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Dane Golden—Best friend. Temptation in football cleats. Roommate?

I’m screwed.

His followers don’t call him Pretty Boy D for nothing. The guy is, literally, God’s gift to women. I should know. I’ve watched chicks throw themselves at him since puberty.

Sharing his loft should be simple. Easy. But shortly after I settle in, we realize being "just friends" was so much easier when we weren’t sleeping under the same roof.

Seven years of thinking we had this down to a science goes out the window the night Dane sees my “Never Have I Ever” list. Now, he’s on a mission to help me cross off the top four items. Some of which aren’t quite as innocent as he’d expect.

What he’s proposing will break the rules we agreed to when I first came to stay here. He wants me to give in, to let my guard down and face my feelings for once. At least, that’s what that wicked look in his eyes and the mounting heat between us suggests.

This isn’t how I imagined being roommates would go. But a girl can only stare temptation in its green eyes for so long and not weaken.

My best friend wants to have his way with me and, right or wrong… I think I might let him.


Pretty Boy D is a full-length standalone novel. This book can absolutely be read on its own, but when you’re done, it’s recommended that you check out more from the Golden triplets and Joss in the complete enemies-to-lovers trilogy, KINGS OF CYPRESS PREP.

Do you enjoy the frustratingly hot push and pull of a good friends-to-lovers or roommates-to-lovers romance? Then you’ll love getting to know Dane and Joss. Due to adult themes and sexual situations, this one’s only for the 18+ crowd. Expect an HEA and no trigger warnings needed.

263 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 9, 2021

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Rachel Jonas

26 books1,325 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 433 reviews
Profile Image for ellie.
330 reviews3,054 followers
July 24, 2021
no brain cells to be found here folks. not with Joss or Dane, or even with me after having to slog through this. idk where mine went but id like them back please xx

eurgh, you know when you’ve been waiting for that couple’s romance after being teased with all the crumbs and tension over several books? then when you finally get to there’s... it kinda sucks?

well, that was Joss and Dane. they had way more tension and chemistry in the Kings of Cypress Prep trilogy than they did in their own book :///

this was pretty tedious and exhausting, honestly. romances where i don’t understand what’s keeping the couple from being together truly baffle and frustrate me. that on top of the so terribly executed miscommunication and ow/om drama... this is an exhausting read.

and there was zero development whatsoever. no development of either character. no development between them. no romantic development. it was truly a snooze-fest masquerading as some angsty NA romance. the angst was boring and just irritating bcos it stemmed from the characters lack of common sense than actual conflicting events.

like Dane was pretty one dimensional and barely felt like a fully explored character. i couldn’t tell you anything remotely personal or interesting about him other than that he is a triplet, is an aspiring social media influencer and is in love with Joss (even if the latter remains to be seen).

while Joss was slightly more interesting and developed, but from the glimpses we got of her in the previous books, she was nothing like i had expected. she was so boring and flat. she was portrayed as this lively, kind girl who was dedicated to her friends and school. but here, again, i barely learnt anything about her except her shitty family drama.

so in turn, the romance fell flat and i literally didn’t care bcos everything was so ridiculous.

Penny’s review made me cackle when she pointed out that during sex Dane is just completely silent the whole time. and i couldn’t help but be fixated on it while reading😭 like babe wtf you thinking so hard about?

it just felt like the author scrambled to find any NA cliche she could and threw them all into a pot and regurgitated it into this book lmao.

i still want Ricky to have a romance ASAP. i literally have zero interest in the third Golden triplet, Sterling. id much rather read about Ricky☺️

and Blue Riley still owns my heart. everyone should have a bestie like Blue. go read the Kings of Cypress Prep trilogy instead. it’s leagues above this mediocre book.
Profile Image for Penny.
176 reviews153 followers
July 9, 2021
ahhh, ✨ expectation is a bitch ✨

it really pains me to say this, but i expected so much more of this book. it's lowkey my fault for shipping joss and dane so hard since The Golden Boys ever since i read it almost a year (!!) ago. i've been obsessing over every crumb of them during that trilogy, and even though best friends to lovers isn't my favorite trope, i was excited af for their story. in the end, i liked it, but i wasn't really convinced 😔

