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Cancer Science

Prof. Yoram Palti’s “accomplishments are a source of great pride to the State of Israel and an inspiration for the young generation.”

By The Algemeiner

Israeli Minister of Education Yifat Shasha-Biton announced Wednesday that Prof. Yoram Palti of the Technion will receive the Israel Prize for entrepreneurship and technological innovation.

Palti, a professor emeritus of physiology and biophysics who has also worked extensively in the private sector, was selected for the honor for his innovations in the field of cancer treatment, Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported.

Specifically, Palti developed a non-invasive treatment that uses electric fields to target specific cancer cells, as opposed to chemotherapy, which can also damage healthy cells.

“Prof. Palti’s accomplishments are a source of great pride to the State of Israel and an inspiration for the young generation,” Shasha-Biton stated.

The Israel Prize is the country’s most prestigious cultural honor, awarded annually to citizens for excellence. The prize committee said that Palti’s personal story is “inspiring” and that his breakthrough “required thinking outside of the box, belief in [his] path, and required Prof. Palti to deal with and change existing beliefs and concepts in the field.”

The official Prize ceremony will be held on May 5, 2022.

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