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The Royalty Crew #2

Ruthless Noble

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I was the epitome of control.


Until the day Savvy King swaggered into our world.

She defied me at every turn, refusing to yield to my command.

Her insolence infuriated me as much as it captivated me, until the battle consumed us.

She’s the perfect counterpart to my reign. Except...the ring on her finger belongs to another.

People want to play politics with my life—with our lives. That is a mistake.

Don't underestimate what I'll do to claim her as mine and secure my queen.

RUTHLESS NOBLE is book 2 in The Royalty Crew Duet and cannot be read as a stand-alone. It picks up right where the cliff of SAVAGE QUEEN left you breathless. The secrets and lies are piling up around them. This Queen needs someone ruthless enough to stand by her side.

352 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 8, 2021

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About the author

Alley Ciz

91 books2,350 followers
I'm Alley. I'm an Indie author and I write Contemporary/New Adult, Rom-Com, Sports Romances with fierce heroines and their swoony Alpha partners with heart. There's a heavy dose of witty banter and sarcasm in my characters.

I'm a stay at home mom to 3 amazing and crazy minis all under 4yo, a 95lb lab, and let's face it on some days my hubby is my 4th kids... But to be fair I totally love him a a lot. When I'm not corralling my crazy minis I can be found writing the stories the voices in my head tell me at naptime and when the rest of my house goes to sleep at night.

I'm a complete romance junkie. Pizza and mac and cheese are major food groups to me.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 333 reviews
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,542 reviews183 followers
July 8, 2021
I can't believe we got to the end of that duet. It felt like July was forever away when I put down Savage Queen and I was sure we would never get there. Then bam Ruthless Noble turns up on my kindle and I had to adult and hold off on reading it. But then one of the beautiful coven babes said they were going to listen to the audio of Savage Queen and I jumped on that bandwagon.

So I have had an absolutely perfect weekend filled with Savvy and Jasper. And now that it's over I feel very bereft. I want more, oh so much more. The twists and turns had me breathless (Sorry Savvy) and I didn't see any of them coming.

I really can't say much about the story beyond saying it gets all the stars. But then if you have read Savage Queen you would be expecting that. And if you haven't why are you reading Ruthless Noble reviews? Go grab Savage Queen now.

Awesome characters, wonderful story, amazing writing. Why can't Alley write faster?
Profile Image for hopelesslyinlovewith_books.
817 reviews17 followers
June 19, 2021
Holy crap! I thought this Duet couldn’t get any better than book 1! Alley Ciz blew my mind with book 2 and made this whole duet something I’ll need to read over and over again! I freaking LOVED Jasper Noble! He was hot as sin and an overprotective alpha through and through. And I loved that Savvy didn’t lose any of her badassery because of Jasper making her softer. Savvy has been my favorite character above all Alley’s books and that’s truly saying something because Alley writes some amazing women characters. The plot twist I wasn’t expecting at all!! And the steaminess of this book was off the charts! 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 Alley Ciz has totally upped her writing game with this duet! I HIGHLY recommend it!
Profile Image for Brianna Cooper.
376 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2021
If you thought the cliffhanger in Savage queen, the first book was a crazy plot twist just you wait! Ruthless Noble is the second book in this duet and can not be read as a standalone so make sure you read Savage Queen first. I don’t even know where to start, Alley writes these books that leave me speechless and that’s me after reading Ruthless Noble. I’m not giving away any spoilers but based on how Savage Queen ended we were left reeling and hungry for answers well Alley delivered! I was consumed with Savvy and Noble throughout this book, they are explosive and everything you love to see in an alphahole who’s addicted to his sassy Heroine. Savvy is fierce and loyal even when she isn’t sure which path she should take or follow, but whatever she does it’s always with her loved ones in mind. Jasper is loyal to his best friend and all of these new feelings he has for this silver haired beauty have him confused, he’s not used to actually caring for someone besides Duke. Duke, is Jasper’s best friend, and someone who immediately became a favorite character of mine. I can’t wait for his book, he’s hilarious and energetic while being dedicated and protective of his friends.
A lot happens in this one book and I was surprised at the truths and secrets revealed! Besides the mystery and the questions you’re trying to answer, you’re getting so much more meaning behind the word family in this book. The Royals are family, their term isn’t defined by blood but love and loyalty. I loved seeing how much each member cared for one another and how much they were there for each other.
Fierce attitudes, strong friendships, and explosive banter as foreplay is everything in this book! Savvy and Noble don’t make it easy for you, their chemistry is off the charts but with a lot of uncertainties on the board they can’t just ignore it all. Like I said after reading Savage Queen, if you love fast and the furious and gossip girl for their secrets, plot twists, fast cars and steamy action you need to read this book! Noble is as ruthless as his other half is savage and they aren’t about to take anything lying down.
Profile Image for xxBooksILovexx.
666 reviews27 followers
October 31, 2021
Alley Ciz has done it again!! Another amazing story. I can’t decide who I’m more in love with, Savvy or Jasper?! Alley really delivered with this book. She totally slayed me with her words. So many amazing highs and an equal number of tough lows. The electricity between Savvy & Jasper was off the charts! I could feel the sizzle on my skin. You definitely need to read this book. Just make sure you read Savage Queen first.
Profile Image for Laura Lee.
Author 25 books1,765 followers
July 2, 2021
Ruthless Noble picks up right after book 1, Savage Queen ends. I didn’t think it was possible, but Alley really steps up the wit and sexy times in this installment. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I will say all your burning questions will be answered. It’s the perfect conclusion to this duet and if you’re like me, you’ll be immediately hounding the author for the supporting characters’ books! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Vicki.
379 reviews26 followers
July 6, 2021
The concluding part of this Royal Duet delivers every expectation and gives you even more that you didn't even think to ask for...

