Profile photo for Shivam Shukla


Many friends have commented on one of my earlier write-up titled: “I will buy a new house and then earn rental income on it, this is much better than stock market”

The first point which I would like to highlight is that I respect each and every opinion and try to learn from everyone.

Now, let us move ahead and see the reality why the stock market is a better investment in comparison with any other asset class in India. For the same I request you to please take a look at the following snips. The credits of these snips belong to the respective creators. I have j


Many friends have commented on one of my earlier write-up titled: “I will buy a new house and then earn rental income on it, this is much better than stock market”

The first point which I would like to highlight is that I respect each and every opinion and try to learn from everyone.

Now, let us move ahead and see the reality why the stock market is a better investment in comparison with any other asset class in India. For the same I request you to please take a look at the following snips. The credits of these snips belong to the respective creators. I have just used them fairly to spread investing knowledge.

Little bit of wealth creation data

Indian equities have seen a strong growth with major indices such as NIFTY 50 and Sensex generating a CAGR of ~10% between FY 2015-2021. Market analysts remain bullish for Indian equities in the long term owing to macroeconomic factors and growth.

The market participation has also been on the rise with the number of demat accounts rising at the rate of ~15% CAGR between FY 2015-FY 2021. COVID-19 accelerated the growth further with ~14 million new demat accounts opened in FY 2021, a ~35% rise in a year.

Despite the strong growth, India capital market penetration (percentage population participating in stock market) stands at only 3% as compared to 55% and 13% in US and China respectively.

Snip 2

Overall mutual fund AUM in India, for individual investors is expected to reach ~ US$ 500 billion by FY 2026 which is currently at ~US$ 224 billion in FY 2021. Digital channels as a mode of investment has picked up pace rapidly contributing 55%-65% of all incremental mutual fund purchases in FY 2021 and is expected to drive 70%- 75% of all incremental purchases by FY 2026. On an overall level digital channels are expected to amount to ~55% of the overall mutual fund AUM by FY 2026.

Now the point which you need to understand is that it is not just about the data but the way you interpret it defines the correct knowledge. To explain the same point let us take this discussion forward in a simple question-answer format. I am sure it will help you in understanding why stocks are a better investment than property, gold etc.

Q1 What are different kinds of assets in India where people invest?

A1 Gold, stocks, fixed deposits, bank savings, local committees, cash etc., These are some of the asset classes in which people in India invest in.

Q2 Ok, then what is an asset in simple terms?

A2 An asset is anything which holds value and helps in the betterment of human civilization in one way or the other. For example, if you work for a company A you are an asset of the company which holds value. Similarly if you hold cash in your hands this only is an asset which holds value in the real world. Then other examples can be Intellectual Property, inventions etc., are all different kinds of assets.

Q3 So what is the division of household wealth in India?

A3 For the same please look at the following snip.

As you can see according to this snip only 4.8% people in India invest in equities. Whereas, nearly 50 percent invest in property, 15% in bank deposits and 15 percent in gold respectively. This totals to around 80% of the total Indian household assets. Then around 10 percent is occupied by pension funds and insurance funds. Thus totaling to around 90%.

Q4 Then why do 55% people in the US and 33% people in the UK invest their money in stocks?

This is because the US and UK are developed nations. Unlike nations like India, Brazil etc which are developing. Financial literacy has percolated to a deeper level in the developed nations mentioned above like the US and UK. Which is not the case with nations like India and Brazil.

Q5 Is this not surprising specially when compared with a nation like India where just around 3 to 5% people only invest in stocks/ equities?

The point here is that India which is a developing nation is now on a somewhat predictable path of becoming a developed nation like the US and UK. Though this will take a few decades for us to reach that developed nation tag. Still, what is to be understood is that as the nation continues to develop and unify financially. So will the way people deal and invest with money.

Due to epic digitalization over the next few decades or so, India will turn digital money, wallets, online transfer of funds, free internet banking etc., as a norm. Just like we have for mobile phones today. This means irrespective of the model. It may not be the most expensive phone in the market. Still, more than half of the population has exposure to mobile phones in India which is going to continue to rise.

Smartphone penetration rate in India 2010-2040

In 2020, the penetration rate of smartphone in India reached 54 percent and was estimated to reach 96 percent in 2040, more than doubled from financial year 2016, when only around 23 percent of the total population were using smartphone.

Q6 Still, what is the reason for this disparity in investing methods today?

See, as I have told you and shared snips and data with you. Just around 3 to 5% people in India participate in the stock market today. In the US this number is 55%. This is because of

  • Lack of financial literacy in India.
  • India still is a developing nation. US whereas is a developed economy.
  • Unwillingness of people to evolve and change dynamically.
  • Lack of conceptual clarity on investing.
  • No proper means of stock market education in India.
  • Myth that property and gold investments are safer.
  • Lack of proper understanding of different kinds of asset classes.
  • Stubbornness of Indian’s to continue holding property.
  • Stubbornness of Indian people to continue believing in myths.
  • Stubbornness of Indian stock traders who know stocks but still get wiped out here.

Q7 What does the future holds?

A7 See, irrespective of what I say or write. Today India has just 3% exposure in equities roughly. As India develops we will see the exposure of Indian’s increase towards equities and mutual funds. A few decades later as India moves towards achieving the tag of a developed nation Indian populations exposure to equities will also rise and even cross 40% which is around 15 times from the current level. Obviously this process will be gradual and take its own sweet time.


Still, the correct path of financial prosperity for any Indian investor today is to quickly invest in good equities and hold them like you hold your gold, property or any other asset class. For example China is at around 14% today.

Therefore, the future is that the share of people in property investments is going to shrink on a decadal basis in India as we go ahead and the share in equity investments is going to rise. This is the normal trajectory of a nations cycle from being a developing to a developed nation.

Q8 Still, why are equities a better investment than gold?

As on an annual basis equities (benchmark index) have outperformed Gold by a handsome margin on a 25 year basis. This can be verified by a simple google search. Still, to begin I am sharing with you a link:

Nifty 50 Vs Gold - Which is the best investment?
Nifty 50 Vs Gold - Which is the best investment? Let us try to understand this by looking at the past 24 years of Nifty 50 TRI and Gold data.

Q9 Then coming to the question of property is it better than stocks as an investment?

See, on this as I have discussed in my earlier write-up. I agree that everyone should have a house. Still, you should not think that you will beat inflation easily by rental yields in India. This just doesn’t happen. Also, I am giving you a general idea here. I am not taking any specific cases.

So if you have a god given house next to the Queens palace in City of Westminster. Well then obviously the dynamics will change for you. What I am saying is that if you are a middle class family person with a 2 or 3 BHK flat in any of the metropolitan cities in India then thinking of beating equities while holding out on a rental yield is not a very good idea. As your yield will give you just 7–8% after taking out all other expenses. This will be way behind what good equities can offer.

Also, in equities in India we have a T+1 settlement period this is rarely the case with property investments. As property investments are ill-liquid and have numerous regulatory limitations. It is due to these reasons only that it is very difficult to sell your landed property or house and secure funds in a day or two.

What's the Difference Between Real Estate and Stock Investments?

Therefore, to sum up with this write-up I would like to highlight that every person has different circumstances and visions towards life. Also, there are no rights and wrongs in investing. It is only about having the correct knowledge. So, I hope this gives future investors some food for thought and helps them in a constructive way with investing.

Disclaimer: Views expressed are personal. Stocks discussed are all a part of my portfolio. Please don’t invest in any asset classes based on just my write-ups. Take my articles for informational and educational purposes only. Before investing please consult a SEBI registered investment adviser. Finally, all links and snips used in this article are used fairly. The credit goes to the respective creators.

Profile photo for Kirubakaran Rajendran

Total Indian population as per latest census report is

The two largest demat service providers in India are CDSL and NSDL.

