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Embracing Uncertainty

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Nobody knows what will happen in the next moment of our lives. Whatever is in store for us, the only thing we can be sure of is that nothing in life is certain. And since we all fear the unknown, life's uncertainty can be a constant source of worry to us. But, as bestselling author Susan Jeffers explains, life doesn't have to be one worry after the next, a steady stream of "what ifs" and a constant attempt to create a secure haven for ourselves. In this title she emphasizes that an unknown future doesn't prevent a rich and abundant life and shows how, by enjoying life's unpredictability, we transform ourselves from a position of fear to one filled with excitement and potential. Through case studies, exercises and pragmatic wisdom, the author attempts to convince us, above all, that life is exhilarating because of, not in spite of, uncertainty.


First published May 2, 2002

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About the author

Susan Jeffers

29 books328 followers
Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. has helped millions of people throughout the world overcome their fears, heal their relationships, and move forward in life with confidence and love.

She is the author of many internationally renowned books including Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Feel the Fear. . .and Beyond, Feel the Fear Power Planner, End the Struggle and Dance With Life, Dare to Connect, Opening Our Hearts to Men, Losing a Love...Finding a Life, Thoughts Of Power and Love, The Little Book of Confidence, Embracing Uncertainty, Life is Huge! plus her "Fear-less Series" of affirmation books and tapes (Inner Talk for Peace of Mind, Inner Talk for a Confident Day, and Inner Talk For a Love That Works). Her latest book is The Feel the Fear Guide to Lasting Love, which was published in the UK in May 2005 and in the US and Canada by her own publishing company, Jeffers Press, in October 2005.

As well as being a best-selling author, Susan is a sought-after public speaker and has been a guest on many radio and television shows internationally. She lives with her husband, Mark Shelmerdine, in Los Angeles.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for فاطمة كرم.
56 reviews34 followers
July 5, 2012
كتاب فوق الرائع بعد انتهائك منه تشعر أن روحك خفيفة تستطيع أن تقفز فوق أعتى الهموم بإبتسامة رضا , من نوعية الكتب التي تغير من نفوس قارئيها .. أنصح بقرائته بشدة
Profile Image for Helen.
5 reviews4 followers
May 4, 2013
Too simplistic and almost depressing for my tastes. "give up hoping and dreaming and you won't be disapointed,instead be in a state of wonder " As- I wonder what will happen ? .... what great achievements have we all experienced because we hope, dream and envision ? Yes, there is something wonderfulful about wonder (pun intended ) and I undertand taking action and letting go of the outcome.What other choice do we really have ?, as challenging as that can be.
Profile Image for ENAS  BAKSH ♐ .
29 reviews2 followers
November 22, 2014
كتاب ماهر في التشعب الى اقصى اعماق مخاوفك ! يحتضنك فعلا قبل ان تسقط في اصعب اوقاتك او اكثرها توترا وحيرة
يقفز بك لتحدي الصعاب وتحويل كل الامور الى نزهة تاخذك في رحلة حكيمة ..
قالب جميل مباشر .. وتغطية شمولية لجوانب الحياة بشكل يجعلك تدرك ان الحياة مغامرة جريئة لايمكنك تفويتها !!
مثال لكتاب رائع .. يمكنك حقا ان تصادقه !
Profile Image for Zeynab Ghodsifar .
78 reviews3 followers
July 26, 2023
این کتاب برای من کاملا ۵۰-۵۰ بود! بعضی قسمت‌های آن بسیار کاربردی و برخی قسمت‌های‌ دیگر آن واقعا بی‌ربط بود. به‌طور کلی این اثر ارزش یک‌بار خواندن را دارد و حتی شاید به لطف عدم انسجام مطالب آن و عدم ارتباط فصول با یکدیگر، بتوانید به‌صورت گزینشی آن را خوانده یا مانند من کتاب صوتی‌اش را گوش دهید.
373 reviews4 followers
October 13, 2010
I read this because I have to do a talk on coping with uncertainty. It contains a mixture of cognitive strategies (such as focusing on all of the rough things one has coped with successfully in the past) and existential (such as coming to terms with the fact that we really can't control the future). The material covered is basically sound, and includes a number of exercises to work on. I just wish it wasn't quite so pop-psychology esque...just a little too rah rah you can do it for my taste, and probably a bit too shallow to be a life-changing read. Would probably have given it 3 1/2 stars if that was an option.
Profile Image for  Sawsan.
23 reviews2 followers
April 24, 2010
*كيف تحافظ على صفاء ذهنك وأنت تواجه المجهول.

