There were shadows I was running from. Ones that haunted and taunted. Ones that made it so I had no choice but to disappear.
I’d spent years hiding from the world. My little island haven, the only assurance of safety.
It all changed the moment he showed up at my door. The hint of pain in his eyes told me that something haunted him, too. And I couldn’t help but be drawn closer.
But finding the person I needed most came with risks I never expected. And when our ghosts find us again, neither of us may make it out this time.
Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.
Reckless Refuge is book four in the Wrecked series by Catherine Cowles. First, I just want to say that this author has long been a favorite of mine. I’ve followed her since the first book. Her writing is just beautiful. But this book, my friends, was the best one yet. I feel like Catherine took everything to a higher level. It was both more suspenseful and also more hopeful. The characters were flawed yet perfect. The prologue hooked me and I was held captive from then on. You can definitely read this as a stand alone. The characters from the previous books are present but you don’t need their stories to enjoy this. Although, believe me when I say, you will want them.
Shay McCabe is twenty three years old and is living and working as a caretaker for a privately owned island off the coast of the state of Washington. She cares for the gardens, the house since the owners are rarely there, the chickens and anything else that needs doing. Shay lives alone, no friends, no paper trail, nothing. That’s the way it has to be to stay safe. But all of that changed when the owners sold the island, and the new owner showed up.
Brody James is a successful artist living in New York but something happened that took away his creativity, his love for his art. He needs to get away to new surroundings. What better than to buy an island all the way across the country where no one knows him and he can live in peace, hopefully finding what has been missing. As soon as he got off the boat, he did find it but it was not at all what he thought it would be. It was her. He’d found his muse.
“I missed hugs.” My arms spasmed around Shay at the knowledge that she had missed this simple human contact. “I’ll give you one anytime you ask.”
The attraction between these two is instant and strong. But she’s the caretaker, he’s the boss. Shay needs this job to survive. And giving in to what she’s feeling would jeopardize everything. But the more time they spend together, the more of their secrets are revealed, and they can no longer fight what they feel. They push each other in the best of ways. Brody encourages Shay to re-enter the world of the living. To make friends. To play her violin in public. To allow herself to love. And Shay pushes Brody to once again create because she knows that the world is a better place with his artwork in it.
Their safe cocoon is threatened when darkness once again finds them. Ghosts from both of their pasts come back to haunt them and not only are they in danger but others as well.
If ever there was a time to use the word “unputdownable,” it’s with this book! There was no walking away from this. If I wasn’t reading, then I was thinking about them. I truly fell in love with Shay and Brody. Their love for each other was so beautiful and the suspenseful parts of this book had me on the very edge of my seat.
This is a fantastic book from start to finish you don’t want to miss. I can’t wait for the next book in the series, Hunter’s story, in Beneath the Wreckage.
This is definitely my favorite book of this series and is one of my favorite books Catherine has ever written. Shay is the caretaker for an island and rarely leaves or talks to anyone because she's running from a psychotic brother who killed her parents. The family who owns the island sells it, though, to a famous artist who is running from a past of his own. Shay and Brody slowly dance around each other on the island and slowly start to open up to one another before falling. Of course, since it's a Catherine Cowles book, there's a lot of suspense in here that puts our couple in jeopardy. I loved the dynamic between Shay and Brody so much. Two damaged souls learning to love their art again while starting to love one another? SSWWOOOONNN. Seriously. This was such a good book! Plenty of suspense to keep me reading and I just died for them as a couple!
”Something told me that if I let myself fall, Brody James could make me feel more alive than I ever had before.”
I’m sorry if this review doesn’t make any sense cause I don’t know what to say, i really don’t. Catherine has made me a slave to her words- i would legit do anything to meet her, to hear her words, to read more of her. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book which made me feel like this one. I owe her my tshirts which are all wet cause i couldn’t stop crying and i owe her my first born cause this was ✨perfection✨. Catherine has made a world that I would die to live in and I can’t get enough of.
”I looked from the rough sketch to Shay. She was so damn strong. She wasn’t fearless. She was something more. Someone who had been terrified but fought to survive. Who’d experienced the greatest depths of that fear and kept on going. That was what I wanted to capture with this piece.”
Our female lead, Shay is hands-down one of the strongest characters I’ve EVER read. She has so much power, so much strength inside her and I can’t love her enough. She has had such a gruesome past and she hides from it by staying in an island secluded from everyone but once she meets Brody, she starts to open herself up to other people and for that I admire her courage. I can’t ever dream of going through what Shay went and still being able to fight. She makes me wanna protect her from everything and give her all the happiness she deserves and I’m so glad Catherine gave her all the happiness.
“What are you thinking?” she asked. “About how you make me want to be a better man.” There was nothing for a long moment, then she spoke. “You’re already one of the best men I’ve ever known.”