sooo, for those of you who haven't read the golden boys trilogy, Dane and Joss are side characters there and have been best friends since they were 12, even though they are clearly in love with one another. almost every moment they share in those books is filled with longing and sexual tension, so i was pretty excited to read their story. now, in this book, they decide to share an apartment together and that's where the good stuff begins ✨

what i liked:
🌺 kinda obvious, but the sexual tension was amazing. it's been building up for more than three books, and it was bound to explode with these two LIVING TOGETHER.
"And you could keep your cool if someone touched you like he's touching her?"
He scans me with a smoldering look, one that screams 'danger', like I've just awakened the devil himself. I swear the mounting heat between us burns away the air in this room, and it only gets worse when the challenge I didn't mean to put in the atmosphere is answered. When he speaks, he does so with such confidence that I am more than aware of having lost this game before I've even gotten the chance to play.
"Okay, then," he says with a slow nod. "Fucking prove it."

🌺 even though it's super cliché, i liked the whole i'll-help-you-lose-your-virginity/let's-pretend-we're-just-friends-with-benefits trope lmao. dane was pretty possessive over joss and it was hot to see him excited for being the one to show/teach her everything ngl.
Joss may be my best friend, but I've thought about her more while fucking than whoever I'm actually with. In my head, I've made her come in every position imaginable, in every way imaginable—with my mouth, my fingers, my dick. The real her may be untouched and innocent, but the version of her that lives in my head?
She's nasty as fuck.

🌺 joss's friendships with blue and sterling. i loved them!

now... what i didn't like so much:
🌺 two of the things i hate the most appear in this book: OM/OW drama + miscommunication. why GOD WHYYYYYY. this was annoying as hell. you're telling me joss and dane have been best friends for years, but at some point, even after dane promised her he'd only be physical with her, joss decides to assume he's sleeping with someone else just because she saw some pictures? BULLSHIT. go and fucking ask him about it!!! but no, they just decide to stop speaking for two weeks 🙃 and even though neither joss and dane like the om/ow that appear in this book, their presence annoyed me to no end. i like a little jealousy, but to see dane constantly going on dates with another girl, even if it's just for publicity and doesn't feel anything blah blah.... mmm, unnecessary. and it made joss feel super bad, even though she constantly told dane she didn't mind and ENCOURAGED him to do it. girl can you fucking be honest for once 😭 i'm too old for this kind of drama

🌺 dane's character kinda fell flat for me. i cannot tell you anything more about him other than he loves joss and he... practices football? i seriously feel like we don't know him. it doesn't help that there are very few chapters in his POV, so we really get to know joss but not him. every little thing that could add more "depth" to the character is just scratched on the surface. like, for example, his dad is in prison because of the events of the previous trilogy. how does dane feel about that? we don't know, because it's barely mentioned two or three times. he's suddenly this super popular, famous guy on social media and he barely has any thought about this. i feel like he just goes with the flow constantly, and rarely has an issue with anything..

🌺 on that note, i also expected more of him once he started sleeping with joss. yes, he was happy, but he was SO FUCKING SILENT during every sex scene. HE BARELY SPEAKS. and i think all of them, except for maybe one, were on joss's pov so i needed him to say more during these!! you're telling me you've been obsessed with this girl for over seven years, pictured her every time you fucked, but then it happens and that's it? WHERE IS THE OBSESSION, THE SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT, THE DISBELIEF AHH GIVE ME MORE. even when his POV came across, i felt nothing. it obviously doesn't help dane's case that i've been rereading some scenes of The Maddest Obsession lately, but i needed to feel more intensity on his part, and was left super disappointed.

on the other hand, the sex scenes were pretty hot, and muuuch better than those in the golden boys' trilogy. but dane honey please work on that dirty talk

i'm not even going to expand on other things i didn't like, such as the drama with joss's parents, how joss constantly pushed dane away, how unrealistic and annoying pandora became in this one and blah. i'll end up lowering the rating lmao. i still liked a lot of scenes between joss and dane and want to focus on the good 🧘‍♀️ but yes, sadly, i expected something different from this book.
"Thanks for making room for me," I say, peering up at him.
"I didn't have to make room for you, Joss. You just fit. Always have."
Profile Image for Van nee.
288 reviews20 followers
June 30, 2021
"I don’t know if these two see it, or what reason either one has for fighting it, but… they belong together. I’m talking soulmate-level shit."