As per the latest stats from NSDL, total active investors in India are - 16865433

And as per CDSL, total active investors in India are -14415675

So in total, approx 3 Crores Indians invest in Stock Market. Our total population is more than 130 crores.

Less than 2.5% of Indian population invest in Stock Market. Compared to other nations, we have a long way to go. And i strongly believe, this will only increase as the days pass on.


Total Indian population as per latest census report is

The two largest demat service providers in India are CDSL and NSDL.

As per the latest stats from NSDL, total active investors in India are - 16865433

And as per CDSL, total active investors in India are -14415675

So in total, approx 3 Crores Indians invest in Stock Market. Our total population is more than 130 crores.

Less than 2.5% of Indian population invest in Stock Market. Compared to other nations, we have a long way to go. And i strongly believe, this will only increase as the days pass on.



Profile photo for Quora User

A financial advisor is a professional who provides financial advice. Their advice or products must be suitable for their clients, however there is no legal standard they have to abide by. Basically, nearly anyone can say they are a financial advisor of some kind.

A fiduciary has a legal and ethical obligation to put their clients' interests first.

So while financial advisors may offer a wide range of services, they may not always act in their client’s best interest.

For these reasons, it’s a really smart idea to shop around on websites like ComparisonAdviser. They take in all of your information,

A financial advisor is a professional who provides financial advice. Their advice or products must be suitable for their clients, however there is no legal standard they have to abide by. Basically, nearly anyone can say they are a financial advisor of some kind.

A fiduciary has a legal and ethical obligation to put their clients' interests first.

So while financial advisors may offer a wide range of services, they may not always act in their client’s best interest.

For these reasons, it’s a really smart idea to shop around on websites like ComparisonAdviser. They take in all of your information, then match you with a vetted advisor in your area with experience in the special area you need. They ONLY work with vetted and accredited fiduciaries, so you know you are working with professionals that are held to a legal standard to keep your interests first.

How ComparisonAdvisers’ Free Tool Works:

  • Answer a short questionnaire about your needs
  • Get matched with Fiduciary Advisors NEAR YOU
  • Compare and choose what Fiduciary is best for your situation

I hope you found this information helpful!

Profile photo for Daanish Ram Randhawa

The Current State of the Indian Stock Market

The number of demat account holders in India continues to skyrocket, with 11 crore accounts in January 2023, compared to only 8.4 crores as reported in 2022. Even with these massive figures, it is estimated that only 3% of Indian households are actively investing in stock market.

However, India lacks behind in the number of dedicated retail investors comp

The Current State of the Indian Stock Market

The number of demat account holders in India continues to skyrocket, with 11 crore accounts in January 2023, compared to only 8.4 crores as reported in 2022. Even with these massive figures, it is estimated that only 3% of Indian households are actively investing in stock market.

However, India lacks behind in the number of dedicated retail investors compared to the performance of other countries. Here are the numbers from other countries to put things into perspective:

* United States of America - 55%
* United Kingdom - 33%
* China - 13%

Fortunately, the market trends have indicated a step in the right direction. Until 2019, the net selling of stocks was higher than the net purchase, signifying that more retail investors were selling their shares, hesitant to buy more.

But as soon as 2020 rolled over, there was a noticeable increase in net purchases, resulting in a net inflow of INR 51,200 crore. This simple change in investor behavior proved that individuals are getting more comfortable with the stock market and parking significant disposable income in shares.

But a large portion of the contributions seems to be from two major cities, as reported by the National Stock Exchange. Mumbai and Ahmedabad investors are said to have a dominant hold over the market, contributing to 80% of the total trading value occurring on the exchange. Separately, Mumbai contributes 67.8%, while Ahmedabad provides 11.4% of the total cash turnover in NSE. The next city on the list is Chennai at 5.1%, followed by Delhi at 4.6%.

Is there a reason why other cities have low trading volumes? Let’s find out.

Reasons for Limited Stock Market Participation Among Indians

Visualize a scenario - your family has traditionally invested in land, real estate, and gold....

Profile photo for Quora User

If we calculate in terms of percentage who directly invest in stock market, it’s less than 1% of total population and if we calculate direct and indirect both, it may reach to 2 to 3% only. Indirectly means investments through Mutual funds, LICs and other similar investments available in India.

I have been trading and investing in stock market from more than a decade. I am living in Mumbai which is a hub of stock market and most of the companies’ head quarters. I have felt and watched stock market very closely because my father was in Dalal street from where stock market of India begun.


If we calculate in terms of percentage who directly invest in stock market, it’s less than 1% of total population and if we calculate direct and indirect both, it may reach to 2 to 3% only. Indirectly means investments through Mutual funds, LICs and other similar investments available in India.

I have been trading and investing in stock market from more than a decade. I am living in Mumbai which is a hub of stock market and most of the companies’ head quarters. I have felt and watched stock market very closely because my father was in Dalal street from where stock market of India begun.

Scenario of stock market investments is changing day by day. Digitization is helping people to grab knowledge about stock market. Let’s take an example about Quora only. Quora was nowhere before few years but popularity of Quora is increasing day by day and people are interacting, grabbing knowledge and learning good things through Quora. This is just because of digitization happening in India.

Percentage of people is increasing who are investing in stock market directly or indirectly. Indirectly means thorough Mutual funds and other fund sources. Before 5 years, very few people are aware about mutual funds but nowadays investment in mutual funds increased rapidly.

Still there is lesser people out of 130 crore population in India who invest in stock market. I am giving best possible reasons behind that:

  1. Fear of Loss: First and foremost thing which we hear from most of the people is hear of loss. We heard about people’s loosing stories only and due to that most of the surrounding people try to avoid investing in stock market. People invest in stock market without having proper knowledge, guidance or skill and they loose their entire capital which leads them to make others negative stating that stock market gives losses only.
  2. Lack of knowledge: In India, there are hardly 1% of people who actually wants to study and learn about stock market. Others just want to gamble which leads them to losses only. Most of the traders starts their journey with small capital and intraday trading which is more or less suicidal only if you don’t have sufficient knowledge.
  3. Investments coming through major cities only: Everyone knows our 60% to 70% population is in villages and small towns only who don't know anything about stock market and others are judgemental who thinks that they are not qualified or capable enough to understand this. So major investments in stock market coming through metros and other cities only.
  4. Lack of patience and skill: Educated and qualified people start investing in stock market but they don’t have sufficient skill or knowledge so they but some random stocks at very high point by listening through TV shows or reading newspaper which gives them initial losses and they don't have patience to hold so they book losses and quit stock market and tell others about their loss stories.
  5. Poor service from Advisories and brokers: We are well aware about advisory scams, frauds and online cheating while taking services from different advisory companies or so called Facebook pages, whatsapp services and telegram channels. Due to their cheats and frauds, many people have to leave this stock market. Sometimes brokers are also trap innocent investors to generate their brokerage.
    1. If you need a reliable advisory or researchers, I would advice you to go with Equitics Global Research. I have personally been taking their service and can vouch for it. You can check out my previous answers for more details.
  6. Lack of education in India: We are aware about our literacy rate which is also a major reason why people are not investing in stock market. We have farmers, labours, workers in major percentage who are totally unaware about investment in stock market. They just know only hard work. Countries like Singapore, US, Canada, Japan have more percentages of investors because they have educated and migrated people which are skilled and talented.

So these are primary reasons for lesser investments in stock market in India. But I can say that it’s increasing day by day. Platforms like Quora also playing a big role. Our stock market is stable and strong compared to other world markets. Our economy is doing well. Government reforms are also helping stock market to remain strong and bullish and I am optimist about future percentages of investors in India.

Profile photo for Assistant

As of my last knowledge update in August 2023, approximately 5% to 6% of India's population was estimated to invest in the stock market. This figure can vary based on different reports and surveys, but it generally reflects a growing trend of retail participation in equity markets, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw an increase in interest in stock trading among younger demographics.