Intense, hot, flame inducing, captivating, beautifully addictive, unstoppable...just some of the words to be used for this epic book.

Picking up right where SQ left off...RN Brings back Savvy (Samantha) King the fierce, strong, independent (although slightly overprotected by her brother) female lead and Jasper Noble (Noble) the strong, hot, alpha - hole who appears to have a heart buried under the pretentious rich boy persona...not to mention their friends Tessa,Tinsley, Duke, Banks and the Royalty crew...

Unfortunately, the couple have to overcome and prove to BOTH their world's they're the ones who should be together...if only it were as easy as teen and high school drama though...As the story unfolds the hits just keep coming for Savvy... plus in true Ciz style, the twists embedded you just do not see coming...not forgetting the awesome playlist to accompany the books.

Never mind anything else in your world, time just leaked away while I read this book, I may have unintentionally stayed up late reading...

I cannot wait to read more from the Royal / BA worlds...

Highly recommend ... Grab it today just do not hold it against me when you lose yourself within the pages...
Profile Image for Michelle Krystel .
1,999 reviews51 followers
July 8, 2021
I was given an advance readers copy of this book and have decided to write a voluntary honest review. Savvy is definitely the Queen of the royals. And obviously Carter her brother is the king. Jasper has a lot working against him in this book. But don't forget he's ruthless and I love that about him. He's s king in his own way. The banter between Savvy and Jasper is really hot it's truly like forplay lol. Now I'm so curious about Tessa and who will be her main squeeze I'm hoping for a certain playboy but we will aeet. And carter omg he's truly everthing I can't wait for his story.
Profile Image for Bookiechick  Reviews.
716 reviews21 followers
June 21, 2021
Angsty, spicy, swoon worthy, and so much more!
I love this book. I love these characters!!! Savvy is a badass and we got to see so much more to her which I loved. I loved seeing her vulnerability in this one. She had so much growth I enjoyed every minute of it. Jasper, your typical alphahole didn’t disappoint. He had just as much growth as savvy and I loved how he developed over the two books. I think what I loved most was how he let her be vulnerable and strong as well. I’ve loved getting a deeper look into him with his POV and the struggles he went through in this book when it comes to savvy. He’s her strength and I was just giddy with how he let her run the show as it were.
I’ve loved diving into this world Alley has so kindly blessed us with. There’s so much happening and I love how the story never ends with one particular couple or character. There’s so much to explore with savvy and jasper but also the rest of the books alley has also. They all tie in and I love that about her books. The world building is incredible and you get such a vivid and unique experience while reading it truly felt like a new world I was transported to.
The plot was great. I love the humour, the highs and lows. Reading this book is a new experience for me when it comes to bully romance, enemies to lovers. I’m used to the high intensity, angsty as heck, ruin you emotionally, that I was taken by surprise with this one. Love, love, love it!!
I can’t wait to see what Alley has in store for us next. I hope we see more Duke! There’s still so much I want to see!
Profile Image for Rhi.
465 reviews24 followers
June 28, 2021
Gah THIS BOOK!!!! Book 2 kicks off right from where we left in Savage Queen with Savvy in the midst of a asthma attack which gets extremely worse. This book was intense, angsty, HOT, it's full of jealousy, overprotective alphahole, a sassy as hell heroines and plenty of humour. Jasper shows his fierce side in regards of getting the woman that is meant to be his, the amount of swooning I done while reading should be illegal.

