Unveiling Mother Mary, Priestess of Divine Birth

Unveiling Mother Mary, Priestess of Divine Birth
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Unveiling Mother Mary, Priestess of Divine Birth

by Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., author of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births

The Virgin Mary’s time has come. In fact, we’re long overdue for a revolutionary understanding of her that frees her from dogmatic baggage and restores her to her rightful place as a great holy woman. With all of the crises gripping planet earth right now, we need a powerful female role model—and the real Mary is about as powerful a feminine presence as we’ve ever experienced in our world.

You may be familiar with the revolution in recent decades that has centered around another Mary, Mary Magdalene, whom people have come to recognize was not a prostitute, but rather a holy woman in her own right, and a consort of Jesus. The remarkable discoveries about her have been a thrilling development for many around the planet who are seeking role models of female empowerment and who may have intuited that there was far more to the Magdalene than what the New Testament says about her.

Now is the moment for us to recognize the Divine Feminine figure of Mother Mary, not as a passive bystander to her own pregnancy, but rather as a specialized priestess who, among many other accomplishments, deliberately planned and carried out the miraculous conception of her son.

Who was this most famous of women, really, and what was her conception of Jesus all about? We hear painfully little about her from the canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Where we find a mother lode of information about her and her miraculous event is far outside of those books, in a little-known writing called the Infancy Gospel of James (also known as the Protovangelium of James), which became the basis of Mary’s feast days in the church calendar.

The secret folds of that Gospel reveal the truth about Mary, a truth that is very ancient but will probably seem new to you. The truth is that Mary indeed did conceive Jesus in a miraculous way. But she did so not through some kind of divine force that was using her body for its own agenda; she accomplished this feat through a careful process that she willed and initiated, and for which she was trained by a lineage of holy women before her.

Yes, according to my research, Mary was born into a family and a history of women who possessed, cultivated, and passed on the ability to consciously conceive elevated beings to help the planet. These were specialized women schooled in what I call the “womb mysteries,” secret knowledge of the capabilities of the human womb, including divine birth, which women all over the ancient world shared with other promising candidates over thousands of years. Mary was one of several powerful priestesses in her family and ancestry who had command over the human conception process, and she took this art to a whole new level.

The Catholic Church relegated Mary’s special Gospel to the “apocrypha”—that is, material that it rejected as being part of the official doctrine—back in the sixth century. Yet this sacred text contains fascinating information not only about how Mary consciously conceived Jesus in an extraordinary way, but also how she herself was divinely conceived by her mother, Anne.

This means Mary herself was born as an embodiment of something much-needed in the ancient world and even more so in today’s world: the Divine Feminine, in all of her power and wisdom. And this explains why Mary was able to bring forth an especially high-level embodiment of the Divine from her own body.

Mary and Anne’s lineage of divine-birth priestesses went all the way back to Sarah, the wife of the biblical patriarch Abraham and the great matriarch of Hebrew culture. This lineage extended across their family to include Elizabeth, who was not only the mother of the miraculously born John the Baptist, but who also may have been Anne’s sister.

This new research corrects the impression the New Testament has given us of a passive and bewildered girl, an incidental receptacle who had no idea what was happening to her beyond a short pronouncement by the Angel Gabriel. It also corrects the view that Mary’s virginity was a sign of her moral purity and that strict chastity is therefore something to be imposed on all women.

These revelations put this sacred woman in her rightful place, front and center in the story of Jesus, as the pivot point around which the entire Christed enterprise unfolded. According to what I’ve uncovered, Mary was a conscious actor who deliberately intended for Jesus to come into our world, as well as a priestess whose celibacy was a chosen practice needed for this task. She was the empowered feminine orchestrator of these significant events.

Exactly how was virgin birth accomplished? Mary’s suppressed Gospel provides the clues. Without this Gospel, we’re left having either to accept the notion on blind faith, politely skirt around it as an embarrassing artifact, or dismiss it altogether as a bizarre claim. But with this Gospel in hand—and with the right magnifying glass—we find a clear and cogent alternative way of looking at this remarkable phenomenon, one we can embrace with intelligence.

This unveiling of Mary now taking place allows us to further anchor true feminine spiritual power more broadly. By considering what was possible for this remarkable priestess and her female kin, we open the door for women to understand the powers that lie within their own wombs, for Mary’s abilities were not hers alone, but were—and are—capabilities open to all women who wish to go deeper on their spiritual path.

I invite you to muse and journal about the following questions:

  • What do you know about Mother Mary right now, and where does that information come from?
  • Where does your mind go when you think about the idea of “virgin birth”?
  • What possibilities would open up for you if you were to hear an intelligent explanation of how virgin birth could actually take place within a woman’s body?
  • Do you have your own unusual conception story? Or have you heard of one? How might a new understanding of Mother Mary’s divine conception affect you?
  • How might your life change if you could come to see Mother Mary in a whole new way, as a powerful priestess rather than a submissive maiden?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to post them on the public Seven Sisters Mystery School Facebook page, where others like yourself are offering their comments on this post and on my new book, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception.

The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception Womb Awakening Magdalene Mysteries The Goddess in the Gospel
When God Had a Wife The Gospel of Mary Magdalene The Woman with the Alabaster Jar The Healing Wisdom of Mary Magdalene