For the most accurate and current statistics, it's advisable to consult recent financial reports or surveys from credible sources like the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or financi

As of my last knowledge update in August 2023, approximately 5% to 6% of India's population was estimated to invest in the stock market. This figure can vary based on different reports and surveys, but it generally reflects a growing trend of retail participation in equity markets, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw an increase in interest in stock trading among younger demographics.

For the most accurate and current statistics, it's advisable to consult recent financial reports or surveys from credible sources like the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or financial news outlets.

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th

Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:

Not having a separate high interest savings account

Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.

Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.

Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.

Overpaying on car insurance

You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.

If you’ve been with the same insurer for years, chances are you are one of them.

Pull up, a free site that will compare prices for you, answer the questions on the page, and it will show you how much you could be saving.

That’s it. You’ll likely be saving a bunch of money. Here’s a link to give it a try.

Consistently being in debt

If you’ve got $10K+ in debt (credit cards…medical bills…anything really) you could use a debt relief program and potentially reduce by over 20%.

Here’s how to see if you qualify:

Head over to this Debt Relief comparison website here, then simply answer the questions to see if you qualify.

It’s as simple as that. You’ll likely end up paying less than you owed before and you could be debt free in as little as 2 years.

Missing out on free money to invest

It’s no secret that millionaires love investing, but for the rest of us, it can seem out of reach.

Times have changed. There are a number of investing platforms that will give you a bonus to open an account and get started. All you have to do is open the account and invest at least $25, and you could get up to $1000 in bonus.

Pretty sweet deal right? Here is a link to some of the best options.

Having bad credit

A low credit score can come back to bite you in so many ways in the future.

From that next rental application to getting approved for any type of loan or credit card, if you have a bad history with credit, the good news is you can fix it.

Head over to and answer a few questions to see if you qualify. It only takes a few minutes and could save you from a major upset down the line.

How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Shivam Shukla

Do you want to see the ocean of opportunity which lies in front of you?


So let us begin and try to understand where India stands today with regards to the choice of investments which we make. Let us also try to understand how under-penetrated the Indian equity market is. Kindly read the following points to see how things are today and what is going to happen over the next 25 to 30 years. All the data shared with you has been collated from AMFI, Jefferies and RBI.

  1. India has $10.7 trillion of assets as of March 2022.
  2. Equities, Cash, Provident/ Pension Funds, Insurance Funds, Bank deposits, Gold

Do you want to see the ocean of opportunity which lies in front of you?


So let us begin and try to understand where India stands today with regards to the choice of investments which we make. Let us also try to understand how under-penetrated the Indian equity market is. Kindly read the following points to see how things are today and what is going to happen over the next 25 to 30 years. All the data shared with you has been collated from AMFI, Jefferies and RBI.

  1. India has $10.7 trillion of assets as of March 2022.
  2. Equities, Cash, Provident/ Pension Funds, Insurance Funds, Bank deposits, Gold & Property.
  3. The above mentioned are the 7 different kinds of asset classes in which Indians invest.
  4. Now just assume that 100 people live and invest in India in these 7 asset classes.
  5. Then 49.4 people invest in Property. (49.4% invest in property)
  6. 15 people invest in Gold. (15% invest in gold)
  7. 15.1 people invest in Bank deposits. (15.1% invest in Bank deposits)
  8. 6.2 people invest in insurance funds. (6.2% invest in insurance funds)
  9. 5.7 people invest in provident and pension funds. (5.7% invest in provident/pension funds.)
  10. 3.5 people keep the currency i.e., invest in cash. (3.5% keep cash).
  11. 4.8 people invest in equities. (4.8% invest in equities)
  12. This means that around 95.2% of Indian households DO NOT invest in equities.
  13. The 4.8% of investment in equities by Indians is valued at around USD 515 billion today.
  14. Bank deposit holders (15.1%) beat equity investors (4.8%) by more than 3 times.
  15. People who invest in gold also beat equity investors by nearly a ratio of 3:1 in India.
  16. Indians have 64% of their assets held in the form of physical assets. (Property + Gold)
  17. Only 36% of assets are in financials i.e., bank deposits, insurance funds, pension funds, cash and equities combined.
  18. During 2006–07 the allocation of Indians towards equity asset class was 3.7%
  19. It peaked at 4.2% in March 2008 before the collapse of the US housing bubble.
  20. During the covid19 peak two years ago the percentage dropped to 2.7%
  21. Today again it has crossed the previous all-time high of 4.2 and stands at 4.8%.
  22. Therefore, all in all, around 4.8% of Indian households invest in equities.
  23. Now try to visualize how many do all this professionally out of the 4.8%?
  24. Most invest to make unreasonable returns in a week or a month.
  25. Most hardly understand stock research and market fundamentals.
  26. Very few understand different indices like Sensex, Nifty, Bank Nifty etc.,
  27. Most new investors enter the market looking out for penny stocks which 100x in a month.
  28. People in India mostly look at the stock market as a gambling casino.
  29. Most who don’t invest think that why should I take the risk?
  30. “I am very happy with what I have with the blessings of the almighty!” let’s not gamble.
  31. The stock market in India has a very bad reputation because of some greedy individuals.
  32. The stock market in India is looked down upon as no one is willing to read.
  33. No one is willing to read and break the jinx attached to the Indian stock market.
  34. Just like you buy one house and remain with it can’t you do the same with excellent stocks?
  35. As per data shared on several websites nearly 60% of Americans invest in the stock market.
  36. Now you see the gap?
  37. Now you see the difference between a developed and a developing economy?
  38. So just try to imagine what will happen over the next 25 years as India develops further.
  39. It is reasonable to presume that Indians holding equities are going to rise by leaps and bounds
  40. The figure which stands at 4.8% today is going to continue to rise.

The only question which every new retail investor needs to ponder on is that:

Out of the 4.8% of Indians who invest in stocks how many do it professionally?

So, can’t you even TRY and do this professionally by reading balance sheets and cash flow statements?


Links for reference: AMFI, RBI etc.

4.8% of $10.7 trillion Indian household assets are in equities: Jefferies
Equities as a percentage of households net worth has risen to an all-time-high as of March 2022
Profile photo for Nitara Saxena

India is the second largest populated country in the world.According to data from the National stock exchange (NSE), there are 1.2 crore active investors in India, a country of 138 crore people, barely 3 percent of its population invest in share market. But it is a fastest growing economy as per IMF prediction and it a factual thing.

Let us find out where do the other nations stand.

5 Reasons why mo

India is the second largest populated country in the world.According to data from the National stock exchange (NSE), there are 1.2 crore active investors in India, a country of 138 crore people, barely 3 percent of its population invest in share market. But it is a fastest growing economy as per IMF prediction and it a factual thing.

Let us find out where do the other nations stand.

5 Reasons why most Indians do not invest in stocks

* Lack of proper financial literacy:One major factor that keeps Indians away from investing in stock markets is the lack of knowledge about it. A lot of people have this assumption that stock market is something that is hard to crack. That thought could be rooted from the basic fact that nobody has ever tried to make them understand what the stock market is and how investing in it works
* Conservative attitude:Numbers don’t lie. In the middle of the Covid-19 scare last year, most Indians decided to park their money in fixed deposits with more than 6 lakh crore new FD accounts opened in Q1 2020, according to a report from The Times of India. This indicates the basic money attitude of Indians – we like to save, not invest. They think - why should I invest in stock markets when banks give me steady returns?
* Preferences towards physical assets like gold:India has the largest amount of privately held gold among all countries in the world. This could be because gold gives you a physical receipt of the money you spent, unlike a stock market. Buying gold is also closely related to our culture and we have even special days related to buying gold. It’s beyond doubt that Gold is where most of Indian’s investm...

Profile photo for Quora User

Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.

And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.

Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!

1. Cancel Your Car Insurance

You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily,

Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.

