Терміново шукаємо учасника на онлайн-тренінг “Peace in Practice”
URGENT! ? Call for Participants – Last free places!
We are looking for motivated participant for the great Online training course “Peace in Practice” ?
Do you agree that we all deserve #peaceful lives, with peaceful minds, non- violent interactions, and without the horrors of war and conflict? Have you ever wondered how we can make this dream come true, step by step?
Would you be ready to become one of brave young #changemakers who make the world a better place?
Are you ready to meet amazing people from over 10 countries, make new friendships and get inspired by their ideas and projects?
If you’ve answered these questions with YES – this opportunity is for you! Join our exciting online training course #PeaceInPractice”.
? 30/10/ – 11/11/2020
? More info: http://bit.ly/Peace-in-Practice-training
A training with different workshops about peacebuilding, 3 levels of Peace, interpersonal peace, peace with nature and much more, organized by SCI Switzerland.
This training course is open to participants living in countries with an SCI partner/branch ? https://sci.ngo/about-us/our-movement/where-we-are/
? How to apply? If you want to join, please fill in this form ? http://bit.ly/Form-Peace-in-Practice
We are accepting applications on a rolling basis.