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The Next Door Duet #2

The Boy Next Door

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From USA Today bestselling author, Jennifer Sucevic, comes a sexy, new stand-alone novel. I’ve spent more years than I care to admit crushing hard on Colton Montgomery. The blond, blue-eyed hottie leaves a trail of broken hearts in his wake wherever he goes. Mine being one of them. Just when I’d decided to cut my losses and move on, he appeared out of nowhere and swept me off my feet. It had all seemed like a fairytale until he dumped me.
Through text message, no less.
Eighteen months and one study abroad program later, I’ve returned to Wesley University to finish out my senior year.
And Colton?
He’s nothing more than a regrettable mistake I’d prefer to forget. Or so I tell myself. It only takes one run-in to realize that my feelings for him aren’t as dead and buried as I’d thought. Nope, they’re still there, simmering dangerously beneath the surface.
He wants a second chance to make things right.
That’s not going to happen.
But Colton has other ideas.
And part of me is afraid that if he actually puts his mind to it, he’ll end up changing mine.


Published April 6, 2021

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About the author

Jennifer Sucevic

72 books1,454 followers
Jennifer is the USA Today Bestselling Author of King of Campus. She currently resides in Michigan with her husband, kids, a dog named Rocky, and a kitten named Lily. After pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in History from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology also from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, she spent five years working as a high school counselor before moving out of state with her family. She enjoys reading, writing, and traveling. Please contact Jennifer at jmolitor6@hotmail.com. Connect with Jennifer on facebook- https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.suc... or check her out on Wattpad- https://www.wattpad.com/user/jsucevic. Jennifer can also be found on Tumblr at jsucevic (inspiration board).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for ✨ Lucy ✨.
327 reviews89 followers
April 1, 2021
“Deep down, I know she’s the one girl who has the ability to weasel her way into my heart, and that’s the last thing I want”

It’s the first time I read something from this author, and I have to say that I’m not disappointed , not at all.

This story was such a page-turner , I think I finished it in less than 3 hours .

Colton and Alyssa story is filled with passion , feelings and so much more.

Their journey wasn’t easy , it go through childhood , high school and then college .

“Colton Montgomery has been my kryptonite for as long as I can remember “

It was attraction at first sign for both of them, but then It became so much more. So much that sometimes those strong feelings could scare you away.

Until you make one terrible mistake that could cost you the only person that can make you feel really alive.

One text messages and everything blows away.

“Colton and I are like two trains on the same track destined for a head-on collision”

But no matter the time, no matter the distance , you can’t win against fate . If it’s meant to be , there’s no way out. And Colton just realized it, now he has to prove her wrong.

The chemistry was undeniable , it was like fireworks .

“He’s ripped down the walls I carefully erected between us, one brick at a time. It’s exactly what I was afraid would happen”

I really enjoyed all of it.

I gave it 4 stars

I hope you’ll enjoy it like I did!

-->MY BLOG<--

Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,674 reviews888 followers
June 18, 2021
Unfortunately, I didn't care for this book at all. It has no depth, the characters are lacking in way to many areas, and frankly the heroine comes off as weak. I couldn't stand the hero either but that wasn't the worst part of the story. For me, I like backstories, friendships, and characters who come off as realistic and that simply wasn't the case for this one. The lack of depth in the story is the worst thing about it too. Overall, this was a big letdown for me.
Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,591 reviews89 followers
May 8, 2021
El libro debió llamarse "Cómo pisotear el corazón de una chica en un solo paso"

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers

•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen

The Boy Next Door de Jennifer Sucevic


He pasado más años de los que me gustaría admitir enamorada de Colton Montgomery. El bombón rubio de ojos azules deja un rastro de corazones rotos a su paso donde quiera que vaya.

El mío es uno de ellos.

Justo cuando había decidido cortar mis pérdidas y seguir adelante, apareció de la nada y me sorprendió. Todo había parecido un cuento de hadas hasta que me dejó.

A través de mensaje de texto, nada menos.


Dieciocho meses y un programa de estudios en el extranjero después, regresé a la Universidad de Wesley para terminar mi último año.

¿Y Colton?

No es más que un lamentable error que preferiría olvidar. O eso me digo a mí mismo. Solo hace falta un encuentro para darme cuenta de que mis sentimientos por él no están tan muertos y enterrados como pensaba.

