The Word Mogul
By Peyton

![S2E10: The Perfect Sales Funnel For Your Client Articles [Teaser Lesson]](https://d3t3ozftmdmh3i.cloudfront.net/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/3011886/3011886-1636737581115-ecaa9ad9902a5.jpg)
S2E10: The Perfect Sales Funnel For Your Client Articles [Teaser Lesson]
WANT the rest of the free lessons?
Welcome to the ALOE Method, a better way to get remarkable results with your content.
See email for PDF 1 link or: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sEl_Y8JS-YtIxLTW29uyA67W_ddEZKE/view?usp=sharing
○ Get your FREE 1-HOUR TRAINING HERE: https://bit.ly/3shnkMv
VIDEO VERSION of this Podcast that shows the slides: https://youtu.be/ImMr64fEWw4
○ Get your FREE 1-HOUR TRAINING HERE: https://bit.ly/3shnkMv
○ SEMrush - http://bit.ly/bestsemrushdeal
○ KWfinder SEO Tool by Mongools- https://bit.ly/2wXK9fN
○ ProWritingAid - Better than Grammarly by far! http://bit.ly/2XjJbXy
*** 90% of what I do I give away for free. If any of this video resonates with you, please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to this channel. I'm here to help writers make more money.
○ Writing Income Accelerator - https://WritingIncomeAccelerator.com
○ Follow me on Medium! - http://medium.com/@peyton503
○ Join my new group on Facebook - https://bit.ly/3bsGOE3
○ Listen to the Word Mogul Podcast: https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/the-word-mogul-podcast/

S2E9: Secrets To Convert More High-Ticket Freelancing Clients
Besides getting a pool of high-quality prospects, one of the hardest things is to convert them to a sale.
In this podcast, I discuss how I use facts, data, and proven strategies to convert prospects to sales.
We’ll talk about ROI, CMO insights, and reader insights that all point towards a key freelancer’s deliverable: long-form articles that rank in Google!
If you have the chops and you’re ready to close more high-ticket sales, this is for you!
VIDEO VERSION of this Podcast that shows the slides: https://youtu.be/w5k_Ty7pCHQ
○ Get your FREE 1-HOUR TRAINING HERE: https://bit.ly/3shnkMv
○ SEMrush - http://bit.ly/bestsemrushdeal
○ KWfinder SEO Tool by Mongools- https://bit.ly/2wXK9fN
○ ProWritingAid - Better than Grammarly by far! http://bit.ly/2XjJbXy
*** 90% of what I do I give away for free. If any of this video resonates with you, please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to this channel. I'm here to help writers make more money.
○ Writing Income Accelerator - https://WritingIncomeAccelerator.com
○ Follow me on Medium! - http://medium.com/@peyton503
○ Join my new group on Facebook - https://bit.ly/3bsGOE3
○ Listen to the Word Mogul Podcast: https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/the-word-mogul-podcast/

S2E8: Is Medium SEO Dead? Inside the controversial changes that help writers rank to page #1 in Google
Once again, Medium dropped another doozy to their writers. Very soon, they will be combing through their content and making sure a huge chunk of their articles do not rank in Google. They want to get rid of all the click-baity stuff they allowed in the past.
Now a lot of us use Medium for its one utility: domain authority. That’s the SEO worthiness of a site that helps Google rank articles. I’ll share with you why it’s no big deal and what to do about it.
I’ll share with you why it’s no big deal and what to do about it in this episode. Learn:
○ What Domain Authority means and why it’s important
○ Why you should not be worried about this Medium update.
○ Why your chances at Medium curation might not be affected.
○ Why your chances at ranking your article in Google might not be affected.
○ Alternatives to Medium.com to publish content on
○ And so much more!
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make good money writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators.
My students and I charge $500 - $3K per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible and scores of clients get the most traffic possible to their sites.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
○ Get your FREE 1-HOUR TRAINING HERE: https://bit.ly/3shnkMv
○ SEMrush - http://bit.ly/bestsemrushdeal
○ KWfinder SEO Tool by Mongools- https://bit.ly/2wXK9fN
○ ProWritingAid - Better than Grammarly by far! http://bit.ly/2XjJbXy
*** 90% of what I do I give away for free. If any of this video resonates with you, please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to this channel. I'm here to help writers make more money.
○ 5 Dynamic Brand Heroes of Brand Journalism - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDzv1Xu9tNU
○ Wealthy Freelance Writer’s Skill Stack - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTUFaCz7Lkc
○ Writing Income Accelerator - https://WritingIncomeAccelerator.com
○ Follow me on Medium! - http://medium.com/@peyton503
○ Join my new group on Facebook - https://bit.ly/3bsGOE3
○ Listen to the Word Mogul Podcast: https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/the-word-mogul-podcast/