And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.

Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!

1. Cancel Your Car Insurance

You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily, this problem is easy to fix.

Don’t waste your time browsing insurance sites for a better deal. A company called Insurify shows you all your options at once — people who do this save up to $996 per year.

If you tell them a bit about yourself and your vehicle, they’ll send you personalized quotes so you can compare them and find the best one for you.

Tired of overpaying for car insurance? It takes just five minutes to compare your options with Insurify and see how much you could save on car insurance.

2. Ask This Company to Get a Big Chunk of Your Debt Forgiven

A company called National Debt Relief could convince your lenders to simply get rid of a big chunk of what you owe. No bankruptcy, no loans — you don’t even need to have good credit.

If you owe at least $10,000 in unsecured debt (credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, etc.), National Debt Relief’s experts will build you a monthly payment plan. As your payments add up, they negotiate with your creditors to reduce the amount you owe. You then pay off the rest in a lump sum.

On average, you could become debt-free within 24 to 48 months. It takes less than a minute to sign up and see how much debt you could get rid of.

3. You Can Become a Real Estate Investor for as Little as $10

Take a look at some of the world’s wealthiest people. What do they have in common? Many invest in large private real estate deals. And here’s the thing: There’s no reason you can’t, too — for as little as $10.

An investment called the Fundrise Flagship Fund lets you get started in the world of real estate by giving you access to a low-cost, diversified portfolio of private real estate. The best part? You don’t have to be the landlord. The Flagship Fund does all the heavy lifting.

With an initial investment as low as $10, your money will be invested in the Fund, which already owns more than $1 billion worth of real estate around the country, from apartment complexes to the thriving housing rental market to larger last-mile e-commerce logistics centers.

Want to invest more? Many investors choose to invest $1,000 or more. This is a Fund that can fit any type of investor’s needs. Once invested, you can track your performance from your phone and watch as properties are acquired, improved, and operated. As properties generate cash flow, you could earn money through quarterly dividend payments. And over time, you could earn money off the potential appreciation of the properties.

So if you want to get started in the world of real-estate investing, it takes just a few minutes to sign up and create an account with the Fundrise Flagship Fund.

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Profile photo for Nafi Mohammad

Recently I got this notification

With this alert, I have reached this question.

You can find this information in depositary services (who provides Demat services). Irrespective of where you create your Demat account, someone like CDSL and NSDL tracks your Demat accounts.

Suppose you create a Demat account in Zerodha (Trading platform), the Demat account is provided by CDSL.

So let's analyze by looking into their websites.

CDSL: ~ 4 crore


~2.3 crores.

A total of 6.5 crores people are investing in the stock market (includes passive and active investors). This can’t be a fake number. But there are

Recently I got this notification

With this alert, I have reached this question.

You can find this information in depositary services (who provides Demat services). Irrespective of where you create your Demat account, someone like CDSL and NSDL tracks your Demat accounts.

Suppose you create a Demat account in Zerodha (Trading platform), the Demat account is provided by CDSL.

So let's analyze by looking into their websites.

CDSL: ~ 4 crore


~2.3 crores.

A total of 6.5 crores people are investing in the stock market (includes passive and active investors). This can’t be a fake number. But there are some loopholes such as people create an account but they can’t trade or do anything.

Finally ~6.5 crores Demat accounts

India's population should be around ~150 crores.

so approximately around 4.3% of the Indian population is investing in Indian stock markets.

Note: This information is up to date by June 30, 2021

Profile photo for Uday Shankar

Hello guys☺

Stock market movements make headlines every day. How many people invest in stock markets in India? Which state has most stock market investors in India? Mint has analyzed statistics from the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) to answer some of these questions.

The BSE data used unique client codes to identify the number of stock market investors in each state and union territory. It identified 3.23 crore registered stock market investors in total. All investor accounts are linked to a demat account, though there maybe duplication, for example with one demat account connected to investor acc

Hello guys☺

Stock market movements make headlines every day. How many people invest in stock markets in India? Which state has most stock market investors in India? Mint has analyzed statistics from the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) to answer some of these questions.

The BSE data used unique client codes to identify the number of stock market investors in each state and union territory. It identified 3.23 crore registered stock market investors in total. All investor accounts are linked to a demat account, though there maybe duplication, for example with one demat account connected to investor accounts with more than one brokerage. A total of 98.7% of these had clear state/union-territory wise data. It was not defined for 4.29 lakh investors. This works out to less than 7% of India’s 48.18 crore-strong workforce. The exchange updates the data daily. The analysis used numbers from 20 February 2017.

Maharashtra alone accounts for more than one-fifth of India’s stock market investors. Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh are the other top five states in terms of percentage share in total stock market investors. These five states account for a little less than 60% of India’s stock market investors. Most of India’s states and union territories have a smaller share in total number of stock market investors than their share in population.

Click here for enlarge

What explains this skewed distribution in number of investors across states? Urbanization and per capita Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) seem to be bigger drivers for interest in stock markets than literacy. The first two have a correlation of 0.69 with state’s stock market penetration rate, or registered investors as a percentage of total state population. Literacy only has a correlation of 0.30.

States like Maharashtra and Gujarat also benefit from a traditional equity culture.

Another factor may be geography. The lowest penetration seems to be in areas far away from the main stock exchanges in Mumbai. This is an interesting takeaway in an era of electronic trading. Nobody has to be present in the trading ring to buy or sell shares anymore. Investors can get information through television and the internet. Yet, geographical distance still seems to play a role.

It is important to note that these numbers are likely to be overestimates. Industry experts point to duplication in the number of demat (or investor) accounts, as one person often has more than one such account. Many of the demat accounts are hardly used.

Another pointer to the investor numbers being overstated lies in the tax data. There were only 4.72 lakh people who recorded any short term capital gains or losses, according to income tax statistics for the assessment year 2014-15, which is a very small fraction of the aggregate figure of 3.23 crore which emerges from BSE data. Short term capital gains tax is paid for securities held for less than a year. It can also apply to other transactions such as land and gold. This means that not everyone who has filed gains or losses is talking about the stock market.

An earlier Plainfacts column had compared stock market data with income tax data when it was first released. Some of this seems to be on account of under-reporting. However, subsequent releases of tax data shows that while the absolute number of such individuals has gone up for the next two years, there is a decline in terms of share in total number of filings. This would suggest stagnation in equity penetration.

What explains this supposedly low interest in stock markets in India? A 2011 National Council of Applied Economic Research Survey, which was sponsored by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, noted information asymmetry and poor quality as two key deterrents to widespread participation in stock markets in India.

Mutual funds could be another factor. Satish Menon, executive director of the brokerage house Geojit, said that new investors who do not have the time or expertise to track markets on a regular basis opt for the mutual fund route. Data from the Association of Mutual Funds in India puts the number of mutual fund investor accounts in India at 5.28 crore in December 2016, much higher than the 3.23 crore figure for stock market investors.

To be sure, industry executives caution against assuming that there is no overlap between mutual fund and stock market investors or one mutual fund investor operating multiple accounts.

Incidentally, the 3.23 crore registered investors are more than the depositories’ count of 2.73 crore demat accounts. This would point to a lot of duplication. Also only a quarter of demat accounts are said to be active, as was pointed out in story cited above. Thus, the total number of actual investors for each state could be significantly lower than even the low figures given above.

Stock markets have been around for a long time in India. The first recorded stock market boom was in 1865 when capital from a cotton export boom fueled a rise in share prices. The mania while it lasted, enveloped ‘ordinary clerks, officers, pleaders, adventurists, editors, and even sweepers’.

There doesn’t seem as much of an equity culture today, even as one stock exchange has already listed and another one is on its way to do so.

What can be done to improve the situation?