Couldn’t say it any better. Brody is everything. I don’t know how Catherine comes up with guys cause the last book i read and i was like “she can’t make up a guy more perfect than this” and then Brody comes in shattering my beliefs. Brody is a gift from God. trust me,he is. He is sweet, gentle, kind, compassionate,loving, understanding,loyal and etc etc. He has his own demons and honestly what I loved was that his tragic past. I have never read anything like that in ANY book I’ve read till now so i loved its uniqueness.
”You have me.” And he did. Mind, body, and soul. I’d never thought I would be able to give myself fully to someone. To show them all of me—the scars and dark corners. But Brody had come along, and from the moment I’d laid eyes on him, the pull had begun. This invisible tether that seemed to unravel all the walls and barriers I’d erected over the years.”
Gah, I cant stop swooning and crying over these two. They were the epitome of perfection. I absolutely loved how they helped and healed each other, how they always were there for each other and just😭😭
I don’t know what to say to make you read this book which I haven’t said already. This book isn’t just romance- it’s about fighting for yourself, its about never giving up the hope that good days are coming soon and most importantly, its about loving yourself.
This, without a doubt, makes it to my top 5 books of the year and it’s just April lmao. I loved everything about this book😭
** ARC provided by socialbutterflypr and author in exchange for honest review.**
A romance embroiled in suspense and crime, Cowles’ Reckless Refuge is a page-turning novel that stirs readers with the nail-biting question: “What’s coming next?”
Traumatized by the scars of her past, Shay finds comfort living an isolated life. However, things take an unexpected turn when the handsome Brody becomes her new employer. A kind man with a troubled past. What begins as a professional relationship quickly morphs into an irresistible attraction. As their desire grows, the once guarded Shay, slowly lets her guard down. Unfortunately unbeknownst to her, an enemy from the past nestles in the shadows drawing closer, leaving a trail of chilling crime scenes in a once quiet town. Lives will be lost, and others placed in danger, but will Shay and Brody’s new love survive this ‘reckless refuge’?
A gripping climatic buildup, as the sense of danger approached, and the heightened sense of anticipation grew, Reckless Refuge is a tension filled enjoyable read.
Many thanks to Catherine Cowles and @socialbutterfly for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
te amo autora que escribe libros con tramas super predecibles pero aun asi siguen siendo entretenidos y super romanticos y que no usa el "recurso" de separar a la pareja en el tercer acto😊🧡✨️
I loved the background stories for both Shay and Brody in this instalment of the Wrecked Series. While their back stories were complex, dark and emotional, their love story was so inspirational and moving. The isolated setting on Anchor Island allowed for the narrative to really focus on Shay and Brody’s blossoming relationship and I found them very engaging. I read this book in two nights which is fast for me these days!
Catherine Cowles writes great heroines and heroes, striking that fine balance between badass strength and relatable vulnerability. Shay and Brody were no different. Though I will say Shay’s particularly disquieting past had me extremely invested in her happily ever after. Her strength is beyond admirable.
If you love dark suspense with your emotional small-town contemporary romance stories, you’re going to LOVE Reckless Refuge as much as I did.
Addictive, truly suspenseful, and utterly romantic, this is a top read of the year!
3.5🌟 I really love Catherine's writing and love how she always incorporates romance and mystery. This was slighty more dark then her previous books I must say and while there wasn't anything particularly wrong with this story, I was missing something.
I think my main problem was the romance,I just didn't feel the connection between Shay and Brody. They were amazing as a separate characters, they really were but suddenly I got to the i love you part and was like when did this happen.😐 There wasn't any build up or tension, it just happened. For how guarded and scared Shay was, she fell in love almost right away with him.
The mystery part was pretty straightforward and too predictable but for once I liked that the bad guy didn't die and got what he deserved. Can't wait for Hunter's book tho!
Shay lives on Anchor Island working as a caretaker for a family with a holiday home there. She loves the solitude and privacy she was desperately searching for after a tragedy ripped her family apart. She keeps to herself and has created a very self-sufficient life. When the owner informs her the property has been sold she is worried about the changes to come, she really wants to stay in the place she has come to love.
Brody needed to remove himself from his life in New York city and take some much needed time out. After going through a harrowing time recently he needs to reset and hopefully recharge his creativity as an artist. Purchasing the island gives him the refuge he has been looking for and the privacy he needs right now.
Brody had no idea that the caretaker would be a young woman, I think he had another image in his head of who would be his employee. He has no intention of letting Shay go and to be honest a bit of company on the island is a good thing. Shay is mindful of giving Brody the space he needs but also curious. A friendship between them slowly evolves, they have a painful past in common and it makes them feel comfortable enough to have open and honest discussions. In fact, it’s almost a relief to share things with each other, especially for Shay.
‘Please. Let me help you. And if you don’t want me to help, at least let me be a listening ear. I can see it. This burden you’re carrying. Let me take some of the weight.’