They failed to recognize the queen in their midst.

Jasper and Savvy's chemistry was as strong as ever and off the charts everytime they came together, Jasper always swore he'd make Savvy kneel for the king of BA little did he know it would be him falling to his knees.

The writing was exceptional not just for the main characters but also the side characters too which has me itching to read all their stories. Alley had me feeling all the feelings
Profile Image for Ash Lovesbooks.
168 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2021
Ruthless Noble is book #2 in The Royalty Crew series and it cannot be read as a stand-alone, you must read Savage Queen first in order to understand what is going on.

Alley Ciz once again delivers exceptional characters with such interesting and intense personalities! The fantastic storyline is full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing all along the way. I love the explosive chemistry between the main characters Jasper Noble and Samantha (Savvy) King.

I love Alley's books but feel that they should come with a warning: "Prepare to be lose all desire or ability to do anything else until you finish the book" or something along those lines. Alley has a way of making such an amazing fictional world that I am immediately drawn in and I am not able to put down any of her books until it is finished!
Profile Image for Alannah.
351 reviews11 followers
June 18, 2021
Well blow me off 😂😂😂 what can I say from the cliffhanger at the end off the first book to what happened through out this book was just Amazeballs.

Jasper is my new fave Alpha of Alleys. He was so protective and bossy that made you wanting him even more.

The Fire that Savvy and Jasper had when around eachother had you having to cool your self down.The twists were phenomenal and completely unexpected.Fierce attitudes, strong friendships, and explosive banter as foreplay is everything in this book! Savvy and Noble don’t make it easy for you, their chemistry is off the charts.
Profile Image for Rochelle Spaccamonti.
Author 1 book20 followers
June 17, 2021
Alley blew my mind with this one! This is probably her best book yet!! I knew Jasper Noble was going to be fierce and I was not wrong! He is over protective and alpha and bossy and oh boy do I love him! I love his have no fear attitude. I loved seeing him lose himself to Savvy. This book brought about the anxiety! The twists were phenomenal and completely unexpected!! I seriously want to be Savvy King when I grow up!! Jasper and Savvy were FIRE in Savage Queen but they literally ignite in Ruthless Noble! Expect a massive book hangover after reading this one!!!
Profile Image for Court.
700 reviews32 followers
February 14, 2022
Wow, that is definitely not an adequate enough of a word to describe the experience of this duet! We pick up exactly where Savage Queen left us hanging and it does not disappoint. Savvy is stuck trying to protect her family from her evil Natalie (can't even call her mother) or just save herself. Stubborn and independent girl she is, Savvy will protect her family will trying to figure a way out of the predicament she is currently in. Jasper, is still the guy you want to hate, but can't help but fall for at times. He is hooked on Savvy, but refuses to give into he emotions and face the truth. Ruthless Noble is an epic conclusion to this duet that will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time, continuously feeling the push and pull between Savvy and Jasper, wanting to see what will happen between these two. So much goes on in this story, that without taking away from the full experience, you will just have to read this amazing book to find out what happens with Savvy and Jasper. Also, don't forget all the wonderful characters that pop up from U of J series, the hilarious banter, none stop teasing that happens between Savvy and Jasper, the chemistry is off the charts! Don't miss out!
Profile Image for Larissa Rye.
1,219 reviews14 followers
January 1, 2024
Could these two be any freaking hotter together?!?! These two are hands down my new favourite couple! I love them so much. Seriously my girl crush on Savvy is out of control. She is my fave. Plus Jasper is the ultimate alphahole & I cannot handle how freaking sexy that is!

