I am pleased to be sharing a program offered by my colleague, Cynthia Allen from Future Life Now.
Cynthia is a wonderful, generous teacher and the creator of the Feldenkrais Awareness Summit that happens every year. She is also a skilled Bones for Life Teacher.
Bones for Life®, a program created by Ruthy Alon and informed by Moshe Feldenkrais’ teachings is designed for anyone who wants to live their best life – and age gracefully – by improving their weight-bearing while standing and walking.
You want to age well and move well.
You're on a journey towards optimal health and performance.
You want to stay safe as you get older.
Bones for Life can help you (and your students) take back control of your life and improve every aspect of it – from making upright posture easier, to how well you sleep at night, to how fast you can move in an emergency.
Three FREE Powerful Sessions with Surprising Results
March 10 - Stand Tall, Don’t Fall
March 15 - Discover the Original Yoga
March 17 - Is Bones for Life the Antidote to Osteoporosis?
Attend live or on replay
Learn More and Sign-Up Here:
If you have a personal need to be more confident in your bones or would like to learn about bone health, movement, and balance as a wellness practitioner or health coach, you will find valuable information in this series.
I am always excited to share opportunities to build a healthier, happier, and more vibrant world.
Grab this opportunity if it speaks to you. Direct questions to support@futurelifenow.com. But I think most of your answers will be found at the link.