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Joyce Lu on Forward Facing Feldenkrais: How the Method Might Move Us for Feldenkrais Awareness
2021Oct 16
Joyce Lu, Ph.D. presents Forward Facing Feldenkrais: How the Method Might Move Us for Never Stop: The Artistry of Self-Care and Creativity for Lifelong Embodied Performance, A Feldenkrais Awareness Summit This video is a short excerpt from a full interview. To sign up or learn more visit What is the role of somatic practices like The Feldenkrais Method in social change? This session will touch on how bias presents itself in Western somatic practices and also how these practices can be used to fuel anti-racist anti-colonial struggles for collective liberation. It will also draw connections between this work and the development and implementation of trauma-informed practices in the art of acting. Stick around to listen to the other performing artists talk about their profession and share specialized tips on self-care, teaching, preventing injury, creativity, enhanced performance, and impacting the world. It's a great introduction to the Feldenkrais Method, Awareness Through Movement lessons, and other somatic approaches to living your best life as a performing artist, practicing self-care, and more.

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