"“I’m not saying there’s not something there, but we’ve been friends since we were twelve and we’re just so different, you know?”

Though this is a standalone, if you want a little background on the MCs, read the OG Kings of Cypress Prep series. It was in this series that I first fell in love with Joss and Dane. Their relationship was so charming that I was rooting for their own story right from the beginning in The Golden Boys. So I was so happy that I was chosen for the ARC for Pretty Boy D and it didn't disappoint.

Joss- Gorgeous Cuban/Haitian American girl. I love this girl. She is so down to earth and loveable. She is everything you want in a charming heroine. She's fiercely loyal and genuine to a fault. The story begins with her dealing with some family issues which results in her moving in with her best friend and secret crush since she was 12, Dane. These 2 are so cute together. I didn't get cavities but damn they were sweet together.
Dane- hot green-eyed footballplayer, triplet and best friend extraordinaire. Dane loves Joss something fierce and would do anything to give her the world. He has been her number one ally since they were 12. I loved how protective and caring he was of Joss. Everyone should have a Dane in their lives.

This story follows Dane and Joss who are now in college and move in together only to fight their growing attraction to each other for the sake of preserving their friendship. It is so adorable that they held a candle for each other since they were 12 and it was rewarding to see how things played out. There were a couple of bumps in their road and because I was so invested in their relationship, I totally got all the feels when things escalated. In some scenes I just wanted to give Joss a huge hug and kick the villain's ass.

Chemistry - These 2 had chemistry since the OG book 1. I'll never forget how things played out for Joss and Dane at Christmas in Forever Golden and was really looking forward to more of the same in this story. It didn't disappoint. The first few chapters set up the background but by about 25% things started heating up and I loved the ride!

Fans of Pandora will be happy that she continues to stir the pot and was important in driving this story. .

Epilogue - While this epilogue didn't delve too far into the future, it did tie up a couple of important events. Rachel says we'll see more of these 2 in her future books and I can't wait!

I received this book as an ARC and my review is voluntary.
Profile Image for Miftahul.
370 reviews187 followers
August 19, 2021
Joss is annoying as fuck. Her one excuse for not giving Dane a chance is cuz “her parents were once bffs but now they are not happy together” which she doesnt fail to mention again and again and again and again....oh but she can be friends with benefits with him cuz that doesnt change anything 🙄. Dane was kinda boring, he was one dimensional, the only thing i know about him is that he is Joss’s bff who got a hard on for her and maybe he plays football? Yeah other than that he is BORING AS FUCK.
Profile Image for Nelly.
277 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2021
It is absolutely imperative for authors to remember that teens love Tik Tok more than the novels they are trying to sell.

The characters are young and in college, but I refuse to be burdened by their stupid angst and overbearing personalities.

In my opinion, life is too short and precious to waste it on books that employ long, internal monologues and indecisive characters who say the same things repeatedly.

Definitely not worth the time to spend indulging in.
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
1,979 reviews903 followers
July 7, 2021
I’ve been dying to try this writing duo- and I was not disappointed! I’m loving the Golden boys triplets thus far, and this surprisingly feel good, super steamy, quite adorable friends-to-lovers romance had me grinning from ear to ear. The story captured me straight away- such a binge able premise, and with super likable characters, I consumed this one really quickly.

Aptly dubbed Pretty Boy D, Dane’s friendship with his bestie Joss has always been powerful since the very first moment he defended her in middle school. Now on their way to college, these two walk a very fine line, constantly teetering close to having to confront the growing more-than-friends feelings and tension that simmers between them. And when Joss finds herself unexpectedly roomies with Pretty Boy D, the feelings start to bubble, even though Joss has some baggage when it comes to romances that start with best friendship. Her unexpected bucket list, though, proves the perfect catalyst to explore their intense chemistry- and the perfect opportunity for Dane to make some inroads with his reluctant bestie. Prove to her that they can, in fact, be perfect as more than friends.