No, todavía están allí, hirviendo peligrosamente bajo la superficie.
Quiere una segunda oportunidad para hacer las cosas bien.

Eso no va a suceder.

Pero Colton tiene otras ideas.

Y una parte de mí tiene miedo de que si realmente se lo propone, termine cambiando la mía.

Mí humilde opinión:

Lo primero... El nombre de este libro está mal, lo tiene equivocado, no sé cómo debió llamarse pero Mí vecino de alado? No le queda bien.

Segundo... No sé cómo me permití seguir leyendo luego de haber conocido a Colton. Había muchas cosas que fueron irritantes en esta historia, era tensión, angustia constantes y tonterías, puedo aguantar un poco de eso en el género YA pero no tanto, mí corazón no es tan duro.

Ahora viene mí descargo, no sé si tendrá sentido porque lo sacaré todo fuera según voy recordando lo que más me molestó.

Detesto la actitud del protagonista masculino de 'Es mía. Siempre ha sido mía.' Pero para, Colton estuviste con todas las chicas de la escuela y tienes la caraduria de decir que Alyssa es tuya y que no puede estar con nadie más? Y luego estaba el 'Tuve a muchas chicas pero nadie como como ella', esto se repitió mucho. Me quedó claro como el cristal que eres un mujeriego Colton!

No podía creer que Alyssa estuviera tan cegada por un chico que no veía o no quería ver la manera en que la trataba! Que Colton podía tener a cualquier chica pero la escogió a ella y que no quería ponerse muy pesada con él con la relación porque tenía miedo de espantarlo, ESPERA, ¿QUÉ? Chica, te quieres al menos un poco?

'Si tuviera algo de cerebro me mantendría lejos de Colton'... Esta frase era repetitiva, parece que no había algo más que poner, porque si la heroína se repetía esto quizás se haría respetar más pero no, no parecía tener nada de cerebro.

Lo peor vino y seguía viniendo... Colton, como un cobarde cortó la relación de seis meses con Alyssa por mensaje de texto!? QUÉ IMBÉCIL DESGRACIADO! Sabía lo que hacía, que estuvo mal, que ella no se merecía eso, SE CUESTIONABA SI LO QUE HIZO ESTUVO BIEN!? SE SENTÍA MAL Y CONFUNDIDO? No, aquí era Alyssa la que debería sentirse como la mierda no él!

Tras romperle el corazón a esta chica, él siguió su vida como si nada, acostándose con otras con la excusa de que lo hacía para sacarse a Alyssa de la mente porque él no puede amar a nadie por un problema de abandono.

Un año y medio después, Colton, continúa actuando como si nada, hasta me pareció que ni se acuerda de Alyssa que se tuvo que ir a Londres por un tiempo de intercambio.

Alyssa regresa de Londres para empezar un nuevo año de universidad. Ella y su amiga terminan siendo vecinas de Colton y su amigo Beck. Para mí consternación, actúa como si nada hubiera pasado entre ellos y le dice si pueden ser amigos!? Enserio!? Después de lo que le hizo?

Ufff y se vuelve a mencionar con cuantas chicas tuvo sexo luego de la ruptura. Y esto me hizo pensar que de verdad terminó con ella para acostarse con otras porque eso fue justo lo que hizo cuando la dejó, así que me daba risa cuando le decía que no lo hizo por eso.

A mitad del libro, luego de seducir a Alyssa (al parecer Alyssa es débil cuando él le pone las manos encima, no me cabe en la cabeza cómo tiene sexo con él con todo lo que le hizo) y perseguirla para que le vuelva a dar otra oportunidad, ella se rinde a la atracción y le da otra oportunidad. Pero ojo, ella no deja de pensar que es una mala idea, esta chica me hacía rechinar los dientes!

Colton de la nada quiere demostrarle que no es el mismo de antes! Pienso que la gente puede cambiar pero yo no vi cambiar a Colton durante la historia como para creerle. Solo porque Alyssa ya no lo persigue como cachorro y teme que ella siga adelante, la invita a cenar, cocinando su comida y postre favoritos, tengo que creer que es un hombre cambiado!? Ahora que lo pienso, si ella se sorprende porque le cocinó y no lo reconoce, qué clase de novio era cuando empezaron a salir? Nunca dio detalles de eso pero parece que Colton nunca la trató como se merecía. Nunca la dejó entrar en su vida realmente, nunca le presentó a sus padres!