I can’t even handle how much shit went down in this book, literally my brain felt like it was going to explode. If you thought the cliffhanger at the end of book one was intense then prepare yourself because this book will put you through the wringer! God I really have no words because I think I’m still slightly stunned after finishing it. I’m also regretting reading it all in one sitting, I feel like I need to read it again because I’m going to go into Royal funk till the next book with this amazing group of characters comes out!

You don’t want to miss out another freaking fabulous addition to the amazing Royals, UofJ, & BTU series! I could rave about this book for hours but seriously read it!
Profile Image for Kodie Mackay.
1,073 reviews67 followers
July 5, 2021
Holy fucking plot twist.

Book 2, the conclusion to an EPIC duet in The Royalty Crew series brought all the tension, frustration, teasing, defiance and crazy plot twists. You think the cliffhanger was bad?... You just wait and see what comes in here. The only blessing is that there is no cliffy.

This book cannot be read as a standalone.

Savvy King is all swagger, sass and steam. That girl is hot to trot and gives absolutely zero fucks about others opinions. The best part about our leading legend is that not only does she stand for herself, she champions for the ones she loves too. The girl just don't take no shit from anyone. Not even Prince charming.

Jasper Noble is all arrogance, sensuality and sin. The man is a lethal weapon with a perpetuate smirk and the gift of the gab. He's confidently cocky and a giant A-hole but he protects what's his and what's his he doesn't share. The guy had me loving him even when I wanted to throttle him.

These two are fucking nuts. Romeo and Juliet of the 21st century I tell you. All that forbidden lust. The tension filled glares and stolen moments. It's like fire met ice. The bitching, bicker and banter. The snarky slap back, the teasing mocks. The quickies in the most outrageous of places. Lord they needed Jesus and I was here for it. They had me feeling all the feels falling in love with their explosive relationship.

Their story is unexpected in so many ways. Yes you have the drama and usual dilemmas with school life but these lot ain't normal so of course their journey definitely wasn't going to be. These characters set the narrative and evolved through the pages with so many unexpected surprises. So many revelations. Truth and lies become mingled. Relationships get tangled and lines are crossed. It's a mind field of crazy, destructive, outrageous and ridiculously sexy shenanigans. I was ranting and raving, gasping in shock.. fanning myself because this bitch was SWEATING!!! in parts!!🥵. It was nuts. But in the best ways.

The characters are more than they seem with their larger than life depthy personalities. The story development is great with fabulous plot progression and lots of emotions. It's definitely one of those character driven stories.

I think Alley did a phenomenal job of addressing all the questions and tieing up all the loose ends in a way that leaves reader satisfied but also wanting.
Ruthless Noble did not disappoint. I'm not a big y/a fan but I'm a sucker for a sassy strong heroine and this gives me that and then some plus a boat load of other great characters. How can I not love it.
Profile Image for Katslovesbooks.
828 reviews21 followers
July 2, 2021

With every book I read by Alley Ciz I fall more in love with her writing style and characters. No joke, she always has me hooked form page one, her books are just that amazing.

This is the second book in the duet and it picks up right after the shocking ending in Savage Queen (book one in the duet). Emotions are high, the adrenaline is all over the pages and I couldn't ask for more. Savvy and Jasper were just perfect.

The lies, the drama, the banter, the sensual tension and the jaw dropping twist were all perfectly woven together to create this masterpiece of a story.

Savvy and Jasper had a journey ahead of them in this book, both of them fighting and defending what the wanted. I thought book one was amazing but book to is just the cherry on top. With that being said I don't want to give too much of the story away because you honestly need to read this and experience the ride of your life.

