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From bestselling author, Dr. Rebecca Sharp, comes a new and sexy rescue romance standalone novel....

A pilot, a park ranger, and a bottle of tequila sit down at a bar.
One shot. One kiss. One night together on top of the Rockies changed everything… until morning rolled around.

Six years later, Shay Covington returns to Colorado. Famous. The best fighter pilot in the Air Force. Infamous. Pulled from her command and fleeing her shadow of shame. When torrential rains strand her in town, the mountain man who rescues her is none other than Logan Daniels - the Park Ranger she disappeared on after one night.

Shock. Logan never thought he’d see his tequila girl again. Betrayal. She hadn’t even given him her real name. Unfortunately, with highways closed and hotels full, he has only one choice: to bring Shay home with him.

But this time, fate decides to give them more than a single night.

By morning, they’re trapped by one of the worst floods Estes Park has ever seen. Shay and Logan join the rescue effort, but as the water rages and danger rises, so does the attraction between them.

When disaster tips the balance between duty and desire, and secrets float to the surface, can they risk their hearts as easily as they’ve risked their lives?

237 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 5, 2019

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About the author

Rebecca Sharp

66 books1,904 followers
**Healing Heartaches One Alpha at a Time**
I’m a dentist by day and author by night!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
December 5, 2019
<3 4 STARS <3

This is my first book from this author and I really enjoyed it!It was fast paced and I loved how Shay and Logan met!They were flirting and they were intense.The story was great and the romance is steamy!

I liked Shay, she is badass and strong heroine!Logan is sexy and protective!The story starts with them meeting and spending a night together then after 6 years they meet again.But things aren't the same, Shay's life has change a lot and she goes to the place she felt as her home .I loved seeing Shay and Logan and how their relationship developed!

This was a great read, and I'm definitely going to check her other books!I highly recommend it if you are looking for a badass heroine, a sexy hero and a steamy romance!


Profile Image for Nadine Bookaholic.
3,644 reviews466 followers
December 5, 2019
I love the concept behind this series, the author is taking some of her favorite country songs and writing full length standalone novels based on them, this one is inspired by Dan + Shay's song, Tequila!

I loved this book, it was hot and sexy and it was raw and real. I have always enjoyed Dr. Rebecca Sharp's writing style whether it was a taboo romance or a sports romance she has a way of pulling me into her world and making me feel like I am right there witnessing everything even the trembling breaths. This book made me fall in love with her work all over again, I would definitely recommend this book to adults that enjoy contemporary romances.

You can see my full review along with a GIVEAWAY here: https://nadineisobsessedwithbooks.blo...

tequila by rebecca sharp

**I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books** 

You can see this and other Reviews I have written along with various cover reveals, excerpts, and giveaways here Nadine's Obsessed with Books
November 24, 2019
"And I was going to take my one magical night higher, farther, faster, and for as long as I could make it before reality traded in my glass slippers for combat boots and my ballgown for a bomber jacket in the morning."

I love the concept of a book series based on favorite country songs. It just so happens that I've listened to Tequila by Dan & Shay many times and could not stop hearing it in my head every time the characters mentioned drinking it and the jokes that followed.

The pilot and the park ranger had a memorable night together. So memorable that 6 years later they were still thinking about each other. Though they never thought they'd actually see each other again. So, it was a surprise when she discovered he still lived in Colorado. It was almost like her rental car drove itself, without her making a conscious decision to go there.

This time she didn't have her girlfriend there to warn her of "Ranger Danger!" and he'd given up drinking Tequila after she left. What was it gonna take to soften him up towards her? She was afraid to tell him what had brought her back, worried that he would turn her away. She could tell that he was still attracted to her, but he was fighting it. He didn't trust her.

In the midst of all her emotional turmoil over her feelings for him she was thrown into a crisis she couldn't ignore. Her training came in handy and they worked together to rescue people in the incredibly dangerous and life-threatening floodwaters. They gained a new respect for each other that just made their attraction even stronger.

I was a nervous wreck waiting for her to admit what she'd been keeping from him. Even though I knew in the back of my head I was reading a romance novel, I couldn't help being anxious about his reaction. I kinda have a girl crush on her, and I didn't him rejecting my girl, you know? She'd worked so hard and come so far.