"أنا أرخي وعيي، وأحرر فؤادي، وارتدي العالم كثوب فضفاض، واتعلم الرقص برشاقة على سجادة دائمة الحركة"
Profile Image for Nabeel Hassan.
150 reviews15 followers
October 2, 2017
كتاب جميل جداً يأخذك بعيد عن صخب الدنيا الممل.
Profile Image for Maryam.
2 reviews
July 16, 2020
She starts with three realities: First, the only certainty is that life is uncertain. Second, you are unable to control the uncertainty. Third, by accepting that life is uncertain you open the door to a powerful way of living which I agree there is great adventure in the unknown to discover powerful parts of ourselves that we didn’t know were there. Then she recommended forty two exercises to help change your mindset which some of them are probably a bit shallow to be a life changing read. I like the idea of keeping or using reminders for various exercises like a tea cup, snow globe, and laughing Buddha. There is something wonderful about embracing uncertainty in a positive attitude, letting go of the expectation and attachments of possible outcomes and handling whatever comes your way. Reading this book and doing the exercise with some friends would be more effective and fun which I did.
Profile Image for Robin.
Author 8 books21 followers
August 30, 2015
This is the third of Susan Jeffers' books I have read, and they are all written in her warm and engaging voice, the concepts are clearly explained and accompanied by very easy and practical exercises to help change your mindset.

Embracing Uncertainty is particularly important in view of our modern lifestyles where rapid change is a fact of life, often creating anxiety and insecurity, both on an individual and collective level.

The author acknowledges that some of the concepts in the book, such as letting go of expectations and the outcomes of our actions, while easy to accept in theory, are difficult to carry out in practice. After all, it's one thing to accept uncertainty but another altogether to welcome and embrace it. This is where the exercises come in handy. Some of them are deceptively simple - eg she is a passionate advocate of affirmations - but are effective when done wholeheartedly.

While her tone veers into cheesy/New Agey territory on many occasions, I can easily forgive this as her motivation to help others in writing this book is genuine and she is not afraid to expose her own failings as well.

