Democracy Dies in Darkness

The Washington Post launches press freedom initiative with Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and Reporters Without Borders

November 5, 2018 at 8:46 a.m. EST
The Washington Post

The Washington Post today launched the Press Freedom Partnership, an ongoing initiative that aims to highlight organizations working vigilantly to promote press freedom and raise awareness of the rights of journalists worldwide. The inaugural partner organizations are the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and Reporters Without Borders.

“The Washington Post has a longstanding commitment to safeguarding journalistic independence. We believe it is important to use our voice and our platforms to call attention to attacks on the free press and do all we can to promote the independence and safety of journalists around the world,” said Frederick J. Ryan Jr., CEO and publisher of The Post. “Working with the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Reporters Without Borders, and other interested groups, we are making a major global commitment to increase awareness of the importance of an independent press.”

Beginning in November, The Post will provide its press freedom partners with complimentary advertising online and in print so that they can highlight their organizations and their work. Readers can learn more about the Post’s partners, and view the latest Post reporting and commentary on press freedom issues, by visiting

“Press freedom has never been more important, or more threatened,” said Joel Simon, executive director of Committee to Project Journalists. “The role of journalists is to inform the public, confront injustice and ensure accountability. To do their vital work, journalists need the support of media organizations and the public. That is why we are delighted to be partnering with The Washington Post on this press freedom initiative.”

"Attempts to undermine our free press through verbal and physical attacks are growing. We must not let the harassment and intimidation win. It’s on all of us who rely on journalists to uncover truth and bring us the information we need to speak out against these very real threats in the U.S. and abroad,” said Bruce Brown, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. "We’re proud to be joining forces with The Washington Post, the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders to remind the public that press freedom ultimately protects the rights of the people, but that it needs their support to ensure it stays that way.”

"Reporters Without Borders is thrilled and honored to take its long-standing partnership with The Washington Post to the next level with this new initiative to regularly highlight our work to defend journalists, bloggers, and the free flow of information online," said Margaux Ewen, North America director for Reporters Without Borders. "With press freedom increasingly under threat across the globe and attacks against members of the press on the rise, the Post's leadership in shining a light on these issues has represented a beacon of hope for those who are risking their lives by simply reporting the news."

“Over time, the Press Freedom Partnership will expand in both membership and scope. With this initial effort, however, we hope to ensure that the public has a greater appreciation of the dangers facing journalists around the world whose work advances democratic values and preserves our fundamental freedoms,” Ryan added.