When Shay gets news she was not expecting, she finds herself on constant alert. After years of not having to look over her shoulder, she is hoping that Anchor will still continue to provide her with the safety she really needs right now. Brody goes into full protective mode and fiercely independent Shay adjusts to having someone else in her life that she can fully trust. It’s not just Brody though, she has also made friends with Hunter, Belle & Ford, Caelyn & Griffin and Kenna & Crosby. It’s been so long since she had a circle of people in her life and it takes some getting used to.
‘It was a vicious yearning for something that had never existed. A family where I didn’t live every moment on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop, and the monster to appear.’
It’s not just Shay who has things to worry about, Brody’s past seems to be coming back to haunt him too which just adds another layer of suspense to this story as they try to figure out who is targeting them both and why.
Once again, Catherine delivers up an exciting page turning story that had me completely enraptured trying to figure out all the plot twists whilst being heavily invested in a HEA for Shay and Brody.
So after avoiding this book for long enough, Apoorva convinced me to give in and finally start this. I loved this book but not as much as Wrecked Palace. I really loved the FMC, Shay, she has been through so much shit and she’s so damn strong. I liked Brody but not as much as Shay, I honestly found him to be a bit boring. Funnily enough, I ship Hunter and Shay more, but as long as Shay is happy, I’m fine with her being with Brody. After reading this, I am SUPER SUPER excited for Hunter’s book because I adored him in this one. He is such a selfless character, he constantly thinks about others before himself. He always makes sure to let people know that they are welcome on the island and not alone. And on top of that, I loved Parker so so much, I seriously wish and hope to see his book. He is constantly helping all the characters in the series and it seems like he doesn’t take care of himself, I mean the guy skipped lunch because he was dealing with the crimes on the island. I really want Parker’s book bro. I also LOVE LOVE LOVED seeing Griffin and Caelyn in this book along with the kids, it made me so happy to see them more than once, rather than a small glimpse of them. The fact that they also helped Shay and Brody was just a major bonus, I love them both. I love that this series created a community with characters that seem like they are actually living in another world rather than it feeling like a story. This book was good but I didn’t find it as entertaining as the previous book, I personally found it a little slow and I wasn’t as invested. I still enjoyed it but this isn’t something I would reread or think about in the future.
So this follows Shay and Brody, Brody buys a private island after an incident and wants to take a break from making art. The island he buys comes with a caretaker, who happens to be Shay. Shay has worked on this private island for so long and has come to love it as a home. After finding out that the private island will be getting a new owner, she is afraid that she will lose the very place that gives her peace, the only place where she is safe from those who may come to harm her. This can be read as a stand-alone along with other books in this series, but there are references to the previous books. I have only read Wrecked Palace, so I missed many references as well so if that does bother you, I recommend reading from the start, but if not, you can just read this or whatever you want in the series.
Now for spoilers
Thank you again to Apoorva for introducing me to this world and characters and thank you Catherine Cowles for creating this masterpiece. I’ll be off, stay safe folks!
I am totally addicted to this series and the small town/island of Anchor. The next couple we meet is Shay and Brody. Both have so much darkness in their past and carry a bunch of guilt and baggage. Both are running from their past and end up running toward each other.
So much suspense along with twists and turns in the plot. Even though the attraction was instant, their relationship was slow building and honest.
Sweepingly romantic, grippingly suspenseful, and emotionally affecting, Reckless Refuge is a beautifully heartfelt story about the restorative power of love and healing. From the first page to the last, I was enchanted by the perfect combination of swoony romance and captivating mystery. And, most certainly my favorite yet in the Wrecked series.
What a beautiful and captivating story - a story about the light, innocent, and purity of true love cast against a backdrop laden with the shadows of two innocent characters’ past and the dark depravity that has both touched and tormented both of their hearts. A contrast both beautiful and powerful- dark and light, tragedy and rebirth, peace and violence, freedom and captivity, unfiltered love and undiluted hate. Shay and Brody’s story gave me ALL of the feels- they both gently but irrevocably crawled into my heart. I found myself slowing down just to revel in the beauty of these characters and their journey- pushing myself to really revel in the immersive magic of a Catherine Cowles story.
I adore Shay and Brody- ADORE them. Like so many of CC’s story, we have two characters who find beauty as they work through their pain- a love blooms out of the pits of despair and trauma. While from very different walks of life and with Shay being considerably younger than Brody, these two characters share the desire for anonymity and peace- their need to hide from parts of their past and present that plague them. Their chemistry is gentle, but powerful- they have a profound emotional intimacy that sings from every page. There is a tenderness in the way they connect- like two souls recognizing their missing peace. The subtle depth, the quiet strength of their coupling is really touching- both healing to them as characters but also restorative to me as a human- a palpable and stunning reminder how elegant, how sweet love can be. And Brody- OH MY LORD THIS MAN. Swoon. Just swoon. And Shay is refreshingly endearing and so sincere. Both of them have such captivating character journeys- facing their demons and healing because of their love.