S2E7: Get Clients Faster! How Freelance Writers Use Their Unfair Advantage To Get Paid.
Let's be frank. The hardest thing about freelance writing is getting clients. Article SEO is child's play. Creating a writer website is cake too. Even learning how to tell branded stories is a skill anyone can master easily.
However, the biggest hurdle is often landing your first high-paying clients.
To do that, you need to have a good portfolio of 2 case studies that deliver remarkable client-centric results. So that's a tall order in itself. There is lots of training to learn those skills. But after acquiring them, getting a big client is the toughest hill you'll climb and many give up!
Don't despair. In this video, I'll show you exactly how to get better clients very quickly—without sending annoying cold emails or making any cold calls.
○ How to leverage your Unfair Advantages
○ What hot, warm, and cold contacts are
○ How to approach hot and warm contacts
○ What to say to these contacts
○ How to build a consistent lead pipeline short and long-term
○ Where to get my FREE 1-hour training on how I get great client results and pay.
○ And so much more!
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make good money writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators.
My students and I charge $500 - $3K per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible and scores of clients get the most traffic possible to their sites.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way. Check out my courses here: https://bit.ly/3lBAvTZ
○ Get Your First Writing Clients Using Hot, Cold, and Warm Prospects - https://youtu.be/zRHLCwD6s-g
Great Resources & Tools
○ SEMrush - http://bit.ly/bestsemrushdeal
○ KWfinder SEO Tool by Mongools- https://bit.ly/2wXK9fN
○ ProWritingAid - Better than Grammarly by far! http://bit.ly/2XjJbXy
*** 90% of what I do I give away for free. If any of this video resonates with you, please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to this channel. I'm here to help writers make more money.

S2E6: 6th Grade-Level Articles That Command $3K + The One Thing You Need To Write Them
Charging $1,000 -$3,000 an article sounds like a pipe dream for most freelance writers. However, by use of Brand Journalism and 6th-grade level writing that’s precisely what I’ve been doing for the past few years—and so have many of my students. A 6th-grader couldn't write them, but the average 12th grader probably could!
I’d love to say that I’m special and that I’m a wonderful writer with great experience. I’m not. I’m still relatively new to this space, but I’ve acquired dozens of high-quality clients who gladly pay premium prices for premium article results.
Allow me to share a little bit of what I do. It does not take a college graduate to do it. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely not rocket science. You can do it too and I’ll show you why.
In this episode, learn:
○ A deep dive on one of countless articles that are 6th grade-level, but make $3K each.
○ What a $3K article actually looks like.
○ The 1 thing that you need to really succeed (student and view-poll verified!)
○ And so much more!
For the video of this episode, visit here: https://youtu.be/pvrT2ssxZ88
○ Medium.com article on SMMA (my first article ever as a freelancer). https://medium.com/swlh/the-lucrative-underground-world-of-smma-6ff105cfd8ad
○ Hemingway App - The free online editor. https://hemingwayapp.com/
○ The Resurgence of Brand Journalism And Why It's Here To Stay - https://medium.com/brand-journalist/the-resurgence-of-brand-journalism-and-why-its-here-to-stay-51dfe93222e8
○ My Strategic Portfolio That Targets Client-Centric Results: https://www.arliepeyton.com/portfolio/
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make my money teaching and writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators. My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible income and scores of clients get the most traffic possible to their sites.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
*** By the way, if you want the finer details that precede all of this like how to land big clients and write great stuff, learn everything in my course "6-Figure Freelance Writer", designed for serious freelance writers.
○ Get a free 1-hour training video on how to command the highest pay for articles: https://bit.ly/3shnkMv
○ Clients who need articles or content strategy for page #1 results, enquire at https://arliepeyton.com