Dane was such a pleasant surprise. Rich, handsome, popular football player and social media star- I expected him to play to trope, and he really didn’t. Sure, he’s had some girls in his days, but he’s delightfully down to earth, sincere, integrous and full of emotional vulnerability and self-awareness. The way he respects Joss’s needs and desires is sexy AF. And his dirty mouth was pretty sexy too. And Joss was just so endearing- she’s desperate for a tether, for safety and security- so of course she doesn’t want to risk Dane, the only stable thing she has in her life. I loved watching her find her confidence in exploring their dynamics, her sweet love for him and her hesitant thoughtfulness. Their chemistry is just adorable. And their steamy times are SO hot.

I’ve not read the prior series, though now I’m dying to, though based on what I’d heard, I expected this book to be more dramatic/angstier. The pace is steady, but level- and the conflict is quickly resolved. I did appreciate how the “normal” conflicts I kept expecting kept dissolving by the steadiness of these two- which in a weird way, the lack of conflict or huge drama in this book kept me on my toes because I kept expecting it. I think had I not been expecting that, I wouldn’t have been missing the drama- but I was, so I kept bracing for it, and it never escalated much. This is actually more swoony and sweet than anything- and I really enjoyed it, even if our ending felt a bit rushed/anticlimactic to me. (not necessarily a bad thing, just wasn’t anticipating it to be so smooth).

Sweet, sexy, and lower angst- a delightfully sexy, feel good read. And the cover is just yummy. All in all, a great introduction to these authors, and I’m excited to dive back into the prior books and meet the brother who already had his story told. Looking forward to Mr. Silver- super curious about what is going on with the mysterious third brother and his seemingly scandalous activities.
Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,532 reviews160 followers
July 13, 2021
This is my first read by this writing duo and it’s safe to say it won’t be my last ! This was a sweet sexy steamy friends to lovers romance story that had me swooning and panting with all the emotions heat and sexual tension in this story . Joss and Dane were such a sweet couple I fell in love with both of them immediately and the chemistry between these two you could feel burning off the pages the sexual tension was real and the angst this was such a well written amazing book I loved all the characters and I will definitely be reading previous books with these characters in them to catch up on these hot af triplets and I can’t wait for the next book in this awesome spin off series!
Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews56 followers
March 19, 2022
(audiobook) After the previous trilogy, I expected a bit more from Joss and Dane’s story. I didn’t feel the seven years of pining on both parts. Yes, there were deep feelings, and attraction, but not the kind of love they claim to feel.

Especially on Dane’s part, who was ready to screw a couple of girls before Joss arrived to his loft a couple chapters into the story. Sure, he cancels, because Joss is more important–and the pattern is repeated over and over, with Dane ready to sacrifice everything for Joss. But it’s hard to believe him when he says later she’s ‘the only one’. Yeah right. But we already knew how it was from the previous books. Just maybe tone down the superlatives?

It was difficult to get into his head anyway, as there were only a dozen chapters from his point of view, and they weren’t as introspective as Joss’s were. At least, not about their past together.

I actually enjoyed Dane’s relationship with Shawna, his fake date. Not as a couple, but as friends. The contrast with his relationship with Joss was striking. And Shawna was an interesting character. She brought some drama, but she was nice.

Joss was a nice character too, but I couldn’t get behind the way she saw her relationship with Dane. I mean, after so many years as close friends, she was supposed to know him. And to know her feelings. On the other hand, I’d have liked to see more of her and her parents, since they’re the reason she doesn’t want a relationship with Dane. I wanted some closure for her on that aspect of her life.

If the feelings seemed somewhat lukewarm, it was very different regarding their desire for each other. Wow that was hot! The initiation thing, though a bit cliché, worked well. Joss definitely trusted Dane with her body, and that made for sizzling moments. Very sexy read.

