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BTU Alumni #1.5

Musical Mayhem

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Help Wanted: Producer for the latest album from multi-platinum selling band Birds of Prey.

Enter Sammy Rhodes.
Famed DJ The Spin Doctor.
Musical genius.
Fits with the band like he's our sixth member.
We hired him on the spot.

So what's the problem?

He's also all broad shoulders and dazzling smile, and has this flop of hair I constantly yearn to brush away from his handsome face.

What should have been a match made in musical heaven could decimate my career.

Because as the front man of BoP, I've been living my life from deep inside my walk-in closet for years. Will I risk everything for love?

MUSICAL MAYHEM is an inter-connected stand-alone BTU Alumni Novella and falls in the timeline as BTU1.5. It is a MM rom-com featuring a devilishly handsome DJ, a ripped rock god, and the Covenette shenanigans you've come to know and love.

*MUSCIAL MAYHEM was previously released as part of THE RULE BREAKER ANTHOLOGY and has been revised and expanded*

140 pages, Paperback

Published March 1, 2021

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About the author

Alley Ciz

91 books2,351 followers
I'm Alley. I'm an Indie author and I write Contemporary/New Adult, Rom-Com, Sports Romances with fierce heroines and their swoony Alpha partners with heart. There's a heavy dose of witty banter and sarcasm in my characters.

I'm a stay at home mom to 3 amazing and crazy minis all under 4yo, a 95lb lab, and let's face it on some days my hubby is my 4th kids... But to be fair I totally love him a a lot. When I'm not corralling my crazy minis I can be found writing the stories the voices in my head tell me at naptime and when the rest of my house goes to sleep at night.

I'm a complete romance junkie. Pizza and mac and cheese are major food groups to me.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,632 reviews25.1k followers
March 22, 2021

Musical Mayhem is book #1.5 in the BTU Alumni series by Alley Ciz. This is my very first book by Alley. Knowing that it was a stand alone but inter-connected series, I decided to jump in since it is a M/M romance. I have to admit that it was a bit confusing at first keeping all of the secondary characters straight. I finally decided not to worry about them and just concentrate on the two main characters and things went much smoother after that.

Jamie Hawke is the lead singer and front man for the internationally famous band, Birds of Prey. They’ve been together for years and have enjoyed endless success. For some reason, though, this album was giving them fits. They couldn’t seem to find the right fit of a producer. Until Sammy Rhodes came on board. Jamie is gay. He’s always known he was. But he never told anyone, not even his family or band mates. He has kept his true self hidden, locked away tightly in the closet.

Sammy Rhodes is a well known DJ and musical genius. He just seemed to magically know what their music needed. He was a perfect fit. Sammy has also always known he was gay and came out way back in middle school. Neither Jamie nor Sammy had ever met before but as soon as their eyes met, sparks flew.

As the album progresses, the intensity of the attraction between Sammy and Jamie grows until it finally boils over. But Jamie is still convinced that letting his secret out would be the death of his career. Can Sammy agree to a secret romance? After all his years of living his truth out in the open, hiding his feelings feels so wrong.

“I want what they have. To find my partner, my other half. To know a person so well they become an extension of oneself.”

This was such a cute, light hearted, sexy little romance. The group of women who Sammy is friends with are hilarious but also ferocious when it comes to protecting their friend. As I said, I had trouble with who was who but finally just stopped trying to figure it out and enjoyed their banter. I love insta-love/lust and Sammy and Jamie had it in spades. The epilogue was super sweet. This was a great way to introduce myself to Alley’s work. I’m so glad I decided to finally jump in.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for ivy.
572 reviews301 followers
June 19, 2022
2.5 ⭐️

When I read a rockstar romance, I like to see the rockstar perform at some point, whether on stage or in the studio, around a campfire, to get to witness the awe from the LI’s perspective. Or have any scene at all where the rockstar does anything even remotely musical so I can believe he is actually a rockstar.

Started skimming for dialogue at 70%
March 22, 2021
5 "Jam & Spin" stars⭐
A Cute & Sexy, Fun & Emotion packed, MM Rockstar Romance Novella with HEA!
I'd found Alley's book a while ago & Thought this being a mm (& My loving'em), I'll finally take the chance..& I'm so glad I did!
This is Alley's 1st Foray into MM books (& my 1st foray into her books😉) & it's so Awesome+Gorgeous!
I loved Jamie, Sammy & Their Friends so much! So many Characters we see, & after I kinda remember their names, it was even more Fun!! They're hilarious & Great😍. I'll definitely check out the books in this series! DEVOURED this in 2hrs.