S2E5: My Page #1 Google Rankings + Other Freelance Writing Secrets
[This is the Audio version of Video: I put it on this podcast in case you were on the go. The video IS better because I live-search keywords I'm currently ranking for on Google, but here's the audio. For video, visit https://youtu.be/XD10HaC6qZE ]
It’s easy to rank articles to page #1 of Google (and sometimes result #1) if you know how to do Article SEO. What you need to know isn’t the vast field of SEO, just the stuff relevant to content marketing which is the easy part. I show you how I’ve done that over the years with just a few of dozens of page #1 results I’ve achieved for my clients.
Some keyword phrases were super easy. Others were at the Difficult or Hard level according to Ahrefs. Either way, I’ve done it over and over again—and so have countless students.
In this episode, learn:
○ What articles I’ve ranked to page #1 and the keyword phrases around them.
○ How NLP and LSI helped me rank for other keywords automatically (Latent Semantic Indexing)
○ Why a Strategic Portfolio should be used instead of just doing a couple generic case studies: and what that means.
○ And so much more!
○ Medium.com article by JotForm CEO: https://medium.com/swlh/the-most-important-emotion-that-helped-me-to-grow-jotform-to-3-5-million-users-aa948755810b
○ My Strategic Portfolio That Targets Client-Centric Results: https://www.arliepeyton.com/portfolio/
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make my money teaching and writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators. My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible income and scores of clients get the most traffic possible to their sites.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
*** By the way, if you want the finer details that precede all of this like how to land big clients and write great stuff, learn everything in my course "6-Figure Freelance Writer", designed for INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED WRITERS!
○ Learn more here: https://bit.ly/6FFWCOURSE or https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
○ Clients who need articles or content strategy for page #1 results, enquire at https://arliepeyton.com

S2E4: 3 Hurdles Writers Must Overcome To Get Paid Top Dollar ( + Return On Article Spend)
After teaching 100's of writers, I can tell you the top 3 hang-ups or hurdles they encounter in the freelancing world.
These hurdles are keeping them from making the big bucks!
In this episode, you'll learn:
○ The top 3 problems freelance writers have and top 3 solutions.
○ Return On Article Spend & The Metrics Used For This.
○ And so much more!
○ Medium.com article on getting $1 a word: https://forge.medium.com/how-much-is-a-word-worth-7fcd131a341c
○ My Article: Why your writing is absolutely worth $1 a word: https://medium.com/writers-guild/why-your-writing-is-absolutely-worth-1-a-word-334552945502
○ Sites that pay $1 a word [Compare your writing to what is published!] - https://medium.com/illumination-curated/these-sites-pay-1-a-word-and-they-are-looking-for-content-writers-b542412e9dd2
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make my money teaching and writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators. My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible income and scores of clients get the most traffic possible to their sites.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
*** By the way, if you want the finer details that precede all of this like how to land big clients and write great stuff, learn everything in my course "6-Figure Freelance Writer", designed for INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED WRITERS!
○ Learn more here: https://bit.ly/6FFWCOURSE or https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
○ Clients who need articles or content strategy for page #1 results, enquire at https://arliepeyton.com

S2E3: Keyword Research + My Favorite Free KW Tool!
Keyword Research is one of the most important components of ranking articles to page #1 of Google—and it's where it all starts.
Finding the right keywords can be daunting because it takes time to find them.
In this episode, you'll learn:
○ My favorite free keyword research tool for the Chrome browse
○ The steps I take to find great keyword ideas.
○ The 5 steps I take to find great keywords and choose which ones to use.
○ And so much more!
○ SEMrush - http://bit.ly/bestsemrushdeal
○ KWfinder SEO Tool by Mongools- https://bit.ly/2wXK9fN
○ Where to put your selected keywords — https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/brand-journalist-review
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make my money teaching and writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators. My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible income and scores of clients get the most traffic possible to their sites.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
*** By the way, if you want the finer details that precede all of this like how to land big clients and write great stuff, learn everything in my course "6-Figure Freelance Writer", designed for INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED WRITERS!
○ Learn more here: https://bit.ly/6FFWCOURSE or https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
○ Clients who need articles or content strategy for page #1 results, enquire at https://arliepeyton.com.