Pandora still comments on the story, so her narrator is back and does a great job. The main narrators were good with their characters, but I didn’t really enjoy the female narrator’s voice, especially her random pauses in sentences. The male narrator deserved more audio time. The whole book was a bit of a let down, but still a good audio.


- Series: Kings of Cypress Pointe #4 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #new adult romance #interracial romance #friends to lovers #friends with benefits #roommates #virgin
- Triggers: some verbal abuse, mention of cheating
- Main couple: Josslyn François & Dane Golden
- Hotness: 4/5
- Romance: 5/5
- + there was a deep affection between Joss and Dane
- – Joss’s comparison between her parents’ relationship and her and Dane’s made little sense
Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,229 reviews1,675 followers
July 5, 2021



Star Rating : 4/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : None

Hero : Dane

Heroine : Joss

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 5/10

Heat Rating : 6/10

Triggers Involved : None

Plot Summary :
Dane and Joss have known each other since their childhood . They were kids when they formed a bond of friendship and it's still going strong until now! Everyone expects them to end up together but that does not seem to be happening.

Not because they don't want each other but because there are a lot of issues to be overcome. When boss's life implodes and she has to come live with Dane, keeping those boundaries in check gets even more difficult. Things turn embarrassing when Dane finds her list of things she had to do yet in her life and he offers to help her cross them out. Not all those things in her list are innocent and now staying away from her best friend is impossible. Not when she had already fallen.

Dane fell for Joss when they were 12. However Joss has been keeping her distance so Dane never pursued her like that. But now he knows what she needs. The opportunity he has been waiting for years has finally come and he can't be more excited. There is no way he is letting her go now. Not when she was always meant to be his.

Overall Opinion :
I loved this contemporary romance so much! Dane and Joss had some crazy chemistry that had me feeling all their emotions and that was the best part for me.

The storyline of the book was amazing, although this one was a bit milder than the Golden boys trilogy by this author which is the story of West who is Dane's brother , but I loved this one nonetheless. The characters are amazing and that hint about Sterling's book just made me so happy.

I can't wait to read from this world snf can't wait for the other characters. Definitely recommending this one to all the contemporary best friends to lovers romance loving people out there!

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Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,483 reviews477 followers
January 23, 2022
Audiobook Review. Dane and Joss had been best friends for years. They had a connection that teased at more than friends but they were careful with protecting their friendship and not crossing boundaries. Then a curveball got thrown at Joss and her bestie came through for her with a place to live and job.

I liked the general concept of the plot but I felt that miscommunication was used too heavily to create conflict. Joss had some reasons holding her back that seemed to greatly overshadow everything with a potential to be great that was right in front of her face. Dane, I liked a lot. Though I was at times frustrated by his part in the miscommunication, he seemed more open and secure in his feelings.

I found the buildup to intimacy to be executed well. However, the first act of full intimacy was a bit rushed and anticlimactic. Dane seemed to lose some of the personality that was built up for him and was not as emotive as I had expected.

Narration was done by Angel Pean, Blake Lockheart, and Sarah Puckett. I loved the addition of the third voice, Ms. Puckett’s, for the resident gossip! There were several minor abrupt fluctuations in pitch at certain points but they didn’t greatly impact the overall experience. I listen at higher rates and found the audio to be easy to follow.

Complementary copy received and voluntarily reviewed.
99 reviews
July 1, 2021
I highly recommend this book (& Kings of Cypress Prep if you didn't start with them) !! I was unbelievably thrilled to receive an ARC copy of this book! Although that doesn't effect anything said. This is 100% honest review. Kings of Cypress Prep has became one of my all time favorite series & this addition is no different. I've been dying to see how Dane & Joss's story continued & couldn't wait to dig in & read Pretty Boy D! As I expected I was not disappointed! I absolutely loved it!! Those last 20 minutes of the book definitely had me stressing but the ending was totally worth the wait! Now I'm impatiently waiting on Sterling's book
Profile Image for Andrea Fleury.
966 reviews77 followers
January 7, 2022
Oh my god this book was so alpha. I wish I had read the other books in this series first . it don't make the book less exciting but it would have been easier to understand the other characters. Now I'm going back and read them. I loved it.
2,111 reviews53 followers
July 11, 2021
Pretty Boy D was… pretty good, but I guess I was expecting more from Dane and Joss crossing over from friends to more after getting to know them in the first Golden Boys books. What occurs between them is perfectly fine friends-to-lovers trope, but they were kinda lacking that *oomph* that I got from Blue and West in the first books of this series.