Jamie is the Frontman & Lead singer of "Birds of Prey" Band, he & his Bandmates/Friends have been together for years & gained Prestige. But on such a height of Success, the Pressure is immense too. Jamie's gay & so far in the closet, no hint of coming out, fears keeping him locked in *Sniff*.
Now though, None of the producers are clicking with their latest one. They were all losing hope, Then comes Sammy!

Sammy is a Renowned DJ, an awesome Producer; an out & Proud gay man. His confidence yet that shyness is sexy, plus He's a big fan of "Birds of Prey" with a Crush on Jamie. & When You get to work with your Fav band, you take it! But none thought it'll become so much more.
Sam clicks with them like he's their 6th member.

Sam+Jam's Attraction is Instant, but few Misunderstandings keep them apart...Until Truths are found & all that delicious tension explodes.
Sam thoughts he can be with Jamie in secret, but how long can it be kept...? After all, Secrecy takes it toll.
Jam finds that his fears are nothing, in face of losing Sammy.
~The Interview, Deep Closet, Not gf but Bestie, Album's coming greatly, With weeks Attraction grows, Jamie's Playful Side, Sammy's Fun Friends, Jam & Spins, Sam's Gay, Photography & Jealousy, The Kiss, Truths & Choices, The Friends' Texts, J's Big steps, Great Friends, Oral Sex😘, Months pass together in Secret, Losing Sam is the greatest fear...

When J's fears hurt the man he'd come to love; he knows its time to move past them. Sammy's girl-Friends help immensely!
With Jam+Sam's feelings out in the open, Jam Has a Newfound confidence, but it seems Media Got a whiff of them...*Shit*
But of course, it's time for it all to come out...! And I knew Jam's bandmates will Accept them *Swoon*. It all turns out greatly, even with the PR nightmare *Snicker*.
~Not ready & Hurt, Realisations, Friends help & Love Confessions, Hot Sexy times, PR Chaos, Bandmates truth & Together we solve it, HEA..!
That End & Gorgeous Epilogue warmed my heart! #Proposal #LoveForever

I'll surely Recommend this quick, sweet, fun & Hearty Novella!
**ARC Review.**
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Profile Image for Brittany waggingwithwords.
735 reviews34 followers
March 21, 2021
Musical Mayhem is book 1.5 of BTU Alumni, while it’s a stand alone and wonderful, there are so many amazing friends in The Coven that it helps to read Power Play first at least by Alley Ciz.⁣

I read Power Play the day prior to reading this and devoured it, so I binged Musical Mayhem directly after and I wasn’t disappointed.⁣

Sammie is sexy and confident and comfortable in his sexuality. His circle of girl best friends are hilarious and always have his back, just like he always has theirs. Sammie is a DJ and music producer who is openly gay and looking for love. ⁣

Jamie is a musician for Birds of Prey, a famous rock band consisting of 5 guys, Jamie pretends to be straight because he’s terrified of how the world will view his band if they know he’s been in the closet most of his life.⁣

When Sammie becomes the producer for Jamie’s band all bets are off. The chemistry and tension between these two is hot and steamy. 🔥⁣

Will Jamie put his fears aside and be with Sammie publicly or will they both lose the potential love they’ve been seeking for a while?⁣

This was beautifully done. I love every single character in this novel. I was rooting for Sammie and Jamie to make it because they were perfect for each other. The intensity of their lust scenes were 🔥. Alley has a way of making you want to be part of the circle of friends in all of her books, and this was another one where I’d love to be part of the crew or Coven in this situation.⁣

Thank you for an ARC for my honest review!
Profile Image for queen_of_the_books_18.
859 reviews227 followers
March 23, 2021
“I just can’t keep living a lie, even if I love you.”

We are back in the BTU world and this time Sammy Rhodes finally gets his HEA.

Meet Jamie Hawke, Rock star, lead singer of the band Birds of Prey and closeted gay guy.

When Jamie and Sammy are forced to work together sparks fly, tension is in the air and secrets are revealed.

