Solutions for the ecological transition for Croatia

Solutions for the ecological transition for Croatia

Solutions for the ecological transition for Croatia – reducing pesticide use by increasing IPM uptake and biocontrol

By Pesticide Action Network Europe

Date and time

Friday, October 28, 2022 · 12 - 3am PDT



About this event

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, IBMA i IOBC-WPRS zajedno sa zastupnicom u Europskom parlamentu, Biljanom Borzan, organiziraju online simpozij „Rješenja za prijelaz na agroekologiju u Hrvatskoj" (Smanjenje upotrebe pesticida povećanjem primjene integrirane kontrole nametnika uz biokontrolu), 28. listopada 2022. od 09. :00 - 12:00 sati.

Nakon objave nacrta Uredbe o održivoj uporabi sredstava za zaštitu bilja, ovim događajem želimo podržati hrvatske donositelje odluka pružanjem značajnih informacija o postupanju, ali i posljedicama nedjelovanja u prijelazu na agroekologiju.

Europski zeleni plan i njegove strategije Od polja do stola i Strategija bioraznolikosti do 2030. postavljaju ciljeve za smanjenje pesticida, a Zakon o obnovi prirode poziva na dugoročan i održiv oporavak biološke raznolikosti i otporne prirode.

Za postizanje ovih ciljeva potrebna je značajna promjena u sustavu proizvodnje hrane.

Ovim simpozijem želimo poljoprivrednicima predložiti rješenja koja se uspješno primjenjuju već dugi niz godina, bez gubitka prinosa i svakako bez gubitka prihoda. Rješenja koja se temelje na integriranom upravljanju nametnicima uključuju prevenciju (plodored, međuusjevi, otporne sorte), nadzor, mehaničku i fizičku kontrolu te biokontrolu.

Pesticidi su sada na vrhuncu potrošnje. Nikad prije nisu korišteni u tolikim količinama.

Kako bi se osigurala sigurnost hrane, nužnost uspostave održivog sustava proizvodnje hrane je od iznimne važnosti. Očuvanje prirodnih resursa – plodnost tla i obnova bioraznolikosti – jedini je način da se održi proizvodnja hrane za sljedeće generacije.

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, IBMA and IOBC-WPRS together with MEP Biljana Borzan, organize an online symposium "Solutions for the ecological transition for Croatia – reducing pesticide use by increasing IPM uptake and biocontrol", on 28 October 2022, from 09:00 - 12:00.

Following the publication of the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products regulation draft, with this event, we want to support Croatian decision-makers by providing significant information about actions as well as the consequences of inaction in transition to the agroecology.

The European Green Deal and its strategies Farm-to-Fork and Biodiversity strategy to 2030 set targets for pesticide reduction, and Nature Restoration Law calls for long-term and sustained recovery of biodiverse and resilient nature.

Achieving these goals requires a significant change in the food production system.

With this symposium, we want to propose solutions for farmers that have been successfully applied for many years, without loss of yield and certainly without loss of income. Solutions that are based on Integrated Pest Management include prevention (crop-rotation, intercropping, resistant varieties), monitoring, mechanical and physical control, and biocontrol.

Pesticides are now at peak consumption. Never before have they been used in such amounts.

To ensure food security, the necessity of establishing a sustainable food production system is of utmost importance. Preserving natural resources - the fertility of the soil, and restoring biodiversity - is the only way to maintain food production for the next generations.

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