Overall, a really useful book to help you achieve peace of mind, especially recommended if you are going through a crisis or difficult time in your life.
566 reviews3 followers
October 28, 2019
Susan Jeffers brings positive thinking into the our negative mindsets by asking us first to realize that everything that happens to us can be either good or bad. Rather than allowing ourselves to get trapped in the victim mode she tells us that we can overcome bad can be good if we look for the life lessons that we can learn from it. All life is a blessing that we need to embrace so the future is not something to fear but opportunity to unwrap.
Profile Image for P Michael N.
211 reviews9 followers
December 15, 2017
Great book by Storm Jeffers! It provides practical exercises for dealing with any situation. Some of the exercises seem a bit out there but definitely worth a try. This is a book to revisit over and over again for the exercises. I also liked the idea of keeping/using reminders for various exercises like a pair of scissors or a tea cup or snow globe thingy. That's different.
Profile Image for Paul Masemann.
16 reviews2 followers
March 9, 2018
Ready to embrace it all. Susan Jeffers provides a bucket load of tools and references to create a wonder-full life and embrace any uncertainty in a positive attitude, letting go of the expectations and attachments of possible outcomes and handling whatever comes your way. Great read and develops well on her other books. Love and light Susan.
156 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2021
 الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى نحتاج إلى شيء ثابت نتمسك به شيء لا ينجرف بعيدا مع أمواج التغيير العاتية.
 أننا نقضي جزءا كبيرا من حياتنا في قلق محاولين منع الأشياء السيئة من الوقوع لنا لدرجة أننا ننسى الاستمتاع بالأشياء الجيدة.
 الشيء الوحيد الأكيد هو أن الحياة غير أكيدة.
 أن القدر له تصاريف عجيبة ففي بعض الأحيان تتكشف المعجزة من قلب كارثة مستطيره.
 استمتع.
 المشكلة في هذا العالم هي أن الجاهل واثق أكثر مما ينبغي والذكي يملأه الشك.
 سنرى أننا سوف نكون أكثر سعادة عندما نتخلى عن حاجتنا لأن نكون على صواب.
 كل ما يحدث يتبع خطة شديدة الإتقان.
 التوقعات تؤدي إلى إنشاء ارتباط وتشوق ورغبة وأمل في أن يسير أمر ما في المستقبل بشكل معين.
 عدم المعرفة هو مسار الحكمة.
 السبب الرئيسي لمعاناتنا هو رغبتنا في أن تكون الأمور على خلاف ما هي عليه.
 في كل أمور حياتك أقترح عليك أن تحدد أهدافك وأن تفعل ما في وسعك وأن تستمتع بما تقوم به ثم لا تشغل بالك بالنتيجة.
 عندما تتمكن أخيرا من التخلي عن حاجتك لأن تكون في وضع السيطرة فلأول مرة ستكون في وضع السيطرة بالفعل.
 المنطق يعني الموت لذلك الجزء منك الذي يستطيع أن يصنع المعجزات.
 إذا كان فيه خيري فسأحصل عليه وإذا لم يكن فيه خيري فلن أحصل عليه.
 لا تبذل مجهودا كبيرا أكثر مما ينبغي في أن تحصل على إجابة بديهية.
 أن التخلص من صرامتك يساعدك على أن ترى مجالا أوسع وأسمي.
 إذا تمكنا من إدراك الخير الذي يأتي في كل شيء تلقيه الحياة أمامنا فإننا سنكون قد قطعنا شوطا كبيرا في طريق احتضان المجهول.
 عندما نركز على التعلم من كل الأشياء الرائعة في حياتنا فإننا نزيد من عظم النعم ونستطيع أن نوجد إحساسا أرقى بالفرح والمتعة.
 الحب يمتد لما هو أبعد بكثير من شخص المحبوب.
 عندما تصبح بطلا لن يجعل هذا الآخرين أقوى فقط وإنما سيجعلك أنت أيضا أقوى.
 من له هدف يعيش من أجله يمكن أن يتحمل أي ظرف يمر به.
 ليس المهم ما أريده أنا من الحياة، بل المهم ما أستطيع أن أعطيه.
 إن خبرتك في الحياة تعكس ما تلفت انتباهك إليه.
 إن الشيء الذي يقربنا أكثر وأكثر من هدفنا هو التكرار.
 كن صبورا فنفاذ الصبر يحرمنا من المتعة.
 كن واثقا بأنك ستجد كل ما تحتاجه. وإن لم تجده فاعتمد على ذاتك في إيجاده.
April 6, 2023
The book explores the idea that uncertainty is a natural part of life, and that learning to embrace it can lead to a more fulfilling and happy existence. Jeffers argues that many of us are held back in life by our fear of the unknown, and that this fear can prevent us from taking risks and pursuing our dreams. She offers practical advice on how to overcome this fear, such as learning to focus on the present moment, cultivating a sense of gratitude, and developing a positive mindset. One of the strengths of "Embracing Uncertainty" is Jeffers' ability to explain complex psychological concepts by using anecdotes and examples from her own life, making the book relatable and engaging. However, some readers may find the book overly simplistic, and Jeffers' advice may not resonate with everyone. Overall, "Embracing Uncertainty" is a helpful and engaging book that offers practical advice on how to overcome fear and uncertainty.
Profile Image for Ellie Hull.
255 reviews5 followers
March 19, 2023
This might be a 3.5 star book. I gave it four because there were some exercises at the beginning that were really useful and do completely change your thinking on what’s happening. I will wonder, and I will worry about things tomorrow amongst other ideas.

I’d not read any Jeffers before and thought it would be a good way to dip my toes into Uncertainty before following with Radical Uncertainty by King and Kay, which looks a lot more complex. She’s what you would expect, relentlessly optimistic, quite spiritual, and quite self promoting. But it does leave you with a good feeling so I can understand why she sold so many books.