If you love MM romances then you will love this novella.
Profile Image for Lauren Braun.
74 reviews2 followers
February 16, 2021
I have been waiting for Jamie and Sammy's story since I started reading Alley's books. The burn between these two guys will leave you needing aloe. It is that sweet and fiery burn that Alley is known for and I was definitely not disappointed. This story isnt just about love but about finding yourself and trusting those you love
Profile Image for Becca Steele.
Author 43 books3,875 followers
November 14, 2021
Musical Mayhem is my favourite book in the BTU universe! I loved Sammy and Jamie's story - so swoony and heartfelt. For fans of the series, we also get plenty of coven action and comedy moments.

This book is a delicious treat that I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,542 reviews183 followers
March 30, 2021
So I have no idea how I stumbled upon this particular anthology but as soon as I saw it was 99c for an autism fundraiser I was already half way to one clicking it. But then who has a novella in it? Alley Ciz. And who is it about? None other than Spins and Jam. And omg did I need to know how those two got together so badly I one clicked it and jumped in.

Absolutely thrilled with these choices :)

My heart hurt for Jamie. I can't imagine having to hide who I fundamentally am out of fear of other people reactions. But I am so glad he met Sammy and naturally got the full support of the Coven and the rest of their crew to lead him through it all. Loved this little novella. Loved seeing the whole gang and especially the start of Spins and Jam.

Not going to lie there is a 0.01% chance I will read any of the other stories in this anthology but Musical Mayhem and Autism fundraising are well worth my dollar.
Profile Image for Becca Stanfield Vernon.
1,696 reviews20 followers
March 23, 2021
This book was fantastic! I know some don’t love MM, but this book was a wonderful love story no matter who it was about. I fell in love with these characters & world from the get go. Sammy & Jamie were such a beautiful story oozing chemistry. The pull, the intensity between these two will keep you intrigued & turning the pages the whole time. No matter the type of romance this author writes she is spot on. Maybe it’s these characters or Alley herself, but she is yet to write a disappointing book. I will be devastated when she makes it through this group, but I plan to enjoy the hot & fun ride as long as it lasts! This MM read is in my top 3 for sure! Love this author!!

I highly recommend this book. Told in dual POV.
Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,601 reviews
March 23, 2021
Love M/M romances. Jamie and Sammy were so good together. Jamie was so far in the closet that his friends didn’t even know that he was gay but one look at Sammy and he was wondering if he could keep the secret much longer. Both Jamie and Sammy were both thinking the other was straight but little did they know, they were made for each other. They had such great chemistry and the attraction between them was off the charts. Will what Jamie feels for Sammy be enough for him to be true to himself or will the fear of how everyone who is close to him will act, cause him to thrown away true love? Love everything that Alley has written and I can’t wait for more.
Profile Image for hopelesslyinlovewith_books.
817 reviews17 followers
March 17, 2021
Oh My God!! This book was so good! I for one LOVE M/M romances and Alley did a great job! Jamie is the lead singer of the band called Birds of Prey and he is a gay man deep inside the walk in closet. That poor guy hasn’t even told his bestie. How hard would that be to never be able to be yourself your entire life? Sammy is a label producer who signs on to produce Birds of Prey’s new album and when Jamie and Sammy first see each other the sparks are secretly flying! When a stolen kiss turns heated, neither of them can deny their feelings but Jamie is terrified because how will his band mates react? How will he be able to face his best friend and tell him this secret that he’s been keeping from him for so long? Will his band mates hate him for being gay? How will the world react to this “scandal”?
2,902 reviews80 followers
March 16, 2021
I would like to submit this as my formal apology to the author for sleeping on them and their books for as long as I have because I LOVED this. Like I'm smiling ear to ear and it's from the experience of reading this book. The found family, the longing, the friendship between Sammy and Jamie and the exquisite writing made me unwilling and frankly unable to give it anything less than 5 stars. While this is technically in their BTU Alumni series, it can be read as a standalone and I will now go a binge as much of this authors work as I can get my mitts on. I volunteered to read and review an early copy of this. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Larissa Rye.
1,221 reviews14 followers
March 20, 2021
I loved Jamie & Sammy’s story so much!! It was the perfect, cute yet sexy, love story. Seriously how can you not love these guys?! Plus getting to see the whole crazy coven & all the guys. I could keep gushing about how much I loved this book but basically you need to read it! It’s so good & I love this series & can’t wait to read all their stories.
Profile Image for xxBooksILovexx.
666 reviews28 followers
March 23, 2021
This was my first Alley Ciz read! I absolutely loved this story. Being a closeted rock star wasn't easy for Jamie. Then the band hired Sammy to produce their next record. And that's when everything changed. I loved how this story brought me through the journey of coming out. Thank you so much Alley! This is a must read! ❤️🧡💛💚💙
Profile Image for Laura.
391 reviews
March 14, 2021
Sammy and Jamie's story was amazing! It was everything I had hoped it would be after seeing them briefly in the other stories in the BTU world.

