How to increase signups for your affiliate program by 300%

First of all: if you don't use an affiliate marketing program yet, sign up for one.


Because as an Indie Hacker you are mostly doing a lot of things yourself. You are primarily a developer. Which doesn't mean you don't know how to do marketing. It does mean your heart goes out to building stuff vs selling stuff.

In comes affiliate marketing.

Think of it as your own little marketing agency.

People who love your product talk about it because they love your product and because you incentivize them to do it.

Hypefury has an army of about 700 affiliates. Yes, the vast majority has only signed up for our program and hasn't lifted a finger since. But about 20% has.

Imagine 100 people that create blog posts for you,

blog post

create YouTube videos,

youtube videos

spread the love on Twitter.


You couldn't do that as an Indie Hacker even if you wanted to...

We already invite every Hypefury user to our affiliate program. But getting an invite and still needing to signup is hard. Even if we make it a bit exclusive. They "get access" to it. Instead of: "create your affiliate marketing account here."

So... We thought of ways how to improve the signup rate.

If you take away one thing from this topic: remember that people are LAZY!

We introduced 1-click signup for our affiliate program and signups went through the roof.

signup rate

It's not hard to guess where we introduced the new signup process.

The only thing you need to do is click the blue button. We already know their email address and name. We just talk to our Affiliate Programs' API and do the heavy lifting for our users.


Implementing something like this should be a piece of cake for an Indie Hacker like you and it will increase your growth rate a lot without spending time on marketing.

  1. 2

    This is interesting. How do you pay them if you've only got their name and email?

    1. 2

      That’s handled once they sign up. They get an onboarding sequence. They get access to their dashboard. That’s where people can enter their payment details.

    2. 1

      Also, what's the usual process for most affiliate programs? I've never been an affiliate.

      1. 1

        What do you mean by the usual process?

        You sign up to the program. You promote the product/service. You get rewarded based on the amount of users / revenue you generate for the business. You get paid a percentage of the generated revenue or a fixed fee. Depends a bit.

        We offer a percentage of the users revenue as a commission for as long as he stays with us.

        1. 1

          Oh, I meant the usual signup process. You do a one-click signup. I was just curious what other companies do.

          1. 2

            Ah yes. So either people go to our website. Visit the partner program page and go to the affiliates sign up page. Or they visit that page by clicking on a link in their emails.

  2. 0

    So your point is to recommend to only add a blue button ? that's a great piece of informations

    1. 1

      You're welcome, Tim! Glad I got you all hyped up about it!

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