It is obvious that factors like per capita income and urbanisation are not in the control of India’s stock market authorities. However, it can definitely do more to address concerns vis-à-vis asymmetric or poor information. The regulator has had some success in pushing mutual funds in smaller cities through the use of higher incentives. Whether this success can be replicated in direct equities may be worth a debate.

Hope you enjoyed


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Profile photo for Nikunj Shah

The BSE data used unique client codes to identify the number of stock market investors in each state and union territory. It identified 3.23 crore registered stock market investors in total. All investor accounts are linked to a demat account, though there maybe duplication, for example with one demat account connected to investor accounts with more than one brokerage. A total of 98.7% of these ha

The BSE data used unique client codes to identify the number of stock market investors in each state and union territory. It identified 3.23 crore registered stock market investors in total. All investor accounts are linked to a demat account, though there maybe duplication, for example with one demat account connected to investor accounts with more than one brokerage. A total of 98.7% of these had clear state/union-territory wise data. It was not defined for 4.29 lakh investors. This works out to less than 7% of India’s 48.18 crore-strong workforce. The exchange updates the data daily. The analysis used numbers from 20 February 2017.

Maharashtra alone accounts for more than one-fifth of India’s stock market investors. Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh are the other top five states in terms of percentage share in total stock market investors. These five states account for a little less than 60% of India’s stock market investors. Most of India’s states and union territories have a smaller share in total number of stock market investors than their share in population.

It is important to note that these numbers are likely to be overestimates. Industry experts point to duplication in the number of demat (or investor) accounts, as one person often has more than one such account. Many of the demat accounts are...

As compared to rest of the developed countries it is very low.

Overall, only 7.4% of India are registered BSE investors. But according to a report by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), only around 2% of India's population actively participates in the stock market. This is a relatively low percentage compared to other countries, but it has been gradually increasing in recent years due to increased awareness and access to information about the stock market.The number of demat accounts in India have crossed the 10 crore mark for the first time. While it took the Bombay Stock Exchan

As compared to rest of the developed countries it is very low.

Overall, only 7.4% of India are registered BSE investors. But according to a report by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), only around 2% of India's population actively participates in the stock market. This is a relatively low percentage compared to other countries, but it has been gradually increasing in recent years due to increased awareness and access to information about the stock market.The number of demat accounts in India have crossed the 10 crore mark for the first time. While it took the Bombay Stock Exchange more than 12 years to get to the first five crore investor mark, the next five crore investors joined in less than two years. I hope it will increase further.

The number us low because of lack of financial education.

Profile photo for KLN Vara Prasad

Thanks for A2A

136.37 cr is our population.

According to the latest report, demat account touched 3 crs
Demat accounts touch 3 cr mark as people queue up for stocks

3 cr/136.67 = 2.2%
2.2% of our population is in the stock market.

Indian families are known for saving money, but why participation in the stock market so poor.

Lack of knowledge as this subject is not thought in schools and colleges. Many of them feel it is gambling and those who are lazy and don't want to work hard are in the stock market. Most of them who lost money in the stock market are the ones who want to make quick money.


Thanks for A2A

136.37 cr is our population.

According to the latest report, demat account touched 3 crs
Demat accounts touch 3 cr mark as people queue up for stocks

3 cr/136.67 = 2.2%
2.2% of our population is in the stock market.

Indian families are known for saving money, but why participation in the stock market so poor.

Lack of knowledge as this subject is not thought in schools and colleges. Many of them feel it is gambling and those who are lazy and don't want to work hard are in the stock market. Most of them who lost money in the stock market are the ones who want to make quick money.

How can we make more people participate?

  1. By creating awareness among the youth.
  2. Parents instead of spending money on children’s birthday parties can buy stock for an equal amount
  3. Spreading the importance of long term investment
  4. Catch the investors young and empower them to invest wisely.
  5. spreading the positive side of the traders who work even harder than the salaried class.

So, coming to your question, just 2.2% of the population invest in the stock market.

Hope that helps and thanks for reading.

Happy investing.

Good Luck.

Profile photo for M Research
  • According to a survey conducted by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in 2019, only 4% of the Indian population invests in the stock market.
  • This is a relatively low percentage compared to other countries such as the United States, where over 50% of the population invests in stocks.
  • The low percentage of stock market investors in India can be attributed to factors such as low financial literacy, lack of access to investment opportunities, and cultural attitudes towards investing.
  • However, there has been a recent surge in interest in the stock market among young, tech-savvy investors in India, fuel
  • According to a survey conducted by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in 2019, only 4% of the Indian population invests in the stock market.
  • This is a relatively low percentage compared to other countries such as the United States, where over 50% of the population invests in stocks.
  • The low percentage of stock market investors in India can be attributed to factors such as low financial literacy, lack of access to investment opportunities, and cultural attitudes towards investing.
  • However, there has been a recent surge in interest in the stock market among young, tech-savvy investors in India, fueled in part by the rise of online trading platforms and social media.
  • Despite this, the overall percentage of Indian population investing in the stock market remains relatively low.

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Profile photo for Hemnath Anbalagan

Number of demat accounts would be a fair measure of people operating in Stock markets as physical shareholding has become negligible.

As at the end of January 2017, Number of Demat accounts registered with

NSDL - 153.3 lakh accounts

CDSL - 119.2 Lakhs

Total - 272.5 Lakhs or 27.25 Million Accounts.

Indian population - 1300 Million (Approximately)

Percentage of population invested in Stock market is 2.10 %.

All accounts assumed to be Operational for ease of calculation.

Each person on an average owns only one Demat account. (Assumed)


Growth in demat accounts gathers pace - The Economic Times

Profile photo for SriNiwas Ketu

% of population of Overall indian people, only 7.4% of India are registered BSE investors.

The number of demat accounts in India have crossed the 10 crore mark for the first time. A demat account is similar to a bank account, but is used for holding shares and securities in an electronic format. It helps avoid handling shares physically. While it took the Bombay Stock Exchange more than 12 years to get to the first five crore investor mark, the next five crore investors joined in less than two years. About 30% of these accounts are from Maharashtra and Gujarat. However, as a share of the popula

% of population of Overall indian people, only 7.4% of India are registered BSE investors.

The number of demat accounts in India have crossed the 10 crore mark for the first time. A demat account is similar to a bank account, but is used for holding shares and securities in an electronic format. It helps avoid handling shares physically. While it took the Bombay Stock Exchange more than 12 years to get to the first five crore investor mark, the next five crore investors joined in less than two years. About 30% of these accounts are from Maharashtra and Gujarat. However, as a share of the population, only over 7% are registered BSE investors, with double-digit penetration being seen in just four States. Interestingly, the growth in investors in the recent past has been more pronounced in other parts of India, particularly the Northeast, indicating an increasing interest in investing in stocks.

Note :- upvote, like subscribe, share and follow me if it is good for you.

Profile photo for BookWorm

Total population of india as per latest report (2022) is 141.72 crores

There are two largest demat account service provider in India

  1. CDSL
  2. NSDL

As per latest report (30/04/2024) from CDSL, total active investor in India are 11,83,91,409 (11 crores 83 lakhs 91 thousand 409)

As per latest report (30/04/2024) from NSDL, total active investor in India are 3,60,57,704 (3 crores 60 lakhs 57 thousand 704)

Total number of investors 3,60,57,704 + 11,83,91,409 = 15,44,49,113 (15 crores 44 lakhs 49 thousand 113) and

Total number of indian population is 141,72,00,000

So, percentage is 15,44,49,113 / 141,72,00,000)

Total population of india as per latest report (2022) is 141.72 crores

There are two largest demat account service provider in India

  1. CDSL
  2. NSDL

As per latest report (30/04/2024) from CDSL, total active investor in India are 11,83,91,409 (11 crores 83 lakhs 91 thousand 409)

As per latest report (30/04/2024) from NSDL, total active investor in India are 3,60,57,704 (3 crores 60 lakhs 57 thousand 704)

Total number of investors 3,60,57,704 + 11,83,91,409 = 15,44,49,113 (15 crores 44 lakhs 49 thousand 113) and

Total number of indian population is 141,72,00,000

So, percentage is 15,44,49,113 / 141,72,00,000)*100 = 10.898%

So in total approx 11% of Indian population invest in Stock Market.