The best part for me was the beginning and then the rest of the book was more about optimism and positivity. I suppose it’s hard to write a whole book in uncertainty!
Profile Image for Amy Dale.
536 reviews16 followers
August 3, 2020
DNF I just didn't feel or agree with what she was saying, it's opposite to my beliefs,so I saw no point in finishing as I wasn't gaining anything. I believe in Law of Attraction and that I create my life,Jeffers here is basically telling you you have no control and might as well get on with suffering and disappointment. 🙄 Strange as she's a student of Jack Canfield and he teaches LOA too.

I think her basic premise is to release resistance and impatience,which is essential for manifesting but this book just was too depressing and disempowering,I kept rolling my eyes at each chapter.
Profile Image for Braidd Unig.
18 reviews20 followers
September 5, 2020
Initial chapter was great and some very important principles on developing a tolerance to uncertainty. However, as I began to read further, Susan Jeffers seemed to more and more include supernatural concepts of 'energy' and some other rather hokey nonsense, so I had to put the book down after the 5th chapter. This might do well for religious or 'spiritual' people, but not for those with a desire for empirical, concrete evidence or examples.
Profile Image for Mary Mackie.
299 reviews1 follower
October 24, 2016
This is an amazing book. It really spoke to me as I read it, and it had a lot of very easy to use exercises to enable my handling of hard to handle situations, like dealing with death and how to remain productive in stressful and emotionally crippling situations. This is one of the few books I intend to buy instead of just borrowing from the library
Profile Image for Katie.
1,221 reviews27 followers
September 23, 2019
I found this easy to read. The ideas are good and some of the "exercises" are helpful. Oddly, it just feels dated, like it was written in the 80s. I'm not sure why I get that feeling, but I was surprised when I read the publication date of 2003. I don't have anything particularly bad to say about it, but I'm not feeling inspired to pick up the author's other works.
Profile Image for Dani.
95 reviews
September 19, 2021
🌟🌟 - I liked a few parts of the book.

I’m not sure why I keep reading self-help books. They really just need to be pamphlets because they go on much longer than need be just to make them into a book and are very simple concepts. And overall, they’re just boring. This one didn’t have anything awe-inspiring or anything that would make me recommend this for someone to read.
Profile Image for Ahmed Elshamy.
11 reviews
December 30, 2018
كتاب جيد، يحمل بعض الأفكار الجديدة التي تفتح لك أبواب جديدة لملاحظة سلوكك، و اخرة غير جديدة لكن تحتاج من يذكرك بها. قد اختلف في بعض الافكار المذكورة لكن بالتأكيد سوف احتاج لقراة الكتاب أكثر من مرة لتطبيق ما فيه من محتوى.
263 reviews
March 13, 2024
DNF. Did not find this one helpful so decided to stop reading about 60 pages in. I could understand some of the author's reasoning, but her suggestions to not hope and to tell yourself you will worry about it tomorrow just don't resonate with me.
Profile Image for Merisa Lee.
1 review
July 2, 2019
Handbook of happiness

I love all of her books. She changed the way I think about life and how to live and love. Can’t thank her enough.
Profile Image for Demi Giz.
89 reviews
September 9, 2020
A really good book for restructuring your thinking. I knocked a star off for how she handled the religious part of the book, but overall a great book I am happy I read!
3 reviews
October 19, 2020
Susan Jeffers has been a great help to me. The ideas of taking full responsibility for how I respond to life, and positively embracing uncertainty, have been life changing.
Profile Image for Diana Velasco.
16 reviews
May 1, 2021
Simple but deep

Well written, well documented, practical but deep in its thoughts. Definitely a book that I'll come back to over and over.
Profile Image for Alex Vasai.
115 reviews5 followers
May 29, 2021
Susan Jeffers somehow made me embrace uncertainty through her book. However, the exercises were too simple for a great mindset change. Anyway the entire book was a kind letter for readers.
Profile Image for LemontreeLime.
3,384 reviews17 followers
January 22, 2022
I’ve tried to read this several times. I think I figured out why I got so frustrated with it. I thought it was written by Susan Piver... OH. It’s not the author I thunk. That explains everything.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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