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NLP in Action | How NLP Changes The Way You Think
Discover how NLP changes the way you think. Larry Wells narrates how NLP changed his world and how he began learning Neuro Linguistic Programming. He has been living differently and experiencing more of what he wants out of life. Discover Larry's transformation through NLP and how you can apply such transformation in your life for the better. Larry offers private coaching sessions that are customized based on the individual’s needs. Book a time with Larry at or learn more about his work at Timestamps: 0:00 - The week that Larry Wells' world has changed. Check out these related videos! How to Recover from PTSD and Trauma | NLP In Action    • How to Recover from PTSD and Trauma |...   New Year Meditation: Confidence for the Future using NLP for | Larry Wells    • New Year Meditation: Confidence for t...   Bones for Life | Feldenkrais for Posture, Pain Relief, Bone Health    • Bones for Life | Feldenkrais for Post...   Dealing with the Internal Critic Using NLP    • Dealing with the Internal Critic Usin...   Do You Want to Move Better & Feel Better?    • Do You Want to Move Better & Feel Bet...   Effective Listening | How to be an Effective Listener? Where to Start? NLP in Action    • Effective Listening | How to be an Ef...   Connect with Cynthia Allen on Social Media:   / futurelifenow   / futurelifenow     / future-life-now     / futurelifenowllc  

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Future Life Now

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