October 29, 2020
It's Just High School #2
Thandiwe Mpofu
Releases 29th Oct

#arc #arcreader #amreading #currentlyreading #reader #reviewer #highschooldrama #highschooldarkbullyromance #enemiestoloverstomaybefriends #darkbully #IJHS #itsjusthighschoolthandiwempofu #hate #bully #richkids #drama #secrets #lies #heartache #cliffhanger #bookhangover #uglycry #AllTheFeels #drama #angst #pageturner #wildfiremarketingsolutions

Julian and Mia

How do I put this into a spoiler free review?!

Continuing from DEVIOUS KISSES.
Julian and Mia find out a whole load of lies, secrets, cover ups.
Mia's world has crumbled, mixed in with Julian's too. It's a war zone. A war that's been brewing for years.
Mia leaves. She's numb now, dark thoughts are roaring around her head. Feeling unwanted. She's last to find out that her life has been a lie, a cover up.
Has everyone lied to her?
The guy she loves has never been or will ever be hers. He's got a future and she's not part of it.
Mia has to find herself again.

Julian is beside himself with worry over her whereabouts. With the help he tracks Mia down.
With everything they've been through, what else can happen?
What other secrets are there to uncover?
What else could possibly go wrong?
Will they ever get to the bottom of what's going on?

This book will have you on the edge of your seat. The twists and turns, rollercoaster of emotions.
I did ugly cry.
I felt so much for them, not just for Julian and Mia but Liam too.
How much more can these three go through?

Looks like we've got ourselves another cliffhanger here people.

*Arc received in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,632 reviews165 followers
November 7, 2020
Whoa what a roller coaster of a ride this book took me on ! I’ve been dying for this book and this author didn’t disappoint! This story was full of twists and turns angst steam suspense and drama ! Truths lies and secrets are revealed and you definitely won’t know what to expect. I love this authors writing she never fails to capture my attention in the first chapter of the book and I didn’t put it down till it ended. The chemistry between Mia and Julian is undeniable and hot these two just belong together plain and simple . And Liam that boy owns my heart and soul every time he’s on a page I can’t wait for his story! This book ends in one helluva cliffhanger I’m shooketh with that ending! THANK GOD BOOK TWO IS COMING IN DECEMBER!!! This book was everything I anticipated and more and I can’t wait for more of Julian and Mia !

** I voluntarily reviewed an advanced complimentary copy of this book **
Profile Image for AmberReader# Books&BubbleBaths.
135 reviews7 followers
November 12, 2020
OHH MY GOODNESS!!! What has Thandie done to us?!

How could she end it like that?! I cannot believe she left us on that cliffhanger! But damn, she wrote this book so well! 😱🥰

So, the book continues from where Devious Kisses left off, and it went in a downward spiral from there. If you thought Mia’s life couldn’t get any worse or more heart wrenching. You were wrong. Thandie showed us it can. Mia becomes a drowning ballerina, swallowed by her dark past.

I was clinging onto every word, waiting not so patiently for the HEA that I was praying for. Julian and Mia are probably some of the most stubborn characters in the history of romance. They love so hard, but they’ve both build a fort around their glass hearts, each as distrusting as the other.

There were times when I could throttle Julian for being so reckless, but I loved him all the same. Then there’s Mia, her life has been flipped upside down, and my heart breaks for her.

I cannot wait for what Thandie has install for us next!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 145 reviews

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