This has even darker elements than past stories- the suspense perfectly woven and paced with the romantic progression. One never outshining the other- all in perfect and peaceful symphony while creating a storm of emotions. And, sprinkled throughout, we have the Wrecked series characters to further enrich this story- this little island family that shows up for each other in ways big and small. And here, well, this crew has a big impact- and I loved how CC pulled them in. And the finale was shocking and mesmerizing.
What I love most about this series, and CC’s writing in general, is how tenderly she weaves in messages about living and loving. Here we have two characters hiding from their pasts, which results in them hiding themselves, shutting down parts of themselves. Until they see hope and freedom in each other. And what a beautiful thing. Their story is an empathetic and sincere push to always find the path to living fully and freely- even in the face of incredible adversity. A story that reminds us that truly living is perhaps our best, and only, true refuge.
“I’ve always said that my art is a glance into the darkness. I think you have to face it. In others. In yourself. It’s when you push it down, ignore it, that it swallows you whole.”
Catherine Cowles is without question one of our most loved Authors now, and we cannot wait to dive in when one of her books lands on our kindles. Reckless Refuge is the next standalone installment in the Wrecked series, a small-town drama-filled romance series that has stolen our hearts completely. Flawlessly written with perfection in the imperfect characters; their beauty, strength, and hope shine through the pages in an otherwise dark, highly emotional, and angsty story. We felt incredibly protective of Shay and cheered her on as she bravely lived in fear yet faced it head-on when forced to. It was such an emotional journey. A journey fate didn’t want her to live alone once the equally haunted, Brody joins her in her safe haven escaping his very own demons and tragedy. Goodness, how we loved these characters!
‘I lost myself in his kiss the same way I disappeared into my music – instantly and all-consumed.’
“I’m a mess, Brody.” “Everything halfway interesting is.”
What we absolutely love about Catherine Cowles is the -on point- balance of character development, depth of story, and background; she lets us experience all the pivotal moments rather than just telling us about them. She involves us -as readers- making us feel a part of it, thus inviting us to feel everything her characters do. And did we ever! The setting of Harbor Island in Reckless Romance is so remote and almost isolated ensuring that we felt like we too were in hiding, alongside Shay, our vulnerable yet brave heroine. Sometimes silence can be deafening, but other times it can be a comfort blanket protecting us, giving us strength. Especially when having had an extremely traumatic event shatter life as you know it, hovering like a dark turbulent storm waiting to strike once more. Reckless Refuge was intense. It was beautiful, suspenseful, and thrilling, it was highly evocative with strong characters who inspired each other through friendship and love. Two extremely creative and artistic souls recognised each other which meant safety, happiness, and love replaced fear, guilt, and regret.
‘My soul had called out for his the first moment I’d seen his paintings. The threads that tethered us to each other weren’t anything I could sever, even if I’d wanted to.’
My absolute favorite standalone in the whole wrecked series. Everything from the characters to the plot, held me captive from the first word.
Brody is new to the island and has demons of his own he is running from, and I can honestly say I’ve not read a romance with this particular past. It is interesting and sent my mind reeling. Tie this to the heroine’s past and I was riveted.
Shay is my favorite heroine. The trauma and past events of this woman’s life made me want to wrap her in bubble wrap and protect her. She is charming and kind. I adored her as a character.
These two together heal and fix each other. They help each other live again, coming together in an unexpected way. I don’t want to say much about the plot because it should be a complete surprise, BUT it had an unexpected plot twist I never saw coming and I should have and I love when an author can do that. This plot is also filled with suspense and an original story-line. I couldn’t put it down.
Reckless Refuge has everything I could wanted in a romance - small town charm, broken lovers finding solace in each other’s arms, and a suspenseful plot line that captivated me from the jump. The Wrecked series is without a doubt one of my favorite series and Reckless Refuge sits firmly at the top as my favorite.
***Listened to an audio arc, and like all the ones before it is narrated impeccably. The narrators really brought this story to life.
I was really looking forward to this book after meeting Shay in Wrecked Palace. She was sad and haunted and I was intrigued by her story and need for shelter and isolation.
Unfortunately, what I got here was underdeveloped for what the author was trying to do.
I liked Shay and Brody together, but the author really stumbled with the pacing of their relationship. You can't say you're taking things slow and building a friendship and relationship, and then give me a bunch of time jumps to make that time move faster. It disconnected me completely from the comfort and emotion that was growing between them.
This book was also darker than I was expecting and with nothing fully fleshed out in the story, everything felt flat and forced. Shay's psychopath brother felt like a caricature of a villain, and Brody's backstory felt contrived for the sake of him and Shay having something to connect with.
Honestly, nothing really worked for me here except seeing the gang that I've grown to love over the course of this series.
I've hit a bump in the road when it comes to reading Catherine Cowles's backlist, but that's not going to stop me. They can't all be winners, right?