S2E2: The ONE Thing All Successful Writers Must Do + My Writing Routine
There is one thing you can't get wrong to be a successful writer. Today, I'll tell you what it is.
Master this, and when you get client articles your life will be so much easier!
In this episode:
○ I give you the ONE thing you must get right with freelance writing.
○ I show you how I collect my ideas to write about and where I store them.
○ I recommend a great writing book that has highly influenced me.
○ And so much more!
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make my money teaching and writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators. My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible income writing online by setting up multiple streams of writing income.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
*** By the way, if you want the finer details that precede all of this like how to land big clients and write great stuff, learn everything in my course "6-Figure Freelance Writer", designed for INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED WRITERS!
Learn more here: https://bit.ly/6FFWCOURSE

S2E1: Don't Sweat Your Niche: How to easily find lucrative niches and clients for your freelance writing business
It's vital that you settle on a couple of niches if you're a freelance writer. However, they don't just come to you. You figure them out along the way.
In my niche guide, I get you started on how to find lucrative niches that are a good match for you.
In this episode:
○ I give you a free niche idea you can start writing for today if you like it!
○ I show you how I evaluated this niche to make sure it was profitable.
○ I show you how to find billion-dollar niches easily.
○ I show you how to build a habit/ritual for writing. https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/42-article-challenge/
○ I show you how to evaluate individual prospective client sites to lead source [a list for outreach].
○ I show you where to get my free 18-page niche guide for free. https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/niches-and-portfolio-guide/
○ And so much more!
This is from a video. You don't need it because I talk you through the sites I'm analyzing, but here is the YT video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jogfUQUelXI
If you don’t know who I am, my name is PEYTON.
I am a brand journalist and freelance writing coach. I make my money teaching and writing articles. My clients are SaaS companies, personal brands, coaches, and online course creators. My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
I’ve helped 100’s of freelance writers generate incredible income writing online by setting up multiple streams of writing income.
I’m NOT into get-rich-quick schemes, nor do I create any. I’m into get-rich-eventually, whether that’s moderately fast or after several months of intense writing. Basically, I want people to flourish in their craft and get paid well for it—the HONEST way.
*** By the way, if you want the finer details that precede all of this like how to land big clients and write great stuff, learn everything in my course "6-Figure Freelance Writer", designed for INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED WRITERS!
Learn more here: https://bit.ly/6FFWCOURSE
- Statista.com
- IbisWorld.com
- https://www.biznessapps.com/
- https://www.appilyappbuilder.com/
- https://www.redfoundry.com/
- https://www.appypie.com/
- http://zoho.com/creator/decode/
- https://www.apprat.io/
- https://www.adalo.com/
- https://hunter.io/

S1E10: 6 Money-Making Facts About Longform Content + The best 10 Minutes of My ZULIE RANE Interview!
A year ago, I was interviewed by Zulie Rane, a top Medium.com writer. In that time, what I said had great staying power. The same opportunity to make thousands per article exists today. Will you be paying attention to the message this time and applying my tips while this space is still not saturated! Or will you let my long-form content method pass you by?
In this podcast, you’ll learn:
○ 6 Reasons and Facts that make Freelance Writing a fantastic opportunity for Longform Writers!
○ Why Brand Journalism and client articles rank supreme for writing income.
○ The staying power of tips I gave over a year ago about freelance writing—and why everyone's jumping Medium's ship to apply them.
- Zat Rana's Good-bye Medium post: https://medium.com/@ztrana/why-i-am-leaving-medium-b34c8271b770
- Zulie Rane's blog post: https://www.zuliewrites.com/blog/is-writing-on-medium-in-2021-still-worth-it
By the way, I'm Peyton: The Brand Journalist and Writing Coach https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/.
* Thanks for listening! Please rate this podcast [5 please!] and Subscribe.
** My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.

S1E9: When To Leave Medium.com (Plus 6 Steps To 6-Figures Freelance Writing)
When is it time to leave Medium.com’s chump change machine and start making some real money?
In this episode, I tell you exactly when—plus, the exact 6 steps to get you to earning more pay for your writing.
In this podcast, you’ll learn:
○ Why Medium.com is good, but also the Training Wheels for high-earning freelance writers. (And why you need to shed these wheels to seek higher pay soon!)
○ Why super obscure and unpopular writers like me make more than many popular Medium.com writers. [Based!]
○ Why Medium statistics don’t always mean high pay.
○ Why some Medium writers earn more (and it has nothing to do with remarkable content).
○ How to make more money after your “Medium Phase” using 6 exact steps to 6 figures.
○ Why writing for clients (on and off Medium) will make you the most money.
○ And much more!
DOWNLOAD 1: Create a writing habit for free: https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/42-article-challenge/
DOWNLOAD 2: What should you write? https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/writer-matrix/
DOWNLOAD 3: 5 Milestones and checklists to earning more (in depth checklist): https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/5-milestones-for-6-figures-freelance-writing/
Archives of The Ascent: https://medium.com/the-ascent/archive
My sad little Medium.com profile: https://arliepeyton.medium.com/ -
By the way, I'm Peyton: The Brand Journalist and Writing Coach https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/.
* Thanks for listening! Please rate this podcast [5 please!] and Subscribe.
** My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.