The minute their eyes meet they have such an intense connection to each other. Jamie's struggle was so heartbreaking and felt so real. Sammy is the BFF that everyone needs in their lives.

I loved Musical Mayhem and I am going to need to see much more of these two in the future. I love Spins and Jam even more than I already did. Fantastic story by Alley Ciz.
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,420 reviews203 followers
March 24, 2021


Jamie is a rock god with a secret, the kind of secret that lives deep within the closet. Then Sammy happens to BoP, his band, and suddenly that secret is looking like it may not remain a secret for much longer. Will Sammy be patient with him while he sorts himself out? Or is Jamie's fear too big to overcome for this adorable couple?

I loved Jamie and Sammy! A pair of seeming opposites who fit together seamlessly. The way Sammy's coven welcomed Jamie and his crew with open arms made my heart smile and the chemistry and heat between the two men made me positively blush. Altogether, a fabulous entry in the BTU Alumni world.

ARC via Wildfire Marketing Solutions for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Canadian Girl Reads.
940 reviews27 followers
March 17, 2021

"I love you, Spins. I love you so much it scares me. But even the thought of losing you petrifies me. Any fear of what coming out will so to my life pales in comparison to what a life without you will do to me."

OMG, I absolutely love Jamie and Sammy!!!! Musical Mayhem was a page-turner that had me hooked right from page one. I was unable to put the book down. Sammy and Jamie have always been favourite side characters of mine and I was so happy that they got their own HEA.

Birds of Prey are looking for a new producer to help them attempt to get their latest record completed. Sammy shows up for the interview and Jamie can not keep his eyes off him. Jamie has always kept his sexuality a secret for fear of what it would do to his career and friendships. When he finds out Sammy is openly gay and single things become complicated but love has its way of helping you break out.

I had a smile on my face for the whole book and even had happy tears in my eyes at times. It was great to see the Coven again and I am looking forward to more of them in the future. I have become a huge lover of m/m romances and this one did not disappoint and is one of my must reads of 2021.

*advanced copy requested and honestly reviewed on behalf of Canadian Girl Book Blog*


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Profile Image for Laura ~ Not Now I'm Reading.
209 reviews3 followers
March 21, 2021
I didn't LIKE Jamie and Sammy's love story - I LOVED IT!!!

I could almost feel the tension radiating off of Jamie's closeted gay body when he realizes that the man his band, Birds of Prey, has hired to produce their next album is everything he's ever wanted. But can't have.

Sammy has been out of the closet for years with the full support of his tight group of friends. He feels the pull to Jamie but is convinced that Jamie's straight and, therefore, off-limits. But every time they get close, the sparks between them are electrifying.

This book touches on the fears of being a closeted gay male celebrity and what the repercussions could be if he told the world (and his closest friends and band mates) the truth of who he really is. Would they still be his friends or would they turn their backs on him? Would the band survive the fallout?

It was so wonderful to see the acceptance and support from Sammy's group of friends. They embody what true love and friendship should be - unconditional.

This us a book if hope, love, and being true to yourself. Everyone is equally deserving of a happy ever after.

Thank you, Alley, for Jam and Spins' story. Love wins.

213 reviews4 followers
March 20, 2021
Musical Mayhem by Alley Ciz

I was honoured to get an advance copy of this book and this is my honest review

Jaimie Hawke is a rock star and the frontman for Birds of Prey. Sammy Rhodes is well known for being a DJ but also gets the job as the BoP's producer.

Sammy is proud of who he is and has always been openly gay as he has always had friends and family in his corner.

Jamie is deep deep in the closet with the doors bolted. Not because he is ashamed of who he is but because he doesn't want to lose his bandmates who are his best friends, Jamie also doesn't want to destroy the group. With the ever growing spark between them can Jamie find the right notes to make a relationship work? ....

Alley has a real knack for adding social media to her stories. I couldn't put this book down it was really enjoyable as you are also catching up with previous characters in the BTU series. Well deserved 5☆
Profile Image for Cindy thismomreadsbooks.
319 reviews9 followers
April 14, 2024
Okay! Sammy and Jamie are adorable!