There were some miscommunications between Dane and Joss that had me shaking my head. They were best friends for so long first, and then she jumped to a conclusion about him being with other girls and didn’t confront him? I didn’t buy it.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, but I just felt it didn’t pack the same punch as West’s books did. Maybe I expected too much? It’s not necessary to have read the previous books in this connected series to enjoy Pretty Boy D, but check them out anyway!

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.
Profile Image for audelia.
417 reviews101 followers
July 14, 2021
3.75 Stars

Okay so I haven’t really read The Kings of Cypress Prep series, but I do know this is a story about two side characters in them. I read enough reviews to also know Dane Golden is the brother of TKOCP’s male lead, West Golden. Anyway, I don’t know why I did it, but I decided to read this one first before the previous book series (even knowing this book will probably somewhat spoil the series for me, but oh well). Most likely because I was in a mood for a standalone story, not three books lol. Still, I was able to enjoy this as much as possible.

Dane and Joss have been best friends for such a long time, with Dane pining over Joss for years — wanting more than friendship from her. But Joss is emotionally damaged, due to what happened to her own parents. She refuses for her relationship with Dane to end up just like her parents’ (who were also best friends who became physical and turned into one of those toxic couples especially when Joss’ mom got pregnant with her). In this story, we get to see Dane’s and Joss’ struggle to remain platonic especially after they start sharing the same loft. Tensions rise (particularly in the sexual variety) and drama ensues along the way — including the unnecessary (like always) miscommunications, jealousies, and fired up arguments that lead to… well… sexy times.

There were definitely times I wanted to shake some sense into Joss and just scream at her to woman up and take life (or in this case, Dane lol) by the balls. She seriously frustrated me at times, but I could try to understand due to her hang-ups and fears. But still. It was hella frustrating. And Dane, well I loved him for the most part, I just wish he didn’t allow the whole Shawna thing to drag along and turn into a big thing. Although I loved how protective was and how vindictive he got when it comes to Joss. Bottom line, I loved how he loved Joss. So whatever, I still enjoyed the shit out of this. Can’t wait for Sterling’s book for sure! Someone has to knock that block off a peg or two. Can’t wait to find out who gets to have the honor.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,764 reviews1,332 followers
July 14, 2021

3 Stars

This was my first Rachel Jonas/Nikki Thorne book and I liked it overall, very Gossip Girl-esque.

What I loved:
1. I enjoyed the friendship with the girls and the guys. You could tell they were a family and really cared for each other. Truly, Gossip Girl without all the backstabbing among the friends.
2. The tension between Dane and Joss was great. It was believable, and there were moments that hurt my heart, especially for Dane.
3. The writing was good as well. I enjoyed the overall story.
4. I did like the Gossip Girl aspect of the book. The commentary at the end was fun, and reminiscent of one of my fave shows as a teen. Definitely provided some surprise plot details.
5. Decent steam. The tension translated into the bedroom and Dane was really attentive.

What I didn’t love:
1. Joss drove me crazy, the back and forth and her being scared was fine for a bit but I eventually wanted Dane to move on. It went on too long for me.
2. I liked Dane but I didn’t love him. I didn’t really understand how the the football but also model thing works for real, like so this allowed in the college football arena. Maybe the author assumes we would know from the previous series, but this is marked as a standalone so I needed more character development from him.
3. The pacing was a bit off for me. I did enjoy that once they for together, their HEA was not really thwarted, but it just took too long and I got too frustrated with them and Joss, in particular.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read. This isn’t my favorite trope for many of the reasons for the miscommunication aspect of the general stories that fall into this type of plot, but it was an entertaining and quick read with a great overall cast.
Profile Image for TXBRITGAL.
1,354 reviews29 followers
July 2, 2021
Well its about darned time 😉💗🔥

