Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

At the online Die Welt, science journalist Axel Bohanowski reports on: “How insurance companies and the media are misleading with weather disasters.”  Image cropped here.  Hat-tip: Klimaschau here. The rise in property damage often gets blamed on climate change, especially by click-baiting media and greedy insurance companies. But Bojanowski says it’s misleading to blame climate […]

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse..."Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism"

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse…”Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism”

The ice sheet and the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC): No Alarm AMOC. Source: Woods Hole By Frank Bosse We hear it over and again: the melting ice in Greenland due to warming will soon lead to a collapse of the AMOC, making it difficult for it to “restart”. The salt content in the north is […]

Half Of German E-Car Buyers Regret Their Purchase Or Lease!

Half Of German E-Car Buyers Regret Their Purchase Or Lease!

Many Germans regret their purchase or lease of an e-car and Germans overall are increasingly unwilling to consider them.  Citing an article published in the online, Blackout News reports: “Half of German e-car owners regret their purchase or lease”. Apparently German e-car owners are disappointed due especially to “rising electricity prices”. Recently we reported […]

Oops…Cleaner Fuels Mean Less Clouds, More Warming!

Better air temporarily warms the atmosphere Image: NASA (pubic domain) By Klimanachrichten An interesting article in Spektrum about a development that we have already reported on here. Apparently there is a connection between cleaner fuels for ships and cloud formation, which means more sunshine and higher temperatures. However, the reduced content of atmospheric sulphate aerosols […]

Met Office Warns: Extremely Wet Summer...After Warning Droughts Would Become More Frequent

Met Office Warns: Extremely Wet Summer…After Warning Droughts Would Become More Frequent

Climate science keeps contradicting itself Climate change causing both wetter and drier summers? UK’s Met Office warned government that the 2024 summer could see 50 days of rain! In the summers of 2018 and 2022, for example, Europe was hit by drought, and government-paid experts and media blamed man-made climate change. Many claimed that drought […]

German Green Movement "A Run Amok At The Expense Of People And Nature"

German Green Movement “A Run Amok At The Expense Of People And Nature”

Wind energy is an environmental destruction machine, warns veteran center-left columnist. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and its communist block satellite countries in 1989, the West stood in awe, amazed by the environmental and economic wasteland left behind by the inefficient collective socialist system. But since then, green radicals have taken over and […]

Alps' Glacier History Contradicts German High Court Claim Of CO2 "Linear Relationship"

Alps’ Glacier History Contradicts German High Court Claim Of CO2 “Linear Relationship”

With comparatively stable CO2 levels over 10,500 years, temperatures still fluctuated within a range of -4 to +3 °C. Yet, German Constitutional High Court preposterously claims there is an “almost linear relationship” between CO2 and temperature. Junk mandated to “science” by law? Alpine glaciers: spoilsports for the CO2 climate hypothesis The CO2 introduced into the […]

Climate Research Paper Finds Tropical Storm Variability Linked Mostly To Oceanic Cycles

Climate Research Paper Finds Tropical Storm Variability Linked Mostly To Oceanic Cycles

It’s the oceans, stupid (not CO2)! The latest climate information video released by the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) presents a recent paper by Huang et al appearing in the journal Geophysical Research Letters: “Contrasting Responses of Atlantic and Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability” The paper examines the influences […]

Data Reveal That US Heat Wave Index, Japan Drought Coincide With Solar Activity

Data Reveal That US Heat Wave Index, Japan Drought Coincide With Solar Activity

Jet Stream Blocking and U.S. Heat Wave Index By Kyoji Kimoto In 1962, Japanese meteorologist Hirohide Saito found the instability of summer temperature of Hokkaido (northern part of Japan) during the solar minimum as follows: Fig.1 Instability of summer temperature (white circle) of Hokkaido In 1967 Japanese meteorologist Junkichi Nemoto published the following graph, below, […]

U.N. Contributing Scientist: 'Culling' Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe

U.N. Contributing Scientist: ‘Culling’ Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe

The suggested way of doing this would be a new, very fatal pandemic, so reports One America News (OAN)  Volcanologist and ultra-hysterical climate scientist Prof. Bill McGuire posted a comment on X: “If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate […]

New Paper: Global Warming Leading To HIMALAYAN COOLING, Preventing Glacial Melt!

New Paper: Global Warming Leading To HIMALAYAN COOLING, Preventing Glacial Melt!

At the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) YouTube account, the young EIKE climate lady delivers the latest climate video, focusing on the Himalayas, which, as some of you may recall, would go ice-free by 2030, according to Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber. The video features a paper by Salerno et al, 2023: “Local cooling and […]

-80°C: Antarctic Vostok Station Records "Extreme Winter Cold"...Not Even Winter Yet!

-80°C: Antarctic Vostok Station Records “Extreme Winter Cold”…Not Even Winter Yet!

German weather site reported “extreme winter cold” in Antarctica as the mercury plummeted to “almost minus 80 degrees Celsius” on April 29, 2024. Image: NASA And it’s not even winter yet. Hat-tip: Heinz “On April 29, almost minus 80 degrees were measured at the Russian Vostok research station. Such extreme cold is rarely reached […]

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