Tip: Boost sales by offering discounts to niche communities

Everyone loves a discount, especially if it's exclusive. Get more customers by offering special discounts to relevant communities online.

@Gabe of Divjoy offers discounts to members of various communities, and the results have been impressive. In fact, his most recent effort brought in $2,500 in two days. He says that members of these communities tend to appreciate the fact that the discount is set up specifically for them. And this allows him to get the word out in places that usually don't encourage self-promotion. In return, he makes sure his offer is a really good deal — usually around 50% off. For best results, try for a niche community where you're already active. Create a landing page or discount code just for them. When you post, be respectful of the rules and make sure the community admins are on board. Sometimes they'll even give you a shoutout if their members are getting a killer deal. And after you post, stick around to answer questions and connect with the community.

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    Nice surprise seeing this in my inbox this morning. Thanks for the feature! Happy to answer any questions about this.

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