Colton sigue metiendo la pata, la tensión y la angustia continúa, pasando la mitad del libro aparece su madre que es la razón por la que es un gran idiota no se permite amar, hay mucho drama, dolor y arrepentimientos.

No había un amor bonito aquí, Alyssa y Colton eran un sube y baja loco, lo que me resultó difícil de leer porque esperaba alguna escena en la que al fin estuvieran en la misma página. Solo tuve un descanso en el epílogo!

Quisiera leer el libro de Mia la amiga de Alyssa y Beck el amigo de Colton, The girl Next door pero si es algo parecido a este me quiero ahorrar la agonía.
Profile Image for Elle Knight.
119 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2021
This book was okay but I felt like something was missing. Maybe it was because I never really felt Colton redeemed himself. Alyssa was waaaay too accepting / forgiving for me, but it worked for her character. Personally, I'm not a fan of heroes sleeping with other women during separation if the heroine isn't. That double standard bullshit gets old fast....at least for me. That's only my personal opinion, though. Others are free to feel, think and review how they want. I think my main issue with this book was there didn't really seem to be any real depth or character growth for Colton. Alyssa was likeable and I appreciated that she really did try to move on from him so at least there's that.

Fans of NA are more than likely going to love this.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
416 reviews47 followers
Shelved as 'nope-nope-nope'
April 8, 2021
Celibate heroine and manwhore 🙄
Profile Image for christyheartsbooks.
1,126 reviews30 followers
April 6, 2021

Alyssa has had a crush on Colton since her sophomore year of high school and for six glorious months their sophomore year of college she finally tames Colton. Everything is perfect for both of them until he suddenly breaks up with her via text. So Alyssa flees the states and goes to London for a year long dance program. When she returns she is determined to avoid Colton, finish out her senior year and never see him again. Easier said than done when Colton is her new neighbor and he refuses to give up on her.

Colton is your typical jock campus player guy. He made zero qualms about loving all the ladies. Alyssa is a take no BS dancer who while having a hopeless crush on Colton but doesn't sit around waiting for him. I loved her strength throughout this book. I love that she moved on and tried to push Colton out of her life. Especially loved when she went all agro on him getting in his face. Loved her spunk. She really carried the book for me. I am not sure that Colton really redeemed himself of his douchey behavior and how he treated Alyssa. I think there was too much focus on the back story and not enough on his development. But don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book and would recommend it. I read it pretty quickly once my family left me alone to enjoy it. Now I need to read The Girl Next Door.
Profile Image for currently being delulu .
409 reviews130 followers
April 7, 2021
Jesus Christ why is this book even a thing?

Yeah let me read about some chick who goes back to her man whore x boyfriend who fucked around a lot when they broke up

While she stayed good and pure and suddenly became asexual

Pleaseeeee fuck of with that shit
Profile Image for Caroline F.
2,216 reviews43 followers
June 21, 2021
”Deep down I know she’s the one girl who has the ability to weasel her way into my heart, and that’s the last thing I want.”

When Alyssa Williams was fourteen, she set her sights on Colton Montgomery. However, he was never interested in a relationship – he much preferred to play the field – even though his attraction to Alyssa was just as strong as the one she felt for him. When they end up at the same college, Colton’s still holding out on her, until he reaches breaking point and gives in to temptation and his overriding desire for this one girl that he just can’t stop thinking about. Unfortunately, when things get a bit too close for comfort for him, he breaks her heart. Two years later, he realises that he could lose her forever and pulls out all the stops to convince her that he’s changed and that he wants forever with her. However, he has his work cut for him, as Alyssa is pretty gun-shy about giving her heart to him again.

”I’ve spent years running away from the one girl I’ve always longed for, and I can’t do it any longer.”