I was totally invested in the rescue drama as it played out. Hanging on the edge as I waited and worried about the victims. Excited every time someone was saved. This story is the whole package. Sweet, sexy, and suspenseful. I enjoyed the hell out of it and can't wait to learn what the next country song will be. The line forms here...
Profile Image for KDRBCK.
6,345 reviews50 followers
November 26, 2019
Tequila by Rebecca Sharp is a stand alone, second chance romance. A fast paced story with twists and turns that kept me reading the book in one sitting.
Shay Covington is a driven woman. The 22 year old just graduated from Air Force Academy in Colorado and is about to become one of the few female fighter pilots. She loves hiking and there she meets Park Ranger Logan Daniels. Both spend one night and then she leaves, no further contact. But neither forgot about the other and now, 6 years later fate has a way to right some wrongs.
They reaqauinte or so and there' s still sizzling something something between them. The question is, will Shay leave again??
Tequila is a Country Love Story, set in Colorado, well written and beautifully told. 4,5 stars.
Profile Image for Michaela Dren.
87 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2020
While searching for a new series to start I came across Rebecca Sharp's Country Love series. First book intrigued me so I checked out the blurbs for the rest of the series and realized... I've read this before.

So this series starts with book one having a natural disaster to survive, book two is a wedding planner in NYC and the third book is now about a girl afraid of being killed and falling for a cop who is going to save the day. Check, check, check. I read this series, it was released by A.K. Evans and is The Road Trip series. This is such a blatant copycat series. Authors work far too hard to make reading an enjoyable experience, as a reader it enrages me to see that someone is so willing to rip off these ideas.

Save your time and money and do not waste your time with this series. Look up the original series and give credit to the proper author
Profile Image for Hopelessly Addicted To Books .
3,489 reviews144 followers
December 5, 2019
Rebecca is an author that I never know quite what to expect before I start her books and this one is no different. In Shay the author has written a strong female character I have been longing for. Her drive and determination sits seamlessly beside her femininity. Their first meeting made me laugh and swoon and not just at Logan that girl had moves and she used them lol. I loved the choice of career for the main female character, the more you read of the book you realise it was a deliberate choice. The story has an enpowering message of self worth and striving to be the best. Logan is the bossy possessive alpha man I want standing with me as I fight live and love. I absolutely loved this second chance story it was well written with characters that are easy to fall for.
Profile Image for B.J. Bentley.
Author 22 books207 followers
November 23, 2019
Every time Sharp sends me a book, I swear it's my favorite one. Her stories just get better and better, and I don't even know how that's possible.

Tequila is utter perfection, in my eyes.
Shay is the kind of heroine I want to be or at least be besties with. She's a total badass. She's strong, smart, beautiful, brave, and compassionate.
Logan is handsome, protective, brave, smart, and man enough to love his woman for all that she is without trying to change her. He admires and respects her, and I found that so gosh-darned swoony.

I can't wait for the rest of the books in this series if they make me fall even half as in love with them as I did with Shay and Logan.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews167 followers
December 8, 2019
I have LOVED this very talented author since the very first book that I read by her, and I'm completely addicted. In fact, Dr. Rebecca Sharp is on my list of authors who I don't even read the description anymore because I already know I'll be dying to read any new release, and Tequila is no exception. And this line is everything...

"A pilot, a park ranger, and a bottle of tequila sit down at a bar."
That should tell you that there is fun to be had, and there was, but there was also a big side of angst, some super sexy times, and even edge of my seat excitement with some f-bomb worthy twists to boot. Shay, the Air Force fighter pilot (Can you say bad a**?!), and Logan, the park ranger, spend a super HOT night together! It was so next level that when the story fast forwarded 6 years later, neither had gotten the other out of their head. Neither thought they would see the other, as Shay was in the military & gave a fake name, while Logan was a tad disappointed when she left before he woke up. However, fate loves to take matter into her own hands, and when Shay decides to run from a situation that had shame suffocating her, she goes back to Colorado. Imagine Logan's shock to come face to face with his tequila girl again, and things start to lookup a tiny bit. See, she ended up stranded in town during torrential rains, so he rescues her, and since everything was booked up, Logan, takes her to his place for the night. And still better yet for these two, when they wake up the next day, they're stuck like Chuck because of the worst flooding that Estes Park had ever seen. Now they're in close quarters with no guess as to when they would be able to get out, so that chemistry they had?! Yeah, it's not going to be denied for any length of time. However, she has a secret, and he doesn't trust her, so will they be able to get things out in the open for the chance at something great?! You'll have to one click on Tequila to find out! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!

