Set in the context of the new rise of China, this has invoked Yellow Peril discourses, while casting the global expansion of Chinese political economy in peculiar light. But beyond literal meanings, one can argue that the history of Asian societies has always formed in its context of ongoing love/hate relations with China. Sources of this tension are always changing. Sinophobia is not a general racism but an abstract response to conditions that engender passions and politicizations.
9:00-11:30am: Sinophobia: What's in and behind a Concept (and its Politics)
Alain Brossat, University of Paris XIII, Nanterre (France), Philosophy Department
From Subalternity to All-out Sinophobia - The Mental Noose around Taiwan's Neck
Allen Chun, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Program
Beyond Race-ism: Reframing Sinocentrism in the Making of Identity at the Margins
Magnus Fiskesjö, Cornell University (USA), Anthropology Department
Fear of the Others: The Mobilization of the Uyghurs as a Threat and a Target
11:30am-12:30pm: Lunch
12:30-3:00pm: Transcending Cultural and National Hegemonies from East to Southeast Asia
Yoshihisa Amae, Waseda University (Japan), Center for International Reconciliation Studies
The Evolution of Chinese Racism in Japan: From Yellow Peril to Kenchū (嫌中)
Kevin Carrico, Monash University (Australia), Chinese Studies Research Unit
Sinophobia-phobia: How a Readymade Critique of the Risks of Hong Kong Nationalism Overlooks its Insights into the Risks of Chinese Nationalism
Filip Kraus, Palacky University (Czech Republic), Sinophone Borderlands Project
Sinophobia, National Sentiment and Politics in Vietnam
3:00-3:30pm: Coffee Break
3:30-6:00pm: Cultural Politics of Place in the Borderlands of North and Central Asia
Sergei Ivanov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch (Vladivostok)
Territory and Sinophobia/philia: Chinese Presence in the Russian Far East in Official Discourse and Popular Geopolitics
Sayana Namsaraeva, Cambridge University (England), Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit
“Poisoned Waters and Tamed Birds”: Historical and Present-Day Dehumanizing Sinophobic Narratives from Russian Siberia
Azim Malikov, Palacky University (Czech Republic), Sinophone Borderlands Project
Uzbek Perspectives on China's Growing Influence in the Region
Conference Papers and the Zoom meeting link will be made available to registered participants after registration deadline.
Please note: We will notify you, if COVID restrictions limit/prohibit on-site participation.
Deadline for registration: 3rd October, 2022
Conference Date: Monday, 10th October, 2022
Venue: R103 HA Building 3, NYCU, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300
Contact us at +886-3-5131531 or