So, this was a pretty emotional but steamy read. Alyssa and Colton had hella hot chemistry – when they were together, nothing else mattered because they were really well-suited. It was the main thing that kept me riveted because they were electric whenever they were within touching distance. Although, I must say that I thought Colton was a self-absorbed jerk and Alyssa was a bit of a doormat. She had no resistance against him! I wanted to shake her, at times, for her weakness when it came to him. Grow some ladyballs, girlfriend! I felt that Colton hurt her unnecessarily. The guy had issues and slept around to ignore his issues – if he had been my boyfriend, there’s no way I would have taken him back! Alyssa deserved heaps better than him but I guess you can’t help who you love. I enjoyed his efforts to get back into her good graces, although he still slipped when it mattered. He was so hung up with what had happened to him in the past that he failed to appreciate what was right in front of his eyes. If you love angsty, sexy NA reads, this is the book for you.

Blog: https://readingwillingable.blogspot.c...

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/review/R3Q1XD7...
Profile Image for Maddie (Bookaholic_Dreamer).
791 reviews57 followers
April 1, 2021
3.75 ⭐️

Alyssa ‘Lys’ Williams is a ballet dancer at college. After studying abroad for Junior year, she is back and ready for her Senior year of college. What she didn’t expect was her next door neighbour to be Colton, her high school crush who broke her heart eighteen months prior (through text). And is now wanting a second chance, what’s a girl to do?

Colton Davidson Montgomery is a college football jock, who broke Alyssa’s heart after not being able to handle the commitment through his own personal issues. But even after time has past, he still can’t stop thinking of her. And now that she is back, he wants a second chance. But will he be able to change her mind into trusting him again?

I am sorry but it has to be said! Both Lys and Colton are stupid and dumb as hell! For reasons alike as well as reasons that differ.

With Lys, I get the heart wants what it wants. And how she has always liked Colton for many years. But the way he dumped her and then went onto have many continuous flings (all of which were thrown in her face) was a sign/reason to forget about him. But the fact that the opposite happened, with her always allowing him to have his way with her, by giving into him easily proved just how weak and pathetic she truly was. And that she had no dignity or self respect, given how easily she was able to cave into him, seemingly forgetting everything he did and caused her to feel.

As for Colton, yes I understand he was going through a lot, by not really dealing with it. That alone was a sign for him to leave well enough alone and work on himself first. But surprise surprise he wasn’t thinking with his brain, more like with the wrong anatomy. Honestly he was selfish, taking what he wanted without giving any thought of the damage he had already caused and continued to do.
I mean for crying out loud, he claimed to love her and miss her, yet he admitted to Lys (while he was in the middle of hooking up with her) that he hooked up with girls to forget her but it didn’t work. And she didn’t even bat an eye when he said that. I’m sorry but really?! Who does or says something like that?
For that and many more reasons, I couldn’t like him. Yes, I felt sorry for him for what he went through in his childhood (something that messed him up bad), but that was no reason to hurt someone else who never did anything to you except show love.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for Second Chance Romances, but with these two characters it was a big NO GO! I am sorry, but Colton never really did redeem himself to be given, deserve or worthy of having a Second Chance Romance. They were toxic for each other, something they couldn't seem to see. Especially considering Lys and Colton never really worked out their issues together. Not properly at least, and the proof is in the ending alone.
Which brings me to the climax and the ending. There didn’t seem to be a climax at all, at least in my opinion. Something I was hoping for, so that it would lead to Colton redeeming himself to be worthy of Lys and their second chance. Instead there is a rushed ending in which well I wasn’t too pleased with.
Although the epilogue did help, with the explanations that are given that I wanted.

With that all said, surprisingly I did still like reading The Boy Next Door (I know sounds contradictory given my review), even if I was mad, annoyed and frustrated throughout. But it is what it is.
If you enjoy Jennifer Sucevic’s books as well as Second Chance Romance books with a lot of constant back and forth, pushing and pulling then I would still recommend.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Read.Review.Repeat Blog.
5,234 reviews96 followers
April 7, 2021
"Every time I finish a Jennifer Sucevic book I wonder why I haven’t read more of them. Simply put they are exceptional. Colton & Alyssa’s story was an absolute page turner. From the very start I was invested in their romance. It makes sense why Colton keeps her at arms length but being a typical boy he cannot handle when someone else sees Alyssa how he sees her. This forces his hand and he finally takes his chance. From this point on my heart was constantly in my throat and I definitely felt everything Alyssa was feeling. To say Colton’s past affects his decisions is an understatement and boy does he make some horrific decisions.
There is so much more I want to say about this book but I know I will give too much away of the storyline. It just needs to be read and enjoyed. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book."
Profile Image for Larissa Rye.
1,207 reviews14 followers
April 5, 2021
Colton was the playboy football player that I loved but also kind of hated. You can’t help but love him but also want to slap him for his man whorish ways. There’s definitely more to his story than I was thinking & I really liked seeing his character develop throughout the book.