Profile Image for Jenn the Readaholic.
1,852 reviews54 followers
February 5, 2021
2/18/20 update: it appears that this author is copying ideas from another author book by book for this series. Based on that, I can’t give this book 5⭐️ because I don’t think that the original idea for this book was a song. I think that it was seeing what another author had planned for a series and using that idea, complete with a natural disaster (flood here, blizzard there), to create a dupe series. There are some original thoughts and conversations in this book, but the entire overall plot and idea doesn’t appear to be her own. Downgrading my review to 1⭐️ and that may be generous.


Logan and Shay had one memorable night together. Just one. And it didn’t even end as one might expect, but that night and the memory of who it was shared with stuck in both of their minds for years. Six years, to be exact. And now, Shay’s back for a second chance she didn’t realize she wanted or could ever possibly have. Of course, they just have to survive the week ahead of them first. Logan and Shay both had their issues to work through and both thought that they’d broken the rules that would make them desirable to each other. Luckily, they were flat out wrong. And their time together has the potential to set them up for a fabulous lifetime together.

I’ve come to appreciate this author’s ability to change gears and give us different subjects and stories entirely. Yet again, she didn’t let me down with her latest work. I can’t wait to see where her mind takes us next!
1,267 reviews3 followers
December 5, 2019

Strong male lead, stronger female lead, in service to your country, tequila, romance, sky high lovin' - what more could you want in a book! This book grabbed me from the beginning and took me all the way to the end.

I adored Shay and Logan. Fireworks from their first meeting and drama in natural disaster form and whatever brought Shay back to him six years later.

I highlighted so many passages - here are some non-spoiler ones!!

"I was soaring at twelve-thousand-feet strapped inside his arms and breathing in his steady kiss..."
'They said just one bad night with tequila could ruin the drink forever. I'd never heard how one good night could ruin it, too. And on nights like tonight, I wondered if it had ruined more than just the drink..."
"I don't know about real...But you're still the most incredible woman I've ever met."
"Some people hesitate when they know they might not see something they care about ever again."

This book kept me riveted. I am turning into a Dr. Rebecca Sharp fan! Grab a shot glass, some salt, and a lime - and prepare yourself for a sky high time in Colorado!!

I voluntarily requested and read an advance reader copy.
Profile Image for Lightening.
556 reviews
February 25, 2021
If anyone could pick a song and write a book based on it, it would be Dr. Rebecca Sharp. It was phenomenal! It was so cute and inspiring and all the Easter eggs had me so giddy. It was such a great feel-good romance! Logan and Shay were fire. I could not put it down, I spent all morning reading until I finished it. I absolutely loved it! Rebecca has small town books down to a T. She’s found her niche and it works amazingly for her. She hooks you from the very first page until the very last.

Updated review (2/24/21): I still loved it and all the Easter eggs! Tequila is still my favorite in the Country Love series. The song choice, the plot, it all works beautifully together.
Profile Image for Judith/books.series.forever  .
337 reviews78 followers
December 9, 2019

“Tequila” de Rebecca Sharp es el primer libro de la serie Country Love, standalone. Es un romance contemporáneo, con segundas oportunidades entre una piloto y un guarda forestal. Es mi primer libro de Rebecca Sharp pero sin ninguna duda no va a ser el último.

Hace seis años Shay Covington conoció al sexy Logan Daniels, con unos tragos de tequila y muchas confesiones, pasaron una noche inolvidable. Ahora Shay está de vuelta y encontrarse con Logan le hace recordar esa noche especial. Logan la vio partir, pero ahora está de vuelta y no sabe si esta vez podrá confiar en ella o si nuevamente se vuelva a marchar.

Es un libro sumamente dulce, con dos personajes prácticamente idénticos en pensamientos y con objetivos muy claros. La noche que pasaron juntos seis años atrás fue muy bonita, con momentos en los que ambos estaban acelerando las cosas, y conociéndose muy rápidamente, pero Shay se tuvo que ir. Esa parte me hubiera gustado un poco más de profundidad, hacer la noche más larga y contar un poco más, con detalles.

Por lo demás el libro me encanto. El recuentro fue muy shockeante para ellos y me pareció un poco divertido e inesperado. El personaje de Shay es como a mí me gustan, guerreras con sus metas y sin que nadie le pueda hacer dudar. En cuanto a Logan y su pasado fue muy aclaratorio para conocerle mejor y el porqué de su forma de ser.

Yo era la chica que se parecía a Miss América, pero quería ser Capitán América.

