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Releases: etclabscore/core-geth

Persiphone (v1.12.19)

05 Feb 19:51
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  • Fix UPnP unwanted termination, which was causing nodes behind a NAT to be unreachable. (#611)
  • Fix config toml, go generate. Allowing setting the ECBP1100 and OverrideECBP1100Deactivate through TOML configuration. (#614)

Comparison with last release: v1.12.19..v1.12.18
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

Gaia (v1.12.18)

09 Jan 16:41
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What's Changed


  • Fix mordor bootnode IP (#604)

Comparison with last release: v1.12.18..v1.12.17
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

Aphrodite (v1.12.17)

06 Dec 19:51
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⚠️ This release is a mandatory upgrade for ETC clients, it includes upcoming activation values for the Spiral hardfork, scheduled for late January 2024. This release also includes an important fix for a miner DoS vulnerability, where an attacker could toggle mining intermittently by broadcasting statuses with fake total difficulties. For more information, please see the blog post/disclosure here.

All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version or later.

What's Changed

  • Spiral hardfork activation values for ETC mainnet are configured per spec. Block 19_250_000, eta January 31, 2024.
  • MESS (ECBP1100) is scheduled to deactivate coincidentally with the Spiral hard fork.


  • Fix miner auto-pause vulnerability, resolving #586 (#596).

Real Eris (v1.12.16)

08 Nov 22:36
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Fix a logistics issue with the latest release (v1.12.15) which, in fact, did not include the Mordor (Testnet) Spiral activation numbers! So this release does actually have the Spiral configuration for Mordor coded. 🤦 🚀
The master branch has included the Spiral blocks for Mordor since merging #571.


  • Mordor Spiral activation number (9,957,000).
  • Fixed a silent-but-deadly error which caused geth, when having a colliding or otherwise unavailable authenticated HTTP address/port (which is enabled by default), to stall out immediately after start up. Now, an error is now thrown and geth will stop (#578).

Eris (v1.12.15)

26 Oct 12:22
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  • Add block activation numbers for Ethereum Classic's Spiral fork for the Mordor network (#571). Specifications for this network upgrade are available in the ECIP-1109

    This is expected to become active around November 7th 2023


*: this release is not mandatory for mainnet clients

Poseidon (v1.12.14)

21 Sep 20:50
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This release merges upstream through ethereum/go-ethereum@v1.12.2.

What's Changed

  • Merge ethereum/go-ethereum release v1.12.1
  • Merge ethereum/go-ethereum release v1.12.2


The list below is an abstract of noteworthy changes. For reference please consult the ethereum/go-ethereum release notes at their original source. Notable divergences or changes we make to these upgrades will be noted here, below. There are none in this release, which contains all origin patches.

  • Support for EIP-4844 Blobpool type transactions
  • EVM opcodes for upcoming EIPs and their supporting logic, including CKZG and BLS encyrption.
    Note that these additions and changes are implemented conditionally, and are not necessarily activated or even planned for Ethereum Classic.
    • EIP-3855's PUSH0 instruction
    • EIP-3860's rules for limiting and metering initcode.
    • EIP-4844's DATAHASH instruction
    • EIP-1153's TSTORE, TLOAD instructions
    • EIP-5656's MCOPY instruction
    • EIP-6780's SELFDESTRUCT rule that it can only happen in the same transaction
  • Developer mode uses simulated Beacon block sealing rules by default, ethash still an option
  • Partial implementation of the new path-based storage scheme
  • Partial implementation of Verkle tree logic
  • Fixes a serious memory leak in snap sync
  • Fixes --nodiscover to actually prevent discovery

Comparison with last release: v1.12.13..v1.12.14
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

Alcyone (v1.12.13)

07 Jul 21:34
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This release merges upstream up to ethereum/go-ethereum@v1.12.0.

What's Changed

  • Merge ethereum/go-ethereum release v1.12.0. #551

  • Drops Kotti chain support. #552

    for syncing with Kotti, v1.12.12 can be used. In advance, this v1.12.13 can also be used by importing Kotti genesis in advance of syncing.


  • In this merge we had to revert the changes made upstream with regards proof-of-work removal.
  • core-geth defaults to use Pebble as a backend if no existing database is found (ethereum/go-ethereum#27136). If a previous LevelDB database exists core-geth will keep using that, and if you must have LevelDB for some compatibility reasons, you can force it in Geth with the --db.engine=leveldb flag.

Comparison with last release: v1.12.12..v1.12.13
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

Ariadne (v1.12.12)

29 May 19:06
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This is a security release of Core-Geth, addressing the Ghost-128 SNaP attack strategy described by Paterson and Taverna. See also ETC Coop's blog post. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version to reduce risk while synchronizing with the default --syncmode=snap strategy.

What's Changed

  • Merge ethereum/go-ethereum release v1.11.6 #538
  • Ghost-128 security patch #544

Comparison with last release: v1.12.11..v1.12.12
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

Iris (v1.12.11)

15 May 21:00
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This is a security release of Geth, addressing the SNaP attack strategy described by Paterson and Taverna. See also ETC Coop's blog post.
Merging upstream through ethereum/go-ethereum@v1.11.5, this release also includes a security patch related to the transaction pool (v1.11.4).

What's Changed

  • Merge ethereum/go-ethereum release v1.11.5 #531
  • PRNG used for header validation in snap sync uses a secure random library
  • Remove additional core-geth configuration data types #535


  • eth/68 is the new best-default protocol
  • 2 debug_ API methods gone, 4 new ones introduced.
  • Added support for Pebble DB
  • personal API is hashly deprecated, requiring opt-back-in with --rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal.
  • Removed iOS and Android builds.
  • miner.etherbase must now be explicitly specified.

Comparison with last release: v1.12.10..v1.12.11
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

Kronos (v1.12.10)

07 Feb 15:14
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🙈 This is a hotfix release. We encourage anyone using v1.12.9 to upgrade to this version instead.

The previous release consumes a lot of CPU because a transaction cacher turns on and off a lot, and generally does a bad job at caching transactions. This release fixes that problem, reducing the general CPU use of geth greatly, back to v1.12.8 levels.

What's Changed

  • Fix geth hogging CPU, caused by a misbehaving transaction cacher, resulting from badly constructed concurrency logic (#524).

Comparison with last release: v1.12.9..v1.12.10

Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

  • Docker Tag Format Deprecation Notice

    The Docker build tag format is moving from version-X.Y.Z to vX.Y.Z, eg. version-1.12.9 to v1.12.9.
    The former pattern will be removed with the v1.12.12 tag release.

Old New
docker pull etclabscore/core-geth:version-1.12.9 docker pull etclabscore/core-geth:v1.12.9