I really liked Alyssa throughout most of the book, I will say I did think she was weak when it came to Colton. But I’ve never experienced the connection, chemistry, sparks, love, whatever you want to call it that she had with Colton. Who could ever deny that kind of love?!

A really great read that kept me rooting for these two even when I wanted to smack them both. I really hope we get a Mia & Beck book next!
Profile Image for Kristi.
201 reviews23 followers
June 26, 2021
I didn’t get into this one. I skimmed it. I hated the first 30% where it jumped years- I kept with it but wanted to see them more as a couple rather than the back and forth. 💁🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Flo.
1,761 reviews
March 30, 2021
Loved Alyssa and Carltons story!
Well written with all the feels
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
4,706 reviews45 followers
April 6, 2021
I enjoyed Colton and Alyssa’s story. But there are times where it just felt like she gave in way too fast and easy. I would love it for him to really grovel some more. I liked Alyssa and was rooting for her throughout the book.

As the first book I've read by the author, it was quite enjoyable and this is not the last one I'll read from her.
173 reviews22 followers
July 12, 2023
I really liked the emotions in this story and the MCs' connection, but Alyssa forgave Colton waaay too easily.

The whole premise of the book, based on the blurb, is this: he throws her away like trash, completely devastating her. When she comes back from abroad he wants a second chance, but after the way he did her dirty it's not so easy to redeem himself and win back the affection he had always taken for granted. Based on that, one might expect some heavy groveling from the hero, and some resistance on the heroine's part, yes? I know I did.

Instead, what I got was a lot of disappointing non-groveling, and a lot of posturing, pseudo-resistance from the heroine that folded like a house of cards the minute he touched her. Colton mostly just tried to barge his way into her life, and then he'd finger her or kiss her or some shit, and she'd cave immediately. The only real apologizing he did was just a plain "I'm sorry" once or twice, and the only convincing he did was to say that he's a different person than he was before. How so? That's never demonstrated to her. And considering she thought everything was gravy between them before he randomly decided to treat her like nothing, that's not actually that helpful. And while the reader knows the reason behind his actions, Alyssa takes him back before she gets any kind of real explanation for their original breakup! That means she believed that he And she still took him back? Alyssa eventually learns the underlying issues surrounding their break up, but she had already started things up with him at that point.

Colton fucked every woman he could during their 18 month separation. He explained in his narrative that he was doing it as an attempt to fuck her out of his head. What bothered me about this was that Alyssa never seemed to give a shit. She fucked him without a condom, without a thought given to who else he had slept with. Because she didn't care, he never had to atone, you know?

Alyssa's attempts to give him hell for his actions were mostly just pathetic. The closest she got to saying anything hurtful towards him was when she called him a manwhore. That's not actually that offensive. He wasn't at all sensitive about his sleeping around, so it's not exactly hitting him where it hurts to call attention to it.

I guess I don't get it. She was so, so hurt by Colton. She had laid herself bare with him. And yet, she opened herself up to him again so easily! I wanted her to have more self-respect.

By the way, after what I thought was pretty minor attempts at getting her back, he was already thinking of throwing in the towel. It had only been a couple few weeks at that point. Weak.