Momentos de vida o muerte hacen que ambos expresen lo que realmente sienten sin miedo alguno, y con ello unos momentos muy hot entre los personajes que hacen subir la temperatura.

"Pasé una noche con ella hace seis años. Ni una palabra desde entonces. Y ahora, esa misma mujer estaba conmigo en mi casa sin nada más que mi ropa"
⚜Rate: ★★★★✩

"Tequila" by Rebecca Sharp is the first book in the Country Love series, standalone. It' s a contemporary romance, with second chances between a pilot and a park ranger. It's my first book by Rebecca Sharp, but it's not going to be the last.

Six years ago, Shay Covington met the sexy Logan Daniels, with a few drinks of tequila, and many confessions, they had an unforgettable night. Now Shay is back, and meeting Logan reminds her of that special night. Logan saw her leave, but now she's back, and he doesn't know if he can trust her this time or if he'll leave again.

It's an extremely sweet book, with two characters practically identical in thoughts and with very clear objectives. The night they spent together six years ago was very beautiful, with times when they were both accelerating things, and getting to know each other very quickly, but Shay had to leave. That part I would have liked a little more depth, make the night longer, with more details.

Otherwise, I loved the book. The reunion was very shocking for them. I found it a little funny and unexpected. Shay's character is the way I like, warriors with their goals, no one can make her doubt. As for Logan and his past, it was very enlightening to know him better, and the reason for his personality.

I was the girl who looked like Miss America but wanted to become Captain America instead

Moments of life or death make them both express what they feel without any fear and with it some very hot moments between the characters that make the temperature rise.

“I’d spent one night with her six years ago. No word since. And now, that very woman was stranged with me in my house wearing nothing but my clothes”
⚜Rate: ★★★★✩
Profile Image for Fleur.
3,308 reviews25 followers
November 27, 2019
You get drawn into the story right from the get go with Shay aka BaE being so driven to reach her goals and not let anything get in her way and Logan a delicious looking Park Ranger who lives and breaths by 3 rules. A chance encounter and one night leaves both moving on but never forgetting the other. 6 years later life drastically changes for Shay and she back in the once place that she felt at home at and also means she may bump into Logan again. There is plenty of attraction, passion, heartbreak, suspense and crazy weather to keep you turning the pages while falling for Shay and Logan even more as their relationship evolves, but be warned there will be tension and the worry that maybe things can never go back to how they were the first night they met!
Profile Image for Rina's Reads.
1,541 reviews34 followers
December 3, 2019
Rebecca is an amazing author. Her ability to draw you in right from the beginning never ceases to amaze me.
Shay and Logan's insta-lust story was fraught with drama, deception and many more trials along the way. But their connection was tangible, undeniable and real. I could talk about this book for days - the imagery in my mind was so clear. I will sum it up as: A quick and easy read that left me warmhearted.
Profile Image for Laura.
421 reviews11 followers
December 15, 2019
"Higher. Farther. Faster". So much Carol Danvers vibes!!! I loved the story so much and my only wish was for it to have been longer so I could know more about other characters and have more of a slow burn but anyway, I'm on my way to hear the song that inspired the book!
Profile Image for Cassidy (cassidyreads).
413 reviews80 followers
December 6, 2019
A fun, short romance story! This was my first read by Rebecca Sharp and I absolutely loved it.
The beginning of the story started out when Shay graduated from school and she goes out to celebrate. While out celebrating, Shay comes across Logan and literally won’t take his eyes off of her. After one amazing night between the two, Shay leaves and doesn’t return for 6 years.
This story has a tiny bit of hate to love, angst, second chance at love and great characters. Logan and Shay are so cute together, their connection is undeniable. Shay is the strong, independent women who fights for wants she wants in life. Logan is the extremely sweet park ranger, who not only stole Shay’s heart but mine as well😂😍
November 25, 2019
Well this is the best start to a series ever! 5 starts is not nearly enough for this sweet romance! A strong fearless independent woman and a silent strong but kind hearted man means a whole lot of heat and desire!

Shay and Logan’s meeting was not intended but was designed by fate! Though the timing was off it didn’t mean it wasn’t meant to be it just meant it wasn’t their time! When Shat find herself facing the mountain man again she knows she never wants to leave but is Logan feeling everything she feels and can she have it all this time!?

