7 Books You MUST Read If You Are A Founder 📚

Yesterday, I was listening to a podcast by one of my favorite motivational speakers- Sandeep Maheshwari. In the episode, he spoke about how a person first becomes rich on the inside through their mind and then later in the outside world. ✅

He then further went on to say that books are the best way to achieve this because even if you can't directly access industry leaders, you can access their learnings through the books that they have written. 📚

This thought was so deep that it got me thinking about how books have largely transformed my mindset as well. You can literally advance yourself instantly by reading a book that took years of research by completely reading it in couple of hours. I think that's definitely worth the investment of your time! ✨

So, today I decided to share a list of 7 books that have contributed a lot towards shaping my mindset and thinking in this journey of becoming a founder -

1. Atomic habits by james clear - Taught me how to build good habits and discipline
2. How to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie - Taught me lot of skills that I use to manage my teams
3. This is marketing by seth godin - by far the best marketing book I've ever read
4. The power of starting something stupid by Norton - helped me shatter self-limiting beliefs
5. The greatness guide 2 by robin sharma - amazing book to learn about everything from leadership to creativity
6. Jab, jab, jab right hook by GaryVee - Taught me how to give value without holding expectations
7. Blue ocean strategy - More towards strategic side but this book gave me good business knowledge

P.S - Only reading books won't help. Make sure to implement what you learn actively! Just read, learn, test, improve!

Have you read any of the books from the above list? What did it teach you the most? Let's discuss in the comments! 👇

Siddhita ❤️

If you are a productivity freak, make sure to follow Brutask's blog on medium where I'm regularly sharing powerful tricks and tips around motivation and self-development 👈

posted to
Self Development
on June 14, 2021
  1. 7

    I have read 1,2,7. Good books.

    I have also read The Mom Test. This book helped me to understand how to valid a product Idea.

    1. 2

      I'll put it on the top 1 on this list.

  2. 3

    I have a couple more:

    • E-Myth Revisited -> How to run a small business
    • Lean Startup Playbook -> How to create an MVP
    • Mom Test -> How to talk to your customer
    • The Dichotomy Of Leadership -> How to be a good leader
    • Start with Why -> How to give purpose to your work/employees

    If you have you read any of those, what's your opinion? 😛

  3. 2

    I would definitely add - "The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness" - by Eric Jorgenson

    Its just brilliant.

  4. 2

    Thanks for the list! If I may add a few ones I found particularly helpful for my entrepreneurial journey, I would add:

  5. 1

    Lost and Founder by Rand? I haven't read it yet though. Has anyone else?
    I believe he wrote it when it cashed out at Moz and created Sparktoro.

  6. 1

    I would say that the knowledge by YCombinator's YouTube videos triumph most, if not all entrepreneurship books out there. Would highly recommend checking out.

  7. 1

    Wow... really gonna book mark this dude. Thanks.

  8. 1

    Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0
    and other books by Jim Collins are really great as well https://www.jimcollins.com/books.html

  9. 1

    Great list!

    I would add The 4-Hour Work Week, Never Split the Difference, and Traction (Gino Wickman).

  10. 1

    Most of those books are 1 or 2 good ideas (at most) repackaged in a way to create a product to generate income for its creators, nothing more. You will better invest your time and money on other things. Do you think people like Gates/Zuckerberg/Musk, etc were busy reading start-up books?

  11. 1

    Awesome list! Thank you so much for sharing. I'll add them to my personal reading list.

  12. 1

    What podcast did you listen to? Could you share the link?:)

  13. 1

    Nice list! I already had a couple on my wish list.

    I would really recommend reading The Unfair Advantages for business owners no matter the size of your company.

    Also other comments have good recommendations, like @nafetswirth Mom Test.

  14. 1

    I've read How to win friends and influence people already twice and it is a great book when it comes to the basics of social interaction I really like it!
    I am currently reading Deep Work and I can recommend it as well since we are living in a bit of a distracted world but want to deliver high-quality work :-)

  15. 1

    These are great recommendations! I added them to my ever-growing books list. One thing to know though for others looking on here - you need to implement ideas and learnings as you go. Don't cram a bunch of knowledge into your head because it will be gone by the time you finish the book.

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