Preparing to launch on Product Hunt 🚀

Hi fellow Indie Hackers, hope you're all keeping safe and healthy!

One day to go for our Product Hunt launch, and we couldn't be more excited! We can't wait to share Balloon with the Product Hunt community 🎈

I just wanted to share some quick learnings and tips from our experience so far:

  1. Make sure you check out Product Hunt Launch Checklist by @dmraptis. It has been an absolute lifesaver for us!
  2. We are a virtual events company, so we thought, why not run a virtual event about the launch, and help bring makers and builders together? So, as part of the launch, we are hosting a Makers Launch & Share event tomorrow! If your product can augment the launch experience, definitely consider doing it!
  3. If you can, adapt your website (or app) experience based on where the traffic comes from. Visitors from Product Hunt, will land on your product URL with the ?ref=producthunt URL parameter. In our case, we tweak various sections on our home page, to feature Product Hunt related content, including our launch event. Pro tip: We also take into account the current time, so that we only show launch-related content, while our launch is ongoing 😉

Wish us luck for tomorrow 🙌

I will post back to let you all know how it went, hope to see you all at the event tomorrow!


on December 9, 2020
    1. 1

      Thank you, we too ❤️

  1. 2

    Amazing, Good luck

    1. 1

      Thank you 🙏🏻

  2. 2

    Building such a neat product within such a short span of time is huge. Very well thought of.

    All the very best Iraklis.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for your kind words! We have put a lot of effort and thought into it indeed, happy it shows!

  3. 2

    Good luck. I'll try to remember about you tomorrow :)

    1. 2

      Thanks! I’ll remind you 😀

  4. 2

    Hi Iraklis,

    All the best for your launch, hope you're fully prepared for the grand launch. You've picked Thursday for the launch which is the best day but it will be competitive.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much! Indeed, Thursday is competitive, but we like competition, and we believe we have a great product that can stand out! Let's see how it goes :-)

  5. 2

    Your team built it fast! I love the name already. Rock on!

    1. 2

      Indeed, we have been developing on beast mode :-D The team has done a fantastic job, super proud of what we have achieved! Thank you for your kind words, we, too, think that the name reflects our playfulness :-)

  6. 2

    Can't wait for your launch tomorrow guys!

    Nicely execution for the tip No2. 👏

    1. 1

      Thanks, really excited about the event tomorrow!

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