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Releases: harmony-one/harmony

Mainnet Release 2024.0.0

06 Mar 04:40
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Mainnet Release v2024.0.0

Non mandatory release upgrade for all nodes (RPC and Validator) but recommended for improved stability.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2023.4.2...v2024.0.0

Mainnet Release 2023.4.2

19 Dec 10:13
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Mainnet Release 2023.4.2

The released version: v2023.4.2-0-g8717ccf6

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2023.4.1...v2023.4.2

Mainnet Release 2023.4.1

18 Dec 19:51
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Mainnet Release v2023.4.1

This version contains bug in the tx hash result and shouldn't be used by any RPC node provider. Please upgrade to v2023.4.2 for a more stable version.

The released version: v2023.4.1-0-gdd65484d

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2023.4.0...v2023.4.1

Mainnet Release 2023.4.0

15 Dec 18:08
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Mainnet Release v2023.4.0

The released version: v2023.4.0-0-g3e7ff383

This is an urgent update required by all validators. Hard-forking update that will go into effect on epoch 1733 at blockheight 51118080

Estimated Hard-Fork Date: 2023-12-17 12:20:15+00:00

What's Changed


This version contains bug in the tx hash result and shouldn't be used by any RPC node provider. Please upgrade to v2023.4.2 for a more stable version.

Full Changelog: v2023.3.0...v2023.4.0

Mainnet Release 2023.3.0

18 Oct 15:24
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Mainnet Release v2023.3.0

The released version: v2023.3.0-0-gae578ba9

v2023.3.0-0 (for year 2023, hardfork number 3, release 0) is a mandatory update containing a hardfork expected to be activated at epoch 1673 (block 49152000) happening around 01/11/2023 23:53:20 UTC. All node runner (explorer and validator) are required to upgrade before that date.

The hardfork will activate two features :

  • HIP-30v2 with Change to 2 shards & Split 25% emissions for Recovery
  • #4501 30 million block gas

What's Changed

Fixed debug run for mac by @Frozen in #4484
Next validator in view change by @Frozen in #4492
HIP-30 Boilerplate by @MaxMustermann2 in #4495
HIP-30: minimum validator commission of 7% by @MaxMustermann2 in #4496
Emission split ( HIP-30 ) by @MaxMustermann2 in #4497
Fix for index by in #4504
Small improvements by @Frozen in #4477
Block gas 30m by @Frozen in #4501
Fix getReceipts rpc issue by @GheisMohammadi in #4511
Removed unused worker by @Frozen in #4512
Improvements of streamsync to deploy on mainnet by @GheisMohammadi in #4493
Fix duplicate function def by @GheisMohammadi in #4518
Reset devnet and set 30M epoch for all network except mainnet/testnet by @sophoah in #4517
Reduce the epoch time devnet by @diego1q2w in #4522
Add GetNodeData tests for stream client, increase nodes and receipts cap by @GheisMohammadi in #4519
HIP-30 Shard Reduction Process by @ONECasey in #4503
Use new(big.Int) so we don't modify the epoch value by @diego1q2w in #4523
Add hip30 testing for devnet/partner network by @diego1q2w in #4525 -
Enable hip30 epoch for testnet by @diego1q2w in #4526
Enable hip30 and gas30m epoch for mainnet by @diego1q2w in #4528
Fix preimage import bugs by @diego1q2w in #4529
Dumpdb cache size by @Frozen in #4535
Fix decryptRaw issue for nil/empty data by @GheisMohammadi in #4532
Update deprecated ioutil by @GheisMohammadi in #4527

Full Changelog: v2023.2.7...v2023.3.0

Mainnet Release 2023.2.7

12 Aug 19:53
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Mainnet Release v2023.2.7

The released version: v2023.2.7-0-g1b9614ba

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2023.2.6...v2023.2.7

Mainnet Release 2023.2.6

08 Aug 11:09
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Mainnet Release v2023.2.6

This is a non mandatory upgrade but recommended if the node is facing any sync issue.

Protocol changes :
#4475 - statedb: return correct validator code size, fix sync issue

Ops/Build changes
#4472 - Invalid dht prevents to start localnet
#4478 #4480 #4481 - upgrade docker in travis build to latest

The released version: v2023.2.6-0-g944b8c73

Mainnet Release 2023.2.5

25 Jul 07:24
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Mainnet Release v2023.2.5

The release contains a few new changes related to syncing (#4452)

Mainnet Release 2023.2.4

03 Jul 14:54
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The released version: v2023.2.4-0-gc7a63bab

v2023.2.4 (for year 2023, hardfork number 2, release 4) is a mandatory update containing a hardfork expected to be activated at epoch 1535 (block 44630016) happening around 2023-07-20 05:51 UTC. All node runner (explorer and validator) are required to upgrade before that date.

The hardfork will activate two features :

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2023.2.2...v2023.2.4

Mainnet Release 2023.2.2

03 Jul 10:20
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Mainnet Release v2023.2.2

Non mandatory upgrade.

Typed cache & Node cleanup. (#4409)
core, internal/configs: HIP28-v2 fee collection (#4410)
Minor: removed time.Sleep from tests. (#4412)
Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376) (#4414)
chore: merge main into dev (#4415)
internal/params: set validator code fix hard forks (#4413)
internal/params: schedule HIP28v2 + val code fix (#4416)
Dev fix conflicts. (#4417)
Remove dockerfile hardcoded version numbers (#4418)
Fix concurrent map access. (#4421)
add inspectdb to cli (#4426)
fix beacon-ness in legacy sync (#4428)
Use Header instead Block. (#4424)
Sync dev with main branch ( v2023.2.1 hotfix ) (#4435)
Feature: generating protoflles with docker. (#4427)
fix stream log issue, replace print log error with warning (#4433)
hmy: Gas Price Oracle improvements (#4436)
change cache folder in sync and move it under data folder (#4438)
Consensus: reduce consensus initialization steps. (#4387)
Fixed race errors in downloader & consensus (#4442)
Fix panic. (#4440)
Snapshot integration and add cache to statedb (#4419)
Consensus: removed double initialization. (#4404)
Rebase dev to current main (#4443)
Fix compile error. (#4444)
Fixed bug with storing already cancelled context. (#4445)
build: update base distribution in Travis (#4451)
[github action] build and push harmony proto docker image (#4453)
rpc: add net_listening function (#4446)

The released version: v2023.2.2-0-g3d8d4557