Profile photo for Marco Venti

Data updated to 2016:

About half of Americans (52%) say they invest in stocks

Source: Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low

What are the long term implications, if any of more individuals involved in the market?


Long term implications are that the least people are invested, the more chances for a greater fool you have (theoretically), i.e. the market should go up more going forward if less people are invested.
In practice the big money make the markets move, so you should not look at the % of the population invested, but at the % of the total assets under management currentl

Data updated to 2016:

About half of Americans (52%) say they invest in stocks

Source: Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low

What are the long term implications, if any of more individuals involved in the market?


Long term implications are that the least people are invested, the more chances for a greater fool you have (theoretically), i.e. the market should go up more going forward if less people are invested.
In practice the big money make the markets move, so you should not look at the % of the population invested, but at the % of the total assets under management currently invested.

Interestingly, I’d keep an eye on this one:

Profile photo for Aditya Mahatha

This is really a harsh reality that we Indians are invested in Stock Market near about (2 - 2.5)%.

Currently, the population of India is around 1.2 - 1.4 Billion, out of which only 20 - 28 million people invest in shares and mutual funds.

That is the issue BSE (BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE) has been working for 140 years. The Stock Market has created a lot of wealth of around $ 1.4 Trillion.

Facts of India's Stock Market 👇

  • As you read my above answer, I said that only 2% of total population invested in Stocks.
  • But what about rest, rest people are invested in Gold, Real Estate, Fixed Deposit.
  • As we all kno

This is really a harsh reality that we Indians are invested in Stock Market near about (2 - 2.5)%.

Currently, the population of India is around 1.2 - 1.4 Billion, out of which only 20 - 28 million people invest in shares and mutual funds.

That is the issue BSE (BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE) has been working for 140 years. The Stock Market has created a lot of wealth of around $ 1.4 Trillion.

Facts of India's Stock Market 👇

  • As you read my above answer, I said that only 2% of total population invested in Stocks.
  • But what about rest, rest people are invested in Gold, Real Estate, Fixed Deposit.
  • As we all know that India is a developing country not a developed country. Most of India's investment is made by Foreign Investors means (if we Indians invested in our own countries companies, then result comes and our money circulation is basically in our country but most of the investment in our country is made by Foreign Investors and when our companies performs well then most of our money is gone to abroad.

Thanks for reading ✍️

Aditya Mahatha ❣️

Profile photo for Siddhi Mishra

According to data from the National stock exchange (NSE), there are 1.2 crore active investors in India, a country of 138 crore people, as of August 2021. Even though this number is rising and better from the previous data, investing in stock markets still remains as a stigma for many. From our generally conservative attitude to lack of proper knowledge about stock markets, reasons could be many. Let’s try and understand why most Indians hesitate to invest in the stock market.

5 Reasons why most Indians do not invest in stocks

  • Lack of proper financial literacy
  • Conservative attitude
  • Preferences tow

According to data from the National stock exchange (NSE), there are 1.2 crore active investors in India, a country of 138 crore people, as of August 2021. Even though this number is rising and better from the previous data, investing in stock markets still remains as a stigma for many. From our generally conservative attitude to lack of proper knowledge about stock markets, reasons could be many. Let’s try and understand why most Indians hesitate to invest in the stock market.

5 Reasons why most Indians do not invest in stocks

  • Lack of proper financial literacy
  • Conservative attitude
  • Preferences towards physical assets like gold
  • Lack of trust
  • Lack of capital

If you want to learn more about the stocks market strategy and hedging strategies then you can go with welfra Investment (follow them on Instagram and quora also.

Now, let’s see some reasons why you should invest in stock markets.

Reasons to invest in stock market

  1. It gives you an alternative source of Income
  2. Investing is easy now.

There is no better time to invest in stocks than now. If you are someone who wants to invest in stocks but is reluctant due to any reason, worry not – investing in stocks is a time-tested and proven investment method. If you need guidance, you can always take the help of a financial advisor as well. Don’t wait too long, the opportunity won’t wait! Happy investing!

Kindly check our profile to connect with us and to Build Your Wealth Wisely with Welfra Investments.

Profile photo for Akshay P Kumar

Very Few!

Very few Indians have actually invested in Stock markets and without any backing of source it can be easily guessed that the number is not even 1.5% of India’s population. Moreover as per a report by SEBI, almost 50% of the Demat accounts have never been used.

Therefore, the number of retail investors in India is pretty low compare to other developed countries. The reasons might be:

  • Lack of Knowledge.
  • Unwillingness to take risks.
  • Lack of Disposable income or Savings.
  • Use of Traditional modes of Investment like FD, Recurring deposits, Postal savings accounts etc.
Profile photo for Jordan Jones

In 2013 a Gallop study found about 52% of the US population invests in the stock market either directly or through a retirement plan (401K, Pension, etc.). I would venture to say tax laws and ERISA have more to do with this number than online trading, but I’m sure it adds quite a bit. Aite Group reported about 54 million US citizens trade online which is close to 25% of those with internet access (100 million) and 6% of those individuals call themselves professional traders. There are about 250 million people in the US.

I think these numbers in terms of asset sizes have gone up about 2x-3x sinc

In 2013 a Gallop study found about 52% of the US population invests in the stock market either directly or through a retirement plan (401K, Pension, etc.). I would venture to say tax laws and ERISA have more to do with this number than online trading, but I’m sure it adds quite a bit. Aite Group reported about 54 million US citizens trade online which is close to 25% of those with internet access (100 million) and 6% of those individuals call themselves professional traders. There are about 250 million people in the US.

I think these numbers in terms of asset sizes have gone up about 2x-3x since online trading began and I would expect this to increase with the economy and population growth rates. Market returns also dictate how many investors there are and the size of their assets. I can remember Schwab having 1 trillion in assets online prior to the dot com crash and they now have about 2.5–3 trillion. They were the 1,000 lb. gorilla in the marketplace in the beginning and now have plenty of competition, so even this number should be skewed to the upside.

Profile photo for Aditya Kondawar

As of March 2016:

So we can see that only 1.2–1.5% of people have demat accounts who invest directly in the stock markets.

State wise investor number breakup:

Hope it helps,



As of March 2016:

So we can see that only 1.2–1.5% of people have demat accounts who invest directly in the stock markets.

State wise investor number breakup:

Hope it helps,



Profile photo for Saloni Singh

The proportion of retail investors in India’s equities markets is strikingly low. Less than 1.5 percent of the population invests in securities, compared with almost 10 percent in China and 18 percent in the U.S. Just 2 percent of India’s household savings are exposed to equity; in the U.S., the long-term average is 45 percent.

This is ultimately bad news for India’s economy. The country desperately needs to channel more household savings into equities -- which are a vital source of corporate finance -- and away from unproductive investments in gold and real estate. India also needs more local

The proportion of retail investors in India’s equities markets is strikingly low. Less than 1.5 percent of the population invests in securities, compared with almost 10 percent in China and 18 percent in the U.S. Just 2 percent of India’s household savings are exposed to equity; in the U.S., the long-term average is 45 percent.

This is ultimately bad news for India’s economy. The country desperately needs to channel more household savings into equities -- which are a vital source of corporate finance -- and away from unproductive investments in gold and real estate. India also needs more local funds if it's to sustain the strength in its equities market while avoiding macroeconomic imbalances. At the moment, around 70 percent of the market is dominated by foreign institutional investors.

