- Influence: Procrastination
- Domain: Student
- Sub-Domain: Emotions
- Potential to Accelerate Student Achievement: Likely to have a negative impact
- Influence Definition: Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks.
- Number of meta-analyses: 3
- Number of studies: 128
- Number of students: 25,187
- Number of effects: 128
- Weighted mean effect size: -0.41
- Robustness index: 3
Journal Title | Author | First Author's Country | Article Name | Year Published | Variable | Number of Studies | Number of Students | Number of Effects | Effect Size |
Psychological Bulletin | Steel | Canada | The nature of procrastination: a meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure. | 2007 | Procrastination on achievement | 41 | 0 | 41 | -0.39 |
International Journal of Educational Methodology | Akpur | Turkey | The Effect of Procrastination on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study. | 2020 | Procrastination on achievement | 22 | 8,307 | 22 | -0.61 |
Journal of Educational Psychology | Schwinger, Trautner, Pütz, Fabianek, Lemmer, Lauermann, & Wirthwein | Germany | Why do students use strategies that hurt their chances of academic success? A meta-analysis of antecedents of academic self-handicapping. | 2021 | Procrastination on achievement | 65 | 16,880 | 65 | -0.35 |
TOTAL/AVERAGE | 128 | 25,187 | 128 | -0.45 |