This was a cute, sweet, quick read giving ‘the spin doctor’ his much deserved HEA.

I had a permanent smile on my face and laughed lots while reading this one. I enjoyed watching these two get to know each other. They knew from the moment they saw one another that that was it. My heart went out to both of them, especially Jamie for his struggles. I was very happy to see him find his confidence and be able to share his true self with the world, with the love and support of Sammy and his band.

As usual I love the whole BTU Alumni crew so much. They really add so much to all these books!

200 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2021
Omg....Musical Mayhem by @alley.ciz was amazing.
Alley has a way of writing all her books to be filled with love, hiliarity, true friendship and oh dont forget all the hot steam, 🥴🤯and this book did not dissapoint.


The more books I read from her the more involved I have become to feel. I am part of this coven, and hope to reflect all their best qualities in my friendships and relationships by loving, supporting and encouraging the wonderful people I surround myself with every day. And just like The Coven we may be cute and funny but mess with one of our own and we come out swinging. 🥊🥊❤❤

Profile Image for Closet Romance Reader.
1,024 reviews14 followers
March 24, 2021
I loved them so much!! ❤️❤️ I enjoy a good M/M romance and this one was perfection!! Musical Mayhem was book 1.5 of Alley’s BTU series. It can be read as a stand-alone, but this entire series is a must! It was a quick, fun, and super sweet read!

Jamie had kept his dating life a secret because he knew as the front man of a very popular band, people would not understand. But when Sammy walked into his life, would he be able to continue his ways or would love win?

These two are so cute together! I loved the patience and understanding as well as the pure emotions throughout this book. It was fun getting to see some of the other BTU alum and work their coven magic!!
Profile Image for Isabel Debono.
808 reviews13 followers
March 22, 2021
Love all the BTU stories and Musical Mayhem didn’t disappoint.
If I didn’t totally adore Sammy and Jamie before... I do now.
Spins and Jam are perfect together.
This as the backstory we had to have.
I just loved the chemistry between these two. The total sense of knowing this person is the one ❤️
The coven... well they were perfect as always. Love those girls
Such a great book... I didn’t want it to end
Adored the new epilogue...
A must read ❤️
Profile Image for Bex_Book_Revieux.
741 reviews55 followers
March 22, 2021
Holy mothercluckin hotness BATMAN!!

Musical Mayhem maybe a novella, but it just shot straight to my top 10 for 2021!

First, I love Rockstar romances, it makes my heart pitterpat when hot guys find the love of their lives, and a MM Romance on top of it? Oh yeah, this book is heaven!!

Jaime and Sammy are the cutest thing I've read in a minute, and it helps that they're both dead sexy too!

Y'all NEED to read Musical Mayhem today, 5 GORGEOUS ⭐'s for Alley Ciz's rocking HOT novella!
Profile Image for Caroline.
1,268 reviews7 followers
March 23, 2021
Loved it. Only issue I had was I want MORE. ❤

This is a beautifully written novella, set in the BTU world. All the characters are there, which makes the story even better, I totally enjoy the way the Coven and the Squad interact, who wouldn't when Mario Kart marathons are involved.

This is Sammy's story, and the closeted rock star he finds himself obsessing over. Full of hot chemistry, amusing moments and a HEA.
Profile Image for Amy Reierson.
1,067 reviews15 followers
March 18, 2021
If you know Alley Ciz then this book is like an extra serving of your favorite dessert, with some of your closest friends.
If this is your first Alley book or your first MM book which this was my first lead MM book you are in for a treat. There has never been a reason for not reading a MM romance I've just never been drawn to one but since these characters were already my friends I had to give it a read. And honestly I loved it. Yes the characters are all celebrities but their lives and struggles are real. Alley made their struggles on the page feel real, their fears, their pain, embarrassment and especially the happiness and love.
What I loved most is what I love about every romance that love wins despite the odds. 💙💙

I have voluntarily left this review.
Profile Image for JenniferMarie.
555 reviews11 followers
March 22, 2021
I loved every moment Jamie and Sammy’s story. Alley did an amazing job with her first MM story and I loved how she portrayed Jamie’s struggles of having to hide his true self from his friends and public. As always have to shout out to the coven, no BTU book is complete without a coven conversation or two. The epilogue will make your heart melt even more for Jamie and Sammy!! This novella is steamy (especially their first kiss), emotional and funny. Another fantastic read from Alley Ciz.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews

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