Consider this statistic. Between September 2008 and October 2014, those foreign investors made net purchases of $45 billion. In the same period, domestic institutional investors (mostly funded by retail investors) made net sales of $16 billion. This imbalance creates serious side effects. The billions of dollars flowing in produce upward pressure on the rupee and a decline in India’s competitiveness. When they flow out, usually at short notice, markets collapse and the exchange rate grows volatile.

Source : Opinion | India's Missing Investors

Profile photo for Locky Sharma

In Australia, we get Aussie investor reports every year.

According to the 2020 report, Out of 19.4m, about 46% or 9m Aussies hold investments outside of their home and superannuation. Of those who invest, 74% or 6.6m has listed investment on ASX. 23% of those who hold listed assets began investing in the last 24 months. Of those who started during the previous 12 months, about 45% are women.

Check out the comprehensive report above.


Profile photo for Soham Gala

According to depository data (NSDL AND CDSL) there are over 23million (2.3CRORE) accounts in india, with approx $1.4 Trillion valuation.(2012)
In an interview, official from a brokerage firm commented, No of accounts to grow at 10% pa for next few years.
These accounts are spread over investors in:

  1. Stock Markets
  2. Mutual Funds
  3. Bonds and Debentures
  4. Commodity market

So it cannot be classified how many are used exactly and specifically for stock markets. So, u may say its 1.5% of total population of india holds Demat accounts.

Sources :NSDL, Business Standard, Personal knowledge.

PS please note that clo

According to depository data (NSDL AND CDSL) there are over 23million (2.3CRORE) accounts in india, with approx $1.4 Trillion valuation.(2012)
In an interview, official from a brokerage firm commented, No of accounts to grow at 10% pa for next few years.
These accounts are spread over investors in:

  1. Stock Markets
  2. Mutual Funds
  3. Bonds and Debentures
  4. Commodity market

So it cannot be classified how many are used exactly and specifically for stock markets. So, u may say its 1.5% of total population of india holds Demat accounts.

Sources :NSDL, Business Standard, Personal knowledge.

PS please note that closure of accounts has not been considered for growth rate. Actual cut rate/closing rate is also to be taken into consideration for growth rate.

Profile photo for Bhagat Sah

At three percent, merely a fraction of India's population is invested into stock markets, lagging far behind the USA because in India the major growing population that is youth is not aware of it. there is also a major problem is unemployment as a fact that in India population of engaging stock market is less but things are changing I must suggest the people who is getting fixed source of money by job or rent or from anywhere must invest in stock market. Here is the tip : don't lose hope don't stop learning.

For starting I must suggest you to follow this amazing feed “ stock market savvy” where

At three percent, merely a fraction of India's population is invested into stock markets, lagging far behind the USA because in India the major growing population that is youth is not aware of it. there is also a major problem is unemployment as a fact that in India population of engaging stock market is less but things are changing I must suggest the people who is getting fixed source of money by job or rent or from anywhere must invest in stock market. Here is the tip : don't lose hope don't stop learning.

For starting I must suggest you to follow this amazing feed “ stock market savvy” where you can learn and exlorer about stock market more efficiently.

Have a nice day 😊.

Profile photo for Ravi Kumar Singh

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This graph sa...

Profile photo for Vivek Agarwal

There are two ways by which individuals can invest in stock Markets.

Directly or through what we called “managed funds”.

Direct investments in stocks markets can be through two routes i.e. IPOs or Secondary markets.

Managed funds investment would constitute Investments in Equity of Balanced Mutual funds, Investments in ULIPs and other Insurance related plans, NPS etc.

You can read my views on Direct versus Equity mutual fund investments here.

Vivek Agarwal's answer to Should I invest in stocks or mutual funds?

Around 1.5 crores to 2 crores individuals own stocks in India, while another 1.5 - 2 crore

There are two ways by which individuals can invest in stock Markets.

Directly or through what we called “managed funds”.

Direct investments in stocks markets can be through two routes i.e. IPOs or Secondary markets.

Managed funds investment would constitute Investments in Equity of Balanced Mutual funds, Investments in ULIPs and other Insurance related plans, NPS etc.

You can read my views on Direct versus Equity mutual fund investments here.

Vivek Agarwal's answer to Should I invest in stocks or mutual funds?

Around 1.5 crores to 2 crores individuals own stocks in India, while another 1.5 - 2 crores invest in Mutual Funds, ULIPs, NPS etc

So all in all, the stock Ownership in India is not more than 2.5-3% of the total population.

This is a very small number if you compare the same with more developed nations.

As per some surveys, around 52% Americans owned shares in 2016. This number was as high as 65% in 2007.

In developed markets, Majority of the stock ownership comes through Managed funds or through Investment Advisers. This is appreciable and inline with my views on how common investor must take exposure to equity.

But one thing is certain to me that more and more retail investors across India would increase their exposure to stocks. I just hope that they do it in the right way and increase their wealth.

Profile photo for Chintan Amlani

I think this one is tough but i am trying… According to survey highest demat account opening was there in year 2008 but the record was put down in 2016 with 2.4 million new account opening, However around 23% of total demat account in 2016 are active in rest CDSL and NSDL has not seen transactions.

Further, according to business standard there was total 23.30 million demat account in 2015 and as per mint there was 2.4 million new demat account opening so, we can say that there is total 25.70 million demat accounts which is around 2–3% of the total population.

Disclaimer: data is not at all accur

I think this one is tough but i am trying… According to survey highest demat account opening was there in year 2008 but the record was put down in 2016 with 2.4 million new account opening, However around 23% of total demat account in 2016 are active in rest CDSL and NSDL has not seen transactions.

Further, according to business standard there was total 23.30 million demat account in 2015 and as per mint there was 2.4 million new demat account opening so, we can say that there is total 25.70 million demat accounts which is around 2–3% of the total population.

Disclaimer: data is not at all accurate it just based on few readings.

Profile photo for Shashidhar Nanjundiah

The proportion of retail investors in India’s equities markets is strikingly low. According to a report in Bloomberg in 2015, less than 1.5 percent of the population invests in securities, compared with almost 10 percent in China and 18 percent in the U.S.

Just 2 percent of India’s household savings are exposed to equity; in the U.S., the long-term average is 45 percent. Hence there is a huge scope for greater retail participation in the Indian stock market.

Profile photo for Samsu Uddin

In 2013 a Gallop study found about 52% of the US population invests within the

stock exchange either directly or through a pension plan (401K, Pension, etc.). i might venture to mention tax laws and ERISA have more to try to to with this number than online trading, but I’m sure it adds quite bit. Aite Group reported about 54 million US citizens trade online which is on the brink of 25% of these with internet access (100 million) and 6% of these individuals call themselves professional traders. There are about 250 million people within the US.

I think these numbers in terms of asset sizes have go

In 2013 a Gallop study found about 52% of the US population invests within the

stock exchange either directly or through a pension plan (401K, Pension, etc.). i might venture to mention tax laws and ERISA have more to try to to with this number than online trading, but I’m sure it adds quite bit. Aite Group reported about 54 million US citizens trade online which is on the brink of 25% of these with internet access (100 million) and 6% of these individuals call themselves professional traders. There are about 250 million people within the US.

I think these numbers in terms of asset sizes have gone up about 2x-3x since online trading began and that i would expect this to extend with the economy and increase rates. Market returns also dictate what percentage investors there are and therefore the size of their assets. I can remember Schwab having 1 trillion in assets online before the dot com crash and that they now have about 2.5–3 trillion. They were the 1,000 lb. gorilla within the marketplace within the beginning and now have many competition, so even this number should be skewed to the upside.

Profile photo for satya uday kiran

The number of demat account holders in India continues to skyrocket, with 11 crore accounts in January 2023, compared to only 8.4 crores as reported in 2022. Even with these massive figures, it is estimated that only 3% of Indian households are actively investing in stock market.