I fell head over heals for these two and I love what Sharp has started! I can’t wait to see what else comes from her country inspiration and hopefully I see my fave turned into a book ❤️
Profile Image for Jamie Lee Zonneveld.
1,473 reviews47 followers
December 1, 2019
Tequila is the first book in a new series, Country Love, by dr. Rebecca Sharp. I really liked the story of Shay and Logan. This story was sweet, hot and full of love. Can't wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Katie Silvi .
475 reviews17 followers
December 5, 2019
With every book Sharp writes, she gets better and better. I dont care what she writes, if she writes it I'm going to read it!

From the second I opened this book, to the second I finished this book, I was consumed. Sharp has this amazing ability to pull me to where real life ceases to exist.

It's a tantalizing storm of epic.

I've spent the entire day trying to put words into this review and I'm still at a loss. Other than screaming 'it's so damn good, go read it'. But......ITS SO DAMN GOOD!!!!! GO READ IT!!!!!
Profile Image for Catarina.
138 reviews
October 22, 2021
4.5* Not to sound like a broken record, but THIS SERIES OWNS MY ENTIRE HEART!!! The concept behind it is super creative, and I love that the author incorporates not only the lyrics into the prose, but also the musicians' names into the characters'.

I liked Shay a lot. She was passionate, driven, independent and strong —much like Thea from Ready to Run. The book started after her graduation as an Air Force pilot, then even became Captain, which!!!!! YES QUEEN. A true BOSS *cough* or BaE *cough*. Her dream was to always fly high(er), and feared being stopped. Contrary to what I felt in RtR, I also loved Logan, our Park Ranger hottie. Shay described him as "her mountain man" a lot, and though that was physically accurate, he was a teddy bear at heart. Though he could be a possessive alpha, he was loving, caring and kind. He fell in love with Shay for who she was, even before he knew her real name. Everyone in the area respected him, and knew no one would be able to do a better job than him. I also found his/ his family's backstory super interesting.

"Maybe seeing forever in his eyes and hearing always in his voice was ridiculous. But it wasn't wrong."

I'm usually not up for insta-love, but Shay and Logan's chemistry was so special from that very first night (they went freaking stargazing!!!), and they felt it too. And I think that's why it felt so genuine that they hadn't been able to properly move on after 6 years apart. Of course Logan was hurt, and they had things to work through, but I appreciated the way the author handled it. The forced proximity and feelings talk. Going from "Losing her without nothing between us was hard enough. I wasn't willing to find out if something could be worse" to "I would rather have her and lose her than never have her at all". Also chapter 8????? Barry's rescue mission??? THIS BOOK DESERVES A MOVIE/ TV ADAPTATION FOR THAT SCENE ALONE. I'm in awe.

The "moral" of this story hit home for me. Relationships aren't meant for holding you back. You can fly as high as you want but still have someone there for you, whether to catch you if you fall or just waiting for you when you decide it's time to land.

At first I found a flood to be a random setting for a romance, but apparently it's based on a real catastrophe that took place in that area, and some tragic events described were inspired by survivors' experiences which I thought was cool. And though I liked the ending and the low drama, I just wish we'd gotten more insight on what Logan was up to in the future, career-wise.
Profile Image for Ellie.
541 reviews149 followers
March 15, 2020

Nope. Not for me. Probably fine for others, but I'm looking for more than this book can be.

Also, it had problems for me that I'm no longer willing to suffer through in my books.

Once again, I need more of a reason than sexual attraction as proof a couple should be together, and I can find nothing between these characters other than lust. There was no wanting to learn about each other for too long. They were mutually turned on. No other signs of compatibility.

But their shallow 'connection' wasn't why I tapped out - the heroine was. Didn't like her, was never going to. Anyone who knows my reviews knows I bang on about the lack of strong female characters. I reckon Shay is the writer's expression of a strong woman. But being strong doesn't mean being an annoying bitch. Shay stood on my last nerve from the outset and she wasn't written like her arrogant selfishness was a character flaw. If it had been, I might have warmed to her. Being strong doesn't mean reminding us that women can do what men can do. In this case, be a fighter pilot. Shay was such a...well, cliché.

I didn't intend to make a rhyme there, but no other word works.

Anyway, her inner monologue almost could have passed for a cocky young male were it not interspersed with how she was better than any male, that she had a lot to prove, that she was so gorgeous to boot and instead of being Miss America she was Captain America 😑. She was annoying as hell, and didn't care who she walked on or pushed aside to meet her goals. There wasn't a single thing I liked about her. Assertive has clearly been confused here with aggressive and even abrasive. In addition, she was too bloody prideful and people like that never think they are wrong.

I had enough at 50%. I was never going to like her, and I wasn't going to respect Logan for being so into her.