I guess I was just expecting more of a road to redemption. But I did really enjoy both characters, and the angst of their story was nice.
Profile Image for Ann Mihailovic.
680 reviews7 followers
April 7, 2021
I have read a few stories by author Jennifer Sucevic and I must say, she excels at writing the college sports romance trope, which is exactly what The Boy Next Door is about. This story is about Colton and Alyssa. Alyssa is a dancer while Colton is a popular football player. These two have known each other since high school and while Alyssa freely displays her attraction and affection for Colton, he denies their chemistry, constantly pushing her away to pursue other girls. That is until they hit college. Now that they're in college and other guys are showing an interest in Alyssa, he can't handle the fact that she too may be interested in them, therefore no longer seeking him out. So what does he do? He finally makes his move. At first their relationship is like a dream come true for both of them until Colton's fears and insecurities get the best of him and he breaks the heart of the only girl he's ever felt for.
Alyssa is mad that she let herself get caught up in Colton, knowing what his track record was like and does the only thing she can to get over him. She leaves to study abroad. A year later Alyssa is back in town, living with her best friend and determined to finish college. But what happens when she finds out that her next door neighbor is the same guy who broke her heart?
Now that Alyssa is back Colton knows that he should leave her alone to get on with her life. But he can't stand the distance at which she keeps him and is intent on apologizing, refusing to leave her alone until she's heard him out. Will Colton ever get another chance to redeem himself or has he broken their bond beyond repair?
This was a great story of second chances and facing your fears and insecurities. I loved the attraction and chemistry between these two characters but I just wished that the heroine would have been a little stronger in guarding her heart and in forgiving Colton so quickly. Overall, another great college romance by Jennifer Sucevic.
Profile Image for Misty (Reds Romance Reviews).
3,166 reviews6 followers
April 5, 2021
His blue eyes get her every time, everything about Colton Montgomery screams heartbreak, but she can't help but want him. He on the other hand acts like she doesn't exist, or have any affect on him at all, so she just drools from a distance, knowing it's never gonna happen. Then one day he notices... and things take a turn she never thought would come!

The Boy Next Door is the story of a girl who fell for a boy who stole her heart and broke it in a matter of months... and now he wants a second chance. For so long Alyssa Williams hoped that Colton would notice her, but he didn't, he was too busy noticing every other girl on campus. Then one day, out the of blue, he took notice, and knocked her world off it's axis. She fell fast and thought they were on the road to a future happily ever after... then it all went up in smoke.

It was pretty evident these two had the makings for a happily ever after, but past hurts and self doubts seem to keep getting in the way. One was pushing the other away, so there was a constant tug o' war happening between them, and you could literally feel the longing between them. But eventually things worked out as it should and tug on the heartstrings lessened and was replaced with something lighter and happier. This was such a wonderfully penned love story, it came with a real feel quality, the characters were easy to connect to, and the emotion on the pages was easily felt. I really enjoyed this one, it squeezed my heart in all the right places, and left me smiling. Highly recommend

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion!
Profile Image for Sharon Moritz-rosenthal.
2,175 reviews25 followers
April 6, 2021
This is book 2 in a series but I never read the first book. The previous book (The Girl Next Door) features the best friends of the the two main characters in this story, Beck and Mia. This is about Colton and Alyssa/Lys.

These two grew up attending the same high school and knew the same people. Lys has always wanted/crushed on Colton and he always knew that but he also knew that had a connection and so tries to avoid her crush at all costs until they end up going to the same college.

At college their friends expand and Colton has to decide if he wants Lys enough that he fights for her heart. I am not going to discuss more than this in the plot because I don't want to spoil anything. Let's just say that the path to their forever story starts Freshman year and continues thru the end of college.

Its told beautifully and I highly enjoyed the way the author told their story. Colton is very much afraid of love. And so he has to decide if he is brave enough to face his hurtful past and move forward with Lyss or not.

Lyss is an awesome character. She faces things head on and she moves forward. I love her connection with Colton and how she tries to see his side while at the same time not being a door mat. She is a very strong and mature person and she really wants all of Colton, even his vulnerable side.

I received a free ARC copy of this book from the author prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Shannon.
876 reviews31 followers
April 8, 2021
As I read The Boy Next Door I realized this is my first read by Jennifer Sucevic. This story is complex, full of heart and soul, heartbreaking and full of forgiveness. I could have easily read it in one sitting if I had the time.

This story is told through duel perspectives of Colton and Alyssa who have known each other most of their lives. Alyssa has always had a thing for Colton and made no bones about it. He does his best to avoid her knowing she could be the one to break thru his defenses.

Both are attending the same college and Colton is just as big of a football star now as he was in high school. With the jersey chasers to show for it.

When Colton witnesses Alyssa spending time with one of his roommates, he makes a play for her. They spend six months living their best lives together when Colton blows it by caving into his scared feelings and pushing her away.

When Alyssa returns their Senior Year from studying abroad, Colton realizes he has to try to get her back. But, Alyssa is bound and determined to move on. But, one night, one HOT encounter, and she realizes that their connection is like no other.