Profile Image for Marisol.
34 reviews4 followers
July 9, 2021
Bow Down the Queen is here

I’m going to be honest I totally yelled at Alley when she told me it was going to be a duet. All the shouty caps.
However I will now eat my words because it had to be two books. There was no way their story could get told in one, and now I am left longing for more. Savvy is strong, independent, fierce, and Jasper is an alpha not used to not getting his way. Their story is one that captivates you in book one, and it never stops pulling you in.
Profile Image for mimi_reads.
195 reviews11 followers
July 1, 2021
Ruthless Noble kicks off right where Savage Queen ended and it definitely brings all of the drama. Alley Ciz has created this amazing inter-connected world and we were treated to cameos from some of our UofJ and BTU faves.

Savvy might just be my all time favourite heroine. Her sass is next level and I can’t get enough of it. I love how strong her character is, even through adversity. I was a fan of Jasper’s character after the first book but seeing him fall for Savvy and his softer side come out - I absolutely love his character in this book.
Profile Image for Yami’s Bookshelf.
349 reviews75 followers
July 8, 2021
This duet keeps getting better and better. From the hot turbulence of Savvy and Jasper’s relationship to the discoveries revealed, I could barely breathe as my eyes ravaged the pages of this book. Savvy continues to be her fiery self with a perceptible vulnerability -- a good girl who wants everyone to see she has a fiery side-- while Jasper remains the broody, brawny dominant leader who challenges her feelings, which continue to grow for both. Character development was pivotal and so well put together by the wonderful Ms Ciz.

If I didn't love Jasper Noble in the previous book (and I did), I'm crazy for him now as more of his points of view are showcased and his love and admiration for Savvy grows. He remains one of the most emotionally complex and compelling characters I've come across in this book.

And harder still as both their emotions begin to unravel, her mom has to announce her marriage to Duke because of his father’s position as Governor of New Jersey.

Savvy and Jasper are perfectly suited, characteristically matched, their sexual chemistry is magnetic; a gravitational pull that draws these two together, and it is simply explosive. This book is very steamy as well.

Alley’s writing style is riveting, sufficiently descriptive to visualize events, character interactions, and feel their emotions. She did a simply stellar job of describing this story and her characters in such a way that you feel present in the storyline with them

Thawed but still flaming, this couple's tumultuous love is a riveting, soul-searing experience. And who can't love these characters more than I already have with this second book?

Job well done, Alley!! The conclusion to this duet was exceptional
Profile Image for Christy Bailey.
644 reviews22 followers
March 21, 2022
Freaking Epic!!!

Ok so I have to give this lady some props, I never saw it coming!!! And by it I mean EVERYTHING!!!! Usually I have an idea of what coming next but not in this duet. I was on the edge of my seat trying to think how everything was going to play out and I was way off base. When I found out conclusion after conclusion I was truly amazed because I was so caught off guard. I absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!! And the fun part was after it all came together I could look back and wonder how I missed it because it all clicks together perfectly.

Jasper was a bit of a tough spot for me because of his alphahole ways but when I think about it Sav needed that in her life. She wouldn't of done well with a less than. As for Carter I'd love to get inside his growly head for sure. I bet he is fire when it comes to his emotions And for my last absolutely need to know more about character, well... I want inside more than just Charmings head. Lol. Maybe his bed too! Haha!!! He needs his own crazy chick as he is one of my favorites in this book just 2nd to Sav. I'm still alittle salty him and Sav didn't work out but I hope the future books make it right!!! Can't wait for more Royal business in the future!
Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,601 reviews
July 9, 2021
Alley did it again. The ending of Jasper and Savvy’s story left me breathless. You will not miss a beat when you start this story as it starts where book 1 left off. Everything thing that you wanted to know when you finished book 1 will be answered in the conclusion and let me say, it was worth the wait. The chemistry between Jasper and Savvy will radiate off the page and knock you off your feet. You need to read book 1 as book 2 is not a standalone but let me say that you won’t be disappointed. I found this author when she first started and with each book, she has stolen my heart with her wonderful characters and stories. Loved that I found her work and can’t wait to read more of her work.
Profile Image for Brittany waggingwithwords.
735 reviews34 followers
July 2, 2021
Gosh, Alley, I will read EVERY SINGLE BOOK YOU WRITE. ⁣