Hallelujah we *FINALLY* get the story of Joss and Dane!!! What a ride this book takes us on. Though Daddy Dearest is thankfully out of the picture (for now at least)...there could be yet another Machiavellian douche canoe in the mix. Our fearless author never does anything by halfsies .... There are so many emotions throughout this gem. You'll cheer, feel frustrated, scream in anger, and palm your forehead in an OMG way more than once! Get ready for a few reveals, and our fearless Cypress Pointe Gossip Girl aka Pandora making everyone's secrets public in the most delicious of ways. I dunno about anyone else, but I for one am hoping Pandora gets his/her own standalone at some point...waddya think? This series just continues to get better and raises the bar each time. Brava!!
Profile Image for Camille (bookish.cami).
614 reviews36 followers
July 4, 2021
Hello hello DANE!!

Ok I officially love this friends to lovers 🙌🙌! I absolutely adored Joss and Dane in the Kings Of Cypress Prep, and this give a whole other side of them both yes I’m so here for it!

This follows Joss and Dane into college
Joss the shy sweetheart who is scared to show how she really feels
Dane cocky alpha who knows what he wants and omg that smirk 😏 like come on.

You can only fight the way you feel for so long but when they finally give it’s straight magnetic. They have a few bumps in the road but I was so invested in them I knew they could work this out. There was times when I was cheering, yelling, laughing and swooning. I absolutely adore Joss and Dane!

Omg and Pandora is always there with her mix.

I can’t wait for MRSilver! Sterling’s book
44 reviews
July 2, 2021
Omg wow it’s a great continue on to the story of kings of Cyprus prep. The golden boys rule

Dane and joss match made since they were both 12 years old and Dane defended her in class, both having very different back grounds and coming together threw several life choices and the way in which they turn to each other for support and to one another as well loved it .the book shows lots of
Private details of Dane and Joss relationships from experimenting with sex and eventually becoming a couple. I enjoyed that we also got the gossip fix from Pandora as well threw the book and In the end a hint threw out the youngest golden brother Stirling see what he’s been up to with certain head masters wife or ex wife as we are lead to believe
Profile Image for The Lushy Reader.
827 reviews22 followers
July 1, 2021
Oh My DANE!!!

I’m a total enemies to lovers type of gal but Rachel and Nikki just made me a friends to lovers fiend!!! The perfect amount of drama, angst, heartache, and steam. This is one of the best feel good romances I’ve read all year!

Do I dare say it!?! 😬 Has Dane Golden beaten out his brother for my heart!?! Eeeekkkk, I love Dane so much! A cocky alpha with a heart of gold and a sexy as hell smirk 😏 I’m ALL-IN!!

Joss is a sweetheart but to be transparent…I wanted to kick her butt a few times!! She frustrated me so I feel for my boy D. But I understand where she’s coming from.

Such a fun story and always a blast with the Golden Crew and the gossiping Pandora…can’t wait for MrSilver!!
107 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2021
Another great addition to this series!! I was really invested in West & Blue prior to this one coming out so it took me a bit longer to get into Dane & Joss' story, but that usually happens to me with a series that covers multiple couples. The writing itsself was great(as usual) & the story was totally different from the previous ones while still connecting to the overall series in a natural way. It was clear from the get go that Joss & Dane loved each other but a ton of outside interference try to derail that, I loved that because they had known each other for so long, we got to pass the usual beginning of a relationship & really got to enjoy how they showed each other how they felt while trying to navigate all the changes.
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,822 reviews7 followers
July 1, 2021
These two are just all sorts of swoon… Joss is the girl you want to be friends with. I spent the whole book cheering her on, silently saying ‘you’ve got this girl!’ when I could see her confidence wavering. She doesn’t realize she’s the total package, and that makes her all the more endearing. Dane is a complete heartthrob, and what elevates him to god-like status is that his heart only truly beats for his best friend. Now if they could both get on the same page, that would be fantastic! Lol… Though this has its miscommunications and drama to allow for roadblocks to their romance, it’s clear from the first page that these two are #couplegoals.
Profile Image for Steffi.
624 reviews46 followers
June 5, 2024
Ich hab dieses Buch innerhalb weniger Stunden inhaliert, das sagt eigentlich schon alles!