The other thing that I didn't like had to do with research - or the lack thereof regarding a key aspect to Shay's character. That would be the repeated referral to her as a soldier. I'm originally from Scotland and even I know that 'soldier' is not interchangeable for all the US military branches. A soldier is a member of the Army, not the Air Force. Or Navy, or Marines. Addressing a service person as 'soldier' when they are not Army is probably insulting. It's definitely ignorant, and I can't be arsed with ignorant writers.

Get it right.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,432 reviews169 followers
December 2, 2019
"Stopping meant one more opportunity for judgement to be passed on how a woman had come so far. On why I said what I said or did what I did. One more opportunity for them to put up roadblocks why a woman couldn't do more."

Rebecca Sharp's new book, Tequlia is absolute perfection!! Based off the song by Dan & Shay, this incredibly talented author takes two people who met six years prior, had an amazing and intense connection, and gives them a second chance at love.

Shay is a badass female Air Force Pilot. She is everything my feminist loving heart wants in an heroine: someone hell bent on making her own path in a male dominated field and proving that she's not only just as good, but she's better than the men who mock her for daring to choose such a dangerous career. She has a big heart, but often uses logic over emotion, and never once thought shed find something or someone worth staying on the ground for.. until she meets the park ranger, Logan, the day before she is stationed off overseas.

These two form such a bond over a bottle of Tequlia, and Logan -- who is known for following the rules in life-- never thought he could fall in love in one night. But when he wakes up and the woman of his dreams vanished, he convinces himself that what they shared couldn't have been that powerful if she ran away... until they are face to face six years later.

When Shay's career take a a nose dive (no pun intended) to no fault of her own, she comes back to the only place she has ever felt she wanted to put down roots, and hopefully see the man who haunts her dreams. When a powerful storm brings the two of them in close quarters, their connection is once again too big to ignore, but will Shay's leaving all those years ago make Logan refuse to open his heart to her? And what will happen when the notorious rule follower learns what happened with Shay's career?

This book is INTESNE, y'all. Their connection, chemistry, sexy times, all of it melted my kindle!! But the delicious longing these two had for each other took the cake! I love some angst in my romances, and this had the perfect amount! I love how Shay wanted to break barriers in her career but also realised she didn't have to sacrifice a chance at love to do so. I loved how Logan never wanted to clip her wings -- all he wanted was to be next to her while he watched her soar. Gosh, these two were just amazing!! And throw in Shay and Logan saving the townspeople from a wicked storm flood, along with multiple heroic moments by both of them, this is by far my favorite book by this author!!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions!!**
Profile Image for PP's Bookshelf.
2,383 reviews371 followers
December 1, 2019
Tequila by Rebecca Sharp was an absolutely unique and refreshing romance. Everything in this story screamed breathtaking and incredible. The amazing and totally different storyline. Some of the most memorable and stunning characters I have read this year. And of course Rebecca Sharp's stunning writing that made me feel every crazy, deep , intense and swoonworthy feelings!

Shay Covington is the most daring, courageous, honourable and smart woman ever. She has worked harder than any man to reach a prestigious place in US Army as a premium fighter plane pilot. But some unfortunate incidents force her to go on leave. With a heart heavy with guilt, shame, pain and disappointment; she comes to hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. A place where she met the most dreamy and delicious man of her life for one night years back. What will happen when a massive flood will get her stranded and in the orbit of the same man? Because Ranger Logan Daniels has not exactly forgiven her for leaving after one stunning night of tequila and kissing under stars.

Ranger Logan Daniels is a fine man from every aspect. He is gorgeous. He is funny, charming and protective with a golden heart. He is always working to make the nature better and help people in need. Shay hit him in his soft spot but he still took care of the woman he could not forget. They have a great chemistry. They worked side by side like partners. I loved how Logan encouraged Shay and made her soar in love rather than binding her and pulling her down. Shay did the same for this infuriating, gorgeous and adorable guy. They had so much pent up longing, desire and frustration inside for years. And Rebecca Sharp's words will make you feel the full impact of the explosion. The passion was steaming hot. And the romance ranges from angsty to swoony to intense to heartbreaking to soul deep. Both of them become better person by loving each other. And the ending was so brilliant. Tears and goosebumps for me.

The flood in the park with all the destruction and devastating loss was brought to life beautifully. In present state of global warming, this story reminded me once again about the cruel and raw power of Mother Nature to change everything in blink of an eye. The horrors and also the hopeful miracle happened side by side in this very realistic and important depiction of a natural disaster. A very important and pertinent message indeed.