S1E8: What is Brand Journalism? (+ The 5 Dynamic Brand Heroes For Client Articles)
“Brand Journalism is lightly-branded, customer-centric storytelling that transforms the reader.” ~A.W. Peyton
That little phrase and method of writing has made me lots of money as a writer. It has helped many transition out of the typical low-pay content writing space. It's not for beginners, but if you can write it might be for you. And brand journalism is more relevant today than ever. As consumers/readers want more transparent and honest content that reads like edutainment. Brand storytelling and creating strategic client narratives makes perfect sense. You can publish these entertaining pieces on Medium, the client's site, and in popular publications. Best of all, you can command a high price if you know the system that I teach in my course. [see below]
In this podcast, you’ll learn:
○ Two definitions of Brand Journalism.
○ Why Brand Journalism is the future of content marketing.
○ The 5 Heroes of Brand Journalism—with examples. (AKA, 5 DYNAMIC BRAND HEROES)
○ And much more!
DOWNLOAD 1: Free Worksheet and Brand Journalism guide! Go to: https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/summit-assets
DOWNLOAD 2 my presentation and guide on how to write Brand Journalism stories! https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/momentum2021
Freebies & References In The Podcast:
○ The Resurgence of Brand Journalism and why it’s here to stay: https://medium.com/brand-journalist/the-resurgence-of-brand-journalism-and-why-its-here-to-stay-51dfe93222e8
○ John Deere - https://www.deere.com/en/publications/the-furrow/
○ The Red Bulletin - https://www.redbull.com/us-en/theredbulletin
○ Patagonia - https://www.patagonia.com/stories/
** My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.

S1E7 - Earn $500 to $10,000 Per Month Freelance Writing (The fastest & best ways)
Are you ready to do the hard work and get paid? Well in this video I tell you the three basics things you need to do to earn money freelance writing. Learn about:
○ The importance of mindset at each level.
○ The importance of strategy at each level.
○ The importance of execution at each level.
○ What to do at each level to succeed.
○ And so much more!
**90% of what I do here, I do for FREE. Engagement incentivizes me to keep going with this channel. If anything in this video resonates with you, please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, LIKE, and COMMENT. It would mean a lot to me and it helps the channel.
** My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
**The video version of this podcast and resources mentioned is here: https://youtu.be/C09M-2ramB4

S1E6 - What Freelancers Make And How To Increase Your Writing Rates. (Make thousands per article!)
What Freelancers Make And How To Increase Your Writing Rates!
In this podcast, learn what the average freelance writer makes per post, plus what’s possible.
Here's what you'll learn:
○ The exact rate others make per post.
○ Why you should not get paid per word or per hour.
○ What rates me and my students charge.
○ Why average rates get average pay.
○ What metrics clients really want and pay for.
○ What Google looks for to rank articles to page #1.
○ What readers actually want to read.
○ What brand journalism is.
○ How to make thousands per article.
○ Get FREE guides at https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
○ My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.

S1E5 - Rank #1 In Google Using Medium & Brand Journalism
How do you rank to page #1 in Google with content? This is a huge result nearly all clients want, and what freelance writers need to do. In this podcast episode/video learn:
○ The 2 most common ways to get traffic and clicks in Google.
○ What E-A-T and YMYL stand for according to Google.
○ How Brand Journalism perfectly matches what Google requires to rank to page #1.
○ How long your content should be to rank high in Google.
○ The 2 Huge Opportunities with Content Marketing and Freelance Writing.
○ How I handle objections in client discovery calls.
○ How I map out the entire writing process.
○ Metrics clients want you to achieve with content.
○ How using Medium.com boosts your article to the top of Google.
○ What readers want to read and what they hate seeing.
○ The Brand/Story/Reader Venn diagram
○ And so much more!
○ The official Google update referenced in this episode: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2019/08/core-updates
○ Get FREE guides at https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
○ Brian Dean - 912 Blog Posts Study - https://backlinko.com/content-study
○ 5 Brand Journalism Heroes - https://youtu.be/FDzv1Xu9tNU
○ Technavio Content Marketing Forecast - https://www.technavio.com/report/cont...
○ Medium - https://medium.com - [My client articles are usually not part of the paid partner program.]
○ Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
** The video version of this podcast and resources mentioned is here: https://youtu.be/WxCmB0UIe3k