Hot, sexy, bad boy alphahole ✅⁣
Bad ass, boss babe, just straight slaying life✅⁣
Amazing friends ✅⁣

I pick up every book by @alley.ciz and I can’t get enough, Ruthless Noble was no different and I’m obsessed. Savvy and Jasper are goals. Savvy slayed Savage Queen and she’s still slaying alongside sexy Jasper. Their chemistry just sets things on fire. The throat grabs and hair pulling, my lord. 🔥⁣

I love that even though Savvy is a bad ass, she softens slightly for Jasper at times, but he never takes advantage, he lets her fight her own battles but subtly lets her know he has her back. He also softens for her, and seems to know just when to stay a bad ass but also put his girl first. Their friendships and their people are the best. I want to be part of this circle. Their relationship growth was so amazing and I want more books about this crew. I can’t get enough. ⁣

Also Cart and Emma need a book!!⁣

Profile Image for Maria.
186 reviews3 followers
July 10, 2021
I was given an ARC for an honest review of the book. Alley did such a great job with the second part of the story. Jasper is not holding back in this book and he's ready to claim his princess. The chemistry between Saavy and Jasper was through the roof. I also did not see the plot twist coming towards the end of the book so that was a mind blow!🤯 Saavy is very hardcore and headstrong, but there is also a side to her that we don't see in the first book and we get to see it in this one. Her vulnerabilities come forth and it was done beautifully by the author. I found myself captivated by their story and i cant wait to see if any of the side characters in this story will get their own story.
Profile Image for Smut Around & Find Out (Veronica).
244 reviews8 followers
July 1, 2021
I thought I loved the first book, but this one shook me to my core.

Savvy and Jasper will forever be one of my favorite couples. These two challenged each other so much and I loved every second of it! Their love was addicting and their heat practically emitted from the pages. Like seriously, if you thought the tension in the first book was too hot to handle, this one will leave you scorched x 10. 🥵

Ruthless Noble was filled with so many obstacles and shocking revelations, but seeing how Savvy and Jasper overcame them and fought for their happy ending was so worth it in the end. Alley Ciz writes such strong, kickass characters that make the reading experience so enjoyable that you'll burn through the pages and wish you could've savored it longer.
Profile Image for Jasmine | Filthylittlereader.
1,233 reviews57 followers
June 27, 2021
You ever read a book where you can’t figure out if you’re crushing harder on the heroine or hero? That’s this book. At times I wasn’t sure who had me with heart eyes more, Savvy or Jasper.
Jasper was that type of guy where you don’t know if you want to slap him, f*ck him or hold him. Hello, my kryptonite. His mouth was pure filth and it shouldn’t have felt so good but oh how I enjoyed every single second of it.
Savvy was the type of heroine you love at first meet and that love only intensified in this book. She always had a trick or two up her sleeve that gave her an edge that you didn’t want to tempt. She was straight fire and effortlessly cool.
At this point, just be prepared to take freezer breaks during your read to stick your head in because these two were a freaking inferno and boy did their burn feel deliciously good.
Alley Ciz takes you on more curves than a racetrack in this book so buckle up for the ride.
She has this undeniable talent of creating a full cast of characters you fall in love with. By the time this book ends, not only will you hit her in the dms demanding more of Savvy and Jasper but for Tessa, Duke and every single one of the members of the Royalty crew.
Profile Image for Brittany (happy.ending.always).
1,013 reviews39 followers
June 24, 2021
Holy oh my gosh! That was an absolutely wonderful book! Now that is how you write an amazing female character! Savvy King is my absolute favorite female book character! She blew me away in book one! Now she comes in in this book and leaves me speechless with her awesomeness! Fantastic, absolutely fantastic. After I finished this book I just sat for a minute reflecting on it’s awesomeness!

This book blew me away! Heck this series blew me away! It had so many ups and downs and twists and turns! And oh yes the steaminess of this book was fantastic! There was multiple chapters where my heart was in my throat the entire time! I literally was laughing at one point and then full on sobbing next!