I wanted to strangle Colton for being a total man-child. But, the boy has abandonment issues. He knows Alyssa is too good for him, but boy does he need and want her. Colton 2.0, that guy had me swooning with all the effort he was putting in. Alyssa made him work for it! This is one sweet, worked for, and much needed second chance romance.
Profile Image for Brittany (happy.ending.always).
992 reviews37 followers
April 8, 2021
Rollercoaster of Amazing Emotions! So Amazing!!!

This book, wow, Colton and Alyssa’s story takes you on a full amazing journey. A journey of highs and lows. A journey of self discovery.

Colton and Alyssa have known each other forever, her crushing hard for him, him keeping his distance, too afraid to get close to anyone . But when they end up at the same college, sparks ignite. There was so much depth to Colton and Alyssa! Each of them head over heels for each other. However, needing to figure out who they are as individuals.

Jennifer Sucevic’s writing is engaging, captivating and makes you not want the book to end. Though the end of this book is fantastic! My stomach kept doing these amazing flips at everything Colton did, the good and the bad! 😜 He is the ideal alpha male, but he is also vulnerable at times, which made him an even more like able character. You are routing for Colton and Alyssa’s happiness the entire book. But Jennifer’s writing through in some shocking moments that were necessary and intriguing for the story!

This book was fantastic! My book bestie recommended it to me and I am so glad she did. I couldn’t put it down. It is a must read, fantastic story that will pull at yourself heartstrings in the absolute best way!
Profile Image for Hayley.
116 reviews1 follower
April 1, 2021

Another great heart warming installment by Jennifer.
We get to see the relationship between Colton and Alyssa that you first meet in The Girl Next Door.

Alyssa knows what she wants and grads it with both hands. She’s had no qualms in letting Colton know that she wants him.

The attraction between the pair is instant, but in typical boy fashion the words ‘ I Love You’ sees Colton running for the hills.

Alyssa leave for a year to study dance( heart broken and all) when she returns she doesn’t make it easy for Colton. He hurt her once and she reluctant to give him a second chance.

Colton has a lot of emotion baggage from his childhood that has left him with commitment issues. Which will leave the readers thinking that Colton has no redeeming quality’s.

The back and forth between the pair is frustrating at times. But was needed fir their journey.

It has some laugh out load moments.

In my honest opinion Colton doesn’t really redeem himself. Once he told his story/past to Alyssa all the hurt he cause seem to be just brushed under the rug.

It’s an fast paced read the I would recommend reading
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rina's Reads.
1,523 reviews34 followers
April 7, 2021
Wowsers, that book was PACKED with uncertainty.

I was constantly on the edge of my seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Colton and Alyssa were either on fire or freezing each other out - there was no comfortable middle ground for those two.
When they were on, it was intense; all-consuming, almost like they couldn't see anything or anyone else. And, when they weren't? Well, let's just say... it wasn't pretty.

I got both perspectives, I really did.
Having grown up in a similar situation to Colton, I could sympathize with his pain and understand his reasons for keeping his guard up.
But, at the same time, I could also understand Alyssa's frustration, as well as her pain, her reluctance to give a second chance when it could end in heartbreak.

I found that this book disappeared way too quickly and I almost feel as if I could go for another epilogue or something. My mind is churning -what happened when Colton finished business school? Did his plans work out? What about Mia and Beck? There was definitely something happening there!! I want to know ALL the things.

Needless to say, if there is another book coming out, I will definitely be diving into it!
447 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2021
I loved this book. Dare I say more than The Girl Next Door? After reading the first book in the series, I did not care for Colton at all. I didn't think he would have any redeeming qualities. After diving into the book, I loved him and couldn't get enough of him within the first chapter. He was an easy guy to fall in love with. He was a down-to-earth guy with a troubled heart. Of course, he shows his idiotic side as all men do, but the way he works to earn back Alyssa's heart is sweet and endearing. Alyssa knows what she wants and has no qualms about taking it. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' should be Alyssa's motto. Never cross Alyssa, or you will forever be on her S$%@ list. She is a vivacious and tenacious girl that can survive anything, but under that hard shell is a soft-gooey center that will want you to have her on your side. The comical banter and sexual tension will keep you entertained and fanning your kindle. It's a heartwarming, 5-star sports romance that I couldn't put down!
Profile Image for yesenia (Caligirlheartsbooks).
388 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2021
Wow what a story!