S1E4 - The biggest mistake freelance writers make when they pitch
In this podcast, I discuss THE biggest mistake freelance writers make when they pitch prospective clients.
I go over:
○ The basic way I and my students do it instead--which leads to $1,000 - $3,000 per article.
○ Client-centric RESULTS to content buyers, and so should you. If you don't, that's the biggest pitch mistake ever.
If any of this video resonates with you, please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to this NEW podcast.
It would mean a lot to me and I think you’ll accelerate your success by doing so.
○ My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
Visit https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
** Video Version here: https://youtu.be/0LeUFBHabNs
![S1E3 - 5 HUGE Freelance Writer Mistakes I Made [ + 2 other costly ones ]](https://d3t3ozftmdmh3i.cloudfront.net/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/3011886/3011886-1616604650541-6346a0b088e71.jpg)
S1E3 - 5 HUGE Freelance Writer Mistakes I Made [ + 2 other costly ones ]
Mistakes were made . . . and it cost me a lot of money, time, and sanity.
In this video/podcast, I candidly talk about five major freelance writer mistakes I made that you should avoid.
You’ll learn:
○ The 5 big mistakes I made and how to avoid (most of) them.
○ How this hurt me financially.
○ How this hurt me reputation-wise.
○ 2 big mistakes I see a lot from some students.
○ And much more! https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
If anything in this video resonates with you, please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, LIKE, and COMMENT. It would mean a lot to me and it helps the podcast.
○ My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
** Originally, this was a YouTube video. If you want to view it and all the resources, go to: https://youtu.be/NWMXXuvOSD8

S1E2 - Making Money On Medium, Quickly Ranking On Page #1 In Google, & More Lucrative Writing Gigs
NOW is an incredible time to be an online freelance writer.
In this $413B content writing market, it’s never been a better time to start writing.
But where should you start? If you’re just trying things out and testing things, where are the slow and quick bucks from writing?
In this video/podcast, you’ll learn the fastest and slowest ways, plus if NOW is the time to make money on Medium—or are you too late?
In this episode, learn:
○ Several ways to make money writing, fast or slow.
○ What skills you need to make thousands an article with Brand Journalism.
○ What a Medium.com writer who has made over $10,000 a month thinks.
○ Why, like stocks, you should diversify your writing income (and platforms).
○ Why platforms do not matter for good freelance writers.
○ How you can create a portfolio in 42-articles or less.
○ What I would do if I started writing today.
○ My term, "Return On Article Spend" (ROAS)
○ And so much more! Get FREE guides at https://writingincomeaccelerator.com
** My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
** This is also a YouTube video, but most of this is not video or image-dependent.
The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/lCUz9KWYvy4

S1E1 - Build A Writing Portfolio Fast + My First Client Story
Hi, Peyton here from https://writingincomeaccelerator.com. We all want to maximize our writing income, but how do we get out of the low-paying gig cycle? What’s the quickest and best way to create a client-attracting portfolio?
In this session, I tell you:
○ Exactly how plus my first two big contracts.
○ Get my 42-Article Challenge
○ 5-Milestones Planner
○ My Niche Workbook to get you started! http://bit.ly/38i75WK.
○ And so much more!
Here's a few tips on building a great writer's website: https://www.writingincomeaccelerator.com/create-a-portfolio/
** My students and I charge $500 - $1,500 per article because they're designed to get client-centric RESULTS. We get 5-10X Return On Article Spend for our clients and the traffic keeps coming as the days, weeks, and months roll on. Learn more at https://bitly.com/6FFWCOURSE.
**This is also a YouTube video, but most of this is not video or image-dependent.
Here is the video link to this podcast: https://youtu.be/qFghK1PNtUE