A List Of Marketing Jargons

Here's a list of important marketing jargons that you'll often come across in marketing podcasts, blogs and discussions. Some are often used as acronyms and I've expanded them in the form of a ready reckoner.

  1. AAARRR funnel OR Pirate funnel: Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue
  2. A/B testing: It involves creating two versions of a campaign to test its effectiveness. You can learn more about it here as it's a very elaborate topic in itself.
  3. Bofu: Bottom of the funnel (some examples are: trials, consultations, case studies, demo etc.)
  4. CTA: Call to action. It's a button or text that encourages your audience to take the desired action like sign up, purchase, subscribe etc.
  5. CTR: Click through rate is the percentage of people who click on a specific link when they visit a website, email or an ad campaign. This is used to measure effectiveness of an online ad campaign or the success of an email campaign.
  6. CRO: Conversion rate optimisation is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action like who sign up for a newletter, make a purchase etc.
  7. CPC: Cost-per-click is the cost per click that the company pays to get each click on the pay-per-click (PPC) ads
  8. CAC: Customer acquisition cost is the cost to convince a potential customer to make a purchase with them.
  9. CPA: Cost per action is usually applicable for paying an affiliate when a specific action is completed. This action could be watching a video, clicking on a link, making a purchase or filling a form.
  10. CRM: customer relationship management is the process of analysing and managing their businesses relationships with their customers typically using CRM systems
  11. Growth hacking: Growth marketing (aka growth hacking) is a process of rapid experimentation across marketing channels and product development to identify the most efficient ways to grow a business.
  12. Guerilla marketing: Guerilla marketing is an advertising strategy where businesses use unconventional ways (often with an element of surprise) to interact with their target audience to persuade them to buy a product or service.
  13. Heat maps: Heat maps are visual maps that allow the business to know which elements/ sections of their webpages the visitors interact most with
  14. ICP: Ideal customer profile is an hypothetical customer that benefits the most from their business offerings and in turn provides significant value to the business.
  15. KPI: Key performance indicators are actionable and measurable indicators that keep your strategy on track and allow you to manage, control and achieve desired business goals.
  16. Landing page: Landing page is the webpage that is specifically created to share information on a specific product, service or topic.
  17. Lead magnet: Lead magnet is referred to a free item or service offered to potential customers with the aim of collecting their contact information for future promotions.
  18. LTV: Lifetime value (aka customer lifetime value) of a customer is the total estimated profit the business generates from that customer over a lifetime.
  19. MQL: A marketing qualified lead is a lead that has shown interest in a business’ offerings based on the marketing campaigns. This kind of a lead is more likely to become a customer when compared to other leads.
  20. MVP: Minimum viable product is an early product with the features that are just enough to persuade a customer to buy it and gain feedback of possible improvements for the future products.
  21. Native advertising: is the form of advertising that matches the form and content of the platform it is being advertised on.
  22. Net promoter score is the percentage of customers who are likely to refer a particular business’s products or services to their friends, families or colleagues.
  23. OMTM: One metric that matters. It's a metric your business cares the most about in the current stage of your business.
  24. Product-market fit: If there is a good product-market fit, it means that the demand is good enough to sell the product. This means the cost of advertising and CPA of the product would be lower.
  25. SEM: Search engine marketing is a way to increase a website’s visibility on search engines through paid advertising.
  26. SEO: Search engine optimization is the process of adapting web pages, content and the distribution of the content to get more traffic from organic (unpaid) search engine results.
  27. SERP: Search engine results page is the list of web pages served to users when they search on search engines.
  28. TOFU: Top of the funnel (Blog posts, eBooks and and stuff shared with people who are looking for information about the product or service)
  29. T-shaped marketer: Someone who is knowledgeable in more than one marketing facets, but specializes in one of them.
  30. UTM codes: Urchin tracking modules codes are used to track the source and medium of traffic on a website. UTM tags added to a webpage link before sharing it on your different marketing campaigns can allow you to track from which campaign does the traffic flow to your webpage.
  31. Wow moment: is when you exceed your customer expectations or when you deliver something extraordinary that your competitors do not deliver.
  32. XML sitemap: it lists all the important web pages on a website. This allows the search engines to understand the structure of the entire website
  1. 1

    Nice list. Had idea to create similiar post.

  2. 1

    Great compilation. Few other jargons that I can think of are- ARR, MRR, B2B, B2C, CMS, CPL, CAC, ICP, POC, USP .. the list never ends :)

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