When you read the title you kind of think its going to be one of those classic Ive always loved my neighbor type of story and then they finally get together.

Alyssa and Colton where a whirlwind of emotions. Im not going to lie, Colton was not my favorite at all! I don't even think he fully redeemed himself in my book! Might be an unpopular opinion, I was thrilled when Jack made an appearance and was a tad bit disappointed when it was brief and simple. But it served its purpose to the storyline.

Colton was very immature, he did grow up a bitt towards the end and we find out why he is a douchey manwhore but still, Alyssa deserved better.

She was a great character. Strong and powerful. She knew what she wanted and was not afraid to go after it. The ending was satisfactory, I just wish she would have through Cole through the ringer more and made him suffer the way she suffered. My unpopular opinion of Cole aside, it ws still a fantastic read.
1,429 reviews4 followers
March 30, 2021
You need to read about Alyssa and Colton!

Alyssa Williams knew she wasn’t the type of girl that football player Colton Montgomery dated but she said yes when he asked her for a date which leads to a relationship. Alyssa fell hard for Colton and even said she loved him, but he ended everything with a text.

I thought that Colton was the biggest jerk possible in the beginning of the story, but he redeems himself after Alyssa gets back from a year studying in London by showing her how he has changed. Alyssa doesn’t make is easy for Colton to grovel, but he finally opens up to her and his family.

The Boy Next Door and The Girl Next Door make a great pair of books to read because they happen at the same time.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author and Wildfire Marketing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for literary.supremacy.
280 reviews19 followers
April 3, 2021
Alyssa was a such a strong & sweet character I like how she was so fearless about going after what she wanted.
Colton was caveman, asshole, also hypocrite in some ways & he was a total asshole becoz of how he treated Alyssa in the starting( I don't like it). Okayyyyy so I will admit I love Colton but was also angry with him in starting.

Colton & Alyssa melts my heart becoz of how good they were together some scenes in the books was so romantic & when they were together romance was on full blast.
But also some scenes were so painful & Colton & Alyssa ughh it's like the pain they were going through I was also feeling it.
And overall this story tells you a lot about real life relationship & the feels you go through.I love reading it.
Also being my first book of jennifer i love it so much.

*arc received in exchange for honest review*
1,769 reviews12 followers
April 4, 2021
Every time I finish a Jennifer Sucevic book I wonder why I haven’t read more of them. Simply put they are exceptional. Colton & Alyssa’s story was an absolute page turner. From the very start I was invested in their romance. It makes sense why Colton keeps her at arms length but being a typical boy he cannot handle when someone else sees Alyssa how he sees her. This forces his hand and he finally takes his chance. From this point on my heart was constantly in my throat and I definitely felt everything Alyssa was feeling. To say Colton’s past affects his decisions is an understatement and boy does he make some horrific decisions.
There is so much more I want to say about this book but I know I will give too much away of the storyline. It just needs to be read and enjoyed. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
17.1k reviews208 followers
April 8, 2021
Colton and Alyssa are neighbours, and she has had a crush on him for some time, and when they eventually get together, he breaks up with her via text. After attending another college for a year Alyssa, who is a ballet dancer, is back to compete her senior year and is determined to avoid Colton at all costs. Colton is the campus jock who has any girls he wants available, and when he spots Lys is home, he is determined to convince her to take a 2nd chance on him. The only downside, and this is my opinion only, is that I dearly withed that Lys had more of a backbone and could resist Colton until he changed his bad boy ways. This is a good story which is emotional, and with heartbreak which leads to a steamy tale. I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I recommend.
Profile Image for Van nee.
286 reviews19 followers
April 11, 2021
I really wanted to like this book more than a 3 star but it was just lacking je ne sais quois. It was presented as a little too predictable and a little too perfect. I had a hard time relating to the very perfect, blonde, barbie doll ballerina that was the h. I mean did she have any flaws at all? She even had a diamond encrusted vag for Pete's sake! So of course the H was going to fall hard. The drama, the climax, the sex and the relationship were all meh and foreseeable from afar. There was chemistry but little steam. I really wanted to love this story but it fell short. Interestingly this story mirrors many events from The Girl Next Door - not only are there shared characters and timelines but the storylines are also every similar.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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