Secondly .... I am gearing up to teach a series of ONLINE classes in November, and I hope you can join me!
Here is the theme.
Organizing the eyes with the body to make movement smooth, easy and stable.
Of course when our inner world is more stable, we tend to handle the outside world a whole lot better.
This series of classes will draw attention to slow light movements and play with breath and eye movements to calm and sharpen the organization of the body.
Thanks to Dr. Feldenkrais I have quite a variety of lessons to provide!
I am again planning 20 minute lessons, 2ce/week for 4 weeks.
You will have 8 classes in total. NOVEMBER 7 - 30TH
I have yet to nail down the days and times. I am considering Mondays, and Wednesdays mid day.
I would LOVE to hear from you! Please let me know your preferences and I will do my best to accommodate.
I know some of you will only take in the recordings because of timezone issues, but for those who can come LIVE,
Send in your VOTE!