Rebecca Sharp always has something truly special to offer in each of her books. Tequila was no exception. It was a superbly written sweet, steamy and exceptional romance.

Received ARC for Honest review
336 reviews5 followers
December 8, 2019
A sweet romantic story with a beautiful message! Reminding us that, “Real heroes make mistakes. Real heroes pick themselves back up and keep going because who they are meant to be is greater than the mistakes they’ve made.”

As a female Air Force fighter pilot, Shay has spent a lifetime fighting against odds to prove she is worthy, to prove to all girls that you can do anything you want.
She followed every rule, living by a rigid code to reach her goals.
“Higher, farther, faster”
One night she let it all go, just to be a girl, a human without expectations or rules. That’s when she met him.

“Even his voice sounded like it was made from a mountain, all rocky and strong.”

All she allowed herself is, “One tequila. One dance. One kiss. One night.”
As a park ranger in the Estes National Park, Logan, loves his job and he’s good at it. But it wasn’t always that way. He’s really there to right some wrongs.

Logan and Shay both live by rules with high expectations. Expectations that will teach them life lessons. It’s what they do with those lessons that will define them. But when Shay hits a bump in the road and loses everything she’s worked for, she’s knocked for a loop. She finds herself back in the one place she never thought she would go.

“When the moment came- the one where I flew too high and scorched the tips of my wings against the sun- I fell back down here, in Colorado, hoping he would catch me.”

They both knew that one night they had was something special, something neither could ignore, but she just walked away. Logan wasn’t ready to accept her back, she’d hurt him and he wasn’t willing to trust again. Especially knowing once the storm was gone, she would be too.

“Trusting her would put him back into the same position he was the night they meet. Where I’d loose someone I hadn’t realized I needed.”

Before these two can resolve their relationship, they need to work on themselves. Turns out Logan has some ghosts to face as well. They will have to face their issues, forgive themselves and understand what real heroes are.

Very entertaining story! Well written with a sense of humor!

I read an ARC of this story. My fair and honest review is voluntary.
Profile Image for Carolina León.
121 reviews62 followers
December 3, 2019
You will never fell disappointed with Rebecca's writing. Her stories are capable to transform your entire day into an intoxicating, addictive and breathtaking rollercoaster of emotions.

But be aware. This is one hell of a ride.
"Higher. Farther. Faster"

Shay is the perfect definition of Women's Empowerment. With a fearless spirit and all her life-determination decisions through the disadvantages she has to face, she is, by far one of my favorite, FAVORITE characters this year.

Rebecca Sharp did an extraordinary job with the character development. I was completely fascinated by Shay's personality. Her main goal in life was to achieve her dreams. To be the best even if she had to leave everything behind. She made us see that sacrifices are there for a reason but happiness comes to us a very few times.

"She tasted like tequila and truth-the most potent and most dangerous combination"

What can I say about Logan without asking Rebecca to give me one just like him? Lol

Logan is also one of my favorite male characters this year. I was so enthralled by him and Shay's explosive love story that I wanted to read more and more about them even when I read the last page.

He was a perfect gentleman and loyal to the bone. He didn't expect to find Shay and share that intriguing and intense chemistry, but he was ready to explore it but not forgetting about the rules that made him who he was.

I cannot say enough about this story. Everything was a perfect mix of excellent writing, great pace, flawless world building and extraordinary characters. This author keeps reminding us that we are capable of greatness and all we have to do is chase what we want no matter what others may think or say. We are the owners of our past, present and future.

"Our mistakes don't define us, it's what we do in their wake that does"
Profile Image for Avidez Literaria.
534 reviews26 followers
December 8, 2019
“I never expected for twelve-thousand feet to change me in this way—to start my heart rather than stop it.”

