It's Back and even better! ; ) TAKE A BREATH AND MOVE
I will be introducing gentle movements to help you tune in even more to breathing habits and develop new patterns.
Every week the class will be unique.
If you have had Covid or a respiratory illness you will definitely benefit from these classes.
Classes will be offered Monday at 1pm ET, and Thursday at 7pm ET.
YES! One afternoon, and one Evening per week!
If you plan on attending ALL of them, I am offering you a discount code for 25% off.
Choose all the classes, or pick the ones you want to suit your calendar. Seated or Lying Down... you do you.
I NEVER thought Covid could get any more stressful, but hey, I guess I am a silly optimist.
Even NOW more then ever, I am NEEDING to SLOW MY BREATH.
Using Feldenkrais and Buteyko Principles, and some techniques used in the book BREATH
Starting on Monday the 17th of January all the classes available till February 10th.
Each class is $9. Recording Included.