Also ganz ehrlich, als ich mit diesem Buch gestartet habe, war mir nicht klar worauf ich mich da einlasse. Der klappentext klingt wie viele Bücher davor. Und auch wenn es tatsächlich Dinge gab die eindeutig nicht neu waren, hat mich dieses Buch in seinen Bann gezogen. Und dann dieses Ende. Ich brauche Band 2 und 3 jetzt sofort! Aber leider muss ich mich da noch bis Oktober und März nächsten Jahres gedulden...
Profile Image for Jessica Sargalski.
205 reviews6 followers
July 4, 2021
Best Friends … Check
Secret Feelings…. Check
Pandora ….. Check
Banter back and forth with the will they won’t they game …. check

This book was so good . I loved reading about Dane and Joss. They took years of friendship and made this story worth reading for the hea! It’s steamy and emotional and a whole lot of omg just tell each other how you feel . I def recommend this friends to lovers book !
155 reviews2 followers
June 30, 2021
He is most definitely my Pretty Boy. Loved this story, loved the characters even more here. Rachel Jonas did an amazing job in creating this world, and this story was a perfect fit. Oh and the anticipation was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Profile Image for Mona  Brown .
1,533 reviews13 followers
July 9, 2021
I love Pretty Boy D

I have been wanting this story since the first time I read the interaction between Dane and Joss. I knew it was going to be hot, intense and full of trouble. And of course these two lovely ladies took all that and turned it up times 1000. This book has everything you were hoping for if you have been a fan of the Golden Boys, and if this is a new series to you.... it's a great introduction to the world.
My boy D is already book boyfriend material, and this book just cements why.... so sit back and enjoy the show
55 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2021
We finally get to know what happens between Dane and Joss! The chemistry between them...This book did not disappoint! It grabbed me from the beginning and didnt let go. Loved it and cant wait for the next book in this series!
16 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2021
I've been waiting for this book since I finished Forever Golden. Finally getting to read Dane and Joss' story, and I have to say it was totally worth the wait! The chemistry between these two was amazing. It was a battle within myself from not being able to put this book down, but also not wanting it to end! I have a book hangover for sure after finishing and cannot wait for the next book to come out! If you haven't already, go and read the first 3 books in the Kings of Cypress Prep series where you get some back story to Dane and Joss as well as the story of Blue and West! It will keep you busy until Pretty Boy D officially gets released next week! I Absolutely love all of these books!!
Profile Image for Shelly.
85 reviews8 followers
July 16, 2021
2.5 stars

This is Dane and Joss' story. I really wanted to love this spin off since I enjoyed the Kings of Cypress Prep trilogy but this fell flat for me. I'm not a big fan of the friends to lovers trope because typically these storylines are pretty standard.

It's an ok read but for the most part I was bored.

1. Characters lacked depth
Dane and Joss really struggled with communication. A majority of the story is focused on Joss' inability to admit her true feelings to Dane. It was torture to see indecisive Joss constantly pushing Dane away. As for Dane, he's apparently a well known influencer working on his brand and is also a college football player. And that's literally all we know about him. Flat characters = no character development.

2. Plot was kind of boring
I wish we got more of a backstory on how the two were like as childhood friends. Aside from the constant push and pull between Joss and Dane, Dane's social marketing (?) manager controls his life and wants to sabotage his friendship with Joss because it's bad publicity to his image. The set up with Carlos and Shawna felt so forced.

Then you get some big revelations near the end that made me go; "what...
Revelation #1: SO wtf happened to her at the end? How did Rose find out about this?
Revelation #2:

Overall, it's an ok light read especially if you liked the "Kings of Cypress Prep" trilogy. I just had very high expectations and found that Dane and Joss' story really paled in comparison to West and Blue's (the earlier books).
Displaying 1 - 30 of 433 reviews

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