Book Giveaway For Afraid to Hope (Ancient Passages #2)

  • Afraid to Hope by Sutton Bishop
    Afraid to Hope (Ancient Passages #2)

    Release date: May 14, 2020
    To celebrate the August 26th release of AFRAID TO LOVE, Ancient Passages Book 3, I'm giving away three signed copies of Afraid to Hope, Book 2. ...more
    Archaeologist and INTERPOL contractor Dr. Natasha Jordaan is on a dangerous mission to recover artifacts looted from Morocco, the home of her past and ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 3 copies available, 1382 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Aug 16 - Sep 13, 2021

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 18215061
    Sutton Bishop has always believed in happily ever after. Despite beginning her writing career while penning nonfiction essays and articles for magazines, Sutton’s heart belonged to romance long before she wrote her first book. After marrying her teenage heartthrob and starting her own family, she finally plunged into romance writing and is still yet to come up for air. Sutton’s deeply layered and ...more
    More about Sutton Bishop...


    Kenny Tran, Salma, Kara Lauren

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