What a page-turner! Reckless Refuge is the fourth installment in the Wrecked series by one of my favorite authors, Catherine Cowles. She is such a masterful storyteller. She creates the most beautiful love stories with an added element of suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This is a breathtaking and beautiful romance jam packed with feels, and in my opinion, some of her best work to date.
Shay and Brody were such a good match. I fell head over heels in love with them. I enjoyed watching their relationship blossom and seeing how they pushed each other to live. Their love for each other was so beautiful. I simply could not get enough of this couple. Their journey wasn't an easy one. They had multiple obstacles to overcome, but they came out stronger in the end.
Overall, I can't say enough good things about this book. I truly hope that everyone will give this story a go. It's one of the best that I've read this year by leaps and bounds. It's a beautiful and magical story that gave me all the feels. It's so incredibly good. An absolute must read! Five stars for Shay, Brody and Reckless Refuge!
This book took me a minute to get into because it was pretty layered and had a lot of stuff was going on — but once it started picking up and I got everything straightened out, I started to really enjoy it.
I thought the story was set up fine enough. The writing was a bit wordy and textured for my taste but I was able to get used to it. I liked seeing the progression of Shay and Brody’s relationship... they started out as strangers/boss x employee - and then over the span of a couple of months they built a solid friendship that eventually turned into more - and the way all of that went down and how everything else was being built up was pretty enjoyable to read.
But… I started getting bored at around the 50% mark when the couple finally got together because then the second half of the book started focusing heavily on the suspense aspect of the story. I knew going into this book that there was going to be a solid mix of romance and suspense but I think I would have rathered see a bit more of both throughout the entire story instead of the first half heavily romance focused and then the second half heavily suspense focused.
Don’t get me wrong - it made sense how it was laid out and it all flowed pretty solidly… I just found myself not caring about the story as much as I got closer to the ending and by the time it was over I was happy to be done with it.
Brody & Shea were just simply everything! How does Catherine do it every. Single. Time. This book literally had me all in from the get go!! I loved that this one was a slight 10+ age gap. That’s one way to get me every time.
I’m not going to spoil a thing, but this is romantic suspense at its finest. Such a different storyline, and I’m proud of CC for getting outside her comfort zone a little.
Beginning to the middle to the end = perfection.
I don’t wanna wait, for our lives to be over..when love finds you grab it, and don’t let go.
**I went back and forth between audio and ebook. The audio was AMAZING! Lyric audio books did a fantastic job, as well as the audio actors— Ava Erickson & Sebastian York.**
Oh my gahhhhhhh! I just finished and it was everything I never knew I wanted!!! After hearing the sneak peak of the prologue, I knew I was in for an amazing story, but this book blew all my expectations away.
Prepare your hearts! Reckless Refuge will make you feel ALL THE FEELS! I love this couple so freaking hard! I seriously didn’t think anyone would top Ford, but I breathe for this couple!
Full review when I can clearly articulate the amazingness of this experience!
This one felt completely disconnected from the other books in this series. A brand new couple that didn’t have any ties to the other characters. That wasn’t the case with books 1-3, which were closely knitted together from a character perspective.
So, I actually struggled with this one. If it was a standalone I probably would have liked it better. But, my expectation going into this was that it would have a similar vibe with the supporting cast and familiar connections like the other books and that just wasn’t the case.
So although the story and writing were good, I just couldn’t connect to the main characters. I ended up skipping pages, which is never a good sign.
I honestly kept thinking if it would have been the police officer as the Hero it could have had a better shot at maintaining the series cohesiveness. He was a big part of the previous book, so a love story for him would have made sense.
I am interested in finishing the series. Hunter’s book is next and he has been a strong supporting character in all the books and he is family with the Hero from book 1, so I do expect to get that connection back in the final book.
To me, this one just didn’t belong in this series.
<><>The Basics<><> - Content Warning: attack (on page) - Setting: Anchor Island (near Washington) - Do you need to read previous books in series?: No - POV: Dual POV - Hero likeable? yes. - heroine likeable? yes - h virgin? No - First time they kiss: 42% - First time they sleep together: 53% - Safe sex? Yes. Condoms were used - First time they say I Love You: 66% - steamy? Yes. Descriptive bedroom scenes - Chemistry? they had good chemistry - OW/OM drama? No - H/h cheat? No - Time apart? No - Did I skip pages? Yes - Big secrets? No - Did I cry? No - Did I laugh? No - Did I swoon🥰? I liked Brody, but didn’t do any swooning. - Cliffhanger? No - HEA? Yes - Epilogue? one month later - Recommend? Maybe. As a true standalone this would be enjoyable. As a book within this series, I struggled to find the connection.
THIS MAY JUST BE MY FAVORITE BOOK OF THE SERIES!!! (It may or may not be tied with book two I need to think on it). I am seriously flying through this series and I can’t stop. WATCH OUT, I’m making my way through CCs entire backlist eeeek!
This book seriously gave me criminal minds x orphan vibes and I was LIVING FOR IT!! Definitely one of the darkest/most suspenseful books Catherine had written & I absolutely loved every second!! I am a dark romance girlie at heart so…If you are like me ADD IT TO YOUR TBR.