What happens when an Air Force pilot meets a park ranger? What if we put several doses of tequila into the equation, explosive chemistry and a date with the stars as witness? Falling in love will be inevitable. But the happy ending will not be guaranteed.
Shay just graduated from the Academy. Being a pilot has always been her dream. Everything she endured and gave up finally got her recognition. Nothing can stop her. The sky is the limit. Her mantra, “higher, farther, faster” is what guides her.
Logan has had several homes in recent years, but is now in Colorado. Seeking to remedy past mistakes, he lives by some rules: don't steal, don't lie, don't cheat.
When they meet, Shay has just graduated and has to leave soon. But she doesn't tell him who she is or what she does. And so, after a beautiful night, she disappears. Until six years later, fate and a flood decide to reunite them.
With the mountains and beautiful landscapes of Colorado shrouded in water, rather than solving personal problems, these two have a hard work to go rescuing the needy. And in extreme situations, in the midst of total destruction, a near-death experience will draw them closer.
The reading is fluid, the book is relatively short, Logan has the potential to be your next crush, and Shay is Wonder Woman in the flesh. A different and enjoyable read.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest Review *

Profile Image for Mackenzie Bibliophile.
342 reviews11 followers
December 3, 2019
There is a reason I keep going back to anything written by Rebecca Sharp, her writing is amazing! I get sucked in within a chapter or two. Basically, as soon as I have met the two main characters and get the gist of what the story is about, I am on board. I picked up Tequila and thought I would read a chapter or two when I had some free time and then suddenly, I was 9 chapters in and flipping those pages faster and faster. Shay’s strength was palpable, working in a predominantly male world and fighting every stereotype thrown at her and coming out of top was a thrill to read. That is part of why I return to this author again and again, I love how she writes a strong female. Finding the balance of strength without being b*tchy and softness without being a pushover. Shay was a perfect mix of having a real drive and still wanting more from her personal life. It might have taken almost disaster but I the end it proved worth it.

If a strong, well written female isn’t enough let me introduce you to Ranger Logan. I loved this man! He was a rugged alpha park ranger, he commanded your attention except he was not domineering. I loved that even though he wanted Shay he never stood in her way to succeed and do what she felt was right. Never crossed his mind, instead he fully supported her dreams and her drive to help others.

When the two are pushed into a situation that forced them to work together and face what was left behind them all those year ago there is no denying their passion nor their chemistry. I flew through Tequila, it was a one day read for me because I could not put it down! Highly recommend for anyone looking for a sweet, feel good romance with a twist of danger throughout!

Profile Image for Cassie May.
Author 10 books86 followers
December 2, 2019
Reviewed on behalf of 3 Degrees of Fiction Blog
Oh my, what a freaking ride this book was.
I mean, I expected a lot. I had seen teasers and got the cover and the blurb and yeah, I admit, I did not think that an author could hold up the hipe and fulfill what was promised with the marketing. But she did. And the teasers were perfect. They showed the heart and soul of the book without spoilers and made me want to dive into the book immediately.
I was hooked as soon as I read the first words. Shay was a great character. Strong, without being too arrogant, feminine without being a bitch and stubborn without forgetting that sometimes life means compromises. Logan on the other hand was masculine without being too alpha a-holish. Lovely without being whiny and just plain great for the way he treated Shay. I loved how their second chance played out and how both characters had to fight their own rules to become a better person, a better fit for the other. Together they were just adorable and i had to laugh so hard about their bickering and antics.
The plot itself was exciting and the suspense kept me reading till the very last word. I liked how easy the writing style was without being too simple. I was just right to keep me interested and lead me through the story. When I read the afterword, I was astonished to read that the catastrophe was inspired by something real. I did not hear about that and yet, I felt with these poor people and hoped for Shay to get all of them out of it unharmed.
Profile Image for Penny -Thecatladybooknook.
645 reviews30 followers
December 5, 2019
I was honored to receive an eARC of this book for review. I really enjoyed this new adult romance book. I will definitely be reading more from Dr. Sharp.

The story was fast-paced and exciting. I loved the angst and heat between Logan and Shay, as well as the military aspect. I think it gave a certain depth to both characters being torn between their careers and being their best at those while figuring out their love for each other. I love how they figured out what was REALLY important in life. Both characters are really relateable.

Shay has just graduated from the Air Force Academy and goes hiking with her friend, Zoe. Logan is a Park Ranger who comes upon them. Things start to heat up that one night they have together. Shay leaves for flight school but she never forgets what she left back in Colorado.
Profile Image for Emma.
340 reviews
December 5, 2019
This book tells the story of fighter pilot Shay and park ranger Logan. The pair met 6 years ago and spent the night together. Both felt the instant spark and attraction. And both wanted more. But Shay has her sights set on being the best pilot and although she wanted Logan, she knew it wouldn’t work. Logan has never forgotten about the beautiful blonde he met one night in a bar and shared tequila with. The same beautiful blonde who never called him.
Six years later the pair are forced together and this is where the sparks fly. That initial attraction is still there and stronger than ever. Logan is so, so dreamy, and he’ll have you swooning over him!
I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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