WP Courseware

Create a self-hosted course right on your WordPress site and keep all the profits

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People take online courses on just about anything, from marketing strategies to how to knit underwear. (“4/5, would wear for special occasion.”)

But most third-party course platforms take a cut of your hard-earned money, despite taking no part in helping you find all those sick memes for your presentation decks.

What if you could easily build and host your course on your own WordPress website without having to share your profits with the course builder?

Meet WP Courseware.


too long didn't read
Easily turn your WordPress content into an online course and host unlimited students without revenue-sharing
Alternative to: LearnDash
Make checkout a breeze with a built-in payment process and shopping cart functionality
Best for: Coaches, instructors, and mentors with WordPress sites who want to profit from their content and expertise


WP Courseware helps anyone with a WordPress website easily create and sell online courses, turning their knowledge into profits.

WP Courseware brings true drag-and-drop course creation to WordPress, making it quick and easy for non-developers to build out their courses—without screaming into the error page void.

The best part? There’s no revenue sharing, which means you get to keep every penny you make on your courses through WP Courseware.

You can offer flexible payment options like one-time payments, installment payments, or a recurring subscription.

Take advantage of the built-in shopping cart and payment processing functionality that allows you to get paid without inflated fees or wait times.

Charge for your courses as a one-time fee, installment payments, or a recurring subscription.

WP Courseware was the first online course plugin for WordPress (#therealOG), so you’ll benefit from thousands of development hours spent perfecting the platform.

You’ll also get access to hundreds of training resources to help you along your course creation journey from idea to launch.

Build a single course or create an entire ecosystem of courses right on your own WordPress website—there’s no limit to the number of courses you can create.

With WP Courseware, you can build a single course or an entire ecosystem of courses!

For added convenience, you can leverage existing content within your courses when you use the one-click option to convert your posts or pages to course units.

You’ll also be able to create lessons from scratch in the visual course editor, building a structure for your course in just minutes!

Easily embed any type of content, including videos from any source, text, HTML, interactive content, file downloads, or anything else (e.g., encouraging pictures of dogs saying “You got this”).

Once your course structure is finalized, publish it all at once or drip content according to a schedule.

Use drag-and-drop functionality to build out your course exactly the way you want to—without any coding!

WP Courseware lets you create quizzes or surveys within your courses to increase learning retention and gather feedback to finetune your course offering.

You can make your quizzes completely customizable using flexible question types, blocking and non-blocking quizzes, timed quizzes, randomization, customizable feedback, and more!

Want to keep students excited and engaged? Use the powerful visual certificate builder to offer certificates of completion to your students. (“100% completion/100% reason to remember the name”)

Include powerful quizzes or surveys to help increase learning retention or gather feedback for improvement.

WP Courseware integrates with a number of e-commerce, membership, achievement, and email marketing plugins, allowing you to customize your e-learning experience.

Connect to popular membership plugins, like MemberPress, WishList Member, MemberMouse, and s2Member.

You can also integrate WP Courseware with e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

WP Courseware integrates with many of the leading e-commerce and membership plugins.

Ready to kiss those third-party course platform fees goodbye? (Of course you are.)

With WP Courseware, you get to monetize your knowledge and expertise without sharing any of your revenue.

As the original WordPress plugin for courses, WP Courseware allows you to quickly transform your WordPress site content into a customized, dynamic course.

Get lifetime access to WP Courseware today!

P.S. Watch a replay of the walkthrough webinar: Click here.

NEW: No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that’s right for you!

From the founders

April 08, 2021

Hi Sumo-lings! 👋

Nate here…co-founder of Fly Plugins, creators of WP Courseware.

We’re thrilled to be be able to extend this special pricing exclusively for the AppSumo community!

WP Courseware started with a need to scratch our own itch. Almost 10 years ago, my co-founder, Ben, and I were finished producing content for our first online course and we were ready to build it out. We knew we wanted to host the course on our own website (powered by WordPress) to have complete control over it, but at the time there were no plugins to build courses in WordPress.

Fast forward to today, and the solution we built to deliver our own online courses with WordPress, WP Courseware, has helped over 20,000 other solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, universities, small businesses, and training departments easily create their own online courses.

When building a course, you have 3 options for hosting it…

👎 Share the stage and hand over profits on someone else’s terms

Marketplaces collect as many online courses as possible, providing their course software “for free.” In return, they makes the rules and take 50% of your sales (or more). Free course hosting looks great until you’re earning just $9.99 per sale to cover your hard work and marketing (5 bucks after the marketplace cut).

👎 “Done for you” (as a tenant, not a landlord)

Hosted solutions make a seductive promise: everything “done for you.” The trade-off is a hefty monthly fee (that you pay even before launch). And that fee goes up if:

*You want more features (e.g. the features you really need).

*You want better terms (e.g. not waiting 30 days for your money).

*You want to promote your own brand (mycourse.com) instead of theirs (anotherbrand.com/mycourse).

👍 Make your own rules with WP Courseware

When you run your own WordPress site, you make your own rules. You get total freedom for a lower investment. After 8 years of development, 271 features, and 21,883 happy customers, we’ve got every feature you need, including:

✅ Drag and drop course builder

✅ Video-ready

✅ Full shopping cart/payment gateway support

✅ Point and click styling

✅ Gutenberg-ready blocks

✅ Visual certificate builder

✅ Membership functionality

✅ Content dripping

✅ Powerful quiz/survey features

✅ Automated student messaging/feedback

✅ GDPR compliance

✅ Course export/import/duplication

✅ Plus 25 integrations…and counting!

Ben and I are here and happy to help if you have any questions!

Happy course building,

Nate ✌️

PS: A few helpful links:

🎦 Our YouTube channel has dozens of tutorial videos, including a new user walkthrough: https://youtube.com/user/flyplugins

📄 Our documentation site contains 113 searchable articles for those who prefer docs over videos: https://support.wpcourseware.com/

🎓 Our Simple Course Creation site hosts a completely free course called Online Course Creation for Beginners: https://simplecoursecreation.com/

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