Tablet Magazine

Tie a Yellow Ribbon

Knitters and crafters around the world are reviving a symbol of hope as they wait for the return of hostages taken by Hamas on Oct. 7. Here’s the story behind the ribbon.

The first thing you see as you approach the Mid-Westchester JCC in Scarsdale, New York, is a floating wall of yellow ribbons, in shades from lemonade to goldenrod. As of May 23, there were 129 of them—one for each of the hostages held in Gaza. (Two of the ribbons are orange, representing the two little ginger-headed Bibas boys, Kfir and Ariel.) Some ribbons are hand-knit, some are machine-knit, and some crocheted, and they all hang in midair, suspended on a transparent deer fence. This installation is not the first of its kind since Oct. 7. The giant ficus trees on Tel Aviv’s Rothschild Boulevard sport a variety of knit, crochet, and embroidered yellow ribbons. Some resemble granny-square quilts, others include heart-shaped motifs, and they hang alongside a giant knitted and cross-stitched sampler that reads “Bring Them Home.” Locals meet under these trees week after week, crafting ribbons and securing them to the trees. Crafters turn to their handiwork to find healing in difficult times. Following the events of Oct. 7, crafters from around the world made hundreds of hats for IDF soldiers, blankets for new mothers, and created new groups like Yarn Yisrael Chai—whose founder, Stacey Betsalel, sent over 40 oversize duffel bags filled with yarn and supplies for the dozens of knitting groups sprouting up for displaced evacuees living in hotels. And knit and crochet enthusiasts around the world, from Tel Aviv to Paris, picked up their hooks and needles and got to work making yellow ribbons. ...

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Pride Month

In June, we celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride month. Read up on some of Tablet’s stories commemorating the stories, struggles, and accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community.


Dust off your dairy dishes and pajamas to get ready for Shavuot. As we approach the end of the Omer, we commemorate when the Torah was given to the Jewish people. Read here for Tablet’s coverage of Shavuot.


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Tablet talks about Judaism a lot, but sometimes we like to change the subject. Maggie Phillips covers religious communities across the U.S.—from Christians to Muslims, Hindus to Baha’i, Jehovah’s Witnesses to pagans—to find out what they’re talking about.

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Unorthodox Presents: Sivan Says

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May 30, 2024

Zionism: The Tablet Guide

The definitive guide to the past, present, and future of modern Judaism’s most fantastical and magnetic idea—and the West’s most explosive political label.

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On Abortion

The Tab

The Tab is our curated weekly digest for members that collects recent articles, recipes, an insert from The Scroll, and more. Become a member and enjoy!

Roundtables on the state of the American Jewish community, bringing together people from a shared demographic or background—everyday people with personal opinions, not experts who earn their salaries discussing these issues.

Photographic illustration by Barry Downard/Debut; portait of Black: Nechama Jacobson; original photo of Bob Dylan © Barry Feinstein Photography, Inc. Used with permission from The Estate of Barry Feinstein
Photographic illustration by Barry Downard/Debut; portait of Black: Nechama Jacobson; original photo of Bob Dylan © Barry Feinstein Photography, Inc. Used with permission from The Estate of Barry Feinstein
The New Jews

A montage of iconic moments from the Jewish past points the way to a Jewish future—one driven by a generation of new voices

At least Ruth didn’t have to fret about social media. The only thing this Moabite woman, arguably the world’s first convert to Judaism—and ancestor of one King David—had to do was hold on to her mother-in-law and promise to go whither the older woman went. She wasn’t expected to share photos of her challah rising on Instagram, defend Israel on Twitter, bare her soul on Substack, or cultivate small communities of followers on Facebook. Her journey was decidedly private, intimate, all but forgotten if it weren’t for the Bible’s author peeking in and recording the grandeur of her experience for posterity. Today, we have a new class of Ruths, only this time many of them are trying to negotiate some of the most profound and pressing questions facing Jews—about identity and belonging, about money and politics, about making friends and losing faith—along with public or semipublic profiles. They are new Jews, but—if we are lucky—they will be among the most important Jews in the coming years. To illustrate the role we believe Jews-by-choice are increasingly playing in the American Jewish future, we matched each of our interviewees with an iconic image from the recent American past. Because every religious evolution is a conversion—every day brings with it the possibility of changing in ways until now unexpected—the stories these men and women tell us are particularly meaningful, and their wisdom so keenly appreciated. There are, to be sure, many more who share their trajectory, but here, in their own words, are some thoughts from these visible and inspiring people making their journey back home to Judaism. ...

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An ‘Unorthodox’ Celebration of Conversion

Listen to five years of deeply moving personal stories, audio diaries, and reported segments about Jews by choice around the world




[kən-ˈvɜr-ʒən] noun

There have always been converts to Judaism. If we follow Torah and say that Abraham was the first Jew, then his wife, Sarah, was the first c...

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