However, India lacks behind in the number of dedicated retail investors compared to the performance of other countries. Here are the numbers from other countries to put things into perspective:

  • United States of America - 55%
  • United Kingdom - 33%
  • China - 13%
Profile photo for Vaibhav Modi

You can learn stock market investing in India that means NSE or BSE very easily. First thing about your question, “How do I learn stock market investing in India?” is you need to learn the difference between [trading in stock market] and investing in stock market.

Now the Stock trading is about buying and selling stocks for short-term profit, with a focus on share prices. Investing is about buying stocks for long-term gains. Trading and investing both involve seeking profit in the stock market.

Now the next question rises short term and long term definition here before that let me help you with

You can learn stock market investing in India that means NSE or BSE very easily. First thing about your question, “How do I learn stock market investing in India?” is you need to learn the difference between [trading in stock market] and investing in stock market.

Now the Stock trading is about buying and selling stocks for short-term profit, with a focus on share prices. Investing is about buying stocks for long-term gains. Trading and investing both involve seeking profit in the stock market.

Now the next question rises short term and long term definition here before that let me help you with something more:

Well there are 2 types of trading:

  1. Intraday or day trade: Intraday trading deals with buying and selling of stocks on the same day, during the trading hours that are stipulated by the exchange. An intra-day trader is a particular type of stock trader. This trader both opens and closes a new position in a stock in the same trading day. Intraday trading is the most popular thing in Indian stock market specially amongst new generations. Just come with small capital and use leverage to trade.
  2. Positional or holding: Position trading is the opposite of day trading because the goal is to profit from the move in the primary trend rather than the short-term fluctuations that occur day to day. It is conventional way of trading you just buy a stock or a counter and you keep it.

So the trading is mostly I mean most of the times is intraday or day trading or it can be short term like BTST/STBT that is buy today sell tomorrow and Sell today buy tomorrow. It can be a week holding whereas an investing is like something a trade you keep for a longer duration above 6 month or so.

Coming back to your question,

Well, the first step to either trade or invest in India is to have a demat account. Now what is that: its an account that holds all the shares that you purchase in electronic or dematerialized form. Basically, a demat account is to your shares what a bank account is to your money. Like the bank account, a demat account holds the certificates of your financial instruments like shares, bonds, government securities, mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs).

Now with that definition, let me elaborate you need a demat account only if you are willing to deal in Shares that too taking the delivery or holding the shares for T+1 day. If you want to invest in other than stock market you need a demat. BUT if you are planning only intraday or day trading; you don’t need a demat account. YOU NEED ONLY TRADING ACCOUNT.


A depository is similar to a bank. It holds shares, which belong to investors, in electronic form. The investor has to open an account with the depository, through a Depository Participant (Broker). The broker is an intermediary between the depository and the investor. In India, there are two depositories, National Securities Depository and Central Depository Services. A number of banks (HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, SBI, and so on), brokers (Zerodha, India Infoline, Motilal Oswal and Indiabulls) and institutions function as DPs.

How to open a demat account?

Choose a broker on parameters: brokerage charges, annual charges and leverage provided. Fill up a form; submit documents like PAN CARD, CANCEL CHEQUE, ID PROOF, and INCOME PROOF (BANK STATEMENT OR ITR) AND INVESTMENT OR MARGIN CHEQUE.


Margin is your investment amount that you are investing and leverage is the limit you get on it. Let’s say you have 10,000/- to invest that is your margin and leverage is limit that broker provides for trading. Like if he gives you 4 times limit that means you can make a trade where you will need a margin of 40,000/-

Why? Because broker make commission on turnover more turnover you make in buy and sell more profit he makes.

The above is where it all begins… so now you have read about the initial stage and the mandatory stage of the stock market.

Now I cannot type in everything here about the basics of the stock market, you can prefer reading a blog called “Daily Capital Market Dose”. You can reach to it with a simple Google search.

Daily Capital Market Dose is dedicated blog for Indian stock market traders and investors. Specially for those who want to learn about Indian stock market, how to begin trading and investing.

Why am I asking about this blog specifically? Because it has something for everyone at every stage. I mean you can learn the basics about the IPO, Mutual Funds, MCX, NSE, Stock Options, even operating a terminal to put your trades your own self in the market. It has something for everyone as I said even the details apart from stock market like an article it has “Investment Options for Short Term and Fix Income In India” which is about the information about investments in India where you can invest money apart from stock market.

For existing traders and investors it has few post about the technical analysis also, which can be visualized on their YouTube channel even.

Articles for Beginners

  • Beginners Guide: How to Start investing in Stock Market (NSE/BSE/MCX)
  • How to Start Trading In Commodities, MCX?
  • What is Demat Account and how to use Terminal for trading
  • What Are Stock Options?
  • Points to Consider before investing
  • Introduction to Mutual Funds in India

Articles for Traders and Investors:

  • 32 Movies based on WallStreet and Stock Market
  • 20 Do's & Don'ts For Traders & Investors
  • Investment Options for Short Term and Fix Income In India
  • How can you make 2000-5000/- daily in stock market yourself?

Articles on Technial Research:

  • What are Candlesticks Patterns chart?
  • Learning Bullish Candlestick Patterns:
  • Learning Bearish Candlestick Patterns
  • Learning: How To Use Support Resistance For Trading

Know different Discount Brokers and their Features:

  • Why Zerodha Broking is better than any other?

So this blog is something must read for the basic information may want to learn about.

Profile photo for ROD

According to a recent Gallup poll, about 55% of American adults invest in the stock market in some way. This number has been increasing over the past few decades, as more and more people are becoming interested in building wealth and securing their financial futures.

It's important to note that not all stock market investors are created equal. Some people invest heavily in individual stocks, while others prefer to put their money into mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Still others choose to invest through retirement accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs.

Profile photo for Toshit Bhawsar

Few months back i have read one article, it should not have been more than 5% of total India population.

Extracts from original news:

Maharashtra alone accounts for more than one-fifth of India’s stock market investors. Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh are the other top five states in terms of percentage share in total stock market investors. These five states account for a little less than 60% of India’s stock market investors. Most of India’s states and union territories have a smaller share in total number of stock market investors than their share in population.

Reference: M

Few months back i have read one article, it should not have been more than 5% of total India population.

Extracts from original news:

Maharashtra alone accounts for more than one-fifth of India’s stock market investors. Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh are the other top five states in terms of percentage share in total stock market investors. These five states account for a little less than 60% of India’s stock market investors. Most of India’s states and union territories have a smaller share in total number of stock market investors than their share in population.

Reference: Majority of states have very few stock market investors

Profile photo for Dev Kumar Airon

Those who deal in stocks do it mostly directly. The volumes are humongous - about a few lakh crore rupees daily. They use all kind of instruments - direct investment, day trading, derivatives trading, futures and options trading, trading in indices like nifty, bank nifty etc. There is a small but perceptible shift towards investing through m...

Only 2–3% indian are investing thier money in direct stock marketing or through Mutual Funds.

FII(Foreign Investment Institute) are majority in investment in Indian market so Indian are not bullies for our country future but foreigners are understand our growth and capabilities

Profile photo for Know Finance Hub

According to a recent survey, only about 1% of the population of India invests in the stock market. This is a relatively low percentage compared to other countries, and it may be due to a variety of factors such as lack of awareness, lack of access to information, or lack of financial resources. However, it is worth noting that the stock market in India has been growing in recent years, and it is possible that more people may start investing in the future.

Profile photo for Khushi Gupta


Approximately 2 to 5% of the population of India. Just a guess on my part. There are a lot of people world wide however that invest in Indian stocks.

As per Business Today 17% of all Indian households invest in the Indian stock markets, says NSE CEO

Profile photo for Kirubha Karan

The number of demat account holders in India continues to skyrocket, with 11 crore accounts in January 2023, compared to only 8.4 crores as reported in 2022. Even with these massive figures, it is estimated that only 3% of Indian households are actively investing in stock market.

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