Audiobook girlies, Sebastian York was the narrator 😇
Shay is one of the most resilient FMCs I’ve read about & man did she go through some SHIT. But Brody really did too. I loved their artistic hearts: Shay the violinist & Brody the painter!! And both were tortured hero/heroines which showed through all the pages while reading. Ugh the serial killer ties >>>>
Spice: 🌶️🌶️
Tropes: Boss x employee Age gap Small town Forced proximity Romantic suspense
I couldn’t put this book down. It started with a bang that had my jaw dropping and dying to know how everything fit together. This book was full full of twists and I had a hard time trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together.
Brody and Shay were both so good for each other and helped each other start living again. I loved reading about them starting to flourish and lean on each other. The evolution of their relationship from being strangers to being in love is such a great journey. They had to get through multiple obstacles but did it together and just showed how strong they both were. I loved getting more of everyone else we’ve already met on Anchor Island and has me wanting to never leave this world.
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.
Book Evaluation: Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️ World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎 Cover:📔📔📔📔 Hero: 🦸🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻.5 Heroine:🦸🏻♀️🦸🏻♀️🦸🏻♀️🦸🏻♀️ Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥 Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒.5 Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞.5 Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂 Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖.5 Ending:🧧🧧🧧🧧 Overall View: ✨✨✨✨.5
First Impressions Reckless Refuge is the fourth installment in the “Wrecked” series and in this one we have such a different pairing then I was expecting but it completely delivered in ways which I wasn’t quite expecting. I think what really worked for me on this on here, was all the relationship building aspects that we get while also the plot being so well built up throughout the story. Reckless Refuge is a story of discovering one’s own strength, learning to let go and embrace the present. It’s a tale of unforgettable connection, of true unconditional love that extends beyond expectations and devotion to those you love the most. In embracing one’s talents and standing on your own. Reckless Refuge is guarantee to dig through reservations and setbacks and deliver flawlessly from beginning to end.
First Line It Burned. Everywhere and nowhere. Slices in my skin that made it feel as if hot lava had been poured into my flesh.
The Main Protagonists The Hero: Brody Brody is a creator, he indulges in the art form and uses his art to express himself. He is famous in his field but craves more in his life than artistic indulgences. He is a protector when its needed and while he has money of his own, its money self made. The Heroine: Shay Shay is on the run from an enemy whom she can’t predict. Her parents were murdered by her own brother who is a psychopath and she lives on the edge waiting for him to find her and knows its only a matter of time. But Brody gives her breath of true living.
Summary In Reckless Refuge, we have a story that brings together the two most unlikely souls to meet but when they do, they will fight to keep each other. Our hero, Brody, is a self made, artist who is looking for some peace and a refuge from the storm of betrayal of his own. He settles on a quiet island on the Oregon coast. His caretaker, Shay, is quiet and strong. She is hiding many scars and he is determined to dig deep into those scars and find the true woman she hides beneath her tough exterior. Shay has only known pain and hiding, of always living in the shadows. She loves life and creating in her gardens, and she prefers her solitude until she meets Brody. Brody is a man that is willing to shelter her from the storm and provide a safe haven for Shay to truly dismantle the shield she uses, and be who she was born to be. But there is an enemy on the horizon, seeking to destroy them both…
What I Loved Reckless Refuge is a story that has all the creative flair that we are used to seeing with Catherine Cowles. I have yet to read a book from her that I haven’t gobbled up and the same holds true for Reckless Refuge. I absolutely couldn’t seem to get enough of these two. There is such a deep connection that they have together. And I really enjoyed that the inner conflict between them is very minimal. I do love outer conflict in a relationship, and this author just handles it so so well. I am always amazed by how much I fall in love with her style of capture the essence of the characters she embodies within her stories and delivering such depth and relatability within it. This is a story that is guaranteed to tear through the emotions of the reader. Don’t expect anything light or tame when it comes to Catherine Cowles. I also really loved the strong sense of community that we get within this story. We see such a lovely supporting cast and some favorites of the series that enter into this one here that I completely adored. I truly became so endeared by each of these and their interactions with Brody and Shay.
The relationship that forms between Brody and Shay is just so brilliant. Brody is a take charge type of individual. He doesn’t back down from conflict if he can help it. I love what a multi dimensional character he turns out to be in here. I also became so intrigued with how he reacted to Shay. Shay on the surface is a bit prickly but when you take away what she is hiding from and how many parts of herself she has had to hide, you see her vulnerabilities that she tries to hide from everyone because she can’t afford any weakness. She was terrorized by her brother who is a true psychopath, also second to her brother and her parents always doing whatever they could to pacify him and work with him but in the end, he killed them mercilessly and almost did the same to her. She still lives with the scars and mutilations on her body. But Brody accepts her for who she is and only encourages her to shine. The way he is able to give her the space of trust and peace and let her shed that protective skin and embrace her true talents was so endearing. We definitely see the struggle but we also see her drive and passion that he is able to bring out in her. There is such a sweet level of trust that forms between them that is so heartfelt and leaves you with a smile. The plot of the story is one that will definitely keep you on your toes. And there are multiple plot lines and its interesting how she built these up and combined them in such a way that you don’t expect certain developments. She really keeps you on the edge because we see how they are individually built throughout the story, and the intrigue and mystery that is behind them and the way that our characters react to the conflict that they are faced with. Its quite a curious way in which Cowles is able to add some depth and great complexity to the actions involving our villains that become the focus point of the story.
What I Struggled With To be honest, as I read this one a couple of days, I don’t quite remember what issues I had with this one. I think the only element is there was a plot line with Brody and his PR, and the conflict there just didn’t feel as resolved as I would have preferred it to be. And also in the third conflict there was also a bit of a small plot hole dealing with the cyber friend of Shay. We never really figure out what happened with her. Its possible I missed it, but it was never covered on what happened there or how the brother was able to trick the heroine in the manner in which he used.
Overall View Reckless Refuge is a poignant and invigorating romance that will delve into the challenging and difficult and have you daring these characters to embrace the best parts of themselves and embracing the love they discover in each other….truly a win of a romance!
Favorite Quote(s) “My music is for me. I don’t need praise.” Her words hit me, each one a blow to the chest. That was exactly it. The thing I needed to get back. To create for no one but myself.
“I’ve always said that my art is a glance into the darkness. I think you have to face it. In others. In yourself. It’s when you push it down, ignore it, that it swallows you whole.”
Something told me that if I let myself fall, Brody James could make me feel more alive than I ever had before.
“Not one thing about you is ugly. The only thing those scars prove is that you can walk through fire and survive. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than that.”
“I love you. Your strength and empathy. Your determination and fire. The way you see things in me no one ever has. I know it’s soon, but hiding the truth doesn’t feel right either. I’ve been holding onto those words for weeks, and I need you to know they’re yours.”
Book Details (also in my shelves) Sub Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense Character Types: Caretaker, Gardener, Prickly Heroine, Artist, Scarred Heroine Themes: Small Town, Coastal, Danger, MC on the run, Secrets Tropes:Forced Proximity, Boss and Employee
Book Perspective Duo POV
Recommendation For Reading Order You can read these as standalones if needed, but for the secondary character connections, recommend reading in order.
Steam/Spice Explanations
Simmering cup of tea---soft warm touches and light intimacy Warmin' by the fire- a medium level of sexual tension, a balance of sexual and emotional intimacy, lighter on the details in the sexual moments. Steamin' up the room -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes. Blazing fire to the building-The prime focus is the sex scenes, scorching hot, and could burn one. Less focus on the emotional intimacy to the relationship.
Yine ve yine harikaydı. Bu yazarı okumayı cidden çok seviyorum. Kitapları ve karakterlerinin arasında ki ilişki bana inanılmaz huzur veriyor. Bu sefer iki karakterimizin de peşinde bazı kişiler vardı ve hep diken üstünde okudum, yanımızda ki çoğu kişiden şüphelendim djdjdnd Ama karakterlerin birbirine destek olması ve aralarında ki bağ mükemmeldi. Yazar her anlamda ruh eşleri yazıyor bayılıyorum ❤️🔥
The Wrecked series is quickly becoming one of my favorite small town romance series ever. Each story is unique and refreshing. Catherine Cowles has created such a wonderful world on Anchor Island and the other small surrounding islands. The characters are refreshing and relatable and each storyline is unique and captivating. I do not want this series to end and I will be so sad when it does! Reckless Refuge is such an amazing story of loss, love, heartache, dark pasts, and hope. It is everything a healing and wonderful love story should be. I simply fell in love with Shay and Brody and their love. You will not be disappointed in this amazing couple and their beautiful journey to finding love.
I absolutely adored Shay’s character. This young woman is a survivor and fighter in life. She has been through a truly horrible and traumatic experience, but she’s not giving up on living her life and being free. There were many years where she hid away on the remote island of Harbor, but she started to realize that wasn’t any way to live her life. She wasn’t getting to experience anything and she was so lonely. She wanted to be able to forge new relationships, to travel the world, find love, play her music, and figure out who she is meant to be in this life. She couldn’t do that by hiding away on Harbor and she knew it would take a lot of hard work and perseverance to take back control of her life. Throughout the entire story, I saw Shay fighting to take her life back. Fighting for some sense of normalcy and peace. She had her set backs, but she always picked herself off the ground and continued to fight for herself. It was inspiring and breathtaking to be able to go on this journey with Shay. She deserves all of the happiness in the world and Catherine Cowles made sure to deliver on that.