The cast of characters in this book were all stars! They had me laughing at their witty banter back and forth! And Jasper Noble, hello Mr. Hottie Alpha Man! This guy had me drooling over him throughout the entire book! Mr. Alpha Man brought the angst and I was here for all of it! I love a great alpha angsty guy!!!

Eeeekkk! Hold onto your hats!!! This book is incredible! Heck this series deserves more than five stars, it needs all the stars! It had the perfect amount of bullying, the perfect amount of angst, absolutely amazing alpha holes and a fierce female character that will blow you away with her awesomeness! This book tore me to pieces, I loved every second!
Profile Image for The Lushy Reader.
826 reviews22 followers
June 30, 2021
Savvy and Jasper are back: savage, fierce and a whole lot friskier! When these two get together, it’s not sparks, it’s flames!!

I loved this book because we got to see a whole other side to both of these two alphas. Their vulnerabilities, their sweetness, their protectiveness. I love how they support each other and let’s be real, how many bent the knee for our Savage Princess…I mean Queen.

So much is revealed, questions are answered, and there are surprises that will shock. But ultimately, this group will have you laughing, crying, and wanting to go kick some butt behind the wheel.

Side note, Duke is HILARIOUS … do we get a Duke story!? 😬🤞🏼
Profile Image for Rose.
444 reviews13 followers
June 28, 2021
Top 2021 book/duology

Alley killed it.
Savvy killed it.
Jasper killed it.

Rest assured the cliff hanger in Savage Queen was well worth the wait in Ruthless Noble.

This book and duology scored a 10/10 in the following:
Kick A Heroine
Moody Alpha who supports his Queen
Side Characters
Plot Twists
Steamy steamy times
Emotions- I felt them all
Laughing until you are crying at 2 am
Perfect set up for more books- because we ALWAYS NEED MORE ALLEY BOOKS!

Alley took us well….. technically Savvy took us on a wild ride, and I was down for every twist and turn.

I enjoyed every moment reading this duology and every day dream after. I didn’t want either to end.

Alley has yet to disappoint, I’ve reread, will continue to reread, and always read Alleys books. One Click Author for me.

5⭐️ Reread Favorite
4⭐️ Absolutely loved it
3⭐️ Flaws but kept me entertained
2⭐️ Characters or major plot issues
1⭐️ More than majors issues
Updated review scale April 2021
Profile Image for queen_of_the_books_18.
858 reviews227 followers
July 8, 2021
You know what calling me Noble makes me want to do to you, princess

Ruthless Noble is book 2 in the Royalty Crew series. Savage Queen must be read first as it ends on an epic cliffhanger.

Alley Ciz once again bought all of the sexy times, the swoon, the sexual tension and the plot twists. The world of the Royals is enthralling, the school rivalry between the private and public school is hilarious, the friendships, the relationships, the secrets and suspense all kept me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was coming.

Fuck the consequences. Fuck anyone who tries to break us apart

Jasper, Duke and Carter stole my heart and I’m gonna need books for the other boys ASAP Alley!

If you love light bully/sports romances, with broody boys, street racing, gossip girl vibes and lots of tension then read this duet!! Right now!!

I want a girl I can’t have

This cast of characters have stolen my heart and I can not wait to read stories about the side characters.
93 reviews3 followers
December 25, 2022
What can I say. This book was beautiful in it's devastation. After the doozy of a cliffhanger in Savage Queen, this book picked up with all the drama. I was kept on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what the Momster had that she could manipulate Savvy like that.

Don't even get me started on how much Kleenex I used from all my tears!!!!!! Savvy gets you right in the "feels". At this point I'm not sure who my favorite Alley Ciz female character is!!!!! It's a tight race between Savvy and Skittles. Both are strong, sassy and awesome.

And Jasper Noble. Yum yum yum.

If you haven't read Savage Queen yet, you MUST read it before tackling Ruthless Noble. They are a duet that needs to be read in order. If I could give Ruthless Noble more than 5 starts I totally would!!!!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 333 reviews

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