Oh, Brody. Catherine Cowles has managed to write another male lead character that has completely stolen and captivated my heart. I absolutely loved Brody. He is kind, compassionate, passionate, protective, understanding, loyal, fierce, and everything in-between. He has his own dark demons to fight in order to live the life he wants and deserves. I was completely captivated by his character and loved reading about his life as an artist. I’ve always found it fascinating how artists come up with their inspirations for their work and Brody wasn’t any different. He found inspiration in everything. I only wish I could do the same. I loved watching Brody grow as a person throughout the story and finding his way back to what makes him happy in life, his art. Moving to Harbor was the right choice for Brody and I was so thankful to be able to go on this journey with him.
Shay and Brody are absolutely magical together. I adore these two. Shay and Brody have dark and broken pasts and they need the chance to heal and move forward with their lives. They connected with one another in a way that had never happened before. Each felt safe is sharing some of their deepest and darkest fears and secrets. They helped one another heal and realize that what happened in their pasts was not something that they could have controlled. They were not to blame and they could not move forward and heal untold they realized that. I loved that Brody and Shay had a beautiful friendship before it developed into something more. Their friendship was an amazing foundation to an even more beautiful love story. I absolutely loved watching these two fall in love with each other, as well as helping one another heal and move forward in life. Brody and Shay had to fight for their happily ever after and I absolutely loved being along for the journey.
Overall, I rate this amazing story a 5/5! I loved Reckless Refuge and simply did not want the story to end. I love the world that Catherine has created in the Wrecked series and I am going to be so sad when the series is over. I’m excited to see where Catherine will take us in the next book and who it’s going to be about. This small town romance series completely owns my heart and continues to get better and better with each story.
Sweepingly romantic, grippingly suspenseful, and emotionally affecting, Reckless Refuge is a beautifully heartfelt story about the restorative power of love and healing. From the first page to the last, I was enchanted by the perfect combination of swoony romance and captivating mystery. And, most certainly my favorite yet in the Wrecked series.
What a beautiful and captivating story - a story about the light, innocent, and purity of true love cast against a backdrop laden with the shadows of two innocent characters’ past and the dark depravity that has both touched and tormented both of their hearts. A contrast both beautiful and powerful- dark and light, tragedy and rebirth, peace and violence, freedom and captivity, unfiltered love and undiluted hate. Shay and Brody’s story gave me ALL of the feels- they both gently but irrevocably crawled into my heart. I found myself slowing down just to revel in the beauty of these characters and their journey- pushing myself to really revel in the immersive magic of a Catherine Cowles story.
I adore Shay and Brody- ADORE them. Like so many of CC’s story, we have two characters who find beauty as they work through their pain- a love blooms out of the pits of despair and trauma. While from very different walks of life and with Shay being considerably younger than Brody, these two characters share the desire for anonymity and peace- their need to hide from parts of their past and present that plague them. Their chemistry is gentle, but powerful- they have a profound emotional intimacy that sings from every page. There is a tenderness in the way they connect- like two souls recognizing their missing peace. The subtle depth, the quiet strength of their coupling is really touching- both healing to them as characters but also restorative to me as a human- a palpable and stunning reminder how elegant, how sweet love can be. And Brody- OH MY LORD THIS MAN. Swoon. Just swoon. And Shay is refreshingly endearing and so sincere. Both of them have such captivating character journeys- facing their demons and healing because of their love.
This has even darker elements than past stories- the suspense perfectly woven and paced with the romantic progression. One never outshining the other- all in perfect and peaceful symphony while creating a storm of emotions. And, sprinkled throughout, we have the Wrecked series characters to further enrich this story- this little island family that shows up for each other in ways big and small. And here, well, this crew has a big impact- and I loved how CC pulled them in. And the finale was shocking and mesmerizing.
What I love most about this series, and CC’s writing in general, is how tenderly she weaves in messages about living and loving. Here we have two characters hiding from their pasts, which results in them hiding themselves, shutting down parts of themselves. Until they see hope and freedom in each other. And what a beautiful thing. Their story is an empathetic and sincere push to always find the path to living fully and freely- even in the face of incredible adversity. A story that reminds us that truly living is perhaps our best, and only, true refuge.
I listened to the audiobook as well as read the book, and I loved how immersed I was with the suspense of Brody and Shay's story. The narration by Ava Erickson and Sebastian York was spectacular.
I was always intrigued by Shay's character in Catherine's other books and am so glad I got to uncover her backstory... and what a backstory it was; Brody's past is just as compelling, which helps to intertwine their natures well and connect.
Reckless Refuge by Catherine Cowles is an EPIC read and audiobook that will join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ARISTOCRACY!!!
Gah!! I was lucky enough to have won a super early copy of this story and just WOW!! I think my heart is still beating as fast as it was reading the last 20-30 pages! Shay and Brody, man I adore them! Two broken souls who found each other just when they needed it! And two beautiful broken souls who become friends with the rest of my favorite island! And we can’t forget the flair Ms. Cowles loves to put